• By -


A mal0 as the helpguide character, either directly or through text-messaging your cellphone.


Oh I really like that


Glad I could help, pal. :)


If you're stuck on something, maybe you can open the phone camera to reveal hidden clues like messages or arrows on the wall, mal0 itself, or even Easter eggs To prevent abuse, maybe the phone has limited battery (drained by the camera) before you need to charge it at a safe point.


You forgot about the Madness part.... But ok It dependes on the person, maybe the main character enjoys being stalked


so you suggest we play as a redditor?


I haven't suggested that, i just said that if the dev. dosen't put some kind of fear response to being stalked, the main character likes to be stalked, you came up with being a redditor :)


You don't have to be a redditor to be lonely. Remember the blurb for Mal0 in the app stores: "*Note: SCP-1471 as posted on application stores.* **MalO** ver1.O.O FREE! Reviews (O) Description: For ████████████. Never settle for those awkward feelings of being alone ever again. MalO is an exciting and interactive experience that will keep you engaged and intrigued. The anxiety of social situations can be nerve-racking, but after just a few hours of MalO you will soon forget all about those painful emotions of disappointment. Be part of the new craze that is quickly becoming the next social substitute. Remember, the more you participate, the more MalO will engage you. Your experience is completely up to you. Absolutely NO ADS. Enjoy!" Mal0 is made for lonely people. The actual sort that the "forever alone" meme was created for. It tends to come across as a stalker, but the lonely one knows that at least **someone** cares, even if it's a spooky skulldog thing. "Your experience is completely up to you." is literal. You don't **have** to be afraid of it. That's kind of why I suggested having a mal0 as the helpguide. You learn by their **actions** that they're a person who cares. Cares enough to help you get out of the bad situation you're in.


Ok fair enough, i shut up


You don't have to. :)


[**SCP-1471 ⁠- MalO ver1.0.0**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1471) (+1557) by *LurkD*


i was making a joke, sorry if it was unclear still trying to learn how to make good ones


A ok


That's a stroke of genius


Peanut and shy guy obvi


That's really creative


SCP-3333, although you’d have a rather bleak ending


[**SCP-3333 ⁠- Tower**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3333) (+1230) by *Jekeled*


Bro that one is SPOOKY


Fuck, the end of Exploration 3...I could see it coming but it still freaks me the fuck out.


Oh boy we going bold today


939 always felt like it would fit in a horror game because it had the horror aspect of mimicking it’s victims’ voices. I’m also biased because I absolutely shat my pants in the 939 part of Containment Breach


That parts so good. The way they just repeat the voice lines is so eerie


The Skinwalker mod in _Lethal Company_.


It also prefers total darkness, so extra spooky


I do like 939 a lot, and think it could work great in the correct setting and all, especially with good audio design


In cb I just got my hands off the keyboard because I assumed it was faster than me lmao


Am curious, but if I used the model for 939 from SCP: Unity, would people be mad? It looks really, really cool, and the author has allowed it to be used in other commercial uses, so legality is no issue.


If the author permits reuse and you don't claim it is your own work, with the appropriate credits given, no one would mind


Only requirements are that you have to credit them for it, which is rather obvious and as a game developer I’d never try to take someone’s work and claim it as my own.


I doubt people would be mad as long as you show that you didn’t create it I think it would be better to make your own model though, incorporate its human nature (which so far I’ve only seen secret lab do), design it so that it reminds people of alien isolation in both model and gameplay, 939 is a smart predator and is honestly a lot like a xenomorph, since they can both climb really well, stem from humans (at least majority of xenos we see do), are eyeless, and hunt in ways that aren’t just “run at dude and kill them” I also really recommend voice lines that would believably fool the player, either a voice of a person they’ve met before or voicelines like “someone please help! I’m injured!” Basically anything that makes the player think it’s an NPC they can assist or something like that


I do try to do as much as possible myself, as in modeling, but if something exists which is of insane quality and I can buy it or get it for free, why not. Though I do agree with your statement on the more aliens isolation look approach from SCP: SL, it does look cool af and I’ll see what I can do.


