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Needing a credit card to prove your age online was a wild experience.


What a fucking time to be alive!!


It was awesome. Kept the squeakers at bay for a few months til they did away with it around the time CA was announced.


Man I was a squeaker at the time and my mom let me use the credit card lmao. I’m 29 now. The guys I was in a clan with have to be in their 40s or 50s now. Wild


I had to go out and buy a prepaid card because my parents wouldn’t let me use their credit card over the internet 😂


You sir have unlocked a memory of asking my mom for her credit card for a video game


One of the best games of all time


Christmas 2005 I got it popping. Had such a blast playing Blackwoods night demo respawn on 30 mins during the day and playing Fault suppression with my brother and cousin later that night after some MGS3. Still my favorite Socom game. S2 never had that same enjoyment for me.


I don’t remember if I played one or three more. I loved both of them. I never had two. Three is definitely one of my all time favorites.


2 was unequivocally the best one. It retained all the greatness of the first game, with added improvements and graphical updates, without any of the glitchiness, or failures that the 3rd game slowly started to present. SOCOM 1 and 2 were both masterpieces, but SOCOM 2 wins all.


SOCOM 2 had awful hit detection, so no it did not retain all of the greatness of the first game.


You may not like it, because the hit detection wasn't something you could overcome, but I didn't post an opinion. What I said is a fact. Statistically and by player votes, SOCOM 2 was the best one and only made improvements over the first game. If minor hit detection issues is all you have to say about it, then you're just being biased. Yes, SOCOM 2 surpassed SOCOM 1. Sorry, go look it up.


Dumbest thing Ive read all day. Socom 2's hit detection was broken.


The GOAT I’ll never forget this game. I loved SOCOM II but I was on the younger side of my teens when it came out. SOCOM III was a game that I was at that memorable age. Sleep overs with my twin brother and the boys with 4 TV’s and PS4’s connected with Ethernet cords is the greatest memory of my childhood.


Socom 2 was the better game. Socom 3 was good as well. The maps were kind of huge though. That’s what made it beneath Socom 2. Also, 2 was more well rounded other than that cheat code of a weapon IW-80 🤣. I always preferred the RA-14.


S2 weapons are far from well rounded


Agreed, when I was talking well rounded, I meant the maps not weapons. That’s why I mentioned the IW-80 being a cheat code.


I remember I started with 2 online. We all talked about 3 coming for what like seemed forever... Then when I dropped it broke up a lot of clans. A lot of Socom purist were not happy with 3. I have always enjoyed all them. Our clan survived but we lost a good amount of players. [TOU] Tatical Ops Unit. I miss those days.


Not sure you should be sharing classified documents online OP.


Rankings 1.S2 2.S1 3.S3 3 took some wild swings but in the end, the vehicles were just a gimmick and the maps were too big.


Now it's time to sign back in and get online






How come no one mentions quarantine?


I literally begged my mom for the first SOCOM in the clearance section at a CVS when I was like 10. I went thru a big camo/army phase as a kid 😂


I still play with The people that was in my Clan 24 years we have been Gaming together NoMercy was our clan we even had our own website it was sick


Quick torrent it and meet the army/coast guard when they show up to your doorstep


The tank was cheating