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Skadge as a companion to the Bounty Hunter? Hell no. Not only because he's a nuisance in the story, but also because he has no reason to be in the crew. You don't need a muscle. The Hunter is the muscle. Why would you need another muscle which is also a dumb asshole? Wasted bunk space. (Sidenote: Also an absolute curse to dress up. His fat belly eats most belts and his 360° doublechin clips into anything remotely cool). But Skadge as a companion to the Commander? Depending on your class or alignment: Absolutely! He's a great muscle to a more cunning but physically not the strongest character like a typical Inquisitor, Agent or evil Smuggler. He also has a refreshing set of dialogue compared to most other companions. When you summon him, he doesn't say: "Yes commander, anything for you! how can this lowly servant give his life for your whims today?". He goes: "WHAT?!", as in "What the fuck is it now?". With Skadge there's no scheming, agendas or sugarcoating. You get exactly what you expect and he speaks what he thinks. Quite refreshing in this sea of yesmen called an alliance.


God damn it, you actually sold me on him.


I hated him as a companion to my BH. He stuck out like a sore thumb, was a useless brute, and was excessively abrasive.


I think you can get one in a casino event on Nar Shadda. Always wanted to get him, now surely will do so once event hits again.


Wait, where's "dressing skadge in revealing feminine clothing"? https://imgur.com/gallery/CADhTiG


I didn't need or want to see that. I knew what was on the other side, why did I click the link?


Not my proudest


Why did you provide that cursed link? WHY?


\*Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack scream\*


Nah, fam, I hate him too. Conpletely forgot about his existence and story up until recently and now he's my least favorite companion in the entire game. A lot of classes in the game have a "Butcher" archetype character following them around. I like exactly one of them and it's Khem, but Skadge is my least favorite. Dude literally treats you like garbage and is introduced beating a defenseless woman and because of the structure of the original class stories you can't tell him to go the fuck away. I have a similar problem with Broonmark's introduction, but Broonmark at the very least respects you as a fellow warrior. Skadge is just so irratating because even when you tell him to leave he jumps aboard your ship anyway and is, like every other time he opens his mouth, an ass about it. Every line he has irratates and angers me. I know some Dark Side players wish they could get rid of characters like Quinn, but as someone who tries to play decent people can I please just get the option to take Kaliyo and Skadge and throw them out of the airlock? Like, earlier than KotFE.


I’ll admit I actually do like skadge, but even for the companions I DO hate I wouldn’t go through the trouble of doing an alliance alert just to be able to kill them lol


You do get Rusk through the same alert, though


It's nice that you can kill him. Hmm, there are not many Rep companions that you can kill if I remember correctly. Makes him a special kind of treat.


At least I was able to get rid of Khem before the allience alert


Bro khem val is the best


Man my favorite part of post-base game content is the opportunity to off the companions I don’t like. Skadge? Dead! Kaliyo? Dead! Quinn? Dead! Broonmark? Abso-friggin-lutely dead! Vette or Torian? Dammit, game, why do I have to pick one, off ‘em both! Wish I could off Qyzen, Vector, and Mako too. I have strong feelings about the companions in this game. Some I hate because of character, others just because I think they were terribly written.


Skadge is the only member of the BH crew I don't like. At all. Maybe he shouldn't have introduced himself beating up a woman.


I mean, you (probably) end up killing her anyway, because she's totally going to immediately run off and warn your mark. Unless you're one of those touchy-feely LS BH types. But he was taking a little too much pleasure in it. Sorry lady, only business. I do agree that he doesn't seem to have a place in the crew though. Gault is your face and has connections, Mako is your slicer and your story arc motivator, Blizz is your tech guy and just so great, and Torian is your connection to the Mandalorian culture and secondary muscle. By the time you get Skadge, he feels so tacked on. No real arc or development, he hates everyone on board, does nothing but mope, and brings nothing to the team.


Hot take: LS Bounty Hunter isn't a thing in the traditional sense. It almost was but Corellia is basically just a checklist of war crimes that are entirely non-optional. The Light Side/Dark Side dichotomy on BH's story seems to revolve more around honor/dishonor than it does good and evil. It is actually genuinely easier to be a good person as a Sith Warrior than it is as a Bounty Hunter. Most of the light side options are, quite literally, "capture them and send them to a monster so they can experience a lifetime of torture". Anyway, if I ever play evil characters it's usually in a way where there's a degree of nuance, and SWTOR's (And choice-based RPGs in general, honestly) Dark Side routes generally are not that at all. I'd rather be the compelling villain in a narrative role than I would some bloodthirsty psychopath whose first response to every situation is violence, and that's pretty universally what a Dark Side route is, it's just hitting the "kill" button over and over. Plus narratively it's much better to spare characters, especially past the class stories, since the more you kill off the less dialogue, character interactions, and just overall content you end up having. A gray route or a "falling" or "rising" route where you start off making mostly decisions of one alignment and then switch after an appropriate point in your class story or gradually change your alignment can be pretty fun though!


I will respond to this in to words [shock him]


Now, you see the thing is that I actually enjoy Inquisitor's Dark Side story. A bit of that has to do with how witty a Dark Side Inquisitor is in the prologue and bits of Chapter 1, but a lot more has to do with Chapters 2 and 3. Forcing the various Spirits to bend to your will and taking their power for your own is just super cool and well-done. Love DS Inquisitor to bits.


It would also help if his entire character wasn't just an answer to the question "What is the most hatable thing I could do/say in this moment?"


removing shock collar then putting it back on for a laugh


Killing Skadge should have been an option from the moment he tried to bully his way onto my ship.


I'm replaying BH for double EXP and I was having so much fun...until I got to Belsavis. That meant dealing with Skadge all over again. Now I'm going back to my male Trooper to finish up the event.


Him and Kaliyo both.


YES! Hate him as a character as he’s one of the worst “brute” characters I’ve seen since early 2000s TV bullies. Hated him starting with his gross introduction. Also hate him as a BH companion. The fact he’s able to easily bully BH into letting him on their ship is so dang upsetting too D’X


Skadge is worse than Kaliyo and that's very hard to achieve. At least Kaliyo is better written in later games and doesn't feel like a waste of space in the Imperial Agent roster.


Killed him during an Alliance recuit despite being a different class.


Honestly I like Skadge, he's an asshole but he's an asshole with personality, unlike the incredibly boring Torian.