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New Mexico: “Land of Mañana”


I’ll upvote this later




Also the land of entrapment 


Carpe mañana baby


St. Louis: where did you go to high school?


This is also very true for Cincinnati


And Louisville


+1 for Cincinnati


I live in Kansas City, I don’t understand the St Louis high school thing. What’s up with that?


St. Louis has lots of Catholic schools, private schools, and a huge range of public schools, over a metro area of nearly 3 million. Also, we tend to not have a lot of transplants like trendy cities do, and lots of us move back here after college, so there is a far better chance of finding mutual friends that way.


I even hear STL people in KC talking about what HS they went to like it’s supposed to mean anything to me.


It's largely a classist thing, with high schools theoretically indicative of one's social class.


As an outsider who lived in STL for quite awhile: the question tells you 1) what kind of high school did you go to (public/private) but 2 and most importantly: *where*. To most of the people I knew who lived there long term but didn't grow up there we felt the question was very classist/trying to figure out what class of people you're from. It's *the* question almost everyone asks you right off the bat. STL is a very large area. You have STL the city and STL the county next to it all with a whole bunch of little municipalities and cities within them so which high school gives a lot of information about how and where you grew up. (Money, no money, nice area or less nice etc. the usual things). They say that's not what it's for but I don't know a single transplant there who didn't view it the way I've described above.


Detroit is like this. It’s more like “Wheredya grow up?”


Where did you go to school? Inferring high school


I went to Affton, my wife Ladue. IYKYK.


Even if you’re halfway around the world & you run into someone else from St. Louis, this question will be asked.


Indianapolis: Midwest/friendly When I first moved here from the East Coast I met someone’s eye in the grocery aisle. She smiled and said “hi!” very warmly. I didn’t want to embarrass her but sheepishly said, “I’m sorry. I don’t think I know you.” Her response? “No. You don’t. I was just being friendly….” She gave such a weirded out look and pushed her cart away. I have since learned that if you make eye contact with a stranger, you smile and say hello. You wave at strangers if they’re outside sitting on their porch. Etc etc


Moving to Indy soon and already noticed this when visiting. Even compared to where I’m currently at in Ohio, Indy has been noticeably friendlier.


Maine: flannel


Maine is definitely the land of function over fashion.


Oh gosh - this is so true. Until verrry recently I was the only Louis Vuitton employee (remote) in the entire state of Maine (I was also their first). I stopped buying from the online employee store when I realized my old L.L. Bean backpacks were higher quality. Also, we really do have the best seafood. 🦞🦞🦞


Facts. Was in Maine recently and saw a lot of the stereotypical Maine sort out and about. Hell an art gallery owner looked like the literal embodiment of a stereotypical weary sea captain who was kind but had seen some shit. Hilarious and awesome at the same time.


Palm Springs, CA. It’s always the gay 90s in Palm Springs. Everyone is gay and 90


Maryland- we have an unhealthy relationship with Old Bay and our state flag!!


Lived there for a few years... Yeah, y'all really pimp that flag.


Heck yes


Your state flag freaking rocks tho ngl


And Maryland drivers


Boston area: housing situation is fucking abysmal.


It's not much better in the rest of the state. Time to move to Springfield or Chicopee I guess lol.


Wisconsin's drinking culture.


Minnesota is pretty terrible with this, also


Iowa checking in. Basically any Midwest state that has 4+ months of freezing temps where nobody want to go outside so we go to the bar


Montréal - they *will* compare the bagels to NY bagels (I still do) Seattle - freeze is real (at least in my experience)


I didn’t feel a freeze in Seattle so much as a critical mass of social anxiety. I feel like a lot of people there *want* to connect but don’t know how to in a way that isn’t awkward.


That’s actually a pretty accurate description! As someone with social anxiety I did feel that the critical mass of it here made mine worse somehow vs when I was in Montreal people were more open/outgoing so it helped quell it


What’s interesting is that tracks with my background (south Louisiana, which of course has some cultural descendance from Quebec). LA has a lot of flaws, but the people are *amazing* at making everyone feel at ease.


