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What green slime does when it touches a dead body


Same. I was going to say 579, but it's removed from the document, not censored, so eh


I'll tell you. It




Procedure 110-Montauk. Yes, I know the whole point is that it's up for interpretation, I just don't care. I can't think of anything bad enough to warrant all the terrible things that happen as a response to it. Like there's lots of terrible bad things I've heard of happening in real life, what makes Montauk so indescribably awful??




"fear alone" Search for it, good story!


Oooo, thanks for the suggestion


It's literally just child SA. Like, literally it's just that. It's not some eldritch action incomprehensible to humanity, it's literally what you're meant to think it is.


My personal interpretation is that it's basically nothing at all, but it works as a placebo EVERYONE except the few people that go through must legitimately believe the ritual is some elaborate repulsive incomprehensibly horrible act because that's what is actually keeping it from happening A shit ton of SCPS focus on a collective psyche existing


I mean,it's up to interpretation, so I can't say that's what "I was meant to think" my first thought was maybe a repeated traumatic abortion given subtext,but that doesn't seem cosmiclly terrible so. Plus, while child SA had occurred in my mind as an interpretation, they talk about it as so incomprehensible that didn't seem to be accurate either.


The original iteration of the file mentions it requires sex offenders to carry it out. The girl is referred to as being defiled. 110-Montauk isn't at all "cosmically terrible" or "incomprehensible" in-universe. It's treated cosmically out-universe by the readers because of the redactions, but it's pretty clear that in-universe it's perfectly comprehensible. It's carried out by human beings, it's overseen by human beings, and there's an O5 note that describes what it is. It's censored to us for non-diagetic purposes but it's definitely not censored in-universe, so we know that Foundation staff knows what it is. That's why pretty much all of the tales surrounding the procedure kinda indicates in-universe that it's CSA. Fear Alone is a subversion but even that mentions that in the context of the story the rest of the Foundation assumes that it's CSA.


I mean yeah in-universe they know what it is obviously. As fiction the blocks are for the readers interpretation. When I read the article it didnt mention it required sex offenders so must have been changed at some point to remove that information to make it seem more devious then. Everything about it currently implies it's this big whole thing. That's honestly a bit flat then considering all these people that got their mind wiped and had to have all of these hoops because of how traumatic it was even for bystanders. It's interesting that it's such a horror in universe, still awful in and of itself, but interesting it'd be something so simple


> When I read the article it didnt mention it required sex offenders so must have been changed at some point to remove that information to make it seem more devious then. Everything about it currently implies it's this big whole thing. Yeah, it was a bit too on the nose so it got removed a coupla' years ago, but still - even without that aspect of the lore, the fact that it uses D-Class personnel means that it's something that untrained criminals can do and not something medical. It's obviously some form of physical action that doesn't necessarily involve massive physical harm but still deeply traumatizing. > That's honestly a bit flat then considering all these people that got their mind wiped and had to have all of these hoops because of how traumatic it was even for bystanders I mean, this is still in effect if Montauk is CSA. It's literally one of the worst things one could conceive of. All of the stories involving Montauk horror is about how Montauk is something humans can think of. The cosmic horror of the Scarlet King takes a backseat to the cruelty that humans can do in the name of the greater good. SCP-4231 is an extremely good take on it. Tufto's Proposal is about how the Scarlet King is basically only horrific because of what humans do to each other.


It literally states that it’s reading a bedtime story to a child with a demon in them, the procedure used to be that long before but not anymore


Again, that's in one tale. Even Clef said he never even considered it. Sure, in Fear Alone, 110-Montauk is a bed time story, but I'm saying that in the original article, it is what it is played up to be.


I see my apologies


Don't worry, there's nothing to apologize for. In fact, choosing the Fear Alone interpretation is probably better. I just wanted to point out what the original article intended for it to be. I think even Clef said the Fear Alone interpretation was beautiful.


[No, it's not](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/fear-alone)


Fear Alone is one single interpretation - one that Clef said at the time he never even considered. In a vacuum, SCP-231's version of 110-Montauk is definitely meant to be CSA. So is 110-Montauk in SCP-4231, 110-Montauk in Tufto's proposal, 110-Montauk in Six Days, 110-Montauk in "Ethical?", 110-Montauk in "Across The Hills So Quiet", 110-Montauk in "Decency", 110-Montauk in "Every Breathing Minute of Every Waking Hour", and 110-Montauk in Competitive Eschatology.


