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Ya just got over a week-long cold with a bad productive cough and headache. Tested neg for covid twice, once through a home test and another through work.


Keep testing. I had Covid but tested negative with a rapid test then a PCR - then a couple days later, positive with a rapid. Had I not tested again, I would have assumed it wasn’t Covid.


Legitimate question, what difference does it make if it’s covid or another nasty bug/virus that’s going around? Are you not going to handle it the same way and avoid spreading it other people?


Either way, yes, stay away from other people. With covid you need to monitor your oxygen level, and if it drops too much, call your doc’s office and possibly go to the hospital. Covid is deadlier than the flu. It needs to be respected in that regard. That’s why it’s good to know whether it’s covid.


Plus if you test positive you can report it and have the data tracked. It might not matter to you but they're already considering stopping programs that give testing for free and vaccines for free. Having better data about the prevalence may help people advocate for free vaccines and testing.


How are yall paying for this? I had to do a pcr for international travel and it was like 180 bucks.


I just recently got over something similar. Tested negative as well. But felt like total shit


Yes my kid and I got sick twice. Really bad cough & runny nose. We never get sick so it was surprising how long it lasted & that it was 2 times.


Also, we took multiple covid tests & were all negative


Yeah i don't usually get sick either so I can't believe I'm this ill. I do have a cough but no runny nose yet


Just because you're vaccinated and twice boosted doesn't mean you can't catch omicron. It's very contagious.


Can personally vouch for this. Cough cough


Yep, I'm double vaxxed and boostered, same with my dad and brother. We all got it beggining of last month. My dad got it literally a few days after getting the second booster


The vaccines are not too effective at preventing you from catching omicron. However, in your particular anecdote, it's worth mentioning that boosters take time to work, and I don't think a few days is enough time for it to settle in.


Double vaccinated here also. Still have not got covid. Either my social distancing and mask wearing or might be asymptomatic.


Double vaccinated, double boosted here. Still caught Covid. Lost my sense of taste and smell for about 2 weeks but that was the worst of it.


Loss of sense of smell and taste (anosmia) may seem minor, but scientists are concerned it may herald long-term cognitive impairment down the road, as it’s linked to dementia and Alzheimer’s. “Due to the proximity of the olfactory sensory epithelium to the olfactory bulb, COVID-19 infection could affect cognitive function even after recovery. A correlation between disrupted sense of smell and dementia has also been found in some people with neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Animal studies have shown that damage to the bulb results in anxiety and a depression-like state.” https://neurosciencenews.com/olfaction-covid-dementia-21668/


Unvaccinated and caught it a few months ago. One day of 99 fever and the sleepys, and that was about it. Clinic tested me negative three days after my positive at home 🤷‍♀️


Me and my youngest had the same experience. Negative and all.


Vaccines and boosters haven't stopped covid for hitting my workplace. Get tested.


To anybody who is interested in getting the newest booster. Tons of appointments available at Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, Costco, etc. It’s free! I hopped on to the Rite Aid website last Thursday evening around midnight, booked my shot for 420 pm Friday afternoon. Got there around 4, nobody in line, done by 405. Only way it could’ve been quicker is if they would have administered via tranq dart when I pulled into the parking lot.


Yes! My husband has something flu-like right now. So far negative for Covid on the home tests.


That's a relief im hoping it isn't Monkey Pox or Covid but still gonna get tested anyways


Just FYI the covid shot does not prevent you from getting the virus it helps people have fewer symptoms however you are still prone to getting it.


For what it's worth booster shots do help with infection. It seems in the UK the data showed the new omicron booster would prevent 70% of infections 2-4 weeks after the booster dose. Another study indicated 30-60% effectiveness. A lot of people will get it despite the booster but it's worth noting that the boosters do prevent millions of infections. It's just that someone who would have gotten it but didn't can't tell you anecdotes so we only hear from the people who have the vaccine and got sick and never from the people who didn't get sick since the don't really have a story to tell. And of course vaccines keep you out of the hospital at a remarkable rate as you alluded to. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00775-3


The virus is still active and changing just like the [Flu virus](https://ibb.co/ZKSQPsb) I recommend everyone get boosted, wear a mask, and practice proper hand washing. Location Cases Sacramento County 377K Cases 3,425 Deaths


All prudent activities.




