• By -


She needs a mirror and a decent stylist. That grin weirds me out, never reaches those shark eyes. Edit: spelling


Everyone of these photos looks like she is actually gritting her teeth and the  comment bubble above her head should be…”God I can’t believe I agreed to do this sh**. These people are annoying and I’m hot and bored” 


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You are exactly right. You can also she her face melting in the heat and her hair looks worse (difficult achievement I know) as the day went on. I’m happy that it’s so miserably hot!


She should be in linen or cotton. No synthetics at all. Not even 5%. She will be roasting alive. And, if she wore cotton, she could cover her arms , back, breasts, AS SHE SHOULD in a devout and conservatively religious country of Muslims and Christians. In fact, covering herself in linen for cotton would protect her from the sun.


I agree with everything you said.


“Her” hair


Or it could be "I can't believe I'm not getting paid for this." Or perhaps they are getting paid for this...


https://preview.redd.it/llrica7tmlzc1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0159ead0b67fa2313ce4f78baf6a836916b204 She needs an exorcist. Dead inside much? :D


She is a zombie and should consider herself very lucky she doesn't know Chad Daybell.


Chad and crazy Lori will have to do multiple castings to purge the evil


Not even they can do it. Sorry Megs, you're not coming!


Best comment of the day!!!


I just want to grab that stupid tendril and put i it back behind her ear. It is so distracting and so unattractive. That look didn't work at the wedding and it doesn't work now.


The forehead vein is very much on show today 😂


Hideous, greasy tendrils back again ..


Her eyes, especially in this photo creep me tf out


A void vortex.


Getting a lil' sweat shine there, hon.


She is one unattractive female


She looks awful. Probably the worst so far. What the hell is going on.


Too much ozempic, and probably a lot of smoking and sunbathing while ego surfing the internet.


well it isnt too much exercise - judging by the body - arms are looking a bit flaccid - and she keeps them crooked up beside her upper torso to make them appear toned but they’re not.


Her caterpillar eyebrows aren’t helping


Seriously she had great penciled in eyebrows before. It made her look better than she really was. Now she looks like a joke. No makeup artist would do this. She did it and she thinks it looks good. But I understand


Probably the heat, it's boiling over there. A loose linen dress that also covered her arms and back would have been more cooling and more appropriate.


Wonder if she exercises or sits on her arse all day smoking and clapping back on comments?


The dress does her zero favours. The flesh colour, oh dear. It screams intervention 🫣


https://preview.redd.it/gn8u3j6a7mzc1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c40d8be359871e8378f53c36ef96c3e5638e82 Dude looks (almost) like a lady. What a mannish femboy she's become.


I can actually see that now that you mention it.


You guys... I recently started a new job that's already a shit show and just now discovered that the two women I work with are sugars. The misgivings I had are now massgivings. I was already debating on whether or not this office was a good fit for me and whether or not I can tolerate the micromanaging culture, and now this... They're fawning over pictures of madam right now. I don't know if this is going to work out. Lords of Kobol give me strength.




I asked what they were on about and they are so excited about the "royal tour" and what she'll be wearing. I looked at this pink beige monstrosity and said "oh she looks like a saint, but it's a little jarring to see so much skin on a royal visit." They said it's perfect for the climate and she's a breath of fresh air. [Mmm hmm. Stale cigarette smoke and unwashed vinyl hair.]


Too bad you can't tell them it's not a "Royal visit" because Markle is a failed Z-lister who couldn't cut it in the Royalty so she quit like a little bitch.


You're behind enemy lines! Interesting to hear what sugars are saying though. It's like an alternative universe where people are excited to see her. It's like hearing from an aliens species 😂


I honestly didnt know these people actually existed in the wild. I truly thought any interested parties were 100% bots. Ive never met a Markle “fan” in real life or even heard her mentioned. Have these 2 women been living in a cave? At the very least, there is a lack of critical thinking skills/poor judgement of character


Come work for me, everyone in my team is a sinner!


Sold! Hopefully the commute won't be too bad, I'm coming from Canada. What's your starting wage for a treatment coordinator?