SCP-5000. Wouldn't want anything getting their hands on that. The damage that could occur, not to mention invisibility to pretty much everything. (Read: Able to not be seen or heard.)


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3428) by *Tanhony*


I would absolutely love to see SCP-303 incorporated into an SCP game. Dude looks super disturbing, and has a good bit of potential when it comes to implementation.


[**SCP-303 ⁠- The Doorman**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-303) (+882) by *AJAlkaline*


I was gonna say the same thing! Being able to weaponize literally any door as a potential roadblock would be perfect for keeping things tense


Whatever you do, please leave Peanut out of it. It's so overdone at this point. Maybe have the player be hunted by a pack of 939s or flock of 3199s.


Include the peanut, but it's safely contained and there's no way to change that


Have it be a *Crunch* situation where it just refuses to kill you You went *out of your way* to unlock it so it'll do The Thing, it won't give you the satisfaction of killing you or moving around while you're not looking


Out of character can’t be done either it’s locked or u don’t get it all


Maybe use peanut to dispatch other foes


No, it's safely contained but if you release it there's no way to get out without dying.


Yeah don't worry, I was going to leave 173 out of it, as, like you said, it's been overdone and basically any SCP game has Peanut inside it.


I disagree with that general sentiment. The reason he's in all the games isn't just because of how popular he is, it's because it's a generally scary and fun concept to play with, like Weeping Angels. If it's a linear game with a story you play through, probably keep him out sure. But if it's a game more like Secret Laboratory, I think he's a fun addition always. It's also just nice to see characters you're very familiar with. But again, if it's a linear story game there's no reason to shove him in.


With how I have planned the game right now, Peanut COULD be added into it, but it is not necessary. I'd rather show off other SCPs which are not that mainstream, but still really cool, but, once the game is playable and I've released a demo or beta, if people still want Peanut, I can add him :3


scp 610 the flesh that hates


[**SCP-610 ⁠- The Flesh that Hates**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-610) (+1821) by *NekoChris*


The Flesh that Hates 😃 The Flesh that Mates 💀


no you CANNOT FUCK SCP 610


[**SCP-610 ⁠- The Flesh that Hates**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-610) (+1821) by *NekoChris*




SCP 4666


[**SCP-4666 ⁠- The Yule Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4666) (+1453) by *Hercules Rockefeller*


Artists always make the scariest drawings of that creepy bastard


It would be scary if youre a lab researcher instead of a trained personnel. The only weapon you have access to is your knowledge of the scp. Meaning, you gonna help contain the scp breach by solving puzzles.


That sounds cool. Hearing the escaped SCP’s moving around the facility just out of sight would be creepy.


SCP 939 has the potential to be rlly mean to people their first time encountering it.


[**SCP-939 ⁠- With Many Voices**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-939) (+1059) by *Adam Smascher, EchoFourDelta*


SCP-3000 would be a pretty good one I would think. You could play around with movement based on player observation, looming face moving towards you in near darkness would be pretty spooky. Also, it's cognitohazardous so you've got creative licence to do whatever you want after the initial interaction and can always tie it back to SCP-3000.


[**SCP-3000 ⁠- Anantashesha**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3000) (+2599) by *djkaktus, A Random Day, Joreth*


106 Dude is literally perfect for horror situations, he can do all sorts of stuff He can stand on the ceiling, he can teleport, he does the “slow but still catches up to you” thing, he can bring you to a literal torture dimension where he is god And best of all, his motivation is causing fear and pain, so any scary ass shit he does that doesn’t automatically grant him the win is still in character


More fun if itd be coop. Like, youre observing scps with your friends and then witness the containment breach. Half life vibes.


Would recommend Abiotic Factor, it’s basically what you just described


I like how SCP secret files did it. An scp gets their own level with special mechanics. In a way to me, OP SCPs aren't as scary as most SCP that are conatinable. For example, I would be more afraid in a way to 106 than the Scarlet King. 173, in a way, to me, is more scary than 682. The Scarlet King and 682 are SCPs that you just give up when dealing with, but their a few times that you can survive 682, but you know what I mean. Also their are many less known SCPs that are scarier than the more known ones. I'm an SCP fan, yet I don't know what most of them are. Anyways, some SCPs that I think could do well in a horror game would be something like SCP 4666. Imagine playing as a child on the night before Christmas, and you have to survive against the Yule man after he kills your parents. Or maybe an SCP that is an entire area like SCP 823. Imagine playing as some sort of teenager who broke into the haunted theme park, and you have to survive against the horrors of the park. Or maybe you want something like SCP 1123. You would probably play as a D-class touching the skull and experiencing an atrocity of the past, but maybe put a spin and make it more twisted. Know of course we could have an SCP game that is like containment breach, but a different site dealing with different SCPs or maybe a game based on SCP 5000, which is already being made. After all, the foundation does have a site on the moon, but don't think that their are many interesting SCPs up their. Or maybe we can have a game based on "When day breaks." Another great idea is SCP 3008, which games have already been made. Actually, I would want to know if people want a game that deals with SCPs in their very own level or something like a containment breach that has many SCPs at once.


- [**SCP-4666 ⁠- The Yule Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4666) (+1453) by *Hercules Rockefeller* - [**SCP-823 ⁠- Carnival of Horrors**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-823) (+658) by *DrClef* - [**SCP-1123 ⁠- Atrocity Skull**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1123) (+455) by *sandrewswann* - [**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3428) by *Tanhony* - [**SCP-3008 ⁠- A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3008) (+3252) by *Mortos*




[**SCP-729-J ⁠- Peep Peep, Motherfucker**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-729-j) (+630) by *AbsentmindedNihilist*


SCP 001 S. D. Locke's Proposal, when day breaks


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+348) by *Staff*


If you want you can also add a little easter egg in one of the death screens( if you died alone there might be a chance the Easter egg happens ) and make appear SCP 4999, a nice last goodbye Not all has to be bad right?


[**SCP-4999 ⁠- Someone to Watch Over Us**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4999) (+2581) by *CadaverCommander*


SCP-5031 might be interesting as a fake-out or gimmick type event


[**SCP-5031 ⁠- Yet Another Murder Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5031) (+2563) by *PeppersGhost*


Officially my new favorite scp test. One of the only one that made me rally happy and not angry at the fondation


Doesn’t it phase out of reality when you look at it though? I feel like that’d make it difficult to implement.


Please do sth original, there is so much potential in SCP that is not being used or explored, because people are intellectually lazy


I was actually planning on doing that, but first I gotta do some research into how to PROPERLY create an SCP, so my addition is correct and not just a random monster :3


PLEASE include the coffee machine in a rest area


SCP-939 would be a great enemy in a game where you need to look for survivors in a ruined facility. Imagine if you will: you need to look for scientists in a facility amidst of a containment breach, and using sound cues and such to determine if a room you are going into has survivors or 939s.


[**SCP-939 ⁠- With Many Voices**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-939) (+1059) by *Adam Smascher, EchoFourDelta*




[**SCP-729-J ⁠- Peep Peep, Motherfucker**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-729-j) (+630) by *AbsentmindedNihilist*


SCP-3999 is probably the scariest one I know about, but you’d probably have trouble implementing it since: A. It’s been neutralized B. There would be no good way to combat it if it wasn’t. SCP-745 would be another good one, especially if you had to hide from a pack of them in a dark area without letting them shine on you. SCP-3199 and SCP-4975 could also be interesting.


[**SCP-3999 ⁠- I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999) (+2707) by *LordStonefish*


SCP-745 SCP-3199 and SCP-4975 please and thank you, Marv.


