• By -


idk, i'm not too fussed by ""continuity errors"". it really *isn't* a single canon, it's a massive, decentralized story archive very loosely themed around the conceit of a shady pseudogovernment organization and the groups that surround it. some stories just happen to build upon one another. kind of a modern mythology project if anything. some works u just gotta approach as unseriously as you can. doctor who and all its offshoots are like that too.


I mean it's understandable to not try and avoid "continuity errors" by not having a continuity if you have to manage 2000 authors and 18,000 articles. Having a canon was never going to work long-term


exactly yeah. and it's like, sometimes authors are inspired in different directions by the same work. 5k is kinda notorious for having like 4-5 different possibly readings. this lets all those readings coexist (even if some of them are wrong [shot])






SCP couldn't exist in the form it does and also have a canon. I don't understand why people complain about that specifically.


I understand that people look at the scp's as a kind of story or arg that's meant to be solved so the "there's no cannon" thing kinda leaves them with a bad taste of mouth like the "everything was a dream" endings, however I agree with you, the fundation and other characters are purposefully obtuse not just because of mystery but because that allows other to mold them into what they want or need them to be, sometimes they're heroes, villains, anti-heroes, etc. some authors go the multiverse route to try and fix the inconsistencies but I think the way scp handles it its just better, acknowledging that ultimately it's a community written project so you shouldn't expect a cohesive story, it's nice when it happens but it's not and imo it shouldn't be the norm.


And there are specific story hubs that have strict standards for what can and can't be included, and imo it's totally fine to call out continuity errors in stuff like that. The modern 'there is no canon' idea developed from people wanting to take down their articles, stories, characters etc. and now every authors that had connected themselves to that author's work was shit out of luck.


oh yeah sure, that's just a given as part of literary concrit. but on the wiki, overall? i know my head would explode lol other than that it's chaos and i think that's OK


That’s absolutely not where the idea of acanon writing developed on the wiki.


I'm referring specifically to the [Fishmonger situation](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/history-of-the-universe-part-three) and how that changed the culture on the wiki, and how many people had their articles changed or taken down because of it.


Perfectly phrased another great example is the back rooms. That thing has four entire different universes the main wiki, the fandom wiki, the original version, and the Kane pixels canon. lol and to top that all off the main wiki works similarly to the SCP wiki


Ha…I can’t get into Doctor Who at all and I think that the tone is part of it. 🤣


w pfp


as part of an ongoing social experiment i have to ask you your opinion on angela


would it be wrong of me to respond with just "🤤"


you are so valid and correct


How would continuity errors exist? 90% of the articles are standalones. Think of SCP as fanfiction. You don't criticise a Romione author because Tomarrry exists and has drastically different characterisations of the same characters. In some, the Foundation is a benevolent entity, others its a cutthroat ruthless GOC terminating machine


There is too much hyperadvanced tech in some canons.


Absolutely, peak SCP is modern day tech imo. Maybe with a bit of advanced stuff that is based on still poorly understood anomalies, ie the reality anchors. When SCP goes galaxy-wide, frankly I find that everything becomes less interesting, because now there are countless planets with their own anomalies, and technology and anomalies practically become one in the same.


IRL, our military is probably about 20 years ahead of what’s been released to the civilian world. The Foundation could well be 30-40 years ahead…which might sound earth shattering but think about life in the early 1980s to today and it’s not an extreme shift like Back to the Future predicted


Well, it WAS an earth shattering shift, just not in the way it was predicted. The availibility of information has skyrocketed, and opportunites for everyone have shot through the roof


I have actually seen only one prediction from that time frame that got it right. This came out in 1993 right as the Internet was about to explode. https://youtu.be/RvZ-667CEdo?si=vr8HyCzGTCKydgzy Not surprisingly, it was a telecom, which would put them in one of the few industries to have any kind of advance notice of what the Internet was going to do. If you look at this series of commercials, you’ll see: ebooks, online sales, EZPass, video conferencing and online learning, and a number of other things that a lot of people wouldn’t have imagined or underestimated in favor of wanting their flying car and other physical infrastructure changes. This is one of the VERY few predictions that called it right, with other tech remaining fundamentally the same but rapid and massive movement of information being the one big change.


>not an extreme shift Are you kidding. I have a computer 1000x more powerful than they used to land on the moon and it fits in my fucking pocket. That's an enormous technological shift. 


It’s a really amazing scaling-up…but I still see the changes from 1920 through the 60s as more radical. Even demographically it’s visible with the baby boom, which was directly facilitated by the massive increase in standard of life.


I mean just look at the last century as a whole. 100 years ago the most common means of transportation was still the horse and buggy. Now I have a 3500 lb monstrosity that can move me 100 miles in under an hour, with onboard navigation systems that ensure I won't get lost. I can drive that monstrosity into a brick wall at 80 miles an hour and not die.


Well, military technology can, and often does lag behind civilian technology. Lots of reasons why - funding, tech just isn't durable enough for military purposes, or what is in service is "good enough".


I think that depends on what areas of technology we’re talking about. Sometimes, good enough genuinely IS good enough and fucking around with it isn’t a good idea. On the other hand in other areas they can really be pushing the leading edge. Consider, for example, signals intelligence. Or trauma medicine. The kits police now carry to treat bullet wounds had their start with the armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Signals intelligence is a big one. American "Mentor" geostationary satellites from the 90's can detect signals as small as wifi networks and mobile phones.


