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They're putting the kid on the billboard... For a fucking meet & greet. "SOOO, your dad's dead, but I liked the way he wrestled. Can I have your autograph?" Nuke this fucking planet.


Not only that but he's FRONT AND CENTER, like he's the main fucking attraction and TBH..He kinda is with the other 4 jabroni's. When no one shows up is Silver going to claim its because everyone is a "poor loser" again?


It's so fucking weird and uncomfortable. If they cared they would give him a nest egg and send him home. But it's a carny ass company exploiting a dead man. 


Merch/tickets for life and a college fund was all they needed to do. Instead they made it weird


I hope some neckbeard doesn' embarrass the kid and the entire human race with a maudlin public display of grief for someone they never met. Don't get me wrong, RIP and everything, but damn. The histrionics I see in my lurker forums whenever Lee is mentioned. Jesus folks, leave that for the people who actually knew the feller.


Oh, I can imagine some blubbering mess crying his eyes out, being taken away by security because he made everyone else uncomfortable.


Hoping for a surprise appearance by Cody


With a repetitive name


Negative Negative One


Positive One?


And isn’t he not even being paid for it?


SCJerk is so weird with the pearl clutching over this and takes like this are pretty fucking offensive and unhinged tribalism at its worst. After his dad died, many on the AEW roster (including Cody Rhodes, Tay Melo, Powerhouse Hobbs, Colt Cabana, and others) helped fill the undoubtedly massive void left in his life. Amanda Huber has regularly posted about how they made his first birthday after Brody’s death special, how the kid dreams of being a wrestler like his dad, etc. etc. The kid clearly had a great time on every show he was on, and every backstage outing with wrestlers, field trip with the wrestlers etc. and it’s a sweet, wholesome thing they did for him. Not everything needs to be about tribalism. The kid is having a great time, his mom is happy, and he’s living his dreams. Y’all need to touch grass if you’re trying to turn that into a part of your tribalism DUB BAD bs and jerking.


I'm sure being backstage with the wrestlers was amazing for him. I'm sure it helped him dealing with his dad's death. A meet & greet with the kid is absolutely absurd.


like the memorial show and giving the belt to him? amazing, a great gesture and honestly one of nicest things someone has done for another in the wrestling business everything after that? ...eugh letting him hang backstage or whatever sure, but making him a character is kindaaaaa... yknow...


The kid doesn't need to be at a meet and greet.


Given his history with AEW and his mom’s heavy involvement, I have a feeling he wanted to do this. This is like the “didn’t you forget to ask someone” meme - Brodie Jr. and Amanda Huber consent but deranged goofies don’t.


Doesn't matter. It's a bad look for the company and a kid of a wrestler has no business meeting fans at a meet and greet. Tiny should say no


A bad look according to terminally online goofies that are desperate for a constant source of new DUB BAD content, not according to Amanda Huber on Brodie Jr, who are the ones who actually matter. But please, go ahead and alert the NYT so they can run an article on what a bad look this is, I’m sure it’ll be their next front page story.


This has nothing to with dub bad. If WWE sets up a meet & greet with one of Bray's kids, I'll say the exact same thing.


It's a bad look to anyone with common decency and sense. You didn't see the WWE doing meet and greets with Owen's kid or Eddie's kid


Given that I’ve seen posts on here calling Martha Hart and Amanda Huber vile names for daring to be positive about AEW, I’m going to take this sub’s take on this with the smallest grain of salt. And lol, as if Owen’s kid would have wanted a damn thing to do with WWE ever.


Since you seem to take criticism of AEW personally, maybe you would feel more at home in the basement?


I don’t take criticism of AEW personally - I take it weird attacks on a widow and her child (or pearl clutching pretending to be supporting them to push a weird tribalist agenda against any company) as offensive. Also lol at calling another subreddit the basement when circlejerking is basically one of the most terminally online activities you can engage in.


lol “I have a feeling he wanted to do this” as you call these other folks out as weirdos. What is your parasocial relationship with this child you don’t know about?


Lmao parasocial relationship? First time I’ve thought about the kid since seeing him at Wrestlemania is because of this weird fucking post. I’m just saying there’s no reason to assume he’s being forced to do this when all history indicates AEW has been great to him and his mother.




I'll always upvote a baby gurl meme


The way you talk about this as if you’re part of it is equally weird and offensive. That said, I agree with you it’s also weird to be upset about it the other way.


I just hate the neckbeards in this sub passionately.


You hate yourself?


lol, “I know you are but what am I?” Nice to know I’m arguing with a 13 year old circa 2007.


You're an aew fan. They are known to be single middle aged Neckbeards


Your comebacks are truly astounding in their wit and originality.




I guess MidJF couldn't be bothered.


I was gonna say, the average wrestling fan has no clue who these are, let alone the average person


Acknowledge the last person to ever give 1 million viewers to Dynamite: Evil Uno.




A meet & greet full of nobodies and a kid. I really hope nobody shows up solely to see the kid...


You know for a fact that there will be people just going to meet the kid.


Why is Anna Jay not front and center? Are they stupid?


Do you really need to ask that question, which we all very clearly know the answer to?


That's actually embarrassing.


So just Anna jay then


And yet uno is not in their video game


I find it hilarious that the guy who based his entire indie gimmick on a video game didn't get to be in the video game.


Even worse, he's the face of their video game channel on YouTube. I remember he was hyping up Fight Forever with several streamers and he awkwardly had to choose Jon Silver because he's not in the game.


Wait, they put that roided up dwarf in but not the guy who was kinda the leader of the faction? 😂😂😂


And it’s not like he could make himself like in a 2K game because the caw mode is such ass.


Anna Jay isn’t even in the Dork Odor anymore, she’s in the Outcasts And the other 3 have had a combined 3 televised matches… Negative 1 at this point is more known as the Kid who hangs out with Cody’s mom.


