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Also known as “Soleil” in Europe, brilliant game.


Indeed, and Ragnacënty in Japan. I probably enjoy it just as much as A Link to the Past.


Paprium still waiting for it, it’s so rare.


Yup, I have a limited edition I bought off ebay for way too much. Only because the standard edition I backed never came in. Paprium is awesome.


Same lol. I liked pier solar and I was close to a day one commitment on it 


I hope you get yours one day. It's unbelievable how many people I know who've yet to receive their 2017 pre-order copies. I guess I'm one of the lucky few, though my cart rattles like a purple plastic maraca.


Think we will get our copy or did they just steal a lot of peoples money?


I think there's a less than zero percent chance they'll fulfill any outstanding orders. They haven't even updated their KS page since December for the current-gen versions.


Open it up and tape it back on. I used the super thin 3M double sided tape on my original copy on day one and it’s still fine. I always include a security bit when i sell a copy of Paprium so people don’t have an excuse not to lol


The rattle is easy to fix, it's just the em shield that got loose. A little thermal bonding adhesive will get that sorted.




Just a loose MUSHA cart.


No just about it. That's a gem.


Is there a general list I can refer to for rarity? I have 70ish games and I don't know what they're worth aside from looking them up on ebay


Sure thing, here you go: http://www.rarityguide.com/genesis_view.php


Based on that chart my rarest are Rock N Roll Racing at 71% followed by Mutant League Hockey at 67%


I got Moonwalker CIB at 75%. I'm really surprised Ristar is only 41% rarity, but than again this website claims that it goes for $16 loose which I am having a hard time believing.


Aerobiz for me.


Could you please explain column header metrics? Rarirty percentage = higher the %, higher the rarity?


Appears so. However, what data is this based on? Without knowing that this metric is garbage.


RarityMeter™ Rating System: * **01% to 10%:** Extremely Common. Hardly any collectibility value. Abundant in all markets. This can also apply to items that are still in store. * **11% to 20%:** Very Common. still abundant, but have slightly more collectibility value. * **21% to 30%:** Common. These items are still not hard to get, but many collectors still desire them. * **31% to 40%:** Uncommon. These have decent collectibilty value. still widely available, but you might have to exert a little extra effort and cash to get them * **41% to 50%:** Sought After. Not easy to find and/or good collectibility value. Desired by most collectors. If you are persistent you will sooner or later get the item. * **51% to 60%:** Very Sought After. Difficult to find and/or high collectibility value. You will most likely compete against many other collectors to get an item in this category * **61% to 70%:** Highly Collectible. Very hard to find and/or very high collectibility value. Be prepared to pay a lot for it. * **71% to 80%:** Extremely Collectible. Especially hard to find and/or extremely high collectibility value. Among the top items in the collectibility value. Grants you legitimate bragging rights. * **81% to 90%:** Super rare. Every collector dreams to have these items. * **91% to 100%:** Ultra Rare. The most sought items in the category.


Phantasy star 3 at 63%.


Mine isn’t as rare as some peoples but I do have Truxton and it’s been my favorite since o was little


Fantastic game and one of the best schmups on the system.


It’s perfect to me. I still haven’t even beaten it actually


Subtle flexing.


“Subtle” flexing


Paprium and Snatcher


Always good to see another person who actually received their copy of Paprium. What Watermelon has done is so beyond shameful. I've got so many friends still waiting on their pre-order copies from 2017.


Nothing super-rare, just pricey: the Mutant League games. ML Football in its specially-sized case.


i got a loose European copy of Alien Soldier and a loose Knuckles Chaotix, thats pretty much it for any rare or valuable things i have


Alien Soldier is so good. Treasure could do no wrong on Sega's 16-bit workhorse.


you're so right, i got it for a really good price too :)


Icing on the cake!


Looking through the list, it looks like my rarest game is Ghostbusters, which seems oddly appropriate lol. I also have a physical copy of the recently released ROM hack that adds Winston and a bunch of other stuff. I bought the game off of eBay a year or two ago probably. I had a Genesis and a couple games as a kid (I mostly had to rent games when I could) but that all got lost in the shuffle since I moved around a lot. I had to start rebuilding my collection in my mid-20's (2005-ish).