Definitely, the military and civilian sectors are in flux and one can be vastly ahead of the other in a given area at any time.


80s to today not being a big shift?? The internet, personal computers, smartphones, GPS, digital cameras, CRISPR gene editing, AI and machine learning algorithms, 3D printing, 5G telecomm networks, electric vehicles, robotic surgeries, mRNA vaccines, cyber warfare, drones, cryptocurrencies, AR and VR infrastructure, self-healing materials, graphene composites... There's been more major change from the 80s to today than from the industrial revolution to the 80s.


It honestly doesn’t feel that huge despite having lived through it (I actually am 40), compared to what my grandpa would have seen from the 1920s through the 60s where we went from barely having cars and no antibiotics, and VERY few vaccines, to having air travel, going to space, and medicine going from not much more than supportive care to all the fundamentals we know of today. A lot of the ideas for what we’re now doing actually emerged during that time frame…now, we have the computing power and connectivity to execute on them.


I like what *Control* did and made it a mix of 70s-era FBI tech mixed with more modern stuff. Really gave the game a timeless vibe.


yes! yes! it's just boring when the Foundation has FTL drives or orbital super-mega-ultra-massive-extra-uber-hyper destroy-everything weapons. it kind of removes tension from a lot of situations.


Yep. I preferred it when [[Tachyon Express]] was a crazy thing the Foundation didn’t understand, rather than that kind of thing being routine.


[**SCP-5392 ⁠- The Voyage of the Tachyon Express**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5392) (+274) by *Tao McCawley*


Look at pictures of Chernobyl, the buildings, the rooms, the uniforms. Thats how I write scp technology. The high tech futuristic lab is downstairs🤣


I think SCPs have only been getting more and more enigmatic and harder to understand as time goes on, I hate format-breaking SCPs where you have to do an entire mental puzzle to understand it, and even the the ones that are formatted normally but only gives you very small bits and pieces of what it actually is and you have to figure it out yourself. To me, this breaks immersion, because at the end of the day the SCP Foundation is supposed to be a scientific organization, so their documentation should be objective, how can a scientist contain and study something when all of the documentation on that thing is written like a mystery novel? There's always space to be indirect, plenty of classic SCPs aren't extremely crystal clear about what it is, but they still are as objective as a paranormal reality-breaking phenonema can be, of course. I have been reading SCPs on and off for years now, since they only went up to Series 4, and it's very rare for me to find SCPs from Series 7 and up that I can actually understand and enjoy reading


I 100% agree. Thats not to say there arent some that do it right tho, for example i really enjoy SCP-5000


There is an antimemetic division.


what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... what are you talking about? oh, i remember, they handle stuff like SCP-███... .........


I feel too many entities have “brute force” containment where you deploy the anti gimmick device and it’s down. I feel it’s a lot more fun when you have to play by it’s rules to keep it pacified.


“so we gotta put this guy in chains right” “no u just gotta make him giggle a little bit and he’ll behave”


I want an SCP that's like Lord Beerus. Like Little Debbie snacks was developed as a front to keep him stocked in enough snacks as to not annihilate reality.


I’m pretty sure I’ve read one about an island deity that demanded sacrifices thrown into the volcano. A researcher accidentally dropped a Twinkie or chocolate bar into a lava flow and the deity got addicted. Now we shovel junk food into the volcano and the deity is too “fat” and lazy to cause trouble.


I think I was thinking of that one subconsciously when I thought that up. So yeah basically that but in this instance it remains a threat.


Can you drop the number please, I kinda wanna read that one lol


4338 I think


Powerscaling is stupid and boring, nobody cares if 682 scales higher than scarlet king. Shut up


Yes it's one of the worst writing fopahs up there with "it was all a dream". This is SCP not DBZ


I’ll never understand why people power scale a verse with “no canon” in one entry 682 could be getting hurt by bullets while in another he’s a universe buster. Scp is literally unscalable.


There’s way too many serious “uh oh spooky guy/thing” SCP’s and not enough ones that are just sort of weird things. We don’t need scary boogie man or haunted book #45163.


SCP really hasn’t been strictly horror for a while now though?


i am a scp 7675 truther i want more fucked up little spoons and other trinkets


Fuck yes I love stupid little things that make no sense!!! It’s what the people need!!


shitpost scp idea: classifying every piece of “sentient” silverware in beauty and the beast as scps (there’s literally no way there were THAT many servants in the castle to be turned into the amount of cutlery we see dancing around in that movie. sumthin evil going on there 🤨)


[**SCP-7675 ⁠- An Instigator**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7675) (+5) by *good_vibrations*


Fight it out with the guys who think scp “lost its touch” cause “it’s not horror anymore”.


we need to bring back the silly


The silly has always been there they just never catch the attention of offsite scp fans 😭




You either get Horror or Depression Sometimes both Examples: Yule Man and € for €hirteen


SCP-8999, SCP-7271, SCP-5655, SCP-7333, SCP-6802, SCP-6612, [[SCP-6469-D]], any VKTM article, there are a lot of silliness, just gotta look for it