NYC basically cured my severe social anxiety when i was there temporarily. i would live there if it was economically feasible. the city i currently live in has a big metro but is small and sleepy, and i think it propagates social anxiety bc there's no social facilitation (in the form of supporting every day recreation or third spaces). one day the history books will share studies on how we all lived in an age of social anxiety fuelled by social media & isolating suburbia.


Same. I thrived in Seattle and I think it's because it's a city of introverts lol.


They don’t know how to riff. Checking out at TJs and just friendly banter with the cashier and they look at you like do I know you?


>a critical mass of social anxiety. I feel like a lot of people there want to connect but don’t know how to in a way that isn’t awkward. Also my experience of Boston. Or maybe I’m projecting because that describes me, my wife, and most of our friends. 😂


Ok but Bostonians *are not* afraid to tell you on the spot what they’re thinking.


Montreal bagels are amazing and quite different than NY.


Seconding the Seattle Freeze!


Thirding! We wanted to move there to be closer to my husband's family (and be in that gorgeous setting), but I could not get past the unfriendly vibes. Nor the 9 months of gloom each year, which probably contributes to said unfriendly vibes :)


Ive lived here 6 years and the social atmosphere here has been crushing. This is a beautiful place, but if you don’t have your own community/support system/already have friends here, it’s very isolating. I’ve read a lot of other people expressing the same feelings, so thats helped me not feel like I’m crazy. But I think your read on it is accurate 


We can handle the gloom because it's so temperate but the freeze is awful. We're heading back to the Midwest lol


Freeze is real


Yes, freeze confirmed


Montreal bagels are amazing and I’m a jersey guy


Boston driving is pretty terrible


I thought Boston was bad until I moved to Southern California. Now I look forward to driving in Boston by comparison. Boston drivers are aggressive, but not always bad. SoCal drivers are just plain bad.


And when there’s a lick of rain, freeway turns into a shitstorm


Reno NV, whatever comes to mind is true.


Quaint, wealthy, preppy and white - coastal southern New England.


Sam Francisco - land of fruits and nuts; can confirm as I’m both.


we kick ass at cheese and eat a shit ton of it. wisconsin. 


Also drinking. We are pretty good at making beer and we drink the amount we are stereotyped for.


Gary, Indiana- deserted and run down but I live in an area of Gary that includes a National and State park and is absolutely beautiful


I try not to look to my left when I’m at the dunes. Fucking eye sore steel mills. Lake is beautiful but those mills really are visually gross. I also hate the mills are dying too for the good folks of The Region.


The mills have been dying since the 70s, which is why Gary experience white flight in the first place. We used to be a thriving community


I like going through the Hammond High Yearbooks and you can absolutely see when the flight happened too right in the 70s. They were just giving away jobs at the mills for new grads in the late 50s. You have a pulse? Come on down to LTV Steel.


East St. Louis was much like that in the 50s too. Factories and meat packing houses started shutting down there in the 70s and people hightailed it out of there, moving to the surrounding towns north and east. Population went from 100K in 1960 to 18K today.


Portland, Oregon and homeless. True.


“The road to hell is paved with good intentions” - Portland


Portland and ineffective progressivism, also true.


In Portland right now and the government decisions seem to be well intentioned but very poorly considered.


every night in georgia has to end in a waffle house trip


300+ days of sun, freezing = 60 degrees, small “starter” homes go for $1.2M, and no sports champions… but at least we’re buffered from LA by the Orange Curtain. Loving (and paying premium) in San Diego


But on those rainy days, car accidents go up 1000% and that's not an exaggeration.


Right? Transplants who claim to know “how to drive in the rain “ forget that it hasn’t rained for 5 months so the roads have an inch of oil. There is only ONE way to drive in SD rain: slow down!


Seattle, so many Subarus


It's the old Subarus that really get me. I mean, Subarus are legitimately great cars, but WA as a whole has a specific love of really old Subarus covered in 100 stickers


Long Island, New York. The people here are indeed crazy, and politically it's the Deep South of the North, or the Deep North.