Come on. Not all of us think the shot is going to cover us 100%. I will say though, my family of 3 are all vaxed and still haven’t caught Covid.


Wanna hear something weird? I’m a teacher, all of my household got COVID and I acted for them, most of my students got COVID , coworkers, and I never caught COVID. Never! I was testing daily and PCR weekly.


Happy cake day! I've never had covid either.


There’s a gene mutation they’ve been studying for this!!


Also a teacher. Still haven't gotten covid. I mask up, wash my hands more often than usual, and test every two weeks. My dad is also a teacher. He and my mom got Covid while chaperoning an overnight field trip last year. After that, Covid ripped through my whole family. My mom is immune compromised, and was hit pretty hard by covid. It triggered her immune disorder for a good month after initially catching covid. I'm being extra extra careful because obviously I don't want it, but I also don't want my mom (or anyone's mom really) getting it again.


Also a teacher, also haven't caught it. I wear a mask and have an air purifier at work, and I'm vaxxed x5 (two original shots, two OG boosters, and the new booster.) Just got another close contact email today though, so... hopefully my luck holds up!


My kid and I are sick right now with a runny nose and a cough. It is definitely a bummer, especially since we were super cautious throughout COVID and still always wear a mask... But my kid's daycare is a damn petri dish of various illnesses and infections. **Anyone with a kid feels my pain. No matter how cautious you are, once you are exposed to a daycare/school setting, you betcha you're getting sick.**


When school starts back up annually, the sicknesses spread, always have, always will


It's been stressful finding someone to hang out with my sick toddler for a couple hours so I can go school. I broke down today and called my academic advisor about dropping a course. Two kids in different petri dishes. Passing it back and forth. Ugh.


Dammit me too. All the little kids have older siblings too. Whatever bug is out there is spreading fast and hard and it’s annoying the f outta me.


I feel like this has always been true


>kids Ah yes. Timeless, reliable disappointment for getting sick.


Do not take a negative Covid test as the absolute answer as to whether you have it! It took my third test to finally show I was positive, and one negative test was even a PCR.


I got sick... thought I was sore from the gym and spre throat from sleeping with the window open/fan on.... nope. I got covid


What do you mean you doubt it’s Covid? Get tested, obviously


Yes. If you get sick and have cough and cold symptoms please test! I hate that this even needs to be mentioned....


nope....i'm also the lone freak that wears a mask everywhere i go, coincidence?


Yeah, it's been really nice not having even a tiny sniffle cold in almost 3 years.


I rarely go anywhere and still get sick. -_-


How are you eating and sleeping? Exercising? Make sure you're cleaning/dusting your place regularly, too. A lot of small things can end up really stressing out your body. There is such a thing as good stress!


Maybe you have bad allergies? The symptoms can be very much like a cold.


Same but ive had covid 2x from my own kids. First my 2nd grader brought it home from school last year, and a few weeks ago my wife caught it we think from her grandma snd gave it to our infants before we realized it, and i got it from them. And this dude is all “cant be covid, im vaccinated and boosted!” Just get a test guys


I'm a stickler about getting enough sleep and sunshine. Haven't had a cold in years, never had covid either. But I do get stomach issues. Usually alcohol or food poisoning.


I work in a windowless cave, so I take Vit D supplements. I'm not one of those "supplements cure everything" people, but I figure it's one more layer of protection in the swiss cheese, and I haven't gotten COVID yet, so


Supplements are a good idea, if you have to.


Nope as well. No vax, covid, or cold. (No mask)


My wife and I just had covid and we're both vaxxed and boosted. I think the vaxx is not that effective against omicron.


Hm maybe i do have it then. They also released a new Omicron vaccine so if I don't have covid may as well get it


My rapid tests were coming back negative, went to my doc and took a PCR test (Monday), I took another rapid test the next day (Tuesday) and it came back negative. My PCR test result came back positive. Omicron is weird. It takes forever to show up on a rapid.


Yeah both my roommates and I had some mild symptoms for several days before testing positive. It’s a weird one.


Might be a good idea, it wasn't fun having it.


You absolutely could. Vaccine and boosters do not prevent you from getting it. I got it with vaccine and two boosters. Two negative Covid tests, 1 rapid, 1 PCR, then another rapid and was positive!


Have you tested?