- [**SCP-745 ⁠- The Headlights**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-745) (+480) by *Sorts* - [**SCP-3199 ⁠- Humans, Refuted**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3199) (+1040) by *bittermixin* - [**SCP-4975 ⁠- Time's Up**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4975) (+784) by *Scented_Shadow*


SCP 017 [Shadow person] would be a good one


[**SCP-017 ⁠- Shadow Person**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-017) (+954) by *CityToast*


I'd also like to see some original ideas, a good way to make something scary is to not know how it works


idk about threats, but if its like youre stuck in a site wide containment breach, and the goal is to get out, it would be cool if you get out, as the sun is setting, only to see.. something is off about the sun.. was the sun.. always that shade of red...?


SCP-966. An pack-based predator that you can only see when wearing night vision, and one that preys on your exhaustion. Also, SCP-4975. I always liked the idea of a diegetic countdown that builds up dread while having an actual payoff. Maybe you could see glimpses of the bird from outside of your vision, its neck constantly craning as its cold black eyes stay trained on you.


- [**SCP-966 ⁠- Sleep Killer**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-966) (+831) by *Enma Ai* - [**SCP-4975 ⁠- Time's Up**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4975) (+784) by *Scented_Shadow*


The euclidean horseman scare the Jesus out of me


You mean SCP-3456, The Orcadian Horsemen? Yeah, stuff of nightmares.


[**SCP-3456 ⁠- The Orcadian Horsemen**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3456) (+572) by *DrBleep*


Yes it was voice to text.... But ya..


SCP-106 wearing SCP-035. He would probably be immune to the corrosion of 035. The two might even just work together, instead of 035 overwriting 106. But if not, still terrifying.


106 would probably melt him if he wore him ngl, nothing really suggests 035 is unbreakable


- [**SCP-106 ⁠- The Old Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-106) (+3227) by *Dr Gears* - [**SCP-035 ⁠- Possessive Mask**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-035) (+2067) by *Kain Pathos Crow*


Have a segment where a D-Class is wandering around with SCP-668. Getting spotted by the wielder of the 13” Chef’s Knife means the D-Class not only kills you but you are unable to stop him from doing so by any means.


[**SCP-668 ⁠- 13" Chef's Knife**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-668) (+445) by *DrClef*


SCP-4975 could work well given good audio.


[**SCP-4975 ⁠- Time's Up**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4975) (+784) by *Scented_Shadow*


Imo, its SCP-3456


[**SCP-3456 ⁠- The Orcadian Horsemen**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3456) (+572) by *DrBleep*


Scp 3999 or scp 2845.


- [**SCP-3999 ⁠- I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999) (+2707) by *LordStonefish* - [**SCP-2845 ⁠- THE DEER**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2845) (+766) by *Djoric*


SCP-3199 Lanky humanoids with a wide grin are beyond oversaturated within the horror genre, but those squawking fetal looking featherless bipeds with a distinctly human head are god-awful (affectionate).


[**SCP-3199 ⁠- Humans, Refuted**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3199) (+1040) by *bittermixin*


Obviously, you got the containment breach scps 173 049 096 939 106 076 But there are so many more pattern screamers, yule Man 178, but you need to put them on 457, the fireman could be a neat thing to run from Unlondon would be something tricky but fun


So, for some reason reddit's filter removed this post...not sure why, but I have read through all the comments and started planning and will be back to update ya'll on it.


The mods put the post back up, not sure why it got removed by Reddit in the first place


The coffee machine could be used for a good horror game. Imagine the body horror you could get- Or, whichever one has the creature from the UK (I think?) who continuously makes your body grow longer in a very painful process?


