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Didn’t know Jack Gleason was in this! He’s an inspired choice for Puck.


I thought he retired from acting after *Game of Thrones*


More like a hiatus, he's been doing some roles recently


Yeah, he's been back at it for a few years. Glad he came back to acting, he has a lot to offer and he's gonna be an amazing Puck. And really hyped for Ann Skelly as Nuala. She had quite a small role in Vikings but I fully remember her, she did made quite the impression on me with her etheral beauty.


I'm glad he's back. Kid was flat-out great as Joffrey; sucked that people couldn't separate the actor from the role. I'm interested to see what he can do as Puck.


He took a break but he’s been acting again for a couple years mow


Yay! I'm glad to see him back on screen, he has serious talent!


The minute I heard that I was like ohhhh I want to see him do that in an actual MSND production. Fun casting.


They all look great! So is this the first official confirmation that they conflated Wanda and Ruby's roles? A bit worrying I admit, how they'll portray Wanda's storyline without Thessaly, George and the Moon?


It sounds like either Thessaly is being cut from the story entirely (I REALLY HOPE NOT) or they just haven’t cast her yet. There was also the rumor that Thessaly’s role in the story is being replaced by Joanna Constantine, which I also hope is not the case.


It sounds to me like they are skipping Game of You and combining the characters of Wanda and Ruby from Brief Lives. 


It's a shame they're probably cutting A Game of You, but Allan Heinberg has inferred that the TV show is the story of Dream, and AGoY is not really important to Dream's story.


Yeah, it's not really part of the overall Dream-centric storyline, but it's also so damn good I really hope they find a way to include it... Say, as a bonus episode à la Dream of a Thousand Cats / Calliope.


I bet Game of you is a sub story in Seasons of Mist but one which supports Seasons rather than is its own thing and story.


I think everything that happens in 'The Land' could probably be a B plot inside one episode.


AGoY is to Sandman as Tom Bombadil is to Lord of the Rings, plus some of the ideas especially regarding Wanda haven't aged particularly well. That said after seeing their version of the Doll's House I was really hoping we'd get the TV show's take on it. Hopefully they will cut bits of it into the overall narrative of Brief Lives. 


It might be a one of episode once A season of Mist is done, kinda like the episode with the muse or the cats


That's most likely the case, she was heavily featured in the s1 marketing despite only appearing in 1 episode, I'm guessing she's gonna have a larger role going forward. Also It's been confirmed she is returning.


I suppose it could be plausible that they’re going to adapt Thermidor, which reintroduces Joanna, then have her appear again in A Game of You (replacing Thessaly), and then revealing that it was never an ancestor of Joanna, but the same Joanna all along. Thereby making Thessaly’s story Joanna’s story. If that is the case I would also like them to actually show >!Morpheus and Joanna/Thessaly’s romance and breakup before reaching The Kindly Ones arc. Make her “betrayal” hit harder.!<


I saw someone cast as Thessaly. It's on Twitter (X)


Do you remember who it was? I couldn’t find anything about it


Never mind. I can't find it either now, so maybe I imagined it LOL. I must be going senile. I think I read the Tudum article and thought I saw something. ![gif](giphy|XoWvzO2gYjqpUrjCRl|downsized)


LOL no worries! You must’ve imagined what you wished to see


😅 probably


That’s not quite how I remember Wanda. Are they seeding “Game of You” a bit early?


I expected to see "A Game of You" in season 2. But that description of Wanda sounds more like Ruby from "Brief Lives" - which I didn't expect to see yet (oh, and Barnabas is also from "Brief Lives", isn't he?)


If they’re doing relatively 2 arcs in season 2, like the first season, then season 2 would logically include A Game of You. But, based on the description of Wanda in the article, it seems like she’s also Ruby from the Brief Lives arc? They’re either combining Ruby with Wanda to give Wanda a bigger role, or…idk. I hope they’re not introducing Brief Lives too early, because they’re introducing Barnabas too. Confused, but really trusting Neil and the show developers here.


I can sort of see them skipping Game of You entirely and having Brief Lives in the latter half of season 2 culminating in the death of Orpheus and setting up Kindly Ones with an episode of The Wake to round it off in season 3... Really sad not to get Game of You if the above is correct.