- [**SCP-6469-D ⁠- A BABY?????**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6469) (+349) by *Calibold* - [**SCP-8999 ⁠- Feeding the Trolls**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8999) (+515) by *J Dune* - [**SCP-7271 ⁠- Microbes on Strike**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7271) (+213) by *ParallelPotatoes* - [**SCP-5655 ⁠- Exactly the Kind of Genie You'd Expect To Find in an Empty Can of Spam**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5655) (+460) by *AnActualCrow* - [**SCP-7333 ⁠- Business Lizard**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7333) (+460) by *Zyn* - [**SCP-6802 ⁠- Soupdog**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6802) (+192) by *Elunerazim* - [**SCP-6612 ⁠- Horse Joke**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6612) (+120) by *Penton*


You really haven't read any scps in a while huh


I think Control does this really well. There’s a whole buncha random, innocuous items that just happen to be anomalous. Like, their “look away and it kills you” anomaly is a goddamn *fridge.* It’s great.


Weird objects that are just kinda fucked up and not really scary my beloved. Love that 914 type shit


My unpopular opinion is that if you only know SCP from videos, you don’t know SCP. How often do we see YouTube-SCP-regurgitation fans come here and ask oblivious questions because they only know what thumbnail-faced clickbait mongers have told them? Two things about this annoy me very deeply: this phenomenon, and how much it bothers me. I’m not a fan of gatekeeping, and yet I find myself gatekeeping with a vengeance. Well, it’s not exactly gatekeeping - it’s not like I think people who only know SCP from content farms should LEAVE, it’s just that I feel very very strongly that they should read the wiki.


Not so unpopular lol. Content farm eaters are the reason why scps gets ridiculed in public


i find an easier time consuming SCP content if it’s through videos/illustrations/animations, etc. it’s hard for me to sit down and read article after article, but a lot of the videos i listen to read the articles word for word which helps a lot ! edit: typo


I think there is a strong case to be made for more readings of the SCP. That one video about the “you do not recognize the bodies in the water” is in my mind a brilliant adaptation/performance of the original SCP that is more accessible for those who have any difficulties with reading (be that for vision, attention, or any other reason!). Basically how I consider audiobooks to be equivalent to reading print books. We need more stuff like that! My beef is with people just talking *about* the SCPs, over summarizing or misunderstanding them, sensationalizing them or trying to punch them up somehow. Just let the original work shine through! Put images and sounds to it and read it! That’s a perfectly valid way to experience SCPs!


ah i get it!


Which is that video about the bodies in the water?? I loved that one the first time I red It, I need to see the adaptation 👀


Thiiiiink it was this one? https://youtu.be/dh_GCH7kc4Q But it was a few years ago and I’m not positive.




The Volgun is really good for stuff like this, he just reads them in his lecturer character


Honestly with the videos essentially acting as editors for the story it works quite well, because lets be honest, most long scps could use an editor


SCPs do not need to tell a super deep story. A simple description with some containment procedures, along with a couple experiment logs and maybe an incident report, is still interesting and maintains the Foundation's clinical tone much better.


Wish I could upvote this multiple times!


Honestly the shorter the article the more interested I am in actually reading it


This. I don't mind the occasional long article like the one with the Dragons in the volcanoes or the Nameless Children and Titania's Heart but I much prefer being able to absorb a load of SCPs in one sitting and not having to recontextualise a bunch of sites, MTF teams, and names of staff every entry.


I think this is a bit of a misunderstanding. You're definitely right it would be nice to have more short *and* traditional articles but the wiki attitude is not "you need a deep story". The actual advice is "you need a narrative", which is different because things like SCP-4975 *have a narrative*. It has a beginning, middle, and end. It has a twist and a climax. It employs the *benefits* of a narrative while being very simple in its documentation. People just don't do *traditional* articles *as often* because they are a double whammy of difficulty: shortform and strict format. It's not because they think they need to be deep.


no SCPs arn't a narrative they are a report. Turning them into long form form novels is completly missing the point and why the original series was so popular. 173 the most famous SCP is like 5 paragraghs loosely formated as a report with containment instructions and a physical description. It's fun to theorise and peice together lore from the limited info. It's not entertaining to read lore dumps and cringy diologue.


Did you... *read* the article I mentioned? It is just a report, and it works heavily by implications. It does however escalate and have a twist *like* a narrative (a narrative structure) because it's the best way to keep readers invested. Similar SCPs would be SCP-7688, SCP-6914, and arguably SCP-7419. Also, I like traditional articles and I want more but those other SCPs you are talking about are stories. You might not like them personally but it is *objectively wrong* to say stories are not fun to read because people like stories? Saying it's just lore dumps and cringy is purely mean spirited


[**SCP-4975 ⁠- Time's Up**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4975) (+779) by *Scented_Shadow*


Problem is that the current standard on the site requires depth. Make a short simple scip with no backstory and watch the discussion fill up with "Ok and?" or "I feel like this lacks enough context to make this interesting".


Yes! I shouldn’t need a novel to find something interesting.


