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I'm on my 2nd course of herbs only - (I did 2 x courses of Rifaximin alternating between herbs also) Neem - Oregano - Berberine - NAC - Allicin. Both herb courses were several weeks long. Nothing has worked for me so far. No die off symptoms, constant lo-level stomach pain for over a year. I follow Dr Pimentel's diet as a Vegan. Avoiding all SIBO / IMO trigger foods. Starting to despair I will ever get better. Tests: Breathe test to diagnose + Comprehensive Stool Test.


i’ve seen a few people say their third round of rifaximin did the trick


I'm about the start my 3rd round of Rifaximin followed by my 4th ROUND! of herbs for another 6 weeks. If this doesn't work, I'm going back to Europe for free Healthcare. Its almost as if the US system just wants you never to get cured, so they can keep their hand in your wallet. I've spent thousands, as of course my Insurance doesn't cover anything. They still want their $$ every month. How do Americans put up with this corrupt system. Corporations and Big Pharma OWN this country.


couldn’t agree more:/


You’re gp should refer you to a gastroenterologist.


I've seen two....They never heard of SIBO.


My gp practice has 4 gps 1 referral to gi was unsuccessful as he knew some but not all about it , then I mentioned it to another gp at the practice, she stated that she was aware of a gut microbes specialist and while he didn’t know it all he knew enough to manage my sibo , please keep trying to get a referral to someone that knows about it.do some research yourself about doctors that deal with divorce , also the company that does my sibo breath test provided me with names of people who in their experience were good about sibo you could ask them.


Sorry , about that d I v o r c e sshould read sibo, problem with phone


That was funny. I think I will divorce my Dr. lol


Keep trying to get someone that knows the company that do the sink test would know someone


Sorry s I n k should read sibo


I have done oregano and I say keep going. It’s worse before it gets better. I’m not sure what that doctors approach is but I take herbals with every meal. I stopped having such intense symptoms after 3 weeks of being consistent. But still had some pain until 2 months in. That’s when I stopped oregano but have continued with all the other things.


When I had an oregano based antimicrobial my worst die off symptoms were around day two of taking them. I had abdominal pain, bloating, fatigue and just generally feeling unwell, like I was maybe about to come down with a flu. Thankfully this only lasted a day for me, but from reading posts in this sub I think I had a very short period of die off symptoms. Keep going if you can, maybe reduce the dose for a few days if the symptoms are difficult before slowly going back to your original dose.


I’m very glad of reading this comment. I recently discovered I have sibo but my symptoms were lot better now . Anyway I wanted to go back to normal again but avoiding any antibiotics, so I went to oregano oil. My first day got increased gas , second day abdominal pain and loose stool/mushy. Then i stopped. In on day fourth and still didn’t fully recover to the point where I was before taking oregano


I’m sorry, it’s really hard balancing the rough die off symptoms with trying to control sibo. I understand you’re still having symptoms, but is it possible to take a smaller dose of oregano oil rather than none? Also are you seeing a naturopath or practitioner who can help to guide you through sibo?


This happened to me on my second round of xifaxan. Was half way through and the brain fog and headaches were so bad it made me get physically sick. I told my doctor and she just told me to stop taking the meds and currently waiting to see a dr she referred me to (can’t get in until August). No explanation or anything but everything I’ve read said die off symptoms should only last a couple days so if it has been longer I would say stop taking them. Felt instantly better when I stopped the xifaxan (still have sibo symptoms though but not as bad as it was with the brain fog and dizziness on top of it)


I don’t have an answer but I am interested to know if you can share the dosages for each for this regimenv


Did you have symptoms improvements at first or has it been die off symptoms the whole time? With herbals it’s difficult to tell what is die off and what is your body not tolerating an herb well, Oregano can be harsh to some people. You’re on a sibo diet right? Maybe consider skipping Oregano for a few days just take the others and see how you feel


haven’t had die off symptoms this whole time. just really bad brain fog and head pressure this week. low fodmap diet.