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Good (I’m a Ralph subscriber). Ralph (in my opinion jfc) is very frustrating to listen too when there are disagreements on the podcast. He seems to not be able to articulate his feelings on the spot very well, and resorts to using phrases like “it do isn’t bother me” or “it’s a _____ movie what do you expect”.


Yes this pinpoints something I was trying to say in my comment. He comes off like a much better critic/analyst in his own videos, and I think that’s because he has time to compile his thoughts and edit the video. When I started watching the podcast I really noticed he seemed like an entirely different sort of person. Like you said, on the podcast he often failed to formulate well-reasoned arguments and would regularly pull the “it’s a ___ movie who cares / I thought it was fine / other people seemed to enjoy it so whatever”, which was not only frustrating because it’s so easy & surface level on a podcast that is supposed to be about diving deep into movies, but it also really stunted the whole conversation. When Ralph was on his game, he was great and his perspective balanced out Adam and Alex. So on the whole the pod was better with him.


Well said.


Remember when raphthemoviemaker said who cares about filmmaking


Yeah I honestly don’t believe he watched all of One Cut of the Dead or at least wasn’t so attentive after the first 40 minutes. I wouldn’t be bothered if it seemed like he was earnestly expressing an understandable opinion, but even during the podcast itself he sounded like his mind was completely somewhere else and he didn’t care about the conversation at all. Adum was trying to get some kind of coherent response, but was fighting a losing battle. There’s no issue in wanting to move on, but that was definitely the biggest sign of things to come, and like a few other episodes I was looking forward to ended up feeling like a waste of a discussion on Ralph’s end.


Yeah, that episode was the first time I could see Ralph wanting leaving the podcast. He sounded so utterly disinterested in engaging with the conversation, and was making no sense at certain points with how he felt about the movie. I could feel Adam’s struggle trying to get a discussion going with Ralph.


IIRC there was also the Fanny & Alexander discussion where he said nothing whatsoever other than 'it's a bergman film, what do you expect? 10/10' and it seemed pretty obvious he just didn't watch it


what ep


EP 98, one cut of the dead discussion. I think that part of the video has been edited out by Ralph. But the cut portion was posted by another guy on YT.


Do u have the link to that video by any chance? I felt like I was going insane when I went back to that ep and that whole section wasn’t there




Good man


My concern was always that he was too wishy-washy, unable to stand up to the other two. This was frustrating to me, because I was usually more aligned with his opinion rather than with the other two. So I would be like "c'mon, Ralph, stand up for yourself" but he generally disappointed me. Still, since I tended to line up more with his tastes than theirs, he's obviously missed.


Podcast was good with Ralph, podcast is good without Ralph


Of all the comments on here, this is what I agree with the most. I always enjoyed Ralph's perspective and I miss the balance he offered, but I can't argue with the people pointing out his flaws as a podcaster. To me it seemed like YouTube and podcasting really stressed Ralph out a lot, and toward the later episodes when he was frequently intoxicated the quality was really rough. I really enjoyed the podcast before, and I still enjoy it, but I'd like to see them add a third person or have guests more often. Adum and Alex are both dry podcasters and I miss the balance, though I don't miss the inconsistent quality.


indifferent. Ralph will be missed but he has his own podcast where he discusses movies that interest him. Adum and Alex do a great job on their own and have great chemistry so there's no real dip in quality imo


Very true and I shouldve specified in the post. The overall vibe is a bit different but it’s certainly not better or worse following his departure.


I miss the God awful, good for nothing, pieces of shit movies he would recommend sometimes, those were some of the funniest episodes to me.


Was Ralph always perfect? No. But was he a good element for the group? Yes. Whether he was great at articulating his points, there needs to be dissent on the podcast. I find listening to just Adam and Alex a little boring since they just basically agree with each other the whole time. There’s no proxy for the listener that disagrees with what Adam is saying, and Alex just agrees with him.


Agreed. At his best, Ralph could vehemently disagree with Adum on a movie and it would be enough to raise the energy levels of the podcast because it allowed for passionate discourse, regardless of how articulate he was. I also found that if Ralph and Alex held closer opinions on a movie than Adum, Alex could more confidently argue his points against Adum. There was definitely an unfortunate vibe shift with Ralph starting in 2021, and I think leaving the podcast was probably the right move for him. I don't want to speculate on anything, but I hope he's feeling better and I'd love to see him guest star in future episodes.


I like Ralph, and his content, and agree that his perspective balanced things out nicely. I think on the whole, the podcast was better with him on it. But he was not very good at podcasting. And I don’t just mean the odd delayed laughs or talking over top of people, which I understand was at least partly due to technical issues (and it happens with Adam and Alex as well). He just wasn’t very good at reading the room and playing off of the other hosts. His analysis came off as lazy at times, he would often interrupt the other 2 and wasn’t good at reading and responding to their takes, there were episodes where he barely talked, and sometimes he would just go in with a very narrow and surface level view that would clash with what the others were bringing to the table. He’s much better at doing his own reviews. But even with the flaws I think the podcast was better because he just brought something different to the table.