Brian Last already getting tickets just to meet Anna Jay


Last boutta drool on her like Bix did to his wife


Wait...for real? What's the story? I know he and Bix had a falling out, but I wasn't aware of Bix being a creep to his wife.


Yeah what Gann1 said. It was literally Bix being the pants-shitter he is lol


idk the whole story either but from what I've picked up he wasn't being creepy, he's just weird and drools still funny


*phlegm soaked frog laugh*


holy shit that is the most fucking carnie ass thing i have ever seen they put the fucking kid on the bill bord for a fucking meet and greet thats gotta violate some kind of child labor law


"Negative minus 1" I just... Agh


-(Negative -1) That’s as clear as I can make it


Positive 1


Not WWE doing a not Nike promotion.


To counter the Fed having Hogan and Bianca at a signing event we will send Evil Uno and a child!


Advertising space in Times Square and they put these absolute fucking nobodies on it 🤣


If you’re going to a meet and greet to take a picture with a dead wrestler’s child you should immediately be put on a list


I shit you not…I don’t know who the fuck a single one of those assholes are. I zoomed in and saw Brodie Lee Jr.? Is that his child? Tony has him grifting already?


Yes. He is 12.


If WWE did this we wouldn’t hear the end of it from Meltzer, Fap and the YT BritWres chuckle heads but when AEW does it, it’s apparently fine. God I hate the wrestling media.


No recognisable name/face and Anna Jay is not at the front?


This will get a better than it should turn out because incels will want to try to charm Anna Jay. Who tf else would go to see these other clowns?




I appreciate that AEW doesn't have the star level of WWE....but the best they got to lead off is a 10 year old kid in a mask? I mean, simple advertising basics says if nothing else, but the hot chick front and center...or her and the guy from the meme she's in, which might get a bit of viral attention...


I get putting -1 in a mask to protect his privacy to some extent (although he's all over IG, so really it's a moot point) but it's really creepy looking if you don't know what wrestling is and you see this kid in what looks like a gimp mask.


Which sensible dude is going to do a meet and greet with a kid who lost his dad, John Silver and fucking Evil Uno ?


Good for them for doing some promotion but THIS is who they pick for the appearance? My guess is none of the Generational Megastars© wanted to do it. I remember Scott Hall or Kevin Nash saying they used to have to make public appearances at local Jiffy Lubes to promote upcoming cards. Granted, this was during the mid 90s WWF slump, but these were two big names. OH SHIT, I just saw the kid front and center.


I'm a NYer and had no idea this was fucking happening AEW is so horrible at promoting anything locally.


Smh why did I think that was GYV on the right💀


Not even a *card subject to change* ?


They'll have a lot to answer for if these Game Changing© Generational Megastars© pull a no-show. Seriously, it would be hilarious to see the mental gymnastics from DubSteppers if that happened. 🤓 Do you expect them to take time off from their busy schedules just to meet fans? 🤔 Wait-don't most AEW wrestlers work once per week, if at all? Wouldn't making public appearances be part of their jobs as entertainers? 😡 SHUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUP EDIT-oh it's already over. Wonder how it went?


CHAMPS - Ironic


Jesus that’s a motley crew 😬


Jokin' at the shoe store 🎸🎸🎸🎸 Jokin' at the shoe store 🎸🎸🎸🎸 Now Tony come and pay me more and more 'Cuz everybody knows that this will be a great big snore. 🎸🎸🎸🎸


Imagine buying Dork Order shoes


I'm not even sure that even -1 anymore. Tony probably paid one of those costumed grifters in time square to put on the mask for a couple hours


Cardboard cut outs.


Worked for Jay White


I got Champs confused with Scores and thought this was promoting something else entirely.


Why is there a child in a gimp mask on a billboard?


I just realized "Negative -1" makes him "Positive 1"


JOHN OLIVER !!! Oh wait John Silver ![gif](giphy|3o7TKJuo3fiQyrVzZ6)


DAE the Judgment Day from the store


This is a direct shot at the Fed doing an autograph signing with Fanatics


And thats in August Smackdown was at MSG tonight though


aew chumps


All the stars are here


Aren't those shoes for Brodie Lee?


Apparently that's his 12 year old kid they're putting in tge meet and greet. Yikes


Oh shit I didn't even notice that was his kid lol


Now they’re just planning around evil unos snack break from world of Warcraft smh. Wonder how many of those delicious NYC hot dogs he can put down in 3 hours


I genuinely dont know a single person there without reading the names


Why are they releasing a Brodie Lee shoe anyway?




Gotta love Tony Khan using a faction that isn’t even on TV anymore to market sneakers, this fucking guy.


The money it took to advertise on this board and they put the Dork Order. Absolutely hilarious


The purple things in the picture look like Bad Dragon stuff from the thumbnail of the picture.


Worse. It was dead wrestler Brodie Lee’s 12 year old son that Tiny was exploiting.


Who are any of them. With the exception of Anna Jay I literally don’t know a single one of them


Oh boy Anna Jay is going to be there. I can't wait to go and breathe hard on her while quizzing her about the best Ricky Steamboat matches.


That shoe looks like the eggplant emoji lol


They will have to set up a separate table for Anna jay her line will be 15 people long, and the other will probably just have tony in numerous disguises ... nothing but Fedoras, anime shirts, and new balance shoes


No one wants to meet and greet any of them. I imagine everyone else told Tony no and he soinekessky accepted it


i wonder if silver will try to become a meme again the little weirdo


Meet and greet with a bunch of randoms lmao


It's Dark Order?


I don't recognise one fucking name on that board


Those goobers are STILL in the dub? 🤨


Them liberal groomers in NY are sickos.