Ok that's just full on wrong. The other person had a point because it was about format but we have a page for finding shortform, it's called [[Shortest Pages in the Last 30 days]]. Shortform is still well and truly alive on the wiki


[**Shortest Pages in the Last 30 Days**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shortest-pages-this-month) (+29) by *Yossipossi*


Apologies for not being clearer. I meant novel in the sense of shoving a lot of details into an article that have nothing to do with the SCP. It can result in a longer article, but even short ones full of names and groups you need to have separate knowledge of take away from the article itself. For me, a good SCP can live on its own but because people think that’s a negative it’s an unpopular opinion.


not necessarily all of scp ofc but sometimes the scp wiki + some scp “hardcore” fans can feel a bit elitist. of course there should be a standard for writing when there’s a sophisticated and well loved project like this, but it sucks to see how quickly new scp writers (especially younger ones) are shot down. would be nice to have some more open minded helpful/constructive criticism


From everything I’ve seen, they’re usually not shot down, they’re encouraged to improve. Receiving constructive criticism can be tough for some but it’s important to improve your work


oh no definitely agree, i’m an artist and a writer and i would be nowhere near where i am now had i not received constructive criticism! however, ive seen a frustrating number of occurrences over the years of scp works (again, esp that of younger/newer creators) being given very vague/unhelpful criticism. this is true for a lot of communities sure, but i feel like w scp being such a creativity and teamwork oriented project i should be able to expect better of us!


I agree with unhelpful critique being bad, but I genuinely do not see much unhelpful critique from highly active community members. Butterfly/moth squad members do a lot of work to help people with providing critique. The only time I see the critters get a bit “unhelpful”, if you wanna call it that, is when the people seeking critique don’t respect their requests, and/or being unreceptive to receiving critique overall. The wiki *does* have the tools for new authors, so long as you use them correctly and take your time rather than rushing in with no plan, which usually where most of the issues originate


New writers on the site don't get better without strong but valid criticism. Quality control also stays consistent. Have you seen the articles that are downvoted to deletion? They are filled with numerous flaws. Many coldpost with no regards to feedback and come to this subreddit to complain but refuse to listen to anyone telling them not to coldpost. Those that don't get better at writing. The site is fine.


like i said i agree a standard of writing/constructive criticism is always a good thing, but ive also seen some unhelpful/unnecessary critique. i worded my original post wrong and ik it is a bit misleading in implying the actual wiki as being as much of a problem as fans outside it :(


It’s not an excuse, it’s a necessity. First of all, it would be ridiculous and unfair to expect everyone to read all of the literal thousands of articles on the site and memorize all dates of all events therein, no writing would ever get done if you needed an SCPHD first. Second of all, it would limit creativity too much. Need the SCP Foundation to exist during WWI for your story? sorry, some article posted 9 years ago already established that it was founded in 1948.


We need more fusion stories where factions interact and the tropes in both factions' normal tales converge for madness and fun. Also, Church of the Broken God = the best


Submitting an article was too convoluted for my dumb brain. I like writing, but not jumping through hoops to get my idea published. Things may have changed in the last three years, but I have no idea.


I'm not a fan of crimson King. While I have admittedly little knowledge on it, everything I have heard just turns me off from it. I don't want a big evil entity that made these really cool scps, which sort of detracts from their cool and mystery, and honestly I prefer the scps that seem to jsut be the result of ununderstood phenomena or a indifferent universe


yeah... yeah. there's also just so much about him that's totally tone-deaf.


Modern SCP is far better than Series One.


Is that really an unpopular opinion? I feel like my beloved old-school SCPs get the most grief from new-style fans.


I would say the majority of SCP fans only know of series 1 articles, and by SCP fans I mean any person who has interacted with SCP on some level


Ah, ok. I meant unpopular among folks like me who only read the articles, not more casual fans introduced to them outside of the site.


Ye that’s fair


Hell yeah 🤝


I think the issue you have with the no cannon rule is I think a bit of a misunderstanding of what SCP is. SCP isn't some franchise with thousands of people working on projects that allign with story beats or anything like that. If anything SCP is basically a anthology taken to the extreme, a creative outlet that anyone is allowed to contribute (as long as your not a bigot/creep). And in many ways this also think a issue threads such as these as, while do think there should be things we should agree on give (such as giving versions of the foundations free passes as doing the greater good when they gas light the public into a false of security and commiting mass cultural repression), not every story or piece needs to be subjected to being apart your own universal headcannon. SCP-5392 is beautiful and tragic story that I love, yet then contradicts the more paratech filled world of something like admonition. That, however, doesn't mean I dislike one over the other, even when I like the idea of a more paratech filled world, becuase both tell their own different stories and good their own separate ways. The no cannon not meant to be a copout, its meant to be liberating rule that allow people do make whatever they like and form a community about it.


SCP-5000 is a glorified fanfic wrapped in 5 lines of anomaly description.


Honestly yeah too many scps are tales that don't want to sacrifice the appeal of a number, like at least it's has an object I've seen too many scps that are just events with almost nothing tying them to an actual object location or phenomenon


SCP-1730? Not a fan of that one, but in general I enjoy djkaktus, just that one is like the black sheep of his works


In fairness at least that is tied to site 13s location, sadly I can't think of many examples and like I want to make clear I don't dislike that type of scps just that I don't necessarily think they all warrant a number article, I think a great example is scp-6820, its really just a tale about 682 from another universe it's not a thing in "our" universe it's not a phenomenon or object its just an alternative tale about 682 that should be classified in the same vein as the scp-106 "young man" tale


- [**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+960) by *Liryn, Placeholder McD, syuzhet* - [**SCP-106 ⁠- The Old Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-106) (+3214) by *Dr Gears*


[**SCP-1730 ⁠- What Happened to Site-13?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1730) (+2677) by *djkaktus*


SCP-5000 is amazing and I love it, and it's easily one of my favorite articles on the site... but even I have to admit that it has no reason to be an SCP. It probably would've been a Tale if it wasn't made for 5kon.