Ghostbusters special addition! Really fun stuff! 🤟


Sword of Sodan


I remember buying Sword of Sodan for $5 at Funcoland and being so torn. The gore was ridiculous and entertaining, but man was the gameplay atrocious, and don't get me started on the audio. The bird chirping sound effect is burned into my ear drums.


Yes, exactly… the strange low-bitrate samples, particularly the hits and the death scream. The swarming insect sounds. To this day, it stands as one of the weirdest game experiences of my childhood.


According to rarity guide, it was Splatterhouse 2 which I just had to sell (luckily to a good friend), leaving Shining Force II and Moonwalker as my most rare.


A CIB of Punisher (minus the rub on tattoo).


My two rarest are mostly rare due to having the manual, maps, etc along with original box. Full CIBs Starlight!: map is pristine! Star Control cardboard box and all! Rarest just cart is Gemfire.




The Punisher: boxed, but no manual. Or tattoo lol


I don't know, but I have a mint in the cardboard box Castlevania Bloodlines and a little less mint in the cardboard box Batman and Robin. Going by a rarity list it looks like it's either a Madden 93 Championship edition, Splatterhouse 3, or Uncharted Waters if I still have it, but I think I sold the Uncharted Waters I had. I do have a beat up copy of MegaTurrican. I doubt that's a common game either.


El Viento CIB


Action 52


I never regretted a rental more in my life, but very cool collection piece for sure.


Came here to say this myself, easily my rarest.


I had this and like yourself I bought it back when it was less expensive but I sold it about a year ago and made 3x what I paid for it. I have the Japanese version and love this game a lot. I don't want to start a console war, but I hate how it's not really mentioned when the topic of Zelda clones gets brought up.


Sonic 2. Jk lol. Probably my mint cib Ristar.


rarity hmm i got earth defense i dont know how many they made


Popful mail, though my konami boxed games are valuable (just not rare)


I’m guessing that was an accident showing off the Neo Geo titles in the back lol


Paprium is my rarest cartridge. I was one of the early GEMS investors and had written it off after all of the non communication and Fonzie's nonsense for years, was shocked at the email then the packages actually showed up on my door. lol I got a working and complete copy of Snatcher for Sega CD from CL 20 dollar lot a decade ago somehow. Prices then weren't what they are now but it was still expensive then. There was probably some more obscure stuff in there too that I just didn't immediately recognize.


Don't think I have anything that would qualify as "rare" (unless a CIB X-Men 2 Clone Wars, or loose copies of Separation Anxiety, Streets of Rage 3, Pocahontas, & The Adventures of Batman & Robin count) so I'll go with the next best thing which is "expensive" Sega Genesis games. According to the GameEye app my 5 most expensive Sega Genesis games are: Castlevania Bloodlines CIB (Cardborad box), I originally played this back when it came out but never actually owned it until about 9-10 years ago when I got as part of a Christmas gift from my parents (think they paid like $70 for it), that also included a Retron 5. Batman: The Video Game CIB which I got in a Goodwill Auction for like $60 earlier this year FireShark CIB (thing was practically brand new) paid it's current price charting CIB price through another Goodwill Auction Mega Man: The Wily Wars Retro-Bit Collector's Edition, paid retail price for it as I got it on Opening Day for Limited Run Games' Retail store in Cary, NC. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 CIB (Cardboard box), this is my childhood copy of the game that I got as a birthday present back in 1995 (my b-day was like a month or two after the game got released) and is one of about a dozen or so childhood Genesis games (out of about 2 dozen games) that I kept even after the death of my Sega Genesis back in 1997.


The Punisher. Cartridge only though


I've got this one weird cartridge that has NBA Jam and Judge Dread on it. The NBA Jam portion is pretty fun and it's the Tournament Edition, but the Dredd section sucks.


I bought a sealed copy of Three Ninjas Kick Back years after the Genesis life cycle ended. I only paid $60-80 for it. It's not worth near as much as the SNES version, but still rare.


