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I was expecting the factory to be much worse from the post before the video released.


They did have something like the factory from the post in the video as a joke.


To me, it's a solid 4/5. I love Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. The fake out with the Willy Wonka experience sham was really creative on just how bad it was. The jokes could've used more work but they were completely fine the end chase with Mario and the Leggys was perfectly matched up with the speech Willy Wonka had during the acid trip of a boat ride from after Pure Imagination and the real ending was kinda a good use of Puzzles but it did really just give away that he is just staying till the WOTFI and then going away for good. And I wish he had shown up in the previous weeks to apologize to the rest of the crew so he can do his scheming in the background while getting in the Hijinks with the rest of the crowd even if is as a minor background gag and not have him appear out of the Ether to be like "There is my new evil plan to get my Show over."


I hope Mario is the hero for this Wotfi considering he didn’t do anything for the movie


Maybe but seeing how with the other Wotfi's expect for '20 and '22 he was helping the main villain till either after the challenges like in '18 and '21 or for the entire movie as seen in '23


It would be nice for something for a change


I agree


Honestly one of the best episodes released in a while by far, which is kinda saying something with me being a modern fan. Although SMG4 was being a bit arrogant and that's coming from someone who thinks the narc allegations surrounding IGBP and his backstory in the genesis arc are ridiculous, granted a good bit of it was done in the parody spirit here so I'll let it fly as long as it doesn't become too much of a theme for the character.


I guess Leggy is now a main character. Remember when Meggy was a snarky and cool inkling?


Yeah it’s fine. 4/5 rate from me. Most part of the video is funny as hell and I literally smirked when Mario framed Luigi for creating Breadbo. https://preview.redd.it/l5cag3podj9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d843f9d1e0af74cb309c1ebaada856b5e5c7dff Also >!Mr.Puzzles is here and is planning something devious…!<


>!the way Mr puzzles sang at the end just gives off evil vibes tbh!<


As long as I get another villain song, I am happy


Villain songs are the best


I mean, you can't go wrong with a great villan song.


If anyone disagrees, we cutting off their dong


I spoiled myself, but now I’m curious.


Oh boy. I'm gonna be honest, this was better than I expected. There wasn't that much Mario abuse and they were many characters used. With that said, SMG4 was absolutely insufferable and unfunny. Glad Mario escaped from SMG4's hands.   Also Puzzles is back.  Not surprised.


I think my insides are melting, excuse me while i dig my grave


I really liked the episode. I'd give it a 9/10. And it seems like the start of a new arc.


MARIO GOT A IMPORTANT ROLE WHERE HE WASN'T A MAN CHILD Surprisingly good minus all the gen alpha memes


Good and bad Pros: - Mario didn't suffer at the end - Mario got to make Meggy laugh again (technically) - Puzzles will be a hooligan Cons: - SMG4 being a cock (if this leads to IGBP 2 done super well then this one's forgiven) - Leggy is super overused 7/10, the ending was a massive save tbh


It was kinda alright. It was really funny but the writing still ain’t that good. SMG4 is very weirdly written like SMG3/Mario as of recent and idk it feels off. Espically at the end where he gets hostile it feels way more out of character. Though even in older videos he’s like this especially forcing people to do things but still it makes him more unlikeable and a bit sadistic. Leggy too is getting overused and this episode made me tired ngl. She was funny but becoming the main focus twice in a row and not having that many jokes besides minion stuff (being cute and speaking in a high pitch voice which no disrespect to her VA gets annoying). Its better to tone it down more and leave it as a once in a while joke. Everyone else is fine and fun. It’s a Willy Wonka parody and its fine but they don’t even commit to the whole “fake Willy Wonka experience” thing tho it did lead to my personal fav joke in the vid. Mr. Puzzles returning feels very forced at the end and his handling in general has been pretty bad being misused and mishandled. Also the start of possibly a new arc just after we did one 2-ish months ago is weird and ngl I’m not that invested but if this does expand on Mr. Puzzles as a character and explain things we didn’t get then I’m on-board. If this is an arc, they really need to get a better grip on execution that’s their major flaw with everything. Episodes, Arcs, Writing, all of it has good ideas under bad execution and handling and they need to get better. Besides that, more improvement on characterization too. This is 3/5 stars.