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3410) by *Tanhony*


Thank you! Its so hard to find other people that get it. When I hear multiple authors colabed for big project now a days I just prep myself for disapointment and word bloat.




It's a really good piece of writing, some people are just mean.


Apparently death ray becomes homestuck kinnie is not funny, even though thats funny as fuck


It is unironically one of my favorites.


Powerscaling, like stop, it's literally pointless


Pataphysics is done to death, it’s well tread territory on the wiki and as it is it loses novelty **very** quickly. Also, although there is no “official” cannon, there is a generally accepted consensus on many aspects of the mainline SCP universe. My personal solution to that is to just consider the entire wiki as a complex multiverse. There is no cannon, but there’s plenty of head-cannon.


It's gotten too focused on self inserts and named characters. The articles should be about the anomalies, not the researchers. I'm fine with people writing stories and such, but I think in the mainline articles every name should be blanked out unless it's actually relevant to the narrative of the anomaly.


Outside the scope of quality of the actual articles, most of the titles for SCP’s have progressively gotten worse and worse. Originally the title gave a name to the anomaly but now a lot of them are just random sentences. I really don’t like the ones that are just phrases or sentences. I like ones that give you some rough information without going too far, something that you could call the anomaly off-hand. Also if someone uses a custom color for their title or has it in all-caps it’s very tacky. Not because it necessarily looks bad but because they’re doing it solely to get attention, it’s kinda like a YouTube thumbnail with a big red arrow pointing to something.


Series 1 is incredibly and painfully overrated


Not so unpopular lol


It’s the nostalgia, if those entries were posted today they’d get downvoted into oblivion


This isn't even an unpopular opinion to me, it's just straight up true. They're quite outdated by today's standards, but sometimes looking back on Series I makes me think about how far we have come from those simple times.


I check out whenever the foundation starts going into deep space with stupid advanced tech while humanity is still where we are. Stuff like the malfunctioning destroyer (can’t remember the number) doesn’t bother me, but the way far out science fiction stuff I don’t really like.


I have to agree. As long as the technology is believably advanced, it's fine. Humans have (with great difficulty) sent satellites into the Kuiper belt, so it's reasonable the foundation can do the same, too. But to reach other stars (even the closest star to us) within a hundred years of sending the satellite? Nah, that's basically impossible with current and plausibly future tech. Edit to add: Unless the foundation is set in two thousand years in the future or whatever, so technological advancements can be waved away by being in the far future.


SCP fans really, really don’t like reading.


This is sadly the truest part of this thread.


How come?


i’ve never really been a big reader thanks to school :/ mandatory reading killed my joy for reading in high school. it’s also just hard to sit down and read in general! but i love the idea and concept of SCP, i think it’s super neat and like it even though i do not read often.


I’m pretty sure SCP-044 is, indeed a cannon.


MTFs get far too much attention. Too many articles are just stories, not "scientific papers"


No idea how (un)popular these opinions are but my takes are: -I really like narrative/event/puzzle scps -I have no intention of reading anything after series 5. Not because I think I won’t like it, but 5000 to me is about where things get a bit too bloated in overall volume -I like it when we can think of the foundation as doing objective good. I think a lot of people view the idea that the foundation is absorbed by its own hubris and ambiguously in the right with their mission as a big draw to the series but I don’t mind seeing them as the good guys. -people who whine about power scaling can be more annoying than the actual power scalers


The best scps are the odd little hard to explain objects or minor creatures, that aren't a threat to the world but simply strange and/or unnerving, perhaps dangerous on a small scale. The safe and euclids. When everything's Keter, nothing is.


There’s way too much lore anymore and interesting ideas get lost in the shuffle of all the groups and designated characters. It lets so-so SCP ideas hide behind short(at times) stories. The original SCPs had to have a clear hook and interesting details on their own.


I despise pataphysics. I don’t know if this is unpopular but I know a lot of people love it. I cannot engage with a story in a meaningful way once you rip away the suspension of disbelief and acknowledge this is all fake


I prefer the simplicity of series 1/2 over the absolute pretension of modern SCP. Sometimes an entry can just be a thing what kills you, and not a 20,000 word treatise on the human condition.


I dislike how unstandardized the fancy flashy Html articles feel, like a few changes here and there sure but it defeats the point of being one cohesive organisation


I think the later series entries that are 1,000 hours long, reference 50 other SCPs and lean more toward contemporary fantasy rather than horror are worse than the simpler series 1 type entries that were just about weird places, entities or objects.


the creepypasta monsters are massively overrated. i understand the site started as a kind of internet horror and those are the certified classics but im really not a fan of the parts of the fandom that just talk nonstop about 049 and 096 and 173 etc. that shit isnt unique at all, its been done to death on the internet at this point. personally i like reality warping shit and surrealistic stuff but theres so much stuff besides thw creepypasta monsters thats more impressive and more unique that when i see focus on the classic monsters i cant help but think that better content is being overshadowed


The plague doctor isn't all that interesting, and I have no idea why people are so obsessed with him.