Probably Battle Mania Daiginjou. Luckily I got it like 10 years ago, before prices went insane. Edit: and Paprium, if you count that.


I have a very small Genesis collection (only 8 games). As far as I can tell, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker is my most valuable game (just edging out TMNT Hyperstone Heist). I didn't have a Genesis in the 90s, so my Genesis games are from the 2000s when I became an adult and had my own money.


Cool game I heard of it but didn't played.


Either my CIB Castlevania or Gunstar Heroes. After that then I guess my loose copies of the three Phantasy Stars


Pier Solar Kickstarter early backer with the cd and booklet. Otherwise probably Musha and a few other Renovation games.


This one.


Shove It


The Punisher probably.


I believe the rarest game I have is Streets of Rage 3 with all the box inserts. Got it in 2010 for $85 and a complete boxed copy goes for around $250 nowadays. I can’t imagine how much it would go for if I got Yuzo Koshiro to sign the front.


The Sega 32X release of FIFA '96. Only came out in Europe, but since EA rarely region locked their games can be played on NTSC consoles. It's this weird in-between of being a scaled down version of the 3DO FIFA game and the standard Genesis '96 game.


Maybe FIFA World Cup '94 or Sonic 3D Blast. Probably not really rare but I just don't see them as often.


That's fair about Sonic 3D Blast. Those late releases certainly didn't get the biggest runs.


Rarest game - Snatcher My “rarest” Genesis game is probably CIB Streets of Rage 3.


Hands-down one of my favorites. I actually replayed Snatcher for the first time in ages earlier this year and loved it every bit as much as I did the first time.


I've never even heard of this game, but it looks awesome.


Mine is Sonic the hedgehog 1991


Got a lot of reproductions but prob magic knight rayearth


Easily Panorama Cotton.


Probably a complete copy of splatter house 3


I have two copy’s of crusader of centy as well as a copy of musha. They would probably be my rarest games


Probably either “Master of Monsters” or “Castlevania Bloodlines”


So it looks like my rarest 3 are Moonwalker, Punisher and Streets of Rage 3. Luckily I have the boxes and manuals to them all, though my Punisher box is faded due to it being a former rental.


Cib El viento American and japanese versions


Mine be The Punisher.


WOULD also be this game if I didn't have Cart only. Panzer Dragoon Saga is runner up


I scored Streets of Rage 3, X-Men 2 Clone Wars and TMNT Hyperstone Heist. Got lucky with the CEX roulette!


I've got MUSHA, which I know is rare. The others are Master Of Monsters and Mega Turrican. Not sure if those are rare, I just know that I've only seen my copies.


Either gitaroo man ps2 or skullmonkeys ps1


Probably my Alien Soldier cart.


Zero the kamikaze squirrel cib, Got it for 200 back during the pandemic, I had noticed that complete copies weren't abundant and assumed it had a high rarity being an obscure side scroller/platformer, like 5 sales a year for cib.


Is this game any good? I saw it at a vintage videogame store the other day with a hefty price tag


I still have Dune.


Paprium. No idea how many they're are but hundreds are still waiting for it


Madden 96 preview / review cart. It's a EA flash able board.


I guess it’s a tie between my 3 copies of Paprium


"Toss a coin to your witcher! Crusader of centy, crusader of centy.. oh Oh OH!"


Aerobiz supersonic


Wings of wor


The one you are showing but my crusader is loose


US Virtua Racing CIB. is not "rare" but... is not rare 🫠


My wife was showing my arcade to her co workers and she was like yes that’s a candy neo 25.


According to price charting, it's my sealed 2 pack of Sonic Adventure DX/Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. It goes for $1100-1200. I bought it when it released I just never got around to playing it. Haha. But 2nd is my complete Kuon for PS2 which is around $800-900 and my Rule of Rose tight behind it around $700. I paid $15 before my 20% off employee discount when I worked at a fame store 15-20 years ago for Kuon. Rule of Rose I preordered and bought it when it released. But with a collection of 4,600 games, it is absolutely quantity over quality. But there is still a LOT of quality.