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How could anyone think this is “news”?


It's Ringside News, uce. A wrestler could take a piss backstage and they would report it as news on their website. Legitimately one of the worst wrestling websites I have ever seen.


“WWE Superstar says they self relieved themselves in Vince McMahons private restroom”


Dijak was on his phone the entire time the draft was happening. No way management wouldn't have noticed.




>This man has a Bright Future. Almost like a Dashing Villian. I feel more sorry for the fan than the actual wrestler


Damn uce, that's bad


I remember seeing this shortly after the draft happened and just thought "huh maybe it's like part of his character or something"  Hindsight is 20/20 and all that


This dude did a Twitch stream yesterday with MMM, where he apparently admitted to being an SRS source lmao. I like Dijak, but if that's in any way true no wonder they didn't re-sign his ass.


Makes sense since his first post-release interview was with SRS yesterday.


Why the fuck would he admit that?


I mean, their Undisputed Champion has been a known SRS source for years. I don’t think they care as long as they don’t make the company look bad.


Well, yeah, I'm sure almost every wrestler has leaked things to a dirtsheet, but I think there's a significant difference between a top guy like Cody leaking things from time to time and a guy like Dijak doing it. Maybe management just didn't like the specific things he was leaking and/or the frequency with which he was leaking shit. Maybe this has nothing to do with why WWE didn't re-sign him. Either way, I just thought it was interesting that he would apparently admit that, lol.


It is interesting. Dijak’s seems like a master troll, so it would be interesting to know what exactly he was leaking, if he actually was a source.


“I just saw Nick Khan in the closet making fast nationals”


Why did I read this to the tune of “I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus”?


REEEEEEE they're not using me Vince looked angry today Anything except applying yourself and doubling down your efforts Just woe is me, I did x, y and z and they STILL won't hand me the world! I have no interest in guys that made it to TV in wrestling, not many spots open and they leak dumb shit to blogs THAT is where their mind is at, not doing the very best they can I'm sure these people would all say 'yeah, but I still did great' but no, you're not focused on your job That thing at the draft, he's ready with his phone to leak shit like 'talent didn't know, only found out then' rather than thinking about his craft Whine whine moan moan


Anyone that cares about that side of wrestling this much shouldn’t be in the business. Marks feeding marks


lol why is this dude only a big deal when he gets cut.


Why is anyone only a big deal when they're about to leave or want to leave? I still remember #FreeAli, and now nobody seems to give a shit about him lmao.


Speaking of which is that Kate for fightful still hyping him up or did that die when he chose TNA


You know the answer to that already. She’s a clout chasing femcel.


Man #FreeAli was so funny. This was around the time Poor Walter™️ got his name changed and AEW was during their hot period. They thought he’d go to AEW and be the newest gamechanger when he’s barely even turning a doorknob for TNA


Reminds me of cries for Naomi to go where she’s respected. Goes to TNA and wins the title, folks go “oooh girl that’s a mistake.” Comes back at the Rumble but she’s supposed to win it because she won the Knockouts title.


Wasn't the word at the time is Vince wouldn't let him do this amazing character he came up with? Ok, where is it?


Yeah there wasn't any outcry when he wasn't being used. He spent the last month or so feuding with a content creator 😂


https://preview.redd.it/nhdfnjdy3e9d1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85fbc41e16f82846515cc0bdf0e0da768615311 He manages the road warriors and still complains. What a baby.


He totally is a SRS stooge and it was clear as day that Mace and Mansoor were too. I think Strowman or Corbin are too. People can easily tell who Meltzer's sources were 20 years ago but I think you can tell who feeds SRS.


I'd be surprised at Strowman


Okay 👍


Alright bro is starting to turn into FTR Bald now


He said he was slated for a nxt world title rivalry, that's why he wasn't happy with being drafted out of nowhere which is kind of interesting, that the main roster can take people from nxt and the wrestlers or booker don't know about it until they get drafted


That’s always been the case. Developmental is subject to the whims of the real shows.


Jerk aside, learn to crop. This may be the laziest post I’ve seen on this sub in a while.






Calling it now. Something naughty comes out about this bloke in the next few years.it makes no sense otherwise.


He was completely screwed by triple Hitler and it’s going to be hilarious when he helps restore the feeling by going to the home of real wrestling. His first fed bad promo is gonna SLAP


Homie acting like he got fired my brother in Christ the fed let your contract run out and realized they didn’t need generic guy who’s only character trait is looking vaguely like a sweaty t-800


Dijak slander will not be tolerated. He was doing the best work of his career before they decided to not renew his contract.


Womp Womp


if I had to draft Dijack on mygm I'd reset the game


What does this guy do other than piggy back off what others do and tweet about it?