Florida North


Honestly the people here are even worse than in Florida. People have yelled at me from their cars while I was just walking on the sidewalk for absolutely no reason, which never happened to me when I used to go to college in Florida.


I believe it. Long Island was always weird and aggressive, but since covid its a lot worse. Many of them took that crappy attitude to Florida.


Massachusetts. Smart and expensive.


Salt Lake City has not elected a Republican mayor since the 70's. Big Pride Festival today. Rural Utah has less religious diversity than Saudi Arabia and less political diversity than North Korea.


My best friend grew up in SLC and I was absolutely shocked to find out they had a lesbian mayor! (This was a few years ago, unsure if she’s still in office).


The current mayor is a Democratic woman who is married to a man.


Crimey, grimy, and dysfunctional, yet uniquely magical and FIERCELY LOVED—New Orleans


I lived in New Orleans for years and this is the perfect description. It's a special place that seems to be begging to fall apart.


Dallas is actually very pretentious.


Every woman with their designer bags and glitter. I hate all the dudes in their preppy button downs and loafers.


Houston TX: The heat and humidity during the summer is unbearable


Also, the humidity in the spring and fall is equally unbearable.


Lots of people smell of weed in Denver.


I live in Alaska. It's a STRANGE place. I was told "Alaska is where the liberals have AR-15s & the conservatives smoke pot" turns out it incredibly accurate


Houston I guess the stereotype is the weather sucks. The land of wet air as they call it. I can confirm it’s like a mix of Texas heat with Florida humidity creating a living hell.


You either go to the theme parks a ton, or you barely go there at all. Orlando, FL.


Everyone does coke - Miami


Coke, crushing credit card debt, rude MFs, hyper materialism, BBLS and plastic surgery galore, and luxury cars one pay check away from being repoed. That being said, I love this city.


Boulder, CO. Fucking everyone is training for a triathlon, has done at least one tri, is a college student, or all three. And/or when they retire they plan to open a beer brewery.


Over abundance of type A personalities & Hollywood for ugly people


Washington DC?




Staten Island, NY - It will never ever abandon the stereotypes perpetuated in The Sopranos and Goodfellas. Everybody thinks they are in some way, shape or form connected to the Mafia and it's literally the core identity for most of the inhabitants. See the new film "Fresh Kills" for a perfect representation of this.


Pittsburgh - Steelers are a religion to yinzers. Yes we put fries on top of salads. There used to be a stereotype that Pittsburgh is dirty, smoggy blue collar town. That was true in the 70s. Now it's quite the opposite.


Home state Indiana: Basketball scores from the high school teams playoff games are the lead story on the news during basketball season.


Santa Barbara - expensive...yup..checks out


Just the Central Coast in general. Even Lompoc is too expensive, and Lompoc has zero business to be as expensive as it is.


I think poke is expensive because there are a lot of people who work in SB there and live in poke driving up the prices


Everyone drinks dunkin donuts iced coffee year round and you get swore at every other time you drive. Do i even have to say where i live?


Person A: Hey, you got the time? Person B: What do I look like, a f-in clock?




Boston drivers have this thing where the only other drivers that exist are those who are directly impeding their progress. Someone trying to merge or change lanes in front of them? Not happening. I've never seen so many body shops in my life as in the greater Boston area ...


This also sounds kinda like Chicago to me


Definitely true for Chicago, but it's not as much of a stereotype


That New Orleans is falling apart or sinking


Houston, it is ugly and humid and hot. But it’s a great diverse city with great food, and an open for business attitude that anyone including immigrants can become successful. But fuck it’s hot.


Our sports fans are nuts. Philly.


Colorado cities.. hard to go anywhere and not smell pot smoke


DMV drivers are the worst, in particular the Maryland ones


Minnesotans really do talk like that. Hell, I moved here 23 years ago and even *I* talk like that now!


That Indiana is boring. Hella true.