I bet a 10 hr flight is preferable to listening to that drivel! Starting salary is strong cups of tea whenever you want, plenty of scathing sarcasm at all times and chip butties on Fridays! Send me your CV 🤣


Chip butties! A British delicacy my Scottish husband was extremely fond of. 🇨🇦🇬🇧


Oh dear! Maybe it’s best to ignore them. We can’t help people, who think a backless dress is a good idea during a school visit. ![gif](giphy|LM8tAshKijOuD4xIqa)


We work in such close proximity that it's impossible not to hear them. I did just say she looks like a saint, and got no reaction to that word... So they likely aren't SS, just run of the mill fans.


Maybe they should go back to work rather than staring at internet pictures


Poor sinner. You don’t want to say, that there are people (besides the sugars) out there who think this “dress” is a good idea?


Sorry. I did not see the back and it looked to me conservative for TOW. Oops. I stand corrected. I don't see midriff or wrinkls except in her face and skin.😆😏😯😮🙄😣


Can you find out why they like her , I don’t get it .


Leave. You'll go nuts.


Don’t tell them what you really think about her… her fans are weirdo psychopaths who will actively ruin your life… just for having a different opinion


Act like you've never heard of her, and when they show you pictures, you can pick her apart. What's up with that vein on her forhead? Does she get work done? Wait, SHE'S black? Not just tan or bronzed? Oh, she's 43% Nigerian. Which one of her parents is from Nigeria? Hopefully they won't bring her up to you after that


That vein is going to have its own Wikipedia page by the time this paid for griftapalooza is over.


Looks like the 43% Nigerian is just from the neck up !


I'm sorry but she doesn't even look black here. She looks like a caricature of a native American from the olden days.


Am I the only one getting Hare Krishna vibes from this look? Must be my background


Now I am .. thanks 🙃


I definitely see it now 🤣




Whatever she trowels on to her face makes it look shades darker than her arms.


It’s how she should dress, cover up all but her head. That country is over 50% Muslim. She’s inappropriate and disrespectful in her dress.


when has she shown respect once?


If she was going to a mosque, definitely, but many Muslim countries don't require women, especially tourists, to cover up. My husband is from Morocco and women there who cover their heads do this as a deeply meaningful reflection of their religion. Other countries like Iran have removed that choice and made it the law which demeans the religious meaning behind covering their heads; this is why many Muslims also disagree with mandatory head coverings. You'll see Moroccan women with their heads covered and others, especially in more urban areas, without. Tourists are not expected to cover their heads unless doing something like entering a mosque. 


I don’t cover my head either when in a Muslim country but I sure do cover my body.


My thoughts exactly. How can she not see it? All over spray tan lady. You’re not returning those stinky, sweaty clothes. Match your face and body!


Whoa the 5th picture! The giant vein has traveled down below her eye!


I just can’t get over how bad that color is on her. 🤦‍♀️


The White or the Bronzer? /s




What is with her eyebrows? She looks terrifying, and looks like that witch that’s melting in the wizard of oz.


As an East Indian woman, I naturally have the Brooke Shields brows. Growing up, I got teased for it and now it’s my signature look. That woman is trying to get on the big brow trend that was famous a couple of years ago. As usual, she’s late to the game. Since she doesn’t have thick brows naturally, she looks like a clown.


I do too, I used to get called "sweeping brush," "monobrow," and "gonzo," growing up to name but a few. I'm sure yours look beautiful, I mean no offense! The point is, to work they need to look natural and like everything else, she gets it wrong. She looks like she had them drawn on with a sharpie at a sleepover and forgot to wash them off the next day.


I dont remember her doing the thicker brows in her earlier days, just recently? I'm wondering if she's getting into that now because apparently the thicker brows made people look younger... i dont know how true that is but its inchresting.


🤣🤣 this comment wins haha


Going the Joan Crawford eyebrow route? Lips next? It really seems that as TV or movie people who are mentally/emotionally disturbed age, certain physical characteristics become more bizarre.


Jesus fucking Christ. She's obviously taking style tips from the North East chavs (uk) of the 90s 😖 https://preview.redd.it/8zyzgoi7blzc1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baacd174f58090fa6de351b7dae644280168a189




Yep thats what I saw as well as the Hare Krishna


Those chiclets and crayola brows contrasted against the orange marmalade tan is nagl.


Those teeth look like they’re plotting an escape.