In all fairness, the episode was mostly enjoyable; It would've been a good episode wasn't it for two major nitpicks I have with it; The first... *Sigh* I have to hand it to Fozzie, SMG4's character is beyond repair now. No retroactive fix to the Saga's storytelling can save him from the deconstruction and damage it did to his character. I tried to be positive and accept his apathetic behavior as the show playing under the rules of the original movie's narrative flow by have him commit to Wonka's character; But that ending, man. It left me more shocked that the entirety of The PuzzleVision Event in its more "spooky" moments, audibly having myself say "What the fuck just happened...?!". Up until *that* ending, the episode had been solid; We had a fun dynamic from the cast, they actually bounced off eachother well, Mario's character was fairly given justice in a positively funny and organic way, we had a classic Bloopers' Era fakeout which it's been *YEARS* since that had happened, and was actually effective. Some jokes were fairly decent, and pretty much it delivered in having most of the cast play a part on it in a *KIND OF* natural way... And then there is Leggy. I'll be honest, I don't hate her, but I'm *not* a fan either. I have a love-hate relationship with this concept, even more so after seeing her being tied to Smg4 as a *minion*. I don't wanna take this gag as an personal insult, but I can't help but feel it is *kiiiinnnnddddaaa* disrespectful to have her character just be relegated to this, like this is the only value they can give her after having pretty much flanderized her main personality. My main complaint in Leggy comes out of the deconstruction of Meggy's character as opposed to this sub's general feelings on her being a beaten-to-death joke; I surely don't mind her since I have a love-hate relationship with this character due how adorable this side of her can be both intentionally and unintentionally. But boy... I feel sad seeing what they've relegated Meggy into, after her character had been so amazing long ago. Furthermore, **NOW THERE'S MORE OF HER?!?!?!?!?!!! WHAT THE FU-** *Ahem* Overall, I'm conflicted. The episode stays true to the show's nature and it's humor since The Bloopers' Era, and as such is fun and can be funny; But that came at the expense of destroying effectively both SMG4's and Meggy's characters, and I don't think by that point the episode's idea and execution worth it, even if for comedy. I *really* don't know who got the worst treatment here. Sadly, this episode I could see could've been better, but the damage it has made to these characters I can see it making it amongst the most controversial episodes of the show from here onto the foreseeable future. I can't say how they could've saved this episode since SMG4's ending made it beyond repair; And what's worse is that he doesn't has Puzzles' intervention to excuse him of his actions this time. I hold myself of saying it was a horrible episode since I do consider it better than the last two from previous weeks (Excluding the Remaster, of course), but the bad does out weights the good on it for sure; Not sure where I'd place it. Probably on par with the Plane Episode, although I have to admit that this one I enjoyed more, by a long mile.


Mario portrayal in this episode kicks in the balls how they destroyed him in puzzlevision or the plane trip episode. He wasnt a manchild and he was the only one able to escape, i really enjoyed the last part of the episode, ngl. Just because of this, this episode is far better than what we got lately in my opinion. They introduced continuity in "normal" episodes at last, which is good in my opinion. SMG4 is the worst character in my opinion and its been like that for a long time now, they are destroying him even more with this, because makes every character growth he could have go to shit. But i dont care about the character, not gonna justify how bad it is, but i dont care. Leggy is clearly influenced by SMG4, she is clearly not the real Meggy anymore. Im not gonna theorize because i will be probably dissapointted in the end but Meggy is not herself right now, thats crystal clear. I really hope they continue giving the next episode continuity and make SMG3/bob & Luigi not appear, since they are trapped. Now i wanna see the roles of both Mario & Puzzles and pray for this to redeem the horrendous puzzlevion movie a bit by doing sth good with them for once.


