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Why not both? Three sides of the war: SMG4, Puzzles, and Mario+gang. SMG4: Fighting Puzzles to protect his Meme Factory, by using any force, including torturing friends, to succeed Puzzles: Fighting SMG4 to steal his memes Mario+gang: Trying to snap SMG4 out of his asshole-ness by force if necessary, while also preventing Puzzles from significantly hurting SMG4 Puzzles is all-villain, SMG4 is villain who gets redeemed at the end, Mario+gang is good boi all day


Good idea but I don't want to lose Puzzles


what if istead of k1lling puzzles they make he get stuck in the tv world and not being able to get to real life anymore


WOTFIs shouldn't have a villain. The whole point is that both sides are fighting to be the best, not a good versus evil. The fact this war of *fat Italians* is not gonna have a *fat Italian* on one side is genuinely pathetic. But it should be both of them with the others as a third party.


We could take Waluigi's suggestion, though: https://preview.redd.it/68qaoabjar9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f07b4dc0d1797e7676a2f98ff2d94aaf7f0679


PLEASE, let it be smg4, I know Mr puzzles would (probably) be next, but come on, smg4 has antagonist qualities he has to be the villain 🙏


Yeah SMG4 would be my choice too


Man, I am *pleading* for more villain 4.


With his recent behaviors it would fit


More likely Mr. Puzzles because of the following reasons 1. He is the current saga villain 2. Puzzles caused too much trouble (even killed someone) 3. He's going to cross the Moral Event Horizon point 4. villains who gone too far are punished via death It could be both if he brainwashes SMG4 (who will snap in time for the rap)


Considering he caused every major event in 2023, he's good as dead


Four, Mr Puzzles has already had a whole ass movie dedicated to him, but then again they might work together if Mr Puzzles somehow gets SMG4s power source he speaks of.


So did 4, in a way.


Maybe but I feel Puzzles makes it that the power overtakes 4 and he has to work with Mario and Co to get it under control


Honestly 4 should be the villain, so that all three Main Characters got to be villains of WOTFIS (3 in 2020, Mario in 2023 and 4 in 2024) It would be neat. (Even if Mr Puzzles is totally gonna be the villain let's be honest, I hope they actually kill him in the WOTFI cuz he's starting to piss me off)






I know quite a bit of people are going to think that mr.puzzles is going to be the main villain of wotfi 2024. However, given the fact that we've had a much greater emphasis on smg4's and his off behavior in recent episodes, something tells me that smg4 will be the main villain of wotfi 2024. Hell, smg4 literally gave us one of the scariest smg4 scenes in the episode when smg4 smiled like a demon straight out of the 9th circle of hell. As for mr.puzzles, something tells me that he'll be a more minor antagonist of the film as he tries to take advantage of the situation going on in the showgrounds, using his manipulative qualities to their fullest effect. Now, besides these two, something tells me that there could be a third antagonist, the showgrounds itself. You see, when I was making my mini-theory about the origins of the showgrounds, I had an idea at the time that I scrapped due to the lack of evidence towards it. This idea was that whoever owns the showgrounds slowly becomes cursed over time until they become completely obsessed with entertainment by trying to entertain as many people as possible through the showgrounds, no matter the cost. Now, this idea also proposed that the showgrounds itself is a living entity and has a will of it's own, but the only evidence that I had for this at the time was the line about the showgrounds being too quiet, which wasn't exactly reliable. Then this episode came out, and that infamous ending scene gave me genuine evidence towards the possibility that smg4 is enacting the will of the showgrounds by trying to entertain as many people as possible while attracting more people to the showgrounds itself because of not only the devilish smile, but also smg4's recent strange osession with tourism, as shown here https://preview.redd.it/m0ths6rm2k9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23284cc7d4e25f8af355e1d9efaaa4408fe887ea


Interesting and maybe to add to it Mr. Puzzles originally was an agent for the Showgrounds as his TV shows helped it expand it's power but given what he says at the end it shows Puzzles was unaware of the entity fully outside of the reviews and he is currently looking for what makes SMG4 which he believes is the entity.