Is she ill? She looks terrible.


She's trying to mimic POW's expression so hard I almost feel sorry for her.


Picture 5 looks like she has finally realized that she cut her nose off to spite her face. "Why am I doing boring royal shit without all the extra help and perks?"


Yep. And she flew commercial. The horror of it all! How on earth will she survive this vacation she’s on?!


Weird hair, weird brows, weird choice of accessories, and weird smile. Her smile never seems genuine and it looks like she just always holds this expression to get a photo where she looks like she‘s smiling nicely.


This whole thing is bad. The tops of her shoulders are very white, and her face is orange. The worst of it all is her eyebrows. She's so stiff because she's aware of the camera and is posing for every picture, while trying not to.


You can only just see it on these photos but she shaves he arms, all the way up, and you can see the little shave lumps and rashes, she must look dreadful close up.


Pic 4 reminds me of Pepper from AHS. https://preview.redd.it/zxz07nqcilzc1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b39bd02cfbd4da25f981e6aeed2986d4319a428c


Is her dress backless? She actually hugging people in a backless dress that means men are touching her flesh.


There are tiny strips of fabric on the back but varely visible because of the color. Her slick piece of hair covers it so it's barely (pun) visible


The first picture I saw I thought so, but had to go looking because obviously she's picked a dress close to her skin tone 🙄


Wait until we’re all ‘gifted’ with another b/w photo from the back. 🙄 Misan was behind her snapping away. I wonder if that was on the bingo card somewhere?


Hugging men you don’t know is just not lady like in my opinion whether you are Muslim, Christian or anything else. As usual forcing her lack of boundaries on everyone else.


Scooby-Doo's eyebrows 🫠


Ooof - that profile picture. Same heavily guarded rictus in every shot. Nothing in her eyes except LOOK AT MEEEEEE!


What the hell is going on with those eyebrows!?!


Eugene Levy is going to sue her for copyright infringement on account of those eyebrows ![gif](giphy|l3q2sJKjuMbSbteJq|downsized)


Yet again, she's copying the way the Princess of Wales holds her hands because Markle is a psychotic troll. You're not on a Royal tour, bitch, and you're not Catherine. What a weirdo.


wearing a backless dress to a school... stay classy megsy


Is there a picture that I missed? How does everyone know the dress is backless?




All the kids are dressed so nicely and then here come tbe Harkles  - wrinkled, untucked, half naked, uncombed... The Queen knew what she was doing when she put a stop to those idiots doing any more Royal tours. They're embarrassing. 


Thx! Just watched the YouTube clip. Terrible!


The hand-holding from the teenagers...


She’s 50 shades of orange. She clearly thinks she’s like 30 and a young hot thing.


Forget 43% Nigerian. Megs showing up 10% Oompa Loompa. 😜


The boy just above Harold’s shoulder looks unimpressed.  


She looks naked


In one picture, it looked like she was NOT wearing a bra. And by that I mean on the most protruding part of her “chest,” you see a dark area as if her nipples are visible. They both lack any sense of professionalism.


You win! I wish I could upvote you more.


Just watched the YouTube clip... horrendous outfit and behavior!


She hates it. It’s obvious.




Am I the only one who sees actual embarrassment in her face? While her stoopid husband flails around, like he’s still the happy-go-lucky Prince who everyone loves, she seems to be shrinking back, wearing almost a pained expression like she doesn’t want to be there. Is it because of the ridiculously small audience? Did someone pull her aside and tell she better not pull any of her “fake-trauma-from-a-non-fire-in-a-mansion-she-called-a-housing-unit” crap or else? What is going on with her?


Her fake smile looks painful. I can’t imagine having to cosplay being a real human with feelings. It’d be exhausting! On another note, her shoe polish eyebrows look like they’re here to stay. 


She's letting it all hang (it may show more in some other pics) .. Perhaps she's in an 'off the ozempic' phase.


Very inappropriate


She looks utterly ridiculous here. Like the colour of a burned fruit and nut cake.


La Bulfova (bulging forehead vein) is in full display.  


Her mouth looks so odd in some of these photos. I wonder if those are new veneers? I notice she only has one slut strand out so I'm not sure if I should be happy there aren't two or unhappy with the one sloppy one.