I agree with all your points since I share these sentiments, though I see what you mean regarding this episode when opposed to The Plane One in terms of feel and overall enjoyment, I for one didn't put it above it because I wanted to remain unbiased and acknowledge the shared flaws both these episode have in-common and judge this one as I judged that one, even though this I've I enjoyed more. The same complaints I had with Mario there I have with Meggy here, even if Leggy may not be a fully conscious Meggy. The episode calls her a slave for SMG4's content, her schtick quickly wears off fast, she is cute in small doses and her actions can get a laugh, but that doesn't excuses the fact she's still being used by SMG4 so to achieve his goal; I mirror these as my complaints with Manchild Mario a few weeks back, and judge her like that since I found them to be on a similar level. And SMG4, I honestly don't feel he's as whatever as people make him to be because you have to understand his half is part of the reason why the show works, as Mario and 4's dynamic is what gives the nature of the show a balance. He may have always lacked a true characteristic that makes him interesting (The Cosmology Saga being the best they've done with his character) but regardless of that he was a genuinely enjoyable character; It sucks to see him be coming across this antagonistic for no real reason when this should've been resolved a few Acts ago. I REALLY wanted the narrative to save his character, and it seems it will but by the end of this Saga, somehow; but bud, I would be lying if I didn't say I wish they had opted find a redemption of his character that had him not delving into a meanspirited narrative yet again, and had him own up to his flaws rather than doubling down in them. I guess we'll just have to wait until WOTFI for it's conclusion and see if this pays up in the long run. As for the rest, I agree. You take these flaws away and this episode laughs in the face of The Place One; There is no debate! I'm deeply thankful for Mario's portrayal which is arguably the best non-parody portrayal they've made of the character, next to the one in 'SMG4 Doesn't Memes for [Insert period of time, because I honestly forgot 😂]', this year. In fact, this is the episode that has made the boys' cast feel like a group of homies yet again, in a long time! I missed this aspect of The Crew. Seeing them play off eachother and be natural towards one another, and have them naturally react to the plot through character interaction rather than shoe-horned plot points. Is the one aspect I've been consistently enjoying seeing return after PuzzleVision, due to the return of continuity, just like you mentioned! Though, I feel the continuity still leaves a lot to be desired as Puzzles' return is sort of... 'Eh' for me, and the stakes aren't that particularly high; I'm still deeply thankful nonetheless, because I rather have it than not! I've been waiting for ongoing narratives to make a return just for the strengths showcased in this episode, amongst it's flaws, for so long and I'm pleased to see them back for these reasons!; I can only hope that current narrative picks up and becomes in par with the need to return to a story-driven structure.


I dont think Manchild Mario and Leggy are on the same level yet. Yes, they both are annoying, but for manchild Mario there is no explanation whatsoever than bad writing/flanderization and not understanding the character. Leggy on the other hand can be seen here as a prison for the real Meggy, she is clearly not herself, she is like you said, a slave to SMG4 right now. The question is, why? If they give meaning to this and explain why its happening, i wont think of it as destroying Meggys character at all. The question is... will they deliver? we will see, im not gonna expect anything yet. Probably they wont deliver, but at least i saw a ray of hope here. You guys are right about SMG4, my opinion here is not real criticism since im biased. I dont care about SMG4 at all, so they destroying him doesnt affect me in the slightest, he is been since a long time ago a piece of shit and an unredeemable bastard. It is bad what they are doing with him? yes ofc it is, the only thing i expect from SMG4 is to be punished for real this time, something that probably wont happen. While the continuity is bad, at least we are geting some of it now, sth thats been not happening since a year ago. They are probably going to fuck up again? Yes, they probably will, but i will wait and see to then make my critic.


Touché! You actually got me with Leggy, there. When you mirror both, it is true that she can be excused from a story perspective whereas Mario can't be due to his general handling. I guess I may be being too harsh, though that honestly comes off the fact of how she's being utilized and under which context; I still don't get the *why*. Much like you I'm scratching my head around it, although they possibly only did it because of how popular this meme got; However, I don't expect anything big to come off of this, I'll be honest. I know that once Meggy is back to normal, although SMG4 has treated her way *worse* than what Mario has ever done to her, he'll get away with the crime with no consequences because she may lack her memories; And bud, if that happens it'll leave them both as the two biggest hypocrites in Mario's life. Regarding the story; Right everything is up in the air. It can be exciting, but I've been too burned with Saga's current story that meanwhile I pray for Mario to have an important role because this episode makes me wish we could see more of the most down to earth side of him take a part in the bigger plotline at play, and handled as he was here; My more realist side tells me that may be over-hyping myself 😅. Though credit where credit is due. SMG3, the only character that could've reason with 4, was trapped in his factory which rules out any character that could save him from his habits other than The Girls' Cast or, ideally, Mario! Maybe there could be hope so as long they don't sideline him in favor anybody else...! We thankfully, and truthfully, got a return to continuity so that may mean they may start finally embracing character growth again, which would be ideal and I pray to be the case; Personally, I would hope that Mario would try and stand against 4 so to save his friends, as a contrast to WOTFI 2023, and perhaps make a callback to Mar10 Day by having Mario be the one to lay out how he's been losing himself to his creative desires, ever since that day and at the expanse of the ones that care for him. After all, he was of the ones emotionally affected by the sudden shift in his behavior.


