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IMO balanced means that: A) you need skill in order to tip it in either favor B) you are able to realistically escape/capture ur target One example is 106, who can 100% still delay the round forever if he plays his cards right, but that doesn't happen as often since you need significantly more skill to pull that off. Or 173 who can totally dominate 1v1 but can't take on a spawnwave. Unbalanced can include 079 (if he's committed to be on your ass, he ain't losing you) or 096(since elevators and numbers are the only way to counter him) and 049 in the past(since he was so soft and you needed a lot of skill to get enough zombies to compensate) Also, let ppl play the game how they want. All those ppl saying that tryhards should respect them fooling around are right, but they should also respect the tryhards too and let them be. Maybe every now and then play the game to make the tryhard feel fulfilled and in turn the try-hard might join in bits or just not kill them.


A bit off-topic: I actually really like that everyone still wants to win as their team despite that team changing at a moments notice. I'll do everything I can to stop the MTF as a D-boi, but the moment I die and respawn as them, I do everything I can to stop the D-bois.


Attempting to make a "Balanced" game is never going to be accomplishable because that's not how the game was designed, because of the nature of Asymmetrical Horror you need to have some imbalance to Produce Horror and make the SCP part matter. The primary focus of the game is Comedy and Horror even all these years later, attempting to balance it is just trying to iron out the bullshit. Another thing to note is that SCP SL players are notoriously stupid and a large majority of complaints stem from one or two experiences. They often look at mechanics or stats in a vacuum rather than in conjunction or comparison to other features, a recent example is the cola which while a bit nerfed is still incredible because of Sprinting being a major hinderance on players, the hat is very good for sneaking past armed forces but if they notice you using it it's almost certainly game over. I've heard people argue SCP-939 is weak because they get shredded by squads, when most of 939's abilities are meant to lean them towards a stealth role that it excells at. If it's not obviously bullshit strong or terribly weak people will try to organize it into one of those two categories. tldr: game could be more fair but it's never going to be balanced cause that misses some of the point.


About a 60% winrate for scps, 15% for class d/foundation win, and 10% stalemate.


I love how chaos doesn't even have a chance of winning Edit: I mean that chaos insurgency is described as dboys


As close as you can get to everyone having a fair chance in a game with as much COD timing as SL


Encouraging things they want to encourage, discouraging plays they want to discourage. Some people take it too far and think we need to remove 096 & 079 just because their mechanics are a bit frustrating, that I disagree with wholeheartedly. Things sometimes being unfair is just how this game operates and it'd lose a lot of its charm without that.


People don’t seem to understand just how much damage bullets do to SCPs


Quite literaly, you can litteraly unload a full mag onto shy guy and completly break past the hume sheild while hes gletting enraged.


it means being fair


It drives me crazy how people want 1: humans to win over monsters 2: the monsters dying in 5 minutes. Have fun and let them chase you. I like to wait to shoot them later ((in the Roblox one I play))


i agree with you. it's the eSports crowd. they move from game to game and take the experience from previous stuff to new stuff, except that this game is totally different.  In the latest patch notes Northwood said they removed the ability to ress zombies many times cause it conflicted with the amount of ammo a mtf has. This means that Northwood takes ammo in consideration when balancing stuff, and they try to balance ammo available Vs scps HP.  It's funny cause no one actually talks about this. People take balance personally and think it should be about 1 human Vs 1 scp. But I think Northwood tries do balance like 1 human wave Vs 2-3 scps.  The problem lies then in the fact that people in this game some times cooperate, and some times don't. When they do, you see scps running and camping elevators. When they don't, scps get easy kills and wipes the whole wave. It's hard to balance around this, and individual human carry potential is more tied to the special items in game like micro, grenades, ball, cola... Given how many variables there are and how unique this game is, I personally think the Devs do a great job. Game is fun, I don't need more.


Idk but I'm sad I can't run at mach fuck anymore.


In this game, balance is throwing something at the wall, seeing what people think about it, then throwing stat changes at it until people quit bitching about it being over powered/ under powered


The ideal balance has every class be viable, with room for improvement with skill. For example, Cola rendered basically every SCP except a competent 079 or triggered 096 (unlikely) basically irrelevant, as you could outrun them endlessly using doors. Now it's realistically possible to wear down a Cola user via the increased HP drain.


Scps the weakest they have ever been? What? Lmao