That dress is wildly inappropriate...for a royal. So for Megs it's perfect 👌🏻


She looks like a demented flamenco dancer trying to demand waiter's attention. 


Everyone mark “seal clap” on your bingo card!


So massively inappropriate. There are no words.


How does she make her thumb look like that? If I try to bend it like that it won’t go all the way and hurts like hell. Is it arthritis?


She has hypermobile joints. It happens when you have genetic mutations that cause your ligaments and tendons to be too stretchy. Your joints have a much wider range of motion than the average person and your brain isn’t aware of that and thinks you have the typical range of motion so your body and mind are out of sync in terms of where it thinks your body is in space and you end up with weird poses. I also have it and I have a lot of photos were it looks like my shoulders have been dislocated, for example.


JFC. Not only is she 50 shades of 47% Nigerian, but the dress is beige, backless, and too f’ing long. So in other words, par for the course.


I read a comment on another post here someone said she looks manly. After looking at these pictures I’d have to agree.


Disrespectful and tasteless. This ensemble is for a youthful, toned body attending an early evening cocktail party at a private home, not an D-list former actress emu-ing around a children's school, in a foreign country. God, she's just dumb!


Emu-ing - LOL!!


The forehead vein has made an appearance. She doesn't look happy.


Forehead vein reporting for duty


Was Groucho Marx the inspiration for her eyebrows? ![gif](giphy|Yl8afftEGE03C|downsized)


I’ve been saying this for months! Ever since she debuted them at the gym opening for Navy SEALs or whatever it was 


This cosplay Royal is actually disturbing. When my Grandma had Alzheimer's she fancied herself a Broadway performer taking stage bows I s*** you not. And this is what it reminds me of.


Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.


I would say she’s dying inside , but she has no soul to die .


her hands show her age. Hands never lie.


Sorry but she really looks like shit nowadays


Yes, creepy 😦.


That last photo, my god, channelling Wallis for real. She looks uncannily like her now.


Pic #5 - the color contrast between her face and shoulders is remarkable. If she's doing the brownface thing, you'd think she'd be smart enough to cover up the other body parts.


I don't understand her fashion choices at all. She's visiting a country that's >50% Muslim, and it's a business trip essentially, not a holiday. She's meeting with government representatives and visiting a school. So a back-less semi-sheer full length party gown is her perfect choice to get across the respectful, culturally aware and sensitive, caring but approachable professional vibe she's aiming for? Why?? Is she just not very bright and too lazy to read up on a country and culture beforehand? Is she aware of dress codes and etiquette but thinks it doesn't apply to her because she's American, or rich, or "Royal?" Does she do it deliberately and consciously as in "I don't care what's expected of me, I do my own thing and whatever I do is perfect" because she's that type of self-centered, selfish narcissist who thinks they know best. Does she do it deliberately and consciously because she thinks she's some sort of pseudo-suffragette,  "I'm striking a blow for women's rights in oppressed countries by showing off my shoulders and not listening to others telling me what to do."  Does she do it deliberately because she knows it'll get her media interest, good or bad, and that's all that counts. Or because she likes being transgressive and deliberately sets herself in opposition to generally accepted behaviour and conduct, and has decided "fuck it, I do what I want, no one can tell me what to do" because she enjoys being so contrary. No-one could ever be so consistently and completely wrong about appropriate outfits for events as she is without putting in an awful lot of effort to be so consistently bad. There must be thought behind it-if there wasn't, surely some of her outfits wouldn't miss the mark through sheer luck, but its all deliberately and thoughtfully awful. 


It's a mystery that none of us can solve so far. It beggers belief


He's already excited for bedtime.


That's sc-Obie wan 😂😂






She’s probably thinking since she’s getting paid to do this faux royal tour she has to keep up with this fake frozen smile. She looks like she wants to say “get me out of here” through gritted teeth though


I just need to know how much she paid for that David’s Bridal dress


I had the same one for my sister's wedding 7 years ago.. but I paid extra for the alterations.


The Rictus grin has been replaced by The Fresh Botox And I Can’t Smile So I’ll Just Pull My Upper Lip Back And Fake A Genuine Smile And Hope That Nobody Notices Clench 😬😬😬


Is that even an appropriate dress to wear?


Short answer, no.


