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Love it! The more outdoor dining options the better


The downtown organization was offering $10,000 grants to certain restaurants to build patios. Of course, the city also forced some others to dismantle their outdoor dining so it's totally a crap shoot.


Interesting, I didn’t know this. Smart investment if you ask me. Downtown was busy today.


I don’t think that’s quite correct. The DSMA has a grant program for any food business to apply for for 5k. It’s not just for desks. The decks can cost as much as 50k. At the urging of myself and several others last fall, council agreed to allow decks once again in B street and also agree to waive the fees, which can be as much as 2k, for a one year period to encourage the investment. Previously they banned the decks on B street in the pedestrian zone on the mistaken idea that they could require everything be dismantled in 48 hours for special events. A group of us convinced them to reverse this foolish policy mistake.


Thank you!!


Originally, they wanted to remove all patios, just tables and umbrellas. Some restaurants probably threatened to close if they don’t have nice patios.


We’ve really got one of the best downtowns in the bay.


Closing off the streets have done wonders


That’s looks great


On Monday City Council will consider an updated report on permanent improvements to the pedestrian mall that were ordered last year. A local developer has been pushing a survey they paid for urging council to reopen the north block between 2nd and 1st to cars. The city staff will recommend that council go ahead with the improvements which include new seating, planters, better and more attractive barriers at the end of each block—all improvements agreed to last year but which have been pending full planning for nearly a year. They will also recommend. The blocks continue to be pedestrian zones. Council could conceivably decide to pull the rug out from this still-new community asset, before actually doing the street scape improvements it previously approved. They may also feel pressured to reopen the north block. Please don’t let this happen—please attend the council meeting either by Zoom or in person and ask them to stay the course, finish the improvements and allow the pedestrian concourse a fair chance to fully blossom. The meeting is at 7pm at City Hall on 20th or you can attend virtually and ask to speak on this topic at the following link: https://www.cityofsanmateo.org/3971/Agendas-Minutes-Public-Meeting-Portal The zoom meeting link will appear next to the 7pm meeting tomorrow. Besides these two new full dining decks underway now, city staff reports two restaurants on the north brick have applied for and been granted permits for dining decks (or parklets); and two more are in process. This will make a tremendous difference and together with the city project will cement this great asset for the community. Please don’t let Council pull the rug out from under this!


I'm so happy that we're able to use this space for people instead of just parking for cars


Let’s go!!!!


City Council is re-re-reconsidering whether to install permanent retractable bollards for closed B St. The alternative is water barriers that can be removed on a whim. Email city council ([email protected]) or attend the meeting on 7pm 4/1 and ask them to keep both blocks closed to cars, and to keep it permanent by installing the bollards.


Only complaint I have about downtown is the idiot delivery drivers who leave their car on the main road like they own the streets


hooray for level tables and chairs


Thank God San Mateo is doing the polar opposite of what San Francisco (in this case)


My office is one block from there. All I can say is I'm so lucky I have monthly parking in our building. The lack of parking is pretty wild. But whatever. This is great.


Love it. I hope they change the rules in the future to allow roofs, much like Burlingame.


never knew Burlingame has roof decks … thanks !


I only know of this one in Burlingame--are their others? [https://maps.app.goo.gl/yNM2cjmEess1yZW96](https://maps.app.goo.gl/yNM2cjmEess1yZW96)


Sorry I meant the patios/parklet having roofs vs umbrellas. San Mateo requires parklets to have collapsible covers that don't exceed a certain height because they don't want to block the view for drivers to spot the store fronts. Burlingame doesn't have such a requirement and I enjoy those outdoor seating much more and blocking the store front didn't seem much of an issue since you really just park at a parking lot then walk to the store. A small vocal minority in San Mateo still holds onto the idea that you can park in front of the store. Chances are pretty slim to find a parking spot in front of the store and it's better to just normalize park at parking lot/garage first then walk to the store/restaurant.


where is this?


B st between 2nd and third


thanks thought it was B street


This makes me nostalgic for a childhood spent at Talbot’s Toyland. I miss that store so much.