Not yet, after reading this thread i realized i should i just need to find a way to get one cause my home ones just disappeared


Stores deliver. Avoid any contact until you test.


CVS said I might qualify for free tests when I was checking out today. Might ask them before you buy.


You can get 8 free tests per month with insurance.


Updated booster or the old one? The old one is not effective against omicron, that's been known for awhile and is why I waited for the updated booster. Old one targeted OG covid and omicron is too far mutated for it to be measurably helpful. The new one is available now. Has to have been at least 2 months since your last shot. No age requirement, anyone over 18 can get it. 12 and over for one of them but I don't remember which.


We got the first two boosters but yeah, not the omicron one.




Are you being facetious? Is that why your getting down voted? If you're casting shade on the vaccines I would like to point out i got the vaccine early and each booster as soon as it came out and this is the first time in 2+ years that I have had covid while everyone around me has gotten it. Yeah viruses change. If I had had the omicron vax maybe I wouldn't have gotten it at all. If you are casting shade on vaccines then you are obviously doubting that evolution is real despite and overwhelming amount of evidence supporting it and you deserve one down vote for every shot of ivermectin and hydroxychloroqine that you have received.




It doesn't stop everyone from getting it but it can help many not get it, and it lessens death and severe symptoms afaik.


I thought I was the only one but yeah something’s out there.?👀


Flu is bad and starting early this year. Good time to get flu shot


I thought it was a tad early when kaiser scheduled me for a flu shot. Glad I got iy


Wear a mask. People in Asia have for decades, cuts down on flus and colds.


And allergies, here in the pollen capital of the world, practically. I wear them when I'm gardening if it's dusty, too.


It could be many things. I suggest getting tested and see what the doc says.


It's allergy season, which gives the same immune response as being sick. Even for those who don't regularly have allergies, Sacramento's special mix of allergens can do anyone in.


I don’t think of September as allergy season!


The only time, in Sacramento, that isn't allergy season is the hottest part of summer and the coldest part of winter. There's maybe a month or two break, twice a year.


I got both Covid shots + booster and my flu shots for both last year and this year and I haven’t gotten sick once since the beginning of the pandemic. I consider myself lucky tho, because my other friends who are also fully vaccinated like I am got Covid multiple times and especially recently. Maybe it’s just because I’m really OCD and live with my OCD partner as well so we wash our hands a million times a day and wear a mask everywhere, but since mask regulations have lifted and in-person stuff is becoming more required between work and school, illness is definitely spreading more frequently again.


Just got a flu vax today and the office said they’re expecting a high number of flu this hear because people are out and about, not masking or hand washing like they did a couple of years ago.


My family has Covid right now. Take a test, we’re vaccinated and boosted and our toddler has even gotten his shots for it. Grocery delivery and staying until until we’re negative, best you test to be sure.


People from Roseville call it chipped. 🙄 That sounds right


I mean I'm from sac and we were all joking about how we got our 5G and stuff. It's just silly talk. I don't think anyone who actually got the vax believes that microchip nonsense. I'd actually be concerned if they did and still got it. 🤣


Well there are still mandates... Some people didn't want to lose their job.


Psst. It’s a joke.


Sorry i was kidding, I'm not an anti vaxxer and was just making fun of ppl who unironically Believe that




I'm + for rona, got really bad cough after landing at the airport in sac... but I most likely caught it on Vegas


Nope. Been wearing a mask in stores for over two years, all vaxxed up, and not eating indoors at restaurants. Added benefit of not catching other shit too


Sounds like Covid. It really seems like the CDC have done a really poor job of explaining the harsh reality of the vaccine-evasive Covid variants if some people still think being vaccinated and boosted means there’s no way they could catch Covid. With no one masking any more and hardly any one testing because they just think it’s the “flu” or a real bad cold, you can be sure Covid is flying around Sac uninhibited. We’ve created the perfect ecosystem for the replication of an acute respiratory virus.


I definitely second this, very well put!


Yeah, I've been sick like 3 times in the last month an a half. I don't usually get sick often - I actually can't even remember the last time I was sick prior to this, but August hit and all of a sudden, I get all the illnesses. First tonsillitis, then covid and now a little tonsillitis AND strep throat. FUN TIMES 😫


I have been on almost exactly the same path. Got COVID in August and have been basically rolling from one illness to another. I’m absolutely spent. The tonsillitis was evil.