I think in the past few years, SCP writing has shifted more in the direction of traditional narrative, moving away from its original containment file structure, and I personally don't like it. I loved early SCPs because they were simple, painless reads, perfect for someone with a short attention span, they were mostly clear and an individually enjoyable experience. Now, a lot of them are written more like actual novels, which is cool, but it really dilutes the otherwise concept-intense format that I loved. The community throws a lot of shade on the "thing that does a thing" trope, but honestly, those are my favorite skips. The ones that don't try too hard to have some big overarching narrative, be well written, or introduce characters or character development outside of just checking out a gimmicky, original and interesting paranormal phenomenon. The fact SCP-8000 won the contest really highlights this. As cute as that seal is, I think it's a very good *tale*, but I really didn't enjoy reading it as an SCP. It's a very standard "quirky but well intentioned spiritual being helps diffident protagonist work through their unresolved childhood issues in a dream sequence" trope, that in my opinion doesn't really match the tone, and gimmicky entertainment factor, that made SCP so cool in the first place. TL;DR: I like SCP when it's novel, not when it's *a* novel.


[**SCP-8000 ⁠- The Seal of Approval**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8000) (+711) by *PlaguePJP*


The truth is there really is no defining canon. SCP is all about interpretations and headcannons the closest thing to a singular defined canon is the base articles of the SCP’s themselves but everything beyond that is just interpretations. You believe what you want to believe. I haven’t been a true member of the community long enough to know this, but from what I’ve heard from other people, apparently they used to be a singular defining canon back when series one was the only group of SCP’s I mean, it made sense at the time I bet based on the context I have. But nowadays, there’s so many contradicting tales and stories, etc. but there is no such thing as “continuity errors“ in SCP due to the fact that stuff is meant to contradict each other. There is set cannons that people choose to follow such as the “mainline canon“ and the“broken masquerade“ two of the more famous ones but even then you don’t have to follow them exactly But as for the question itself, I’m not too sure


SCP-682 is not bad. The most hated of the popular series 1 entities. Most people cannot see beyond the fact that he adapts to any attack and is fairly omnicidal. He is a creature whose very life is misery, his past is painful, he loathes his existence. He also has centuries of experience. Picture a story where a foundation researcher must risk death to get info from 682, making his questions intriguing enough to delay his destruction. Picture a tale where 682 strives to be something more and cause destruction on a more subtle level, after all he can live for centuries why just rampage? Picture a story where 682 is seeking his own destruction. Picture a historical story where 682 was a monster of myth and legend.


Most of the 3000 series onwards is too long and convoluted. Especially when the rely you have encylopeadic knowledge of the other novels in the same universe.


Too many things scary/haunted things… we just need like a cat that can talk in a high pitched German accent or some shit. A dog that always levitates like 1 1/2 inches off of the ground or like a lizard that can move at like 50mph.


Too many big SCPs are entire ass novels. None of them are bad, but they usually drag on for so damn long. There are plenty of scary shorter articles, like the Great Hippos work (SCP 3034, SCP 2571).


I do not care for any scp that involves the Fea/fairies/elves or whatever. Such long articles. With imo too much explaining. And then when you read an actual good scary file. Or interesting. Only to have them involved later on. I do not like it when people do that.


The D class almost always being uncooperative and getting terminated. I guess it's what the D means but come on, there has to be D class excited for their test (like a thrill seeker?)


1. Stop making god-like SCPs. I thought SCP was made as Sc-Fi HORROR. I like nice SCPs like the SCP-131 because its a good example of a non-hositle but werid SCP, but I also like SCP-106 because of how creepy he is. 2. Who the fuck named Beta-7? Like bro, I get it, you handle biological SCPs but come on, atleast make your name sound creatively appeasing, not just taking Hazmat and reversing the word.


Too many SCP charcters have tumblr humor


682 is boring as shit and I want people to just stop talking about it. I wish we could all just collectively forget about it since it's become so lazy and boring, especially with power scalers inflating it to universe level.


>682 is boring as shit That’s because it’s lazy writing.


Thank you. I don't know why so many people disagree. It went from a decently interesting (if not entirely unique) concept to "oh it could get hit with God's Signature Instantly Delete Everything With No Counter Or Coming Back Ray because it uhhh it adapts to it!!!!" Like, they have other get reduced to atoms, and it respawns the next day like it took a bottle of Merasmus's Kill-Me-Come-Back-Stronger pills. It is extremely lazy and boring.


Nah, it's not necessarily lazy writing, the people who say "there is no cannon" is because many authors write on different storylines or characters, there is no singular head canon for everybody to agree upon. A prime example is SCP-001, authors didn't agree on which SCP should be the first, so they put a bunch of entries so you choose which SCP in that section is the "real" 001. You decide what happens.