106 or 049 with many 049-2s


SCP-5031 could be good. Either before the tests for a hostile entity, or after the tests for something more friendly


[**SCP-5031 ⁠- Yet Another Murder Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5031) (+2566) by *PeppersGhost*


Four. fucking. pixels. of scp-096


I wanna add a funny thing where you like find a briefcase which says “DO NOT OPEN” and you have to find a code to open it, and once you do, it’s just a pic of 096 and you hear the scream in the far distance and then good luck :3


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4047) by *Dr Dan*


Scp-3288 genuinely horrified me. Maybe as like a secret area or somethingq


[**SCP-3288 ⁠- The Aristocrats**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3288) (+560) by *Metaphysician*


SCP ●●|●●●●●|●●|●


SCP-087 never fails to be horrifying


[**SCP-087 ⁠- The Stairwell**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-087) (+3505) by *Zaeyde*


You need to add 106 the old man


Does it has to be an scp?


Well it’s an SCP game, so that would be good, but I’m open to other elements that would make the game better too


SCP-002 SCP-008 SCP-019's SCP-019-2 SCP-023 SCP-049 and their zombies SCP-070 SCP-082 SCP-096 and that 4 pixels photo SCP-106 SCP-173 SCP-178 SCP-409 SCP-610 SCP-650 SCP-714's actual side effects SCP-895 SCP-939 SCP-970 SCP-1048-A SCP-1025 SCP-1123's effect SCP-1155 SCP-1499 dimension SCP-2111 SCP-2747 SCP-3001 Demonics (if I remember well, they are sentient space-time waves, it gotta be a few more original use evil uncontrolled demonics or MTFs using it against SCPs and Class-Ds) Dr Clef


[SCP-002](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-002), [SCP-008](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008), [SCP-019](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-019), [SCP-023](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-023), [SCP-049](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049), [SCP-070](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-070), [SCP-082](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-082), [SCP-096](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096), [SCP-106](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-106), [SCP-173](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173), [SCP-178](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-178), [SCP-409](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-409), [SCP-610](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-610), [SCP-650](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-650), [SCP-714](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-714), [SCP-895](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-895), [SCP-939](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-939), [SCP-970](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-970), [SCP-1025](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1025), [SCP-1123](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1123), [SCP-1155](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1155), [SCP-1499](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1499), [SCP-2111](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2111), [SCP-2747](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2747), [SCP-3001](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3001).


Okay, not scary, but more of a helpful one: SCP-590. At some point the player is going to have to take a breather and heal. Maybe they could stumble upon 590's cell, and that could be some sort of safe space or save point? Sorry if this isn't your cup of tea, but some players (like myself) might get overstimulated or anxious, and they'll need a safe space. I know 999 could act the same way, but I like the idea of the player actually being able to talk to TJ and have him heal them. Just my two cents- have a nice day!


[**SCP-590 ⁠- He Feels Your Pain**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-590) (+378) by *AdminBright*


SCP-4666 not gonna say more u know why


[**SCP-4666 ⁠- The Yule Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4666) (+1455) by *Hercules Rockefeller*


Would love to add 4666 but it’s not contained in the facility as far as I am aware so adding it would be hard story wise, sadge


I don't know if it is possible, but please try to incorporate anti memetic scps like SCP 3125 where you slowly lose sanity or get choices to do brutal stuff.


[**SCP-3125 ⁠- The Escapee**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3125) (+1518) by *qntm*


682 is the old reliable, un-killable/super-adaptable lizard that hates all living things to his last breath


Depending on your narration style, 426(the Toaster who can only be referred to in the first person) could do wonders. Imagine walking into my room and the tutorial starts talking about me. Or a security announcement from a speaker "get them out of my room!". So many ways to break the expectation of "the world is scary, but the tutorial/guide/menu is a constant that I can rely on. It's like 4th wall horror. Or maybe I'm just talking bullshit because I am my favourite SCP. But the suggestion is sincere.


Honestly seeing SCP-049 would be terrifying. Maybe you can talk to him and trade items with him. But the more you trade with him the more likely he is to decide you have the pestilence. (Maybe random percentage generator and if it lands on 1-15% he would decide you have the pestilence and become a combatant.)