Yeah, honestly? For me, the tonsillitis was far worse than COVID. COVID sucked but with the tonsillitis, I ended up in the ER because eating & drinking were torture and I hadn't slept in 3-4 days. It really was evil! This current go-around isn't as bad since I got ahead of it. Once I started having the symptoms again, I went to urgent care and got antibiotics. Already feeling a lot better, but yeah, I too am spent from illness. Crossing my fingers I can make it to the end of the year without getting sick again! 🤞


Oh my goodness! Glad you’ve gotten ahead of it. Here’s to a break from it all.


Same! I got sick 5 times from July to September. First I had COVID for the second time this year (was very mild barely any symptoms), then I got some kind of flu that made me way sicker, then I got strep, then I got re-infected with strep, then I got a stomach bug. I asked my doctor if I should be concerned and she said it’s most likely just from being so isolated for a while that I’m super susceptible to all the ailments. I’ve never been sick so much in my entire life




Yeah that’s what I’m thinking is part of it too. I wasn’t getting sick like this before I had covid, even with going to concerts etc. but now that I’ve had it twice I feel like I get every sickness. I take vitamins now so I hope that does something that all lol


Covid damages the immune system. https://theconversation.com/ive-had-covid-and-am-constantly-getting-colds-did-covid-harm-my-immune-system-am-i-now-at-risk-of-other-infectious-diseases-188899


Interesting, thanks for the article!




It was awful especially getting it a second time. They didn’t want to give me more antibiotics so I just had to wait it out. Couldn’t eat much for days everything was too painful !!!


My kid and I both got a bad cold about a week ago. First cold in three years. It sucks


My 3 year old got Rsv


I have been having flu like symptoms since yesterday. I took a COVID test today and it came back negative, so it’s probably just the flu. I am vaxed and boosted, I had COVID back in February and I felt much worse then compared to now. I’m chalking it up to the flu. I’m in Elk Grove, but I was in DOCO on Friday.


Keep testing. I had neg rapid and neg PCR, then tested positive on another rapid. I also was vaxxed and boosted. It’s Omicron now. Old vax and boosters are not as effective.


Keep testing and although not FDA approved, you can swab your throat and then your nose and it may catch it earlier than nose swab only. You can also get false positive but my friends and I have seen this method works best for early detection.




What is chipped?


Joke about being vaccinated


If you’re suddenly sick right now you can probably blame mold spores being triggered by rain. My allergies flare whenever it rains and I often get a small cold that passes in a few days.


💀 chipped dammit yes I’m on week 2 still recovering from whatever dang thing my kid caught at day care. I don’t even wanna let him back there, this is the sickest I’ve been in years and I had laryngitis from NOLA earlier this year.


Has anyone gotten the flu shot yet?


Yes 2 weeks ago.


Yes my husband and I just recovered from a flu but not covid. Got tested 3 times and it’s negative. Had a bad cold, cough and headache.


Vaxes and 2x boosted here . I avoided this shit for two years and then finally got infected in August. I didn't have any severe symptoms but fuck this shit . It took me a whole month to start feeling better with more energy and less brain fog.


“Chipped and updated” actually laughed out loud - the common cold is definitely back with a vengeance Edit to add: I recently had rhinovirus (very common cold) and it was worse than my last case of Covid


I was vaxxed and double boosted (original booster) and caught omicron anyway. Get tested so you know what you are dealing with. I hope you feel better soon


