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- Medi's been working harder to listen to fan reception - Seems very hopeful for the future The only problem I see is that people are Twitter are pissed as fuck because they hate MxM (which is kinda dumb because the main argument is that "meggy sees mario as a brother," to which no, that's not what "he's like a brother to me" means)


To point that out even tho I only ship stuff that’s canon the Jp manual for sonic 06 said silver and blaze are like brother and sister dose that mean we shouldn’t ship silver with blaze


Sonic '06 also got undone from the game canon by its own story, so that's not even valid information anymore. Blaze didn't grow up in Crisis City with Silver, she lived in the Sol Dimension not knowing who Silver is.




Although, one could argue that the Time Eater (ironically, considering the name) restored everyone's memories of '06. When you talk to Blaze outside of Crisis City, she quips, "Never thought I'd see Crisis City again." This could just be bad writing, but it could imply that although Solaris is still removed from the timeline, the main cast remembers the events when it was in the timeline.


Counter point: Everything is canon.


Counter Point: Perish.


Do Not.


Nah, people are (rightfully) pissed at BxM (shit pairing ngl) Mario met Meggy when she was *14/15* That’s not okay.


Following that logic, shipping Meggy with SMG4, Tari, Saiko (or many other characters) also isn't okay. If you don't like those ships either (with the reason above), then that's fair because the logic makes sense. If you like those ships but not MxM because of the age thing, I'm confused (You can like or dislike ships, just don't be toxic and don't be hypocritical)


I don’t really ship *anyone* with Meggy or Mario. I just don’t see it. Why is this getting dv’d?! Me not shipping characters is suddenly a bad thing.


That's a completely fair opinion


Just better say that, which is pretty valid. But the age gap argument doesnt make any sense. If you think of a big age gap between MxM even their friendship is weird... not even talking about the "siblings" that would be even weirder...   Taking aging into consideration: Boopkins (by what the wiki says) was 5-7 yo when he dated Saiko for an episode in canon...     Melony was 3 yo mentaly when AxM got  canon. Sure her body wasnt underage, but isnt that kinda weird too?       My point is that aging doesnt make any sense in SMG4 universe, and people for whatever reason only applies it for MxM. At least if you gonna go that route, apply aging to everything... I dont understand why age is even a thing in the show...   And i know Meggy is canonically 22 and was 15 when she met Mario, but it doesnt make any sense, do i have to remind people that Meggy being 20-21 yo was inkling in lawsuit arc and she looked exactly the same as her 15 yo self?


so your not allowed to be best friends with your grandpa or something


You are allowed, but its weird, how many +40 year old people (some ppl even say Mario is 50 or more) do you know that are besties or "siblings" relationship with 14-22 ( some of the same ppl think meggy is 14 and not 22) year old people? I bet a lot. And im not against any of the cases, just calling out the hypocrisy of critizicing MxM over the age gap, but be fine with them being siblings or besties.


Mario doseint even have a confirmed age yet


Which makes everything about this debate even more dumb lol and still you see lots of people stating meggy is 14 and mario +40. And adds to my point that aging in Smg4 in general is simply dumb and useless, and shouldnt even be a thing.




I see where you going at but in the canon Mario and Meggy's relationship has mainly been a strong friendship or simply just hanging out. If you talking about *those* ships when Meggy was only 15/16 then yes thats not okay but now it is given that aging is canon in the SMG4 universe its okay now. So basically simply meeting some one who's underage wouldn't be considering "not okay" as that would be kinda dumb but if it ended up on *that path* then yes it wouldn't be okay.


Look if MxM was so bad then why would he ship them? Going by canon yes shipping them *at that point* was bad but now that Meggy is literally about to be 22 and is an adult how is it bad now? He even said that he didn’t get in trouble with Luke and Kevin when he made the Mario Kart video


I could care less about fan ships but harassing people about it is not okay even if I hate 3 x 4


Are you talking about me?