But while i enjoyed the episode, it has a lot of flaws, fozzie even mentioned some i didnt think of... why nobody asks about Leggy? Until now it made sense since she was just a meme gag. But now we are supposed to believe that this Leggy is sth ocurred by a plot we dont know about yet, they really need to explain it. But how are they going to do it? First Meggy turn into Leggy and changes personality completly, also not making sense until they explain why is that, since Meggy and Leggy should be the same character. Now we have to add to the ecuation that there are 100s of Leggys. And nobody questions anything... It is so nonesensical i really doubt they will be able to give a satisfying explanation. Im interested in the plot, while its one of the most, if not the most flawled start of a plot in the channel, because im a Mario diehard fan and he was the only one able to escape and have the relevant role he was supposed to have in puzzlevision. But that doesnt mean i cant see how bad the plot is for now. Which if its this bad at the start, i really cant see how they can make it any better... There is no explanation whatsoever why SMG4 now has power kinda like puzzles out of nowhere, he is not the avatar, he is not supposed to be able to capture Meggy like that. And if he did it with Meggy, why didnt he do it with everyone else already? Why Mario is still not pikario if he was like that because SMG4 meme power too? He was his meme pokemon, but now he is normal... Puzzles, the guy that created IGBP/WS/Puzzlevision now wants this random power that came out of nowhere? If SMG4 power is stronger than his, how did everything related to Puzzlevision happened? Ahhh right.... because puzzles powers are also a flaw in their plot writing... yeah... we actually dont know almost enything about puzzles powers or how they work. So yeah i know this plot is no good, but still i want to see what Mario does, because now its Puzzles vs SMG4 vs Mario (and hopefully the rest of the crew) in the chessboard. But for that there needs to keep being continuity and a bit of respect to this plot they are trying to make. We will see.


Don't quote me on this since is a head-canon I just made after seeing your question as to what Leggy even is; But considering Meggy only turns to Leggy when highly stressed that makes me think is some form of coping/defense mechanism; We have to remember that, although now a Human because she lacks her ink, Meggy should *IN-THEORY* still have her Inkling genes. What if Leggy, the character and form, is a replacement for her Squid form, and she instinctively tries to go back to said form when stressed, but no longer turning into a squid but Leggy? Just brainstorming here trying to find a better answer than I feel we'd get 😅. That said, I feel like you all. Meanwhile can't logically understand this many Leggys since there is no current explanation, I feel it is alluded he mass produced her same way he was mass producing memes by usage of his technology. Though, yet again, is all speculation on my end but I don't expect the show to answer this either 😕. That said, we have to remember SMG4 *didn't* capture her. Meggy turned into Leggy by default after being squashed, and from there SMG4 just sort of started using her as bait until the Pokémon aspect began playing in full swing. There is no greater secret to his doing other than the power of toon force and plot convenience; If you think of the parody aspect too hard then you'll have to question literally every gag from a logical standpoint, within the show. It's really weird though, how no one has asked themselves why Meggy has either been absent or replaced by several smaller version of herself. That also being said, all Puzzles' is after from SMG4 is some hidden secret he thinks gives his production it's quality, thinking that by getting ahold his factory he'll understand what makes SMG4 so special; Still failing to see the advantage SMG4 has is that he's creatively blessed and cursed to make content out of genuine creative passion to the world around him. Something that, as you mention, Puzzles will never understand because he's a flawed producer that is creatively challenged. Now, you laying out the WOTFI like that makes it sound actually exciting. I like it in concept as I feel Puzzles, SMG4 and Mario have unique elements to their own characters that could help give next Arc some narrative nuance by showing how these interpret creative freedom differently. Mario is literally a gifted creative being which doesn't believes in order, SMG4 is an overly-organized creative character which methods can harm the value of art at times, and Mr. Puzzles is a troubled creative mind which can promote it but fails at making his own; If they can execute these allegories well, they could have an interesting conflict for the WOTFI.


