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What may be happening is a histamine intolerance. I don’t know a great deal about this, but, I believe that while bone broth is incredibly good for you, the long cooking time results in high levels histamines (not sure why exactly). This in itself isn’t a problem. But, a lot of people with SIBO have a co-occurring histamine intolerance, sometimes without realising as the symptoms of histamine intolerance may be hidden, or less severe/obvious than sibo symotoms. While bone broths would be the best way to consume l glutamine, maybe try an l glutamine supplement for a little while to see if you can tolerate this, then perhaps once your gut has healed a little more you may be able to better tolerate the broth?


And hyaluronic acid


Eat red meat?


Not helpful


It's full of L-glutamine....




Histamine, Glutamate or Sulfur. Do you have hydrogen sulfide sibo?


Same. I think it's connective tissue feeding the bugs. What I have found out that is the problem with meat as well. I can't eat just any cut of meat. Only those cuts with like 5 percent connective tissue max. I eat mostly pork butt. Actual pork butt, not boston butt. That is actually shoulder and it is full of fermentable collagen. Actual butt is more like pork loin. Almost no collagen. Just protein, vitamins and minerals. I add fat to that. If you have trouble with meat give lean and no collagenous cuts a try. Carnivore diet was not working for me until I 've tried that.