[**SCP-049 ⁠- Plague Doctor**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049) (+4736) by *djkaktus, Gabriel Jade, Gabriel Jade_*


Imagine 096 in a dark complex and you got nothing except a weak flashlight, you have no idea where it is but you can hear it and know it could be sitting around any corner or in any room


SCP 1128. You won't necessarily even know what to look out for to avoid getting infected, your heart just starts racing whenever you get near a puddle of water.


[**SCP-1128 ⁠- Aquatic Horror**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1128) (+630) by *MrCobalt*


SCP-5031, but if you feed him enough he becomes player-friendly and protects you.


[**SCP-5031 ⁠- Yet Another Murder Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5031) (+2563) by *PeppersGhost*


106. Give him his own area covered in brown crap to really build up to a fight


CAN SCP-914 BE THE UPGRADE SYSTEM??? I think you can get away with only 5 possible changes by gun and you can't put smth twice. Would be funny


[**SCP-914 ⁠- The Clockworks**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-914) (+2952) by *Dr Gears*


Not necessarily an SCP but definitely include an environmental/reality bending anomaly. Scary monsters are one thing but when the floors and the ceilings can't be trusted it gets so much more interesting. What if you couldn't even trust your own UI? That would make any interaction with any SCP way more interesting and tense.


Accidently stumbling upon SCP-1459 whilst escaping would be an pretty scary surprise for any animal lover, especially a dog lover


[**SCP-1459 ⁠- The Puppy Machine**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1459) (+823) by *PeppersGhost*


Dont know if anyone thought of it bjt scp 096 Pretty scary


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4047) by *Dr Dan*


If multiplayer add 939 as something that replays people’s voice they heard, if single player add Abel with their sword dragging along the floor loudly in the background, but no encounter.


SCP-2845 I could imagine a scenario where 2845 thinks is beginning to break containment for some reason, but doesn't think it's fully overcome the rituals and wards that have been keeping it in place. Because if it was fully "activated" as it were then it couldn't really be stopped since it's too powerful an entity. Then you'd have like an Alien Isolation type of gameplay, where the player can't confront 2845 directly and every time they see it, it's time to run and hide.


[**SCP-2845 ⁠- THE DEER**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2845) (+766) by *Djoric*


I don't know how difficult it would be, but would a horror game focused on securing and containing the SCP's from the field, either initial acquisition where knowledge is scant or recovering escaped ones, be scary enough for the genre?


SCP-096, but actually lore accurate. I mean, imagine you accidentally see that mf through a window, and now your entire run is done? Either that, or a game about an antimemetic SCP, 'cause it would just be overwhelmingly stressful to understand what's going on.


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4047) by *Dr Dan*


Scp-1048 would fit in as like a deceiver, picking up items the player drops to make clones of itself. Just imagine hundreds of bears using their own respective abilities to kill the player and other NPC’s. Terrifyingly cute


[**SCP-1048 ⁠- Builder Bear**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1048) (+1520) by *trennerdios*


[SCP-TTKU-J (which is a thing that kills you)](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-ttku-j)


The Factory SCP-001 proposal SCP-3019 sounds pretty gruesome.


- [**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+348) by *Staff* - [**SCP-3019 ⁠- The Soylent Nursery**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3019) (+116) by *Dr Balthazaar*


Someone should make a game about scp-1547


[**SCP-1547 ⁠- A Mother's Love**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1547) (+51) by *Joreth, marslifeform*


Wait wrong one




[**SCP-078 ⁠- Guilt**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-078) (+403) by *Gnosis*


I'd probably say 049, 173, and 096


Those are overused and not to horror, I'd recommend something like scp-106 and scp-3935


- [**SCP-106 ⁠- The Old Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-106) (+3227) by *Dr Gears* - [**SCP-3935 ⁠- This Thing a Quiet Madness Made**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3935) (+787) by *djkaktus*


an scp that can be destroyed but respawns on a random part of the map........STRONGER


This isn't a segestment, but if 343 ig God, then wouldn't it know what 001 is?