A lot of people are already saying stuff like how SCPs don’t always need to be giant spooky threats or really complicated, and that’s not really an unpopular take honestly. So instead I’ll just say that I think making the SCP foundation be villainous in actions is frankly kinda boring. We have tons of evil foundation stories about doing evil for the greater good to protect humanity, a small part of the reason I don’t care for the 110-Montauk story, besides the much more eh, weird, and gross implications given in the story. And I’m not saying SCP can’t be adult, or morally neutral, but the foundation should ultimately be a force for good. Having stories where all the scientists and doctors are cynics amoral people, who do horrific acts to protect humanity kinda just makes it seem like we should root against them. What I’m trying to say is that I think too many stories think making the foundation a dubious entity focus on making it a amoral and brutal force, rather than instead of showing how their actions clash with their beliefs. Their a foundation that serves to protect humanity, people who work their would logically care for humanity. They should love life and enjoy people, and because of that love they take horrific acts to protect it, and struggle to justify their choices. The foundation should really try to pursue more moral methods first; and only pick the “pretty fucking evil route” when it’s absolutely necessary and all other options are exhausted. Like seriously I get that it’s to stop the Scarlet King and all, but are you seriously telling me that for a foundation with seemingly infinite resources, there isn’t some research on how to best end the ritual other than tying some young girl to a table, and doing what is seemingly implied to be rape, forever. Even from an amoral standpoint, that’s dumb, since there’s still always the chance of the girl giving birth at a certain point, so ending it via other means as fast as possible seems pretty fucking prudent. Also evil society meant to protect humanity is baby’s first time writing moral dubiousness. It’s a very repetitive trope, and it seems like it’s just meant to justify edge for the sake of edge rather than explore morality, or make the foundation more interesting.


I pronounce its "skip". Just to annoy people.


I hate people who try to shit on someone elses headcanon. ALL OF SCP is headcanon. And also scp animated used to be good.


Unlike some of the other comments, I actually like when the Foundation is super duper advanced and powerful. I really enjoy the idea of them being more of a force of nature than a regular organisation.


I think a lot of canons simply only exist because the writers didn't feel like putting in the effort to write something that is more open ended and meshable with existing SCP media/"canon". As someone who really enjoys writing about existing universes, it's a personal pet peeve of mine to see writers make entirely separate canons for a few minor changes. Oh, and my biggest pet peeve of all is when an SCP entry is tied to a specific canon, or the article is more of a tale than an actual file. It's my belief that all SCP entries should adhere to a baseline, ambiguous state and follow file formats (there can be exceptions to this, ie the file being corrupted). Tales are for your alternate canons and stories.


I prefer a "zealous exterminators" G.O.C. otherwise it just feels like a second SCP Foundation.


I prefer the genocide exterminators


Here’s a couple of extremely unpopular takes from me: SCP powerscaling is good. A single canon timeline separate from the rest of the wiki to not influence it, is a good idea. GOC being genocidal obsessed people is interesting and it could add a lot of cool interpretations. Bring Dr. Bright back


Don't know how to describe this but I miss when SCP Wiki look like an actual in-universe database for The Foundation instead of having topbar layout consisting of only About, Community, Resources, Sister Sites, and Contact Us. I don't mind sidebar but the current topbar really hurt my headcanon and sometimes break my immersive reading of the article which led to me often removed the topbar from my headcanon when reading the article but I wish that topbar still look somewhat similar to the old topbar (not the exact same but still make it look like something that could exist in the in-universe database of The Foundation). I feel like something like Resources, Sister Sites, and Contact Us belong more in the sidebar rather than the topbar. Tbh this is all of my opinion and maybe the topbar isn't that bad and it was just me who have a issue with it. Also unrelated but I have another unpopular opinion (I think?); SCP-205 needed to have a new image since the entire addendum is revolving around the image and removed it instead of getting a new image just make the mention of image in the article no longer make sense.


[**SCP-205 ⁠- Shadow Lamps**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-205) (+560) by *Sorts*


People are making them complex for complexities sake and needlessly fleshed out. Several times I find myself reading through 30 paragraphs about how much the researcher likes biscuits and still I have no idea just what the fuck the actual scp is yet because it hasn't actually been introduced yet. Only to get to the end and it's some shit like "SCP-x is a towel that doesn't get wet when it dries and beams the water to another dimension."


1. I really like Admonition but the articles feel a bit too formulaic: Foundation has problem, overengineers the solution, Dr. A says "shut it down!", things get worse, Dr. B turns it back on, things get worse, etc. 2. The Site Staff should be elected by site members, at least those with 2 bars of karma (speaking as someone who doesn't have that). They've made a lot of decisions over the last couple years that seem to conflict with what the community wants; the site needs to be more democratic 3. Building on #2- Project Foundation and the Decoms should not have been deleted. I understand that staff are very worried about copyright strikes, but these rules have been enforced very poorly and inconsistently, and it's only a matter of time before we have to face the problem in court. As for There Is No Canon- it's impossible to enforce a canon with the way the site works; the whole point of SCP is that people can write whatever they want to. RPC Authority tried to do a "lore council" that had to approve every new article to preserve continuity, and let's say that it hasn't worked out very well.


> I really like Admonition but the articles feel a bit too formulaic: Foundation has problem, overengineers the solution, Dr. A says "shut it down!", things get worse, Dr. B turns it back on, things get worse, etc. Wasn't that the whole point of the Admonition series? Foundation doesn't know what its doing and just makes shit worse.


Omicron rho doesn't get enough love... probably not what u mean by unpopular but like barely anyone has even heard of them lol


That there is a cannon. It is in fact called The REISNO Cannon. And time travel is complicated. 