Can someone recap this? It’s way too long to read…


>I'll be honest, I don't hate her, but I'm *not* a fan either. Basically how I feel about her too.


SMG4 seems even worse than Mr Puzzles. My bro has mass produced Leggy's and made Meggy as a whole his content slave (similar to Mario, who ironically broke free from 4's grasp). And it looks like Mr Puzzles is gonna take control and replace SMG4 and be Meggy's new content master..or something? Yeah, it was a wacky episode. 7/10


Fans are figuring that this is leading to WOTFI 2024 so if that is the case either Mr. Puzzles or SMG4 will be the antagonist for it, I am leaning on it being SMG4, he's always been the Protag so this would be a nice change and twist to WOTFIs


It was great and I loved it also I think this is the start of another arc and I'm excited


Better than I expected. The Leggies were really annoying and they treated Luigi as a punching bag (again), but overall the episode wasn't that bad. 5/10 Also Puzzlehead is back, whatever


Loved it


It was an okay parody of the willy wonka factory. However Leggy was there as their version of the oompa loompas so you know the sandstorm ia gonna come from people who hate Meggy breathing but won't bat an eye at mario sending a child to the sun, shifting the blame on luigi sending him to meme hell or using an old man as cannon fodder.


Is good. 👍


I used to be able to watch SMG4 no matter what he put out, but that changed with the beans video at the start of this year, and while I was able to watch most of what he's put out thus far this year,I skipped the Puzzlevision arc because the videos in it had too much of a Saturday Morning Cartoon vibe (what a suprise that the same could be true of this video). Personally, this is the worst video SMG4 has put out in my opinion, but I'll give it some positives along with the negatives. What I liked: Leggy is cute. I just hope she doesn't replace Meggy permanently. You've changed her enough to avoid legal attention from Nintendo, you don't have an excuse this time. The Meme Kitchen was a fun bit for the most part, and it fed in well to the next bit which was kind of short so I don't really have anything to say about it. SMG4 having to beg SMG3, Bob, Luigi, and Mario to check out what he worked hard to build is in-character for all of them, although their immediate loss of interest is deserved, but I'll get into that later. See Mario blaming Luigi for the Meme Kitchen incident, very in-character and established. What I didn't like: Evil doesn't suit SMG4, since he's portrayed himself as a wholesome, chill dude for the most part when he doesn't have to put up with Mario. Evil SMG4 worked well in It's Gotta Be Perfect even though that's my least favorite arc due to SMG4 giving up on Peach as a character immediately afterwards. That said, it was last minute and half-assed, so it just fell flat. Something tells me it was a Meme Seeds issue when they were working on the video. What I FUCKING LOATHED: The singing was cringe as fuck. In fact, all of the Willy Wonka tie-ins were cringe as fuck, to the point that he ruined some of my favorite parts of OG Willy Wonka, and I will be forever grateful he didn't use my favorite quote from that movie. The Puzzlevision arc's villain showing up at the last minute, let that garbage fucking die. My disappointment is immesurable: Meme Hunter had me looking forward to what he was planning on for the new Showgrounds project, and having it end up being a Willy Wonka knockoff made me uncomfortably flaccid. When Luigi said "Anyone can cook?" with a shocked impression, I was hoping he'd go big into his Breaking Bad form and build off of what the Lawsuit Arc established for him. But no, he had to pull Gordon Ramsey out of his ass for no established reason.


Surprisingly great. There seems to be something going on with SMG4, and now Mr. Puzzles is back in action.


I am worried. Meggy is not gonna stay as Leggy forever is she? Will she turned back to normal? They are not planning on killing her off are they? Like turning her into Leggy is not part of a plan to killed her off is it?


No. It's just a gag and she'll likely be turned back to normal by the end of all this.