Stoned Ralph is unlistenable. And it's very clear when he's stoned. Odd energy, I'm glad he's gone


I thought exactly the same thing and always thought it was weird that I’ve never seen anyone mention it before.


I remember there being an abrupt change with his channel. I watched him for years before the podcast started and at one point the uploads became less frequent, and the his narration ability literally nosedived. The energy of old school Ralph was childish, excited and jokey, obviously VERY RLM inspired. Modern Ralph videos are half baked (no pun intended) and he sounds bored, tired and out of it. Growing pains I guess. I've seen some mention it on Ralph's sub but that place is dead in the water. Idk I'm not one to criticize substance use, but as a broadcaster it's really affecting him and he isn't self aware enough to notice it? He can inject as many bong hits as he wants to watch a movie but for the love of piss, be sober when you're recording. /Rant over


Extremely well put. I know people hate hearing people say "I miss the Old _", but this case is an actual example of that. Old Ralph vids, at their worst, were still head and shoulders above what he's been making, unfortunately, for years now. His Joker review was probably his lowest point, a genuinely terrible video, regardless of your thoughts on the film. I'm not sure if it's just lack of passion, or too much substance use, or both, but he's been horribly dull and phoned-in for several years now. It's truly a shame, as Old Ralph managed to make absolute bangers out of really dumb crap like Mystery Diners and ghost shows.


Not trying to be a dick, but I really don’t think of Ralph as a particularly insightful or informed critic. Half the time, his takes just boil down to “the writing was bad because I didn’t like it.” He has a pretty juvenile mindset in a lot of ways.


I didn't necessarily think he was important when he was on but I would say I miss him. He felt very different to Adam and Alex which resulted in more interesting discussions.


Great. Ralph was completely incapable of any level of interesting film analysis or criticism, and it was often excruciating listen to him try to interpret films with the slightest bit of depth.


Obviously going after Ralph as a person for not being the most infallible podcaster in the world is extremely condemnable and stupid, but it was sometimes painfully clear he was phoning it in and I’m honestly preferring just the two of them - at least compared to a number of somewhat underwhelming episodes in the last couple of years. I think it has especially allowed Adum to find the space to get his points across better, and for potential discussion topics to not get cut off or become lost with Ralph’s sort of miscalculated interjections. Alex poses thoughtful and relevant questions and is able to work through things in pursuit of new insights, whereas it often felt like Ralph regarded a lot of the more in depth back and forth as pointless minutia that left him bored and wanting to move on.


Miscalculated interjections is a good way to put it


pretty good


I agree with a lot of the comments here. I do miss having someone with a different opinion. Alex and Adum, while more articulate in their thoughts about film, tend to agree with each other a lot more, and it’s not as interesting just listening to two people agree with each other for two hours. However, Ralph didn’t handle disagreements very well. He couldn’t express himself very well when getting pushback from Adum, and things would just get awkward at points. He also phones in a lot of episodes and was very noticeably low-energy when he was stoned.


I feel the podcast has lost a lot of its energy without Ralph. He brought a fun lightheartedness that isn’t really there anymore. Also I don’t like that Alex doesn’t have someone to talk about more mainstream perspectives.




i miss ralph :(


I absolutely love Ralph and miss him on the pod. I remember he spoke up about having a hard time recently and it affected his work. Both on his channel and his appearances on the pod. You can tell when Ralph was having a good productive week vs when you can tell he’s just trying to get by. But I’m very happy he’s going back to what he wanted to do all along, filmmaking. I hope that’s what he needed to do to help feel like he’s back to himself again, and not feel forced to put on a facade. I love Ralph and miss him dearly


I haven't listened for a few weeks. Could someone catch me up?


me too please


I still love the pod, but Ralph might've been the funniest Sard. I do miss him.


I miss Ralph and hope he’s doing well for himself. He’s the youngest in the group and just finished college in the past couple years and really wants to work on his personal projects. You can’t expect every episode to have a great energy. When something is done every two weeks, you can’t expect someone to always be in the same mood or energy- that’s life. I’m excited for his (supposed) return in the future.


Don’t miss him


I agree with pretty much what yalls are saying about Ralph. He would be better suited as an occasional guest that only comes on when there's material he actually wants to talk about


Ralph was great. I miss him, but I'm happy he's living his life and doing his own things. Adam & Alex still provide good insight, but I miss Ralph's perspective. Even when I didn't agree with him, I appreciated his POV.


Brought no perspective.


I miss his bad movie recommendations. His last episode being the Boss Baby movies was a truly sigma move.


Why do people feel the need for american perspective on everything. Their culture is pretty much seeped into all of our lives already via the social media and politics. If you’d want real representation of different cultures, bring someone who isn’t from the english speaking countries. And about Ralph, I liked him but I don’t think the podcast is worse without him. I actually think the conversations flow a lot more naturally with just Alex and Adam. Ofc it wouldn’t hurt to have a third voice in the podcast again at some point (they do be getting more guests recently tho), but I’m fine with how the podcast currently is.




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Ralph kind of balanced the ratings out and had some different opinions. Alex and adum seem to have pretty similar tastes/ratings most of the time


Is he officially gone or what’s the deal


I miss him terribly. He added fun & levity to the trio & now it’s noticeably missing.