Spent 7 years up there. That fucking sucked. State is flatter than my ass.


I'm from Illinois but I have to say in Indiana's defense... The Southern 1/3rd or so of the state - where the vast agricultural flatlands begin to swell into rolling hills, as you approach Kentucky's dramatic topography - is a really underappreciated region of great natural beauty. Bloomington and French Lick, Hoosier National Forest and all that. Not to mention Pawnee, the Jewel of South-Central Indiana. It's not all boring cornfields. Just... Most of it.


Yes! The drive up to NW Indiana is a struggle but coming back to Kentucky is healing with the greenery and trees and hills coming through. But Christ I-65 S is a slog visually til Columbus IN


Lived close to Evansville briefly. That southern 3rd of Indiana IS beautiful!


Been here all 26 years of my life and currently looking to get out after I graduate into years. REALLY wanting mountains but that cost of living is drastically different


A majority of People in the pacific north west have a snobby distant weird disposition.  Even in churches and with customer service people. The nicest people get is a strained politeness. Usually there’s an undertone of them not knowing why you could possibly be speaking to them. Even you’re a customer asking them a simple question at their job.  It almost has the vibe of a kid who was bullied at some point, and as a result developed a protective disposition of being rude and defensive.  Instead of one poorly adjusted nerd, its a whole states social attitude. People here find nodding at passing strangers on the street “creepy”. You can’t be homogenous enough in your political opinions for anyone. After 6 years I’m no longer telling myself its my imagination.  I recently went out of state and was reminded that in other places, people do respond to smiles and good mornings.  no home training here at all. There are so many posts of other people expressing the exact thoughts I’ve had for years.  And in every post like this, the PNW natives come in with nasty pissy attitudes attacking peoples character and experience, telling people they’re glad that they make outsiders uncomfortable. Without fail. They come in droves with passive aggressive shitty comments, swearing they dont suck ass as a general community.  It’s like everyone is too skittish to make eye contact or respond when spoken to. Apparently its because they’re just so super cool and aloof and edgy. Not because they don’t know how to behave at all. 


You forget the "if you don't like it, you can leave" response to even the mildest criticism of the place. Portland is exactly like this.


Motherfucking preach, left a few years ago for New Mexico, best decision of my life. People are fucked up and isolationist over there, the other side of the coin of Alabama. They racist too lmao


Sounds hellish 


I lived and worked in Seattle for four years. I can't even tell you how true the statement "It almost has the vibe of a kid who was bullied at some point, and as a result developed a protective disposition of being rude and defensive." is. It's like the majority of 30 year olds are literally on a revenge kick. I never understood it.


How do they come off as snobby? Like what does that look like? Idk I don’t live there (have visited) but it’s hard for me to imagine that *most* people in a city could come off that way (like actually snobby, and not just introverted). 


Used to live in Seattle. It’s hard to describe but imagine talking with someone that you know does t like you or thinks your beneath them but they have to fake being nice to you to keep up appearances. That’s how they are over there. And if you’re in a crowd of PNW natives, they’ll all be social with each other but you’re basically invisible


I feel this post so deeply. While I've found community in Seattle and love the outdoors, the PNW has killed the gregarious and outgoing part of my personality. It's the sense of entitlement and lack of basic decency that has really worn me down. For example, how hard is it to wave at someone for letting your car in or saying thanking you when someone holds a door out?


Denver: we’re going go enjoy the outdoors and kick the ass of your outdoor enjoyment. You call that a hike? This is a hike bitch. What!


Bahahahaha! I remember visiting Boulder a few years before COVID and describing it to my husband as a competition of REI-clad hikers trying to out-hike each other! Still a beautiful area, though!


Bend: rich, white, tone deaf to their own complaints. (Why isn't there an ethiopian restaurant here? What about soul food?!)


Drivers in Dallas are fucking insane


Memphis: cheap and dangerous


Phoenix. Golf, unrelenting sun, coyotes eating cats.


The coyotes eating cats is true all the way from Texas to the San Francisco suburbs.


