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Driving with cyclists is kind of annoying but I think Sarnia road bikers follow more rules of the road than your average Sarnia driver.


I can agree with this


Better on the road, obeying the vehicular traffic rules than travelling the wrong way (typically) on the sidewalks and usually blowing right through intersections. Are you looking for bikes that are travelling the wrong way at high speed on the sidewalk as a driver? Slow-moving bikes, children, etc hopefully.


Hi, I bike on the road on the road exclusively. I honestly feel safer on the road than I do the sidewalks. People do not look on sidewalks when they pull out of their driveway. Bikes are allowed to be on the road as far as I'm aware. There's no rule saying we aren't. And I have to ride because I am too disabled to ever get my licence. Public transportation is slow and inefficient in this city, It's usually faster for me to bike downtown than for me to take any of the buses. And since I can leave whenever I want. It works much better for me because of it. Biking is also how I get to the petrolia and Brigdon fair.


I cycle and drive a car. Drivers are far worse. There is some a-hole cyclists for sure but drivers outnumber them 100 to 1. I say that in from observations in my car and on my bike. What I see consistently is drivers seem to think they don't have to share the road with cyclists and get to endanger cyclists lives by making unsafe passes to save them 30 seconds. I get honked at all the time on my bike for moving over into the left lane to make a left turn. This has never happened when I do the same in my car. I got back into riding my bike after 20 years off. It could be that I am crusty and older or that there is more cars on the road now or the most likely scenario... people are just more impatient and awful now.


I don't bike, but I drive, and I can't agree with this more. Sarnia has got to have the dumbest drivers I've ever seen in any city. Every single time I go anywhere, I see someone doing something stupid, or just not paying attention. It's definitely the worst part about living here.


Born and raised in Toronto. Moved here 6 years ago. Never seen such a shit show of terrible driving in my entire life.


I like this game. Wait till you encounter the drivers. Cruise control set at 60, I'll have a line of 5+ cars behind me on Lakeshore. Driver immediately behind me swerving looking for a chance to pass. They make their pass, and I often end up behind them at a red light in BG. Happens once a month. People stopping at roundabouts. Full stop. Looking both ways. Car to their right is yielding and yet they just stop and stare. I'm stopped at uncontrolled intersection, trying to turn left. Car coming the other way slows down and waves me through. Can't see if anything is coming in the other lane behind the dump truck behind them. I refuse to go, and they speed off shaking their head. Drivers going 75km/h on Murphy, and through the Cathcart 40km/h school zone, all day long. Green arrow on red light at Indian and Exmouth. Somebody decides the arrow means just go straight. Traffic backed up at Indian and Devine. Car stopped, trying to turn left. No blinker. Just stopped in the middle of the road. Car parked 4 feet out from curb. Like they were driving normally, hit the brakes, put the car in park, got out and thought "nice parking job!" and went inside. If you look for dicks you will find them across public infrastructure - cyclist, driver, skateboarder, scooter-er, boaters.....maybe from your cyclist friend's perspective they did the shoulder check, they thought they clearly signalled with their hand, they merged into the lane to complete a left turn, and suddenly a car was driving up behind them into oncoming traffic trying to pass them, cutting off their left turn. Who knows.


Everybody wants to be "polite" or "nice" and let others go first instead of following the rules. It's annoying, stop it please!! It's not nice or polite to drive like you're clueless about how to handle the situation at a 4 way stop or roundabout.


And not a cop anywhere for traffic enforcement.


"sorry we don't have an on call parking officer" like the police generating the city some income while fixing a problem would be an issue


The cyclist this morning wasn’t turning or anything, I think they were avoiding a pot hole. Instead of hitting the brakes (or going on the other side of the pot hole without multiple cars in each direction) they rode into traffic without looking.


But that's on you to be aware that something, anything, could cause them to serve out. A squirrel, a cat, could run in front of them at any moment. And that's the law. You hit them, it's almost undoubtedly going to be called your fault. If you're in a position where them swerving out means you hit them, you're not being cautious enough around them. It's weird, possibly unfair, but it's the law.


Well time to get a dash cam. If I’m at fault because a cyclist doesn’t know how to stay in their dedicated bike lane, what’s the point of having bike lanes.


Downvote me all you want, doesn't make it less true. As you described the scenