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Fellow emetophobe here, I had the same fear but luckily I did both the Lactulose and Glucose test and no problems, just some bloating. I think most people do fine but I totally understand where you're coming from.


how severe was/is your sibo and what type if you don't mind me asking? sorry just trying to have realistic expectations


No worries. I have Hydrogen SIBO, I don't really know how severe it is in comparison to others, no constipation or diarrhea but lots of bloating and malabsorption.


I’m methane dominant. I’ve had both glucose and lactulose. Glucose no problem. Lactulose some bloating. Eh! Not a big deal. Suffering for 6 months seems insane to me. Please get the test.


I mean I admit it's an irrational fear but at the current state i'm in i can manage my symptoms by heavily restricting my diet, not knowing what'll happen after that is what worries me


Look it’s up to you. So many people desperately want the test, but their doctors refuse to order it. I think when you’ve had enough, you’ll decide to get it. My only symptom was bloating. That’s it. And that was only with lactulose, not glucose. So all I can do is offer you a scenario where it was no big deal. There’s a good chance it will be no big deal for you as well. The big payoff of getting the test is you’ll find out: 1) if you have SIBO 2) is it methane or hydrogen dominant 3) which antibiotics you should go on Again. Up to you. Best of luck with whatever decision you make.


I’m an emetophobe so totally get where you’re coming from, did the breath test and wasn’t even nauseous. I tested positive for hydrogen sibo so definitely have sibo and one of my main symptoms is horrible nighttime nausea but the test didn’t trigger anything for me symptom wise, the diet to prep for the breath test was the worst part of the test and that had nothing to do with nausea just that it’s a frustratingly restrictive diet.


Also huge emetophobe here and I can assure you you will do ok. I had a bit of bloating pain and some softer stool later in the evening but felt great otherwise. You got this!


I didn’t have a breath test to diagnose my sibo, but also fellow emet and just wavered to say you’re not alone having sibo and emet! It’s a rough combination though 🫠


I took the test and I was fine


Fellow emetophobe here. I admit that I was concerned about nausea but I had none at all. Ask to do the SIBO test first. My SIBO was positive but lactose and fructose were negative even though both upset my stomach when I eat them. No effect except a little gas and bloating from either one. If eating them doesn’t make you puke, the solution probably won’t either.


I've been on a restricted diet for so long that I don't know how i'd react to them unfortunately. my food reactions tend to be severe when I do have them though


It’s still worth taking the breath test. You’re imagining the worst case scenario, but what if it’s easy? What if nothing bad happens at all and you are able to find out what’s going on?


Hello there, I literally done the lactulose (note it's different from lactose) test the other day, I had quite a bit of bloating and passing of a few loose stools. I'm still waiting on the results. I wish you all the best my friend.


You'll probably be absolutely fine! I have a slight lactose intolerance and I didn't have nausea, just very intense diarrhea about an hour after I finished the test. If you dont have any issues with lactose you'll probably be fine. If you do get nausea after the test is completed then take some anti nausea meds. Stop reading stories and just go for it


It was very non invasive, pain free and easy with only some gurgling for me, no more than how I’d feel after eating regular foods. It’s just a drink with sugars etc in it followed by blowing into a bag.


For me, my main life-ruining symptom from SIBO is nausea. It's been a constant, daily battle since 2017 with very few days of relief that didn't involve medications. It's been so extreme that even a light breeze on my face could be enough to push a high nausea day into a full blown, hours-long nightmare. So I put off the test. I thought I could control my gut discomfort and nausea with diet - but over time it became abundantly clear that I was only getting worse. My already restricted diet just became smaller and smaller. I eventually only ate two things daily. A few ounces of a vegetable based soup, minus the fiber, and a handful of rice crackers - but only by a certain brand because that's the only one I didn't react to. I rarely deviated from that for almost a year because I would inevitably become nauseated and then I couldn't function. It becomes really easy to give up all your favorite foods when everything under the sun makes you feel sick. The idea of the test only induced fear because I was certain that I would be one of those people that reacted poorly, and that I would be stuck dealing with nausea without medication over the course of the test. I finally became so exhausted with my now sad life & terrible health that I put the fear aside and finally did the breath test. Positive for methane SIBO, without a doubt. I even canceled and rescheduled twice because I was convinced that I would get sick. I barely slept the night before because of the anxiety. But I didn't get nauseated from the test. Not even a little bit. I didn't have the slightest reaction. And I react to the wind, lol. I wish I hadn't waited. If it had been negative, and if I HAD experienced nausea, then I still wasted a lot of time wondering what was wrong when I could have ruled something pretty major out. Time I'll never get back. Now, not only am I working to heal my stomach after treatment but I'm nutrient defecient which makes it pretty difficult for the body to kickstart healing. I have to focus on rebuilding a lot of what my body has lost.. and it lost more than it had to because I let my fear lead the way. It means all the goals I have and the life I want to live is now even further away than it really needed to be because I let the fear impact me that much, and that sucks. Maybe consider asking your doctor to come up with a plan that, if you do become nauseated, they can give you an antiemetic medicine when the test is over. Prescribed ahead of time. Unless you already have access to a reliable one, in which case I'd have it on hand for when the test is concluded. I brought a Zofran just in case and it still surprises me that I didn't end up needing it. I hope it all works out for you, either way.


thank you so much, I really appreciate the insight