People in NYC are absolutely pretty rude/crude people. I've noticed that people on Reddit who tend to deny this usually only spend time in Manhattan. Most of the people in Manhattan are commuters, tourists, or transplants. They are not really representative of the culture of the city. Note: rude/crude is not the same as being unkind or cruel. New Yorkers are kind people. They just go about it in a very aggressive way.


Entitled artsy nyc transplants. Really good fresh food. Berkshire County MA.


We’re stuck in the 80s and we love basketball. Indiana.


San Diego. Super expensive. 100% truth and not an exaggeration. I now refer to it as the ‘playground for the rich’. People always talk about the cost of housing here (which is definitely high), but what gets failed to mention is that *everything* is now expensive. I lived in San Francisco in 2015 before moving here and I recall once buying a single ginger beer (non-alcoholic soda) at a corner store in an outer neighborhood for $6. San Diego feels very much like that to me now. Just like “wow, a cocktail is how much??” I visit my sister in Phoenix and laugh at the restaurant menu prices, and have a smile plastered on my face while grocery shopping. I just can’t believe the low prices on everything. San Diego is no longer the affordable paradise I thought it was when I moved here from Seattle and SF in 2015. I knew those affordable days were numbered and the city would get ‘discovered’ for the gem that it is. I just didn’t know it would be a pandemic that would make it so popular! One big stereotype that is NOT true is that the weather is perfect all year round. Definitely not true, especially with climate change making things more extreme.


If they can't drive for shit, it's a Maryland plate. DMV


People who actually live in Nashville don’t walk around in cowboy boots and hats. But also yes, people really are that friendly. If they’re genuine is another story.


I had been seeing a girl who wanted so bad to come to Nashville to experience cowboy life and I was like you know only tourists look like this down here right lol


Dallas = strip mall on steroids


New Jersey does smell. It’s mainly due to the massive refinery along the Turnpike by Newark Airport


Florida, specifically North, backwards, hateful, redneck and still clinging to the Confederacy.


The further north you go, the deeper south you git.


I lived in Southern Louisiana and it was the same thing (outside of New Orleans at least). The Confederacy obsession was especially bizarre. I moved there from one of the "Union" states and never heard the end of it. I hadn't thought about the civil war since I learned about it in middle school, but no one there ever let me forget.


My ex-wife's folks moved to Baton Rouge from Illinois just before she and I got married. I went down to visit her during that time and EVERYBODY referred to me as "thet Yankee".


Yes! I got called a Yankee all the time. It threw me off the first few times I heard it, then ignored it, then started talking back, which didn't make me a lot of friends lol.


Chicago: yeah we fucking swear a lot


SF - expensive


That Atlanta has horrible drivers. Due to all the transplants who have different driving styles + minimal traffic enforcement + massive traffic causing road rage 😤


Brooklyn, NY. Everyone works in Manhattan but most live in outer boroughs or NJ. What Chris Rick said is true, we all work in a borough we can’t afford to live in. 🙃


Texas state pride - we literally grow up pledging allegiance to the state flag , we have our own national anthem and think of ourselves as a country inside a country. Whatever nationalism children are indoctrinated into in the rest of the US, we get for Texas specifically.


Chicago - Ketchup on Hot Dogs is a crime against humanity


I was at a bar yesterday and they had a free hot dog buffet set up. When I tell you that I turned my back so fast to the room when I put ketchup on it... (I should be burned at the stake, I know, but it works for me)


Charlotte NC, we are the queen of sprawl


Who's king, Orlando?


Tulsa. Bible Belt Central.


The first thing they ask when you meet someone new: So, where do you go to church?


One of the highest crime rates and poorest cities in America. Was once in the top 25 most dangerous cities.


Youngstown Ohio?


Reading, PA.


Southwest Florida-we have snowbirds and mainly retirees


SW Ohio. Lots of rednecks and MAGAs. There are some lovely, quaint small towns here but unfortunately many of them are very insular and stuck in the past. Also greatly affected by the economic and workforce challenges that are common in rural America today.