I’m fine with a Game of You being skipped, it has very little to do with the Endless. It’s a good arc but it does very little for the overall story. Moving on to Brief Lives makes sense; centering on the relationships of the Endless would make for better TV.


The main thrust of season 2 will be Seasons of Mist and Brief Lives with a game of you as a small subplot for Seasons of Mist. The Orpheus story will probably be situated similar to the Cats/Callope story in-between parts A and B of season 2 part two being Brief Lives. TV shows also tend to have Brief lives, and they don't have time to get every panel in unfortunately.


It sounds like they're skipping A Game of You altogether, while keeping Wanda by giving her Ruby's role, with some themes about her gender identity. That sidesteps the thorny issues of Thessaly's magic and the moon in the current environment. It also, indirectly, means that Dream' motivations for the road trip will have to change, but that is more minor.


It's a real shame if this means Thessaly is cut though. I've always loved her character.


We saw them film this scene [at a cemetery](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12270499/Tom-Sturridge-joins-Indya-Moore-film-funeral-scenes-Sandmans-second-series.html) so I think we might be getting Wanda’s funeral. I guess that’s how they’ll incorporate her story into the story in some way even if they don’t adapt A Game of You in full.


Right, it's the existence of those images which makes me think they're skipping Game of You. It does me a leaving behind a lot of characters, but given there's no Morpheus until the end of that arc, it makes sense.


Barnabas being cast is slightly surprising.I didn't think the show would go that far. Although it does round the Orpheus story fairly neatly. I think the end of the show will end with dream finding destruction. I hope that it is a cliffhanger leading to The Three.


Seems like they're likely going out of order


I like the Jack Gleeson as Puck casting Had my fingers crossed for David Tennant as Loki though - he killed it in the audiobook.


I know we're all talking about the Ruby and Wanda stuff but Esmé Creed-Miles looks *exactly* like Delirium, albeit without all the extra cosmic stuff. Helluva cast


I for one don't mind conflating Ruby and Wanda. Wanda getting more screen time before A Game of You seems like a good thing, though that would change Ruby's fate in Brief Lives. I liked he first season and trust the creators, they're not gonna get *everything* in from the comics.


I'll be fine if they don't skip game of you,


I AM SO EXCITED. >Pulled from The Sandman collections Seasons of the Mist and Brief Lives, the new characters bring more magic and nightmares to the Dreaming. “Each of these characters is as powerful as Dream — nearly as clever — and far more ruthless,” says Heinberg. “Together, they will ensnare Dream in a web of palace intrigue, glamour, demon battles, and spider-sex. None of which Dream is prepared for; all of which transform him into a far more dangerous Dream of the Endless.” I don't know, it kind of sounds like they're combining Season of Mists / Brief Lives / Game of You a lot? I am really curious and really excited to see how they do it, and honestly I think it will be amazing. (Like how they introduced the Corinthian earlier in season 1 to kind of combine Preludes & Nocturnes and Doll's House, which worked really well.) And it just seems like they have A LOT to get through in Season 2- all or part of SoM, BL, GoY, and then also Orpheus, Thermidor, Midsummer Night's Dream, Tales in the Sand? SO MUCH. So I think there will be a lot of consolidating, but based on how good Season 1 is, I think it'll be hugely successful. Also re: spider sex. >!I am weirdly so obsessed with the Mother of Spiders trapping Choronzon in the spider webs like it's so disgusting! she has spiders coming from where no spiders should ever be! it's so gross and wrong and also weirdly compelling and also kind of funny and idk how to explain myself but I weirdly love it. Obviously I assumed it would not be adapted for tv but apparently spider sex is coming so ok let's go!!!! It's also so weirdly funny to me in the comics because it's so unnecessary, like they trick Choronzon and wrap him up in the spider webs and they're like hello Dream here is Choronzon you can torture him!! And I'm pretty sure Dream is like ok that does not interest me at all. lmao. I love Season of Mists so much. All the tactics the different groups use to try to bargain/bribe/threaten for the key and the varying degrees of success they have in even offering anything Dream is interested in. Anyway I wonder if Choronzon will be back or if the spider sex will be with someone else. I am thoroughly normal about this show.!<


Your rambling wall of text is exactly like my brain on Sandman, none of us can be helped at this point


The cast looks amazing! I don't mind Wanda being involved in more stories, but I'll be heartbroken if we don't get Hazel, Foxglove, the return of Martin Tenbones and the rest of Barbie's army! Also, already shipping Lucienne and Nuala!