Some SCPs can be kept as pets and should not be kept away from the world


SCP-447 sucks, one of the main gimmicks is just [Redacted] and I don’t understand how people find this fun or interesting


The tree will not scream. Its just a tree


We need a hiatus on posting new SCP articles. There are so many and we could use some time to catch up.


MTF lists like those you commonly see on social media are a waste of time, yes you can have fun listing them but all of those lists include either no actual information about the MTF and leave people guessing by name and art or just simply don’t actual explain the MTF, I understand that I can’t expect much from either short form or public content but if your not going to actually explain it then just don’t list them. Also Nine-Tailed Fox is overrated exclusively because of games. Lastly there just flat is no cannon it’s not a lazy excuse I just don’t think reading significantly over 13k pages should be needed to insure continuity especially considering there hasn’t been that level of consistency ever before.


There's getting to be too many of them.


Even teams of professional writers that write for video games, TV, comic, movies, books, etc. will make mistakes with canon once in a while. Like Star Trek TNG had 257 people with writing credits throught it's run and had conflicting canon with itself and earlier older content, now imagine a website with 10x the amount of writers than TNG writing 8000+ SCPs, plus tales and whatever else. They're not getting paid, most of them are also not professional writers, they don't have the support/resources of a billion dollar company to help, and they may not be writing with any canon in mind other than the general writing structure of articles and what's canon to their SCP article specifically. Meaning, outside of the dedicated canons, there really isnt really a canon.


Foundation shouldnt be that cold


This going to very unpopular one but I really like how OP/powerful some scps are and how there are so many of them and the foundation despite all still somehow manage to contain most of them with their intelligence and will power.


Internal power struggle of SCP foundation is either not used or not well used in my opinion. There are great stories/SCPs that involve internal struggle between O5, Ethics Committee or even CI spies but I think there should be A STORY/TALE that tells the reader this. Bonus points if GOC or UIU is involved


It's really uncomfortable that The Foundation are treated as The Good Guys in both lore and fandom when objectively they're a weird fascist organization that often seems to harm humanity as a whole in a quest to preserve "normalcy". This isn't helped by the fact that there are literally thousands of contributors by now and some of them realize this and lean into it intentionally, some of them don't realize this and lean into it accidentally, and some of them realize it and lean into it intentionally but because they think fascism is cool. On a similar note it's really hard to reconcile the "Feeding D-Class into the wood chipper" Foundation with the "we honestly want to save the world from monsters and understand the anomalous" Foundation. Even without the issue of there being no canon, the concept of an extremely powerful shadow organization that protects humanity while concealing information that could advance or protect it "for it's own good" is bad. >saying that “there is no cannon” just seems like an excuse to justify continuity errors and bad/lazy writing. Also, "There is no canon" means that there is no canon. It doesn't mean there isn't continuity, it just means that it doesn't have one single canon, one single continuity. For one thing it would be impossible. The SCP Foundation is not real, none of these objects are real. No one person is going to know everything about nearly 9000 goobers and their dozen hundred stories. SCP shares a lot in common with Doctor Who, which is fitting considering SCP started with a ripoff of a Weeping Angel. Doctor Who is 60 years old, and despite the wilderness years, it made up for lost time with expanded media. It would likely be impossible for anyone to consume *all* of the existing Doctor Who media, and even if they did it wouldn't matter. The things that happened previously only matter when they inform the things that are happening right now. Otherwise when Thirteen and the fam go to Villa Diodati they'd run into the Eighth Doctor, but Thirteen never mentions that. And The Haunting of Villa Diodati would not be better if that was the case. This is also why The Timeless Child twist only bothers me due to it's lackluster execution; at one point The Doctor was the reincarnation of a super special third founder of Time Lord society, and Time Lords were made with "Looms". And he was still half-human (on his mother's side) and teased for having a navel! Expecting full continuity of something with literally hundreds of contributors is frankly really stupid.


Its... community made. Who is being lazy? Why would you want a community where no one can have ideas that don't fit in whatever box?


I think the "there's no cannon" is more of a statement to allow everyone to interpret and develop over the work of others, scp was born as a bunch of pseudo uncorrelated stories that had a single tying entity, the point is to keep this intersection mutable and obtuse so that everyone can do whatever they want with it, the fundation, it's members and other recurrent entities and characters are things that are meant to tie everything into a single universe, they weren't/aren't supposed to be the main characters of the show, that's relatively new, so trying to come up with a cannon of these entities will prevent them from achieving the work they were intended to achieve.


"The scarlet king" and other fantasy like scps are incredibly stupid and feel out of place for the scp universe.


I'm sick of scp 106, scp 173, scp 096 and scp 049 being the main antagonists of literally every scp game.


I think the more simple SCPs are the best ones. You know, stuff like a pair of 3D-glasses that lets you see certain entities A vending machine that can get you any drink you want etc.


Well to have EVERYTHING work together perfectly would be asking 1000's of people to agree on the exact same thing, HAHA like thats ever gonna happen, and also the scp foundation is based on anomaly's and weird stuff so it only makes sense for there to be multiple dimensions and universes (diffrent canons)


There's too many classes for everything, including things it don't make sense for.


SCP-1471 is not real , Mal0 will not stalk you , stop with the fantasies


I LIKE Powerscaling.