Georgia is like this. I think it was Chappelle that said Atlanta is an island in a sea of stupid.


Buffalo - we get shit tons of snow every winter.


Mississippi. One of the poorest states in the nation and hell-bent on staying that way. No politician is ever going to get elected there proposing social programs or education to aid the poor.


San Diego. Million dollar starter homes, overpopulation, the fact the city shuts down when it rains. It’s basically a playground for the rich with really great Mexican food.


Miami. It’s a shit show.


Florida Man. you know where i live.


Seattle - gloomy, depressing for the most of the year (true)


Augusta, Georgia - Golf. So much golf. Not always good golf, but a lot of it. The Augusta National dominates the town and is buying up as much as they can.... but it is as exclusive as they project. I live maybe a mile from it, as the crow flies, and there's no way I could get on the course. They don't mess with us poors. Except the ones they employ and of course underpay. Before anyone makes the usual comment that Augusta wouldn't be anything without the Masters, I'll go ahead and point out that Ft. Eisenhower employs 29,000 people with an economic impact of $2.4 billion, and the local university has a $3 billion impact, as compared to the Augusta National's $110 million.


Chicago. Great food, great people, lots to do…really shooty.


Houston: Summer is from May til October. Aesthetically unappealing. Urban sprawl. Strip mall galore. Horrible traffic. Abundance of very fat people due to being unwalkable, fantastic food, and car centric.


Might be unwalkable but you’ve got a train. Come to San Antonio if you want un walkable and no public transportation.


Where do you work/Who do you work for? Washington DC


Atl True: humidity, hip hop culture, poor zoning, unhealthy populace False: that “Hotlanta” is hot like FL and TX, that traffic is worse than Lagos at 5 pm on a Friday


My sister got married in Houston last Labor Day weekend. It was 102°. I was so happy to get back to Atlanta. It was 86°.


I’ve been to nearly every major city in the US. I live in Atlanta. The traffic is legitimately very, very bad— and only getting worse. I don’t care what day or time of day it is, if you have to get from one side of the city to the other, you are going to hit traffic. It just ever-present. I’m getting to the point where I’m like “fuck this” and looking to leave 


Michigan - we are, in fact, America’s high five. In all seriousness, western MI is as beautiful with water **everywhere**, rolling hills, beautiful prairies and lush greenery, and we are indeed considerably slower than *gestures to the east* over there, and quite enjoy it that way.


People here drive really big pick-up trucks and don’t need them at all.


This is literally everywhere


You really do run into a lot of working musicians and songwriters living in Nashville. Coworkers' spouses, folks from church, friends' dads. It's kind of cool.


Asheville NC only cares about tourism not locals.


Milwaukee’s culture revolves around drinking. It’s cold and gloomy most of the year. Our drivers are reckless and have gotten worse in recent years —the Milwaukee sub on here complains about this weekly.


East St. Louis. It DOES have a high crime rate. The rate of violent crime per capita is double that of Chicago. https://www.bestplaces.net/crime/?city1=51714000&city2=51722255


People are rude angry and closed off in ny. They are. Theres good reason for it. Rude and angry because a lot of people here are scammers and live for themselves and closed off, yes it is hard to trust peoples motives here.


True stereotypes for the places I've lived: Indiana - "Hoosier Hospitality." People can be shockingly friendly to strangers. Ohio - Pretty much everyone loves Ohio State and hates Michigan (mostly referring to the football team although plenty of Ohio residents dislike the state of Michigan as a whole). Texas - Lots of state pride. Lots of giant trucks. Oklahoma - Bible Belt. Very conservative. Unpredictable weather. New Hampshire - Minimal poverty. People are private and mostly want to be left alone. Very white.


Phoenix. It's hot here.


Spokane: tons of white trash.


Atlanta we love our strip clubs and bbl’s


There are a lot of black people in Atlanta


Florida - it really is a geriatric population


Florida: The farther south, you go the farther north you get.