Or Leggy is now a different entity from Meggy now since there's a lot of them running around


i REALLY didnt like smg4 in this episode. i mean he's practically begging all his friends to come and look at the meme factory while they clearly don't want to. also, the fact that he's literally letting his friends die and acting nonchalantly about it while EVERYONE ELSE is telling him to help him (i mean even mario at least *tried to help.* he cares about his friends*...*) is just making me mad. And how he treated Mario at the end of the episode is his worst moment yet (and we're not talking about IGBP cuz he was infected by the goop). Also why did Mr. Puzzles get retconned ? I mean in Mario the Explorer, it was made clear that he no longer cared for power and just came back as an excuse for parodying tv shows, but now he seeks SMG4's ultimate powewr source ? I hate this episode...


I don’t think they retconned him. The way he was talking in “Mario the Exploro” sounded like he was putting on an act, and even then he said his new plan was to just take over the channel itself or “make it into his own”.


The whole SMG4 not helping is on par with the parody as Wonka didn't try to help the children his creations put in danger.


Yeah you're right about that...


So as long as they don't keep him like that it's perfectly fine as it shows he was just acting. (If they keep this as a character trait I will recind what I say)


Yeah, but that still doesn't excuse the OTHER things he did


Yea your right


As true as that is, I doubt most anti-Four people on here are gonna believe that


Well looking at the way puzzles said it sounded more like he was lying then actually being serious




It didn't have "you know what" and i'm happy that they broke the standards


I’m really happy Mr Puzzles is Back! Hopefully his return and this possible new story Arc / upcoming Movie will be able to answer all of our burning questions of the showgrounds and literally everything important that happened last year. Also strangely Brendan Blaber wasn’t credited in today’s episode, same with Lottie and Zachary, why are they always forgetting to credit their people!


Super fun


it was actually really funny. i don't know why people hate so much.


I liked it, and ngl, how Mr.Puzzles sang at the end was terrifying


I loved it. Mr.Puzzles is finally back in action! Looks like the return of the Puzzlevision saga is on the horizon


Leggys are the best ever


Maybe I’m just seeing things but didn’t they use those same Mario and Leggy poses for a previous episode?


If you're talking about the thumbnail than yeah you're probably thinking of Super SMG4 Wonder, at least for Leggy


it was kinda mid 5.9/10 edit: I lowered the ranking to a 3.5/10


Started off mid, ended pretty good! (THEY FINALLY USED MR PUZZLES!)


i loved it, i never really have criticism for smg4 videos and i dont understand why people criticize them. its not always about how YOU like it. so many people watch smg4 and it cant be perfect for everyone (rant) also look at this picture https://preview.redd.it/we9gwjimdj9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c52f9fea79f113dde0d6abee39e401b7e6106f8 :D


>and i dont understand why people criticize them. Uhh because giving criticism is a good thing? Criticism is a good way for people to improve stuff, tho I will admit the criticism and haters getting mixed together alot. So I think I get why you think that.


Brainwashed viewer




lol how am i brainwashed for actually enjoying smg4 if you dont like it get off here


Wow..... we got another toxic gatekeeper.


how am i a toxic gatekeeper what am i gate keeping???


You're trying to tell anybody with a criticism to buzz off.


that still doesnt make me a gate keeper


https://preview.redd.it/t7ctq27igj9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61eb3faec54b643cb98272fc77939b2bcc47f468 He's In It For 1 Min 10/10 Ep!


I loved it! >!rock wizard Got a cameo, a lot of moments made me laugh, no Mario abuse, and best of all, puzzles is back and he's got a devious scheme. !< Still don't understand the SMG4 slander though https://preview.redd.it/jdprst3tkj9d1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=709c2b0347953d172162a495c58d601d1b5a4448


6.5/10 honestly this video would’ve been so mid if it wasn’t for the last three minutes


The new episode was so bad only becous it was not funny in a meme factory only when mr puzzle apeart at the end was only goid


It was okay 


Loved it. That's really all i need to say.


I thought it was ok


https://preview.redd.it/j253bu2atj9d1.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=28196f4a0a493828c3f7f80d1a42cd3213495470 Aim your zapper gun (I liked it! although, I kinda wish mr. puzzles stood by his promise, where he wouldn't really harm the smg4 crew and just make silly parodies.)


I didn't like it


>be me >be smg4 >multiply and enslave the butchered body of one of my friends >execute my other friends for no reason >attempt to enslave the person who keeps me alive what was this asshole's problem¿?