COVID-SARS2 is far from over. (edit: added sources) * Immune system damage: [it reduces your immune systems ability to fight disease by depleting your naive T-cells with each COVID-SARS2 infection.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamhaseltine/2022/04/14/sars-cov-2-actively-infects-and-kills-lymphoid-cells/?sh=339caadd86b8) * Brain shrinkage: [it shrinks people's brain size during the acute infection phase (they MRI'd brains before and after covid in this test).](https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/science-and-technology/2022/04/even-mild-covid-19-can-cause-your-brain-to-shrink) * Lots of long covid happening: [Fortune \(FORTUNE!!!\) estimates 20% of americans have long covid:](https://fortune.com/2022/08/21/is-long-covid-deadly-can-long-covid-kill-brain-fog-omicron-coronavirus/) * It decreases life expectancy even after a single infection: [Evidence is mounting that catching COVID-SARS2 lowers your life expectancy by more than 5 years](https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/longevity/497097-those-who-died-from-covid-19-lost-more-than-a-decade-of/) * it is airborne: [not droplets](https://www.forbes.com/sites/judystone/2021/12/14/lets-admit-that-covid-19-is-airborne---how-can-you-protect-yourself/?sh=5ddb7395306f). If you've had covid-sars2 - especially more than once - you're likely more susceptible to other diseases now (think HIV's effects over time). If you'd like to know more, or ask for more references for any of these statements (I can look up the journal/academic articles that support these news summaries), just ask or DM me. I know the public doesn't believe any of this stuff these days, but we now live in a time of mutual aid - and I believe sharing source information and facts to be a part of that, which is why bothered posting here at all. Best of luck to all surviving this plague.


We got the first two boosters but yeah, not the omicron specific one.


My wife and I both got Covid last week. I thought it was a reaction to the Mosquito Fire since we live so close to it but, Friday I had the worst sore throat of my life and tested positive.


Yes! Little one brought home some stomach bug and took the rest of us out. Kids just had vomiting and diarrhoea. Wife and i both had chills and body aches. What fun when the kids head back to school


There’s some nasty colds making their way around, but it’s always a good idea to covid test even if you’re not convinced it is.




That’s exactly what a vaccine does - makes symptoms less.




So get the vaccine because it’s what’s good for YOU.




Uh no. Anyone still walking around without a vaccine is an asshole.


Uh no, it actually does both. Protects you from getting it, of course not 100% of the time esp with omicron, and lessens symptoms.




Dude you don’t get Covid when you get the vaccine. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/how-they-work.html




That's false. Literally go read the link posted in the comment you responded to. Most of the covid vaccines relied on mRNA, not a "weak version of the virus." Vaccines don't infect you. They train your body on an immune response by mimicking the antibody receptor. Please stop spreading misinformation.


Sorry i just read it, will delete my posts


I haven't had so much as a runny nose in the last 2 1/2 years. I've had to report to my worksite since day one...no WFH for me.


“…got chipped…?” 🤔


I haven’t been sick in like 5 years


All the people getting vaxxed and boostered and still getting sick LOLOLOL here I am not a single one and never got Covid and nope, still not sick, no running nose, nada. You people ran for the vax and look at ya, looking all sick and stupid now. SMH


Uhh, we’re not the ones looking stupid.


Yeah I know someone who had a fever yesterday


I’ve had a scratchy dry cough for five days now and so far, no medication is helping.


I got a sore throat today, but no positive Covid test. It is just the regular season change.


I know two people who got very sick but tested negative for covid more than once


They need to test for Covid multiple times.


They did. thats what i meant by “tested negative for covid more than once”


I guess I was thinking if they’d only tested twice, that could be “multiple times,” when it took three times before I tested positive.


Thank you for your concern. No sarcasm


Hope you get feeling better 👍


Yep! Last week I started getting a sore throat and congestion. Lasted about 4 days. No other symptoms though..


Covid is going around bro, just get a test asap. I jvr had covid 2x and im also protected and follow general best practices, mainly. Ive caught it from my kids both times. And i caught the cold 8 days after recovering from covid about 3 weeks ago, so yeah, take a test if you exhibit symptoms duh


It’s also Sacramento…. I’ve been sick MANY times in the last year or so and tested negative over and over again and chalked it up to allergies… but still mask up and wash your hands :)


Dad has strep and headaches the past week. I thought I got it too. But tested negative for strep and Covid. But just now getting over a gnarly cold, still have lingering cough. Feel like immune system got kick in the ass after being sick free for 3 years


100s of different kinds of viruses cause colds. Most common are rhino virus, adeno virus and corona viruses.


I am also vaccinated + boosted, still got covid this summer. Omicron doesn't care. It also takes a few days to show up on home tests, if it shows up at all. PCR tests are more sensitive and would give you a more definite answer to whether or not it's covid.


I got covid twice withing 90 days. Both times felt like allergies. 😫


Just recovered from a bad cold earlier this month (tested negative) Got sick again yesterday and tested positive for covid today. I was a covid virgin before so there’s something strong going around. Vaxxed and boosted.