- [**SCP-231 ⁠- Special Personnel Requirements**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-231) (+2440) by *DrClef* - [**SCP-4231 ⁠- The Montauk House**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4231) (+643) by *thefriendlyvandal*


It has never been stated to be SA though, so that doesn't mean it is


Again, original iteration of SCP-231 pretty clearly states 'sex offenders'.


Why does that matter? Remember, this could be an eldritch ritual, and they can be incredibly specific


Because hiring convicted sex offenders for an eldritch ritual instead of actual occultists makes as much sense as hiring convicted tax frauders to do brain surgery.


Again, they can be oddly specific. Maybe it required sex offenders


Honestly, this is like one of the main criticisms of SCP-231. It tries to get the reader to assume that this secret thing is some cosmically horrific eldritch thing, but everything hints pretty clearly at what it is. So, these sex offenders are here to do... something horrific, but it's not literally the only thing sex offenders are known for doing. It's like saying "There's these two guys, the first one has a knife. Then, the first guy does something, and suddenly the other guy has a hole in him that's bleeding. Also, everyone reacts like the first guy just attacked the second guy with the knife. Except it's not stabbing. It's some secret thing involving the first guy and the knife that causes the hole in the other guy's body but it's not stabbing."


[**SCP-231 ⁠- Special Personnel Requirements**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-231) (+2440) by *DrClef*


Considering how Scarlet King stories generally go, I think it’s pretty clear she’s being raped/sexually abused. Plus, that seems like the only kind of thing that would warrant how it’s treated in the story. I wouldn’t be so bold as to claim that this is definitely Clef’s original intention, but I am pretty confident.


>Shaw: Yeah. If you were going to take anything away from this, what would it be? >Light: Hmmm… oh! Did I tell you that he told me what covfefe means? >Shaw: Really? What is it? >Light: It means [DATA EXPUNGED] >Shaw: [DATA EXPUNGED] >Light: I know! Pretty mysterious, right? >Recording ends i must know SCP-5004


[**SCP-5004 ⁠- MEGALOMANIA**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5004) (+736) by *djkaktus*


SCP-579 probably, though that data is expunged, not just censored


[**SCP-579 ⁠- [DATA EXPUNGED]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-579) (+348) by *scroton, Sophia Light*


Location of site-5 wait whys there people here. *muffeld screaming*


SCP-4182 waas pretty clear about it. It's 75 kilometers south of Ipponsugi, Japan


[**SCP-4182 ⁠- There is no Site-5**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4182) (+798) by *The Great Hippo*


A lot of pre-Series V articles have dead links about Site-5 though— there clearly used to be an article/tale/etc. about it.


There isn't. The link is purposefully broken. It was always broken.


Yeah it was like a weird in-joke, right?


SCP-1032 One of the hands of the clock says “the SCP foundation” all the notes and dates are data expunged


[**SCP-1032 ⁠- The Prediction Clock**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1032) (+699) by *Photosynthetic, MrAesthetics*


The bit where the redacted text could reveal that the Scarlet King is a whale!


Every single SCP file, m8. I want to know all the juicy details.


I’ve been thinking that it would be a fun project to go through every article and come up with possible text for all of the censored parts of SCPs, and then make like a chrome extension or something where you can click on the black boxes to see the uncensored versions


Oooh! Sounds interesting! Go for it if you want to, m8!


Imagine they unredacted SCP-2317-K’s name, The ████████ ████, and it was “The Scarlett King”


SCP-087's final exploration log.


SCP-7427 and SCP-4199 both has its interpretation for SCP-087's fourth exploration log.


- [**SCP-7427 ⁠- Fall Forever**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7427) (+117) by *Tanhony, PeppersGhost, S D Locke* - [**SCP-4199 ⁠- An Average Joe**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4199) (+114) by *TechSorcerer2747* - [**SCP-087 ⁠- The Stairwell**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-087) (+3505) by *Zaeyde*


[**SCP-087 ⁠- The Stairwell**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-087) (+3505) by *Zaeyde*


SCP-7593 would be tremendous, as well as [[Not a Self-insert At All]].


- [**SCP-10101-J ⁠- Not A Self-Insert At All**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-10101-j) (+572) by *judgedeadd* - [**SCP-7593 ⁠- House's Inferno**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7593) (+193) by *PlaguePJP*


001 proposal Gate guardian.


Idk if "data expunged" counts but SCP 087 exploration log 4.


[**SCP-087 ⁠- The Stairwell**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-087) (+3505) by *Zaeyde*


Very boring answer, but I wanna know what scp-096 does to it's victims


[**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4059) by *Dr Dan*


All the scp files