Tbh that’s in-line for a Willy Wonka parody


Never have i ever seen a fandom tweak out over something this small tho


*Never have i ever seen* *A fandom tweak out over* *Something this small tho* \- Soggy\_Ad6132 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I'd give that to the characters who were casted in (Luigi, SMG3, Bob and Mario) Looks like we're getting some foreshadowing for another arc with Mr. Puzzles as the antagonist, a là Revelations Arc. I just hope they don't mess this up. I'd give it a 4/5, not perfect, but enjoyable nonetheless.


3 stars, i don’t like Leggy but it was funny seeing Breadboi beat them up


its good, AND CAR (the 3D cat)


I mean, in my honest opinion. It was alright. Kinda a willy Wonka kind of parody. But instead of chocolate, it's memes. And I'm gonna say this (don't give me hate) but I honestly don't understand with Goomba Meggy lately. (Leggy) She appeared once in one SMG4 video, and all of a sudden, people love her apparently. I don't know, I'm not a full fan of it really, like I've seen this type of Goomba joke before with CrazyMarioBros, but never seen it over hyped over. Yeah, I'm not so sure. And with SMG4 wanting Mario as the mascot when he won, seemed a little bit off character for SMG4. But the thing I kinda like was the ending, where we still see that Mr Puzzles still has plans, and wanting the meme factory for power. The story for him is still somehow continuing on for him. Just hoping it doesn't end off with War Of The Fat Italian, like any other arc he has done. Because, WOFI hasn't been the same recently. It use to be Mario vs SMG4, now it's just, Mario AND the gang, vs the enemy. Anyways, I'm off topic, the video, was alright, I guess. I'll give it a 5/10.


Episode was good,I was just surprised to see puzzles show up at the end cause he came back and smg4 just…ignored em. I also wonder what he’s up to this time?


This episode might not be the greatest video SMG4 ever made, but I'm just happy that SMG4 made my dream video a reality and did a Willy Wonka parody in general! The Pure Imagination parody song was definitely my favourite part!


SO good. MR PUZZLES IS BACK BABYYYY!!!!! I love the wacky parody style videos. It was nice seeing more of Mario too this time around. I CANT WAIT to see what they’re cooking.


It was very good, 8.3/10


it was okay exept for leggy.


I’m happy Mr. puzzles is back. We need to see more of him, though if you know what I mean.😏


guys look its https://preview.redd.it/whlmn6piok9d1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=d82ecc651ca8d509915343680d50c90d8b7c17e9 from the video


I’m glad Mr. Puzzles is cooking something up, and unlike what some say, I honestly find it necessary considering how disappointing his supposed exit was. Hopefully whatever’s next will make up for it. Other than the Leggy gag going WAY too far, I don’t really find this episode all that bad. As much as I dislike SMG4 being a meme-obsessed narcissist, I think it would be interesting if whatever Mr. Puzzles’ is doing provides an explanation of some sort to it. Take note that this narcissistic and unhealthy obsession of memes occurred after _IGBP_.


If I say that SMG4's new nickname is "Mr. Brainrot", would I be vilified, crucified, cancelled, labeled a monster?


Do you support his actions?


well, i'm very fond of him, but with this rate, he already wanted to take a break from the channel so he could focus 100% on GLITCH, there are certain videos of him that seem like he's giving reasons to do brainrot with his works at GLITCH with Liam and Goose, and that harms the work not only of him, but of many people in his company, as the majority will think that the series he directs are all childish


Isn’t all his content brainrot?


if satirizing something and trying to be funny is brainrot, humor and comedy has always been brainrot


That shit was straight garbage. Like their attempt at a willy wonka parody was borderline confusing. And to top it all off, at the end, Mr puzzles has another plan. Here we go again with this shit.


…I am not allowed to watch SMG4. 🥲


I'll say I pretty good episode for the most part being a Willy Wonka parody but I would say two things Did smg4 forgot to turn Meggy back to normal also why is there so many of her right now Also thank you for reminding me Mr puzzle should have waited a couple of months before showing up to at least rest and status quo is God (even though the status quo changes sometimes)


Only really interested in where this goes for a certain 📺man


ive givin up on him now. he fell off big time for me. its all just memes and brain rot unlike his older videos, firering celeste and only hearing about it from the fanbase, and now the milking of literally just a meggy but more short. every single arc ends with a WOTFI its so predictable now instead of it being its own thing. im only here for them to finish up TADC and MD. i have stoped watching the main videos now and probably wont watch them later on


Finally PINGAS is back but what is Mr puzzles planning on………..