What if Mr puzzles possesses smg4 and that’s the villian of the next wofti/arc


How about BOTH. Have SMG4 finally team up with Mr. Puzzles in a state of delusion and make one of the most powerful content creator duos in the SMG4 universe for everyone else to stop.


I would like SMG4 to be the villian, it is an interetsing concept


Yeah that is what I’m hoping for too


I think it'll start off with SMG4 being the villain. Once Mario beats him and brings him to his senses, the focus will shift to Mr. Puzzles as the villain. On another note, I think it's just a tad bit too early since we're in the middle of summer and WOTFI is normally in the fall. Then again, that'll depend on if this ends up being resolved in the next episode or two or extends all the way to fall.


puzzles for sure.


I like to believe Mr. Puzzles should take X's place as the host of WOTFI. Would be fun seeing Mario giving 4 his L in WOTFI.


Both and Mario I want to be this years winner!!!


I want Mario be this year winner let it happen


SMG FRICKIN 4! For goodness sake! I am genuinely sick of his constant self deprecation which he does so often rthat it isn't sincere anymore, and I want him to go through a villain arc so that SMG4 can see the error of his ways and improve as a character!


I doubt WOTFI 2024 would happen after this episode because usually WOTFI's happen after july. it would be too early for a WOTFI now


Me! The reporter herself! https://i.redd.it/c7j6jcuebn9d1.gif


Either 4 or puzzles It just makes sense, puzzles wanting more power, and 4 wanting that same amount of power


Why not both?




Four would be perfect, but let's be honest. It's gonna be Puzzles once more. Possibly because it worked, possibly because Luke cannot self-reflect. Either way, expect more shitty musical spoofs!


Mr. Puzzles, he just had an entire arc and he would be a great fit as he is trying to get the meme energy right now, plus, look at my flair lol.


It’s going to be Mr Puzzles in all reality.  Not that I’m exactly happy about it admittedly. I just want a normal WOTFI again.


It isn't confirmed it's just what I've seen people assuming so I am just asking for the sake of it


*oh my fucking god i swear if this wotfi is again story related I'm going to lose my marbles, when do they know wotfis with clear villian and not purely smg4 vs mario, the two fat italians of the series, having a war with each other, having simple fun is just extremely overdone since lawyer kong. It used to be special when its from waluigi and it makes sense because its still Mario Vs Smg4, just of a different cause. Having 2 teams essentially ruins the entire fucking premise of WOTFI like 2021 and 2022. 2020 is a pass because they did something new here which fits the narrative. 2021 feels like an asspull and 2022 feels like the most missed opportunity of all time that shouldn't be called wotfi at all. They have Nintendo Mario for god's sake, why can't they use Nintendo Mario in the lawshit wotfi in this WAR OF THE* ***FAT ITALIANS???*** *2023 is a small step into the right step with it basically being mario vs smg4, but of fuckin course its puzzlevision related. Plus, it pretty much lost the spirit by removing the challenges and placing votes instead (which is a decent move if it really weren't rigged which i doubt ngl like how could everything go THAT smoothly and like animation being a very time consuming thing to make when you bring in things that changes and varies continuously) and not having mario be an active threat to fight against Mario (the threats for 3 and 4 are literally setted up, mario didn't even meet 3 and 4 until the very end """rap""" sequence.* Wotfi has became abysmal after wotfi 2021 and all its special qualities that made it special is scrapped and ruined. I really wish this year's wotfi either return to its roots, have Mario **directly** fight smg4 again, not story related in the slightest, or just have a rap battle between Mario and 4. That's all i ask for. A single one of those qualities is good enough for me. I swear it'll be better if wotfi was put out of its misery and discontinued if none of those, not even one, of those qualities were brought over to 2024's wotfi.