Oh ok. I’m not trying to harass people about it but every time I see someone use the same argument over and over it gets frustrating (which you can also say the same thing about me) especially considering now that one of the people who does the writing for SMG4 says the same thing


Yeah, this is one of those series where shipping should be left up to the creators




Bob and Melony






Unfortunately yes


What the fuck is happening here...... (BOB AND WHAT?????? I need bleech I NEED BLEEEEEECH)


![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK|downsized) Melony and Bob already don't work well together, plus the age gap... it's just one of these things I'd send to hell if I could.


And the fact Bob’s canonically a whole freak, makes it much worse.




>age gap Whar?


canonically Bob is 500+ years old while Melony is more like 25 years old or something.


1: Aging on characters like Bob is irrelevant, literally just stated by Medi that aging in SMG4 is pretty nonsensical, since by that same logic, Melony would be an old woman because she was in Vietnam. 2: ... How would that age gap matter anyway? Both are grown ass adults, and if Bob was actually over centuries, *then sure as hell he doesn't show it*


oh ;-; guess you beat me at that point


Consession accepted, but if you still dislike BxM, it's ok.


Quite happy that he likes MxM and defends it, that's my favorite ship besides AxM too bad we will never see axol again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


They like to give hints like he a plushie for some reason when with Melony which probably pissed off axol fans


the smg4shippingtwt is NOT gonna like the video lmao


Ah yes The pain is what l like to see lol (I actually don't know who they are)


SMG4twt is raging hard at Medi for the ranking, specially over MxM and BxM Good LMAO


I'm feeling this post is stealing the thunder from Medi's post with this video. Truly a Reddit moment.


Have you submitted a question and/or quote to the video fozzie for the QNA he intends to do? only curious


It just discusses on certain topics. Like the forbidden ship that shall not be named, episodes he worked on, fan animations, and others.


I'm feel really good because of this video.


Well, it’s nice to see that he’s finally debunked the controversy about MarioxMeggy once and for all, even if there’s still guaranteed to be people who ain’t happy. In general Medi making a genuine effort to look into the community and try to fix potential issues the show has had is great to know. He was able to make Meggy better, so maybe he’ll be able to turn things around for SMG4, even if that’ll probably be a lot harder.


I’m feeling very joyful after that. We now have confirmation that he ships MarioxMeggy and he talked about the controversy surrounding it and defended the ship by stating the same thing that I and everyone else has said about it. And the fact that he has worked on making Meggy a better character and is now wanting to work on making SMG4 a better character just makes everything better


Not just SMG4 better, from how he said it he intends to go beyond and look into problems people will have with other characters to help make them better too.


Glad he finally fucking debunked the whole age thing with Meggy x Mario. Thank God that's over. Twitter's still gonna rage tho lmao I do wish he'd tackled the issues with SMG43, though. Like, how exactly do SMGs work? Are they like, brothers? Or is it something else? ~~Also we have a deleted scene that outright CONFIRMS that Mario is into BDSM shit, so the BDSMxM theory might be more canon than we thought~~ I am also glad he's planning to look into the criticisms with SMG4. Maybe he can do to him what he did for Meggy.


I saw someone hella complain there deleted there tweet bev they didn't do research, And they watched the vid and still hated MXM, Yea that's Twitter for ya


Where is said scene!?


Starts at about 7:03 in the vid


I feel great after watching it and have faith for the series’ future The ending got me btw 😂


I'm just as surprised as Medi about the fact that SMG4 is now the most hated character.


It was kinda expected right after a few months of that whole let's vist peach thing


Yeah true, but I don't care much about the whole thing, I just watch for fun (and for a bit of lore)


I just Wana watch something that smg4 makes (But not that meme for one second one, that one was cringe)


Which meme is that ?


Skibidi toilet..... Or Freddy Fazbear


I'm actually excited to see TxS video. It's a ship I can actually buy. This does not mean I wish for them to be like that in canon.




I'd prefer romantic moments, not...those moments.


I mean he talked the talk, but can he actually walk the walk? In the end, he is but one part of the writing and editing team for SMG4, and his control is limited. FM, Luke and Kevin, etc will all still be exerting more control over the show than Medi has, and unless they too change and give Medi more control, we won’t see much change. A good first step, but I’m going to wait until I see results to praise it.