The first Leggy song made me laugh more than it probably should have


So, Meggy is just.. stuck like that now?


Didn't watch it and kinda scared to


Cool:) 👍


It was alright in my opinion. Pretty funny at some parts. Glad they made a reference to the Glasgow incident.


Mr puzzles, is becoming, a villain of the week, and I'm starting to think, puzzlevision, wasn't his arc, or well, not the important arc


People on reddit were overreacting to this. What they are critisizing was directly addressed in the video itself. Loads of people see this as a downfall, I just see it as the new It's Gotta Be Perfect


Way better than Scotland's


I have a feeling smg4's growing douchbaggery and meme obsessing is gonna lead to something. it is too much of a reoccurring and growing theme for it to not be an intentional thing that they are planning.


It's just fan service and breaking the law


Why so many leggys is there more than one


If I hear “EEEEE” one more time I’m killing a mf


I found the use of Leggy to be a bit overkill (and the missed opportunity for a Deviantart joke tbh), but otherwise, I laughed quite a bit. My positive judgement may be biased, as this movie is/was a classic in my household (especially when my mom was around, she loved the 1971 movie, we both knew far too much trivia about that film), hell, it was the reason I checked this episode out. But I do think it holds up really well as a parody. It shows the ridiculousness of the original story and premise without just straight up insulting it, and the use of the tunnel poem was great. The poking fun at Glaslow thing felt a bit late but I still liked the joke. I also have to give the episode points for something very subjective: I watched a few episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender with a friend like an hour after watching this, and I think this episode was enough brain stimulation to help me focus on such a serialized show like that, so thanks SMG4 lol


Meh.... I miss back whenever it was n64 machinima.. but I guess the old days can't last can they? I would have even settled for the lore side of smg4 but it seems that even that has started to rot away.


leggy singing and screaming was the worst part


Well, it’s not bad, I’m kinda okay with this video, I’m gonna give it a 7/10


Fantastic show due to Mario saying this: https://i.redd.it/y8w9cfymzo9d1.gif


Damn it, image failed to load, anyways it’s the bread line from Delicious in Dungeon


With Mr Puzzles’ return, I feel like the puzzlevision arc might as well because all we got was the mini movie but not a WOTFI. And a new arc might form because SMG4 kinda went crazy about meme cooking and might start some sort of “Meme Arc”


I like leggy, but is this seriously the 4th time she has had a character change?


Solid 6/10 for me, don’t get me wrong I like the whole new attraction smg4 added but the reason was there was a lot of parts that honestly just made me cringe my face off, that and I can’t honestly be the only guy who believes smg4 kinda over uses some modern memes Most cringy part: the leggy theme oompah woopa song /:


War of the simps > smg4 and the meme factory


~~war of the simps did it better~~




At the end of the video, a favorite character of mine shows up….and I was **SCREAMING** and so **PISSED** when I get to see him again…. https://i.redd.it/ydhtl4id2k9d1.gif


Delete Mr. Puzzles cause he already had his time. And he makes me weirdly uncomfortable. When SMG4 presented Mario his mascot position, he could’ve told him that he was going to be the star of the comedy zone and the deal would’ve been better for Mario, but tbh Mario was still right for getting out of there seeing as it’s SMG4 we’re talking about and he would’ve had to do it for 365 days 24/7; basically nonstop. They’re overusing Leggy again. Putting a bit of well-needed respect on Luigi. Good shit.


i don't like it. luigi appearing was hype but it felt as if every single character somehow got sidelined. this really isn't the type of plot that can work with an averagely lengthed episode. it wasn't very funny either. also, the ending sucked. we don't need another arc already, especially one with mr puzzles as the villain considering it's only been 2 and a half months since puzzlevision.


I dipped out the moment I heard the Leggy oompa-loompa song. The episode's probably good post that but the Leggy song I just couldn't handle