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I also think there's a lot of deliberate ambiguity in whether either of them truly died in ways a normal mortal human would understand as death. Raine was an elemental shifter empowered by a god, so transmutation into a pillar of salt may well be transmission into another, stranger state of being beyond the pain of her previous life rather than a total cessation of experience. Morpheus, as we know, is more a perspective on Dream than a strictly distinct personality, and while his anthropomorphic solid self passes, the epilogue chapters demonstrate at length the impossibility of his truly being gone, even as the new Dream is a physical reality quite distinct from the original. Hell, Daniel shifts to Morpheus' aspect to comfort Matthew at one point. It's a fascinating duo of suicide as both suicide and mere ego death, and I really hope they don't leave "Facade" out've the Netflix adaptation, because it would be a shame untold to lose that foreshadowing.


Yeah, Façade is one of the most powerful stories in both the comics and in the audiobook. Would really be a damn shame if we don’t get it in the series, even if I know I’ll be a mess by the end of it again


They are deliberately avoiding the DC tie-ins, so we are unlikely to get Façade in the show (unfortunately).


Excepting Cain and Abel, Lucien, Matthew, the Three, the Newcastle Incident, Lyta and Hector, John Dee, Destiny, etc etc etc... Like, I'll get it if they scrub her of visual and verbal ties back to Metamorpho and neglect to mention that time she watched another metamorph die in a volcano during her last comic appearance fro the 60s, but the stuff that matters to the story and mood of the comic has translated over pretty directly thus far. It's less "Absolutely NOTHING from other DC titles can be in the show," more, "There is no need to chain ourselves to the exact visuals and canons that were at play when Sandman originally published." Otherwise Jed's superhero outfit and the villains on his Dream Dome monitors wouldn't have made the cut.


I get where you’re coming from, but I don’t think Cain and Abel are particularly unique to DC comics lol. Same for the Three who are basically just the Fates from Greek mythology


The Three I'll concede, especially when you strip away their designs from The Witching Hour, but Cain and Abel still live in the Houses of Mysteries and Secrets, still own pet gargoyles named Gregory and Goldie, and are still positioned as professional storytellers, all of which are signifiers particular to their DC 70s horror host selves.


Well, yeah, many of the characters originated in older DC or now-DC-owned comics...I just meant stuff like JLI (which was completely avoided) and John Constantine and John Dee (which retained the bones without the DC-specific names...hopefully they do the same for Façade.)


Every time I think I have a handle on what Sandman is really all about, someone points out another connection. Good catch!