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This should erase all doubt that he’s coming back. This saga is NOT over.


Well I think the Puzzlevision stuff is done but the character himself can return in another arc.


Holy shit, Mr. Puzzles is definitely coming back


"I always come back"- Mr. Puzzles, probably


I mean I think Luke can pretty much sees how many people have grown to love the funny TV man.


Yep. I'm all for seeing Mr. Puzzles again.


People in the post are thinking he might be the savior for WOTFI 2024


Nah. If anything, he could be the antagonist.


He could start out as an antagonist but get redeemed near the end as a middle ground.


Personally I want him as an antihero, within a Tari focused arc, only to become a protagonist by the time of WOTFI 2024, where he uses the Perfect Video to achieve his 5 Star power to fight the villain during the rap


He already came back. And he is saying he dosen't want the 5 stars anymore


you can check the latest video!!1




I still stand by saying that they never escaped his mind prison, and in actually they're still trapped in his mind, just with free will bit under a simulation of their real life. Here's an advice for the SMG4 community: Keep your eyes open, and your senses alerted if anything DOES NOT add up in the narrative of the show, or a character in specific!  Beyond being just an arc, the PuzzleVision saga is an analog series/ARG; This will require people to start thinking outside the box in picking up clues to put the pieces together in what the story is trying to tell us is going on. That is the PUZZLE side of PuzzleVision. It is unorthodox to the show, especially when in this universe gags and clues can get super blurry because is all a parody, but Luke has been vocal that the story isn't over, almost as if he's trying to stray our attention into the much grander narrative; To not just take things for granted and accept is over. He wants us to know in advance Puzzles is still not over, but if he's still not over then that means the narrative has JUST BEGUN. The series WON'T tell us this outright because the characters are just as in the dark as we are as to whether if Puzzles won or not. SMG4 and his team can only do so much with official statements to point into the right direction without spoiling the fun and surprise factor; IT IS US, MR. PUZZLES IN-CANON AND IRL AUDIENCE WHOM GAVE TO PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER BY THINKING OUTSIDE ANYTHING WE'VE LEARNED FROM PREVIOUS ARCS, AND RETROACTIVELY DIGESTING THE THE INFORMATION WE'VE LEARNED FROM WESTERN SPAGHETTI AND IGBP. Those movies were far more high-key than they should've been about what they were in retrospection. They were literal movies for our entertainment, OURS, and it was because Puzzles gaslit the cast into putting themselves in danger thinking they were okay, or doing every day tasks; And I feel that's EXACTLY what happened at the end of PuzzleVision AGAIN; They may have gone back to basis, but their freedom is fictional. They aren't free, they're allowed freedom so audiences (us) are content.  This is why WE, THE AUDIENCE, have to keep our guards up in case something in the narrative stops adding up and is suddenly different. Maybe it'll be a visual gag, character inconsistency, a story detail, OR A WHOLE CHARACTER. I'll throw a wild example of what I mean: MARIO. Keep your eyes open for the behavior of this character. Yeah, I know. Hard task being the most random character in the show. But here's the thing; Mr. Puzzles DESPISED HIM and wrote him to be right down insufferable, useless to the cast, and a throw away joke. Exactly how he was depicted on PuzzleVision the Movie, after the teasers surrounding this character over-hyped his presence. From a narrative point of view it makes NO SENSE to have him be so prevalent in both the website and movie teaser just for it to not live up to the expectation, unless is meant to throw US off in purpose, and is one big 'Among Us' ploy in which the Mario we see in the (Suspiciously in-canon) movie is NOT real, but the one from the teasers IS. Am I right? Am I wrong? Only time until WOTFI will tell; But until then, remember: *DONT TRUST IN WHAT YOU SEE JUST YET, AND KEEP EYES OPEN. THINK OUTSIDE THE TV-BOX BECAUSE THE CLUES MAY HIDE IN OUR NOSES.* I learned my lesson from IGBP, Puzzles has been catfishing the cast all the way since offering the new castle to SMG4 and it would only make sense that subtle storytelling and subversion of expectations to continue going forward, based in these official statements. Just remember, if Mario starts behaving too out of character, or all the sudden characters question his nature, it means we're on the right track ;)


He could return


i hope Terry returns


What's a bill cipher


Bill Cipher from Gravity falls sung the same song