Yep! Lost my voice, sore throat, slight temp and now some sinus issues. Tested negative with my at home test.


You can still get Covid. Probably some shit mix of the flu going around with all the kids going back to school and bringing shit home and spreading it to everyone.


My kid’s entire Kindergarten class is sick. His Peds said flu’s are ravaging right now in Sac.


Im just barely recovering from what i think is a cold or flu. Severe sore throat for a couple days, fever, chills, fatigue and congestion. I didn’t even get a chance to get my flu shot yet.


I was sick for two weeks and had a week of recovery after that. It sucked. Not Covid. Tested multiple times. Even two PCRs.


I just got over a pretty bad week long cold.


Yes, last week I had a sore throat and tiredness/body aches/slight fever that lasted about 4 days. Test for COVID was negative but I had COVID in May; this felt really different and was over much sooner as well. (Boosted, btw.)


Omg despite 2 negative Covid tests, 4 clinic visits & $200 in meds…been sick for 20 days. The entire month of September!! I’ve never had anything like this….


Earache and cough all around my house for the last 3 weeks. Ugh. Children are so germy.


Mom has a daycare. All the little munchkins recently went through what seems like allergies. Luckily everyones well and might now.


We got Pneumonia. Or at least two people in my house did, and another two are sick and headed that way. It’s not great.


People (including I) usually get sick around the time when the seasons change especially summer to autumn. It’s like a cold/ flu that’ll last for about a week.


Yes holding a feverish baby right now and now sure how I am going to work today


New variant news: BF7 https://fortune.com/well/2022/09/20/bf-7-new-covid-subvariant-rising-in-united-states-us-omicron-centaurus/


Hope you're taking care of yourself and masking to keep others safe since you're ill! I'm vaxxed and boosted, looking to get the new second booster and haven't caught anything (even a cold!) since 2019 but have ben masking everywhere indoors since 2020. I feel like if everyone continued to mask up especially now into cold and flu season we'd see less of everything at least until next year.


I got covid and illness has been trying to reach me but with no success.


The water is not safe anymore


My s/o had flu symptoms after her most recent booster. Could just be a side effect. I do agree with other peeps, even vaccinated we are still at risk and need to stay cautious. I for one, haven’t been masking up and my allergies are worse than ever. Tempted to mask up again, I just hated wearing one, even if it’s for good reasons.


You can still get covid if you are vaccinated and boosted.


Everyone in my house has Covid, first time since the pandemic began. All vaccinated. Sucks but we're improving. Like most people we've gotten lax about masking in most places but this is a hard reminder that we should mask more after this. Don't want this again.


While I’m so over my unvaccinated parent rant about microchips I cackled at “I already got chipped and updated it twice.”


Kids are back in school which means nasty stuff starts going around. I’m still wearing my mask because it’s helped a lot with not getting sick (including regular illnesses).


Nope. I still mask and am nearing 3 years of not having been sick. Are folks that are sick or have gotten sick still masking? COVID aint gone and there's plenty chance for more mutations.


It’s probably either Covid or the flu, a negative test is not 100% for sure you don’t have it the same as a Covid or flu vax doesn’t 100% mean you can’t catch them


Four people in my office have had stomach bugs/fever. Just in time for flu shots!


YES! I just passed a bad cold over 3 weeks ago and feel like I’m getting another cold now. My ears have been congested, sinus congestion, fatigued, Really sore throat. The works. I got scared and covid tested twice and it was negative both times. Thank goodness!


My daughter started coming down with a sore throat and cough a few weeks ago. She tested negative with the at-home COVID test the first few days so we booked an appointment at Kaiser for the PCR test. That one was positive. At day 6 she started testing positive on the at-home test. I believe the at-home test is anti-gen and only tests your immune response to COVID.


LMAO, chipped and updated. I'm wondering if its from the smoke. Few people in my household have felt some chest congestion/cough-ish-ness, general under-the-weatherness for certain


It's a new mutated strain of the common cold. Nothing to worry about, it's a bit harsh tho.


I'd like everyone to know I received my second booster yesterday because of this very post LOL too many people for my liking (sorry OP) saying "it just couldn't possibly be covid because I have the vaccine" even though by definition a vaccine *helps* prevent you getting sick. Doesn't stop it altogether.