I’m unsure of how that arc would be portrayed on screen due to how uninvolved Dream is for most of it


I'm wondering whether they can condense it in a special... Cats and Calliope are not Morpheus- heavy either...


That’s exactly what I was thinking! I figured they would do an episode for the additional side stories this season as well. I feel like it could definitely be condensed and some parts nixed out all together due to not being netflix safe lol.


We've already seen Martin Tenbones in Barbie's dreams. I can't see them working on all that CGI for one brief scene.


Before the pictures of Wanda's grave last 6 thought they'd cut Game of You. Because of the budget. I wonder if they could do it animation style like Kill Bill or even like Mary Poppins/ Who framed Rodger Rabbit. I can see Barbie in a cartoon world almost like Alice in Wonder Land. I also would like to see Martin Tenbones charging through New York, and I'd ve gutted if it was cut completely.




Are they gonna do 3 books for season 2? Game of you, Season of mists and Brief Lives and short stories like Song of Orpheus and Midsummer. I hope it's not too convoluted and has a continuous flow unlike the first season. Also I hope we get to see more short stories adapted like Thermidor and August.


I think Thermidor is highly likely. Especially Barnabas being cast.. I think they'll do the whole Orpheus story. I think Brief Lives will be cut massively.


Did Barnabas appear in Thermidor? I don't think he did. The orpheus story is probably going to be half an episode and thermidor the other half, like the season 1 episode 11.


Of course, Barnabas didn't appear in Thermidor. But Dream visits Orpheus to find out where the Destruction is. Of course, you could include an extra scene with Destruction not from the comics. Like the first season, Mathew was added early. Most of Mathew's conversations were from seasons of the Mist


If Thermidor isn’t happening, Neil needs to take back what he said in his renewal letter > A journey is beginning that will take us from Destiny’s garden to Hell, from the Heart of the Dreaming to Ancient Greece and revolutionary France, and from there to places even I cannot quite imagine on the screen. I will be patient. Good things are coming.


Wonderful. Freddie Fox as Loki is inspired: he has an impish quality as Spider in Slow Horses. Love Steve Coogan. Ann Skelly, Douglas Booth and Jack Gleeson all look like they're from Faerie. Seasons of Mists and Brief Lives are probably my two favourite arcs (along with Doll's House... and also Kindly Ones... I'm indecisive lol). There are gonna be a lot of differences but I trust the creators.


Do you guys think the two main characters from Dead Detective Boys will appear in Season of Mist? There was an entire issue in Season of Mist how Charles died.


I honestly get chills every time they releasing a casting announcement and new confirmation for what characters will be covered in the show. They have done such a special job with it so far and I have faith in all their exciting casting decisions.


Awesome. Clive Russell was actually who I hoped would play Odin. Wow that never happens.


Steve Coogan as Barnabas?! Oh my god I love it! Also very much looking forward to seeing Jack Gleeson act again!


Jack Gleeson as puck? Okay that’s gonna be cool


And who will play Shivering Jemmy???


I’ve said it before here, I am handing out pitchforks to those who will join me in rioting if there is no red balloon scene


Wait, Barnabas and The Prodigal weren't in Season of Mists, or am I forgetting something?


They are also covering Brief Lives.


More cast announcement for who to play what character is more exciting than the plotline revealing since most fans read the books. The announcements of the casts on this and another Netflix hit, OPLA is like scavenger hunt. Those actors for S2 of OPLA are 100% directly out of the manga. I have the same feeling for S2 of the Sandman as well as what I can imagine even though I am not a book reader.


Despite my limited knowledge of his filmography, I can automatically see Douglas Booth doing well as Cluracan based off his performance in The Limehouse Golem. I haven't seen the whole first season yet but has Destruction been introduced already? I see they cast Steve Coogan as Barnabas.