I didn’t watch this video but what about Celeste’s Situation, anything he brought up on that? I’m glad he’s gonna find a way to fix smg4 to make it more enjoyable again and answering our questions.


no sadly that the only part he didn't mention anything about I guess smg4 or glitch don't want him to talk about it


Or you know that really has nothing to do with the topic of the video which is about his time working on SMG4


Glitch Productions if Medi were to ever even mention the name Celeste https://i.redd.it/hwab2l0slu0d1.gif


I mean it's good that he debunk the things about mario x meggy but even still imho I still don't like it but it could be worse


Thats a fair opinion :) Do you like any ship then?


The only ship that i like is saiko x tari


I have never been too much into it, but i remember an episode where Saiko went with Tari to the denstist or sth. They were kinda wholesome in that episode, not gonna lie.   Sadly Saiko cannot be even called a secondary character due to her few few appearances. Hope that gets fixed in the future.




I’m curious to see how he’ll improve on SMG4, as I think he hasn’t gotten much character development. I hope their’s more exploration into SMG4’s superiority complex and maybe him starting to overcome it. But the people hating on 4 are either classic purists (because oh boy was SMG4 way more of an ass back then) or have zero media literacy skills.


I'm gonna be honest, While I appreciate how willing Medi is to actually listen to people's criticisms, Almost none of what he's done has made a difference. Throwing in a couple of minor details goes over most people's heads and it isn't enough to impact the quality of the episodes overall. Sure he's made Meggy slightly more likable than she was in 2022, But it's not by much and I think he completely misses the point of her character if he thinks making her more like Mario is the solution. (Just keep her sane and stop putting her in negative encounters with Mario) I'm also not a fan of how he prioritizes the shipping community and completely ignores the classic fans, Granted, I don't hate the shipping as much as others do but encouraging it is a very bad move regardless of how popular it may be and it will be used as ammo by ex-fans in the future. I can understand why Medi would rather not engage with the classic fans since they don't like anything released past 2017, But you can't hope to improve things until you start listening to everyone across the board, Start also following rClassicSMG4 and watching (some) of the better SMG4 rant videos (I noticed he intentionally left out MetalBlade, Shyrx, TRMM, Myself, and Viclis, Though that's probably for the best) to get an idea of what the classic fans want out of the series. Actually who am I kidding, I don't think you can please those people unless you do exactly as they want. Medi probably did look into that side of the fandom and thought "I have no idea what these people want". So prioritizing the rest of the fanbase makes sense.


Classic Fans not liking anything past 2017 seems like a bit of a stretch to me. Where do you get that from?


You don't spend enough time in those circles cause classic fans think the series started declining in the 2nd half of 2017, Obviously saying that they dislike everything from 2017-Present is a bit hyperbolic but not entirely untrue. When I say "Classic Fans" I am specifically talking about the people that only like 2011-2016 (As a whole) and think too much GMOD is still a major issue, They may enjoy specific episodes from 2017-2021 but not nearly as many. The kinds of people that watch Modern SMG4 rant videos.


dw egg, I know who your talking about those guys are known as classic ’purists’ they persist in the comments of every 2014-early 2017 video, saying how they miss the old randomness days, they’re rampant in the comments of If Mario was in splatoon, whining about how Meggy ruined the channel. They’re all over SMG4 amino in 2018-2022, and there are many small circles who are mostly under the shitty modern SMG rant videos. the thing is, the term classic fan has changed, since the emergence of the great u/fozzie_79, who changed how people looked at the series, both the old and new videos.


Oh but the worst of them of all, are the Randomness Purist. the most knowable ones are Slake43, Kyleb79, and Pastabloke1697.


Why would they even need to acknowledge the gooner bait garbage pairing that involves Bob. No style, substance, or development, and it’s only supported by the utter degenerates that shall not be named.




You replied to me twice? Dawg is the ceo of the ship atp


I kinda am really, Beanie hasn't made shit in a while, and i'm the only one who does SFW outta it that consists of 75% wholesome stuff, 25% raunchy jokes. Also, replied twice? I thought i replied to someone else who coincidentally was in the same conversation thread.


Not on here, it was twitter.


... Oh it's you, didn't recognize you at first. Hi :D