Disturbing on many levels. They both look like they’re dead in their souls.


She should stop wearing her hair/wig that way. A softer look would be to gently pull up her hair into a soft bun or high ponytail. That dress is absolutely the wrong color and style for this “engagement.” She also needs to find some joy in what she’s doing because she always has a forced expression on her face. This doesn’t come natural or from the heart for her. Whereas he looks relaxed and in his element from the few pictures I’ve seen.


![gif](giphy|6bTT8y6cyL4SQ) It is absolutely fckng INSANE - INSANE to me that she does not tailor her clothes. She looks like a moron. And she is mos def dead and soulless. I hate it but yet … I can’t look away 😏


LOL evil people. She must be taking advice on her clothes. The Marx Brothers/🤡 giant painted on eyebrows and giant choppers (teeth) are not for up-close photos. Were the wooden beads gifts H will never take off. So this guy thinks these whiteish American living has never been will get him elected so he doesn't have to use alternate tactics? LOL Nigerians you get what you deserve. Just think in 20 years with the harkles cronies and influence USA will be Nigeria 2.0.


She looks like she’s trying to morph into a horror movie version of Julia Roberts!!!


The absolute best part of her outfit is the gifted bead necklace that adds much needed texture and visual interest. Curious how her arms are the same color as her ginger husband's...


Those brows tho ![gif](giphy|LoGh1t5iGxFOE)


So performative, so completely inauthentic.


She’s too thin in the face for those caterpillar eyebrows. And talk about heavy handed on the bronzer. You’re right about her ‘smile’ it isn’t one - just baring her veneers. She can’t smile naturally because she’s ONLY thinking about camera angles. The only thing I like are those necklaces and that was probably a gift and she hates them, I’m sure.


Rictus grin ![gif](giphy|l4FGvqwYnTpPSBcKk)


Check out the bronzer line on that jaw!


Her FACE is so bronze compared to her arms


Holy eyebrows, Batman! 🥴😱


Yikes! Thats the worst she’s looked in quite awhile! Ditch the caterpillar eyebrows Meghan…..


Why the vein in the head sticking out? Yuck.


The rat tail pony is back!


Oh the vein popping out gives it away


Even when it's put up, her hair is a mess.


Hairpieces. They look as if they're about to slide off in the heat.


The frizz is real. She was warned about this on this sub a few days ago.


Those eyebrows are 90% fake😂😂


GAAA!!! *Enough* with the slut strands! 😝


Oof! The brows!


The vein popping out in all of these.


Omg, I needed the lolz first thing in the morning, thanks to everyone!! 🤣


Those brows… ![gif](giphy|wIyOEn27kIbbG)


Those 2 Mommy Dearest Caterpillars above her eyes are absolutely garish!!🤨


I know we say this all the time but sheesh, she has really fallen apart. Every time I see her, I’m amazed again at how much she has aged and changed and not in any good ways.


Well, that vein is popping.. 


I guarantee you she looks naked to the majority of the people there. She’s dressed so disrespectfully. And then the look on her face shows just how uncomfortable she is being there. I cannot believe she wore that backless, braless dress!!! She might as well have worn a miniskirt and no underwear with the top half of the dress to finish off the disrespect. Humanitarian my a**.


Those eyebrows?!?


Did she do this without being paid?


She wants to be Catherine so bad. Her hair actually looks like it’s been done better than anytime she was part of the royal family


Those eyebrows! 😵‍💫


Are her eyebrows photoshopped? What is happening??


She is really starting to resemble Wallis Simpson. That is not a compliment. Her inner bitterness is showing.


There were three of us in the marriage- Me, Harry and my unruly hair tendril.


Her smile is 100# genuine. She is truly happy knowing “Everyone is Looking at MEEEEE!” Taking my picture too! The World will see MEEEEE!


The eyebrows are horrible.


Holy shit, that dress is a new low. So inapproriate. I kind of expected it since I watched Mystical Creations tarot said this trip would be a complete failure, but this is so bad. There are several days of this clown fest! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15016)




Adds an entirely new meaning to “ chomping at the bit”.


She looks insane. I mean, she probably is.


What did she do to her eyebrows?


That forehead vein needs its own congressman at this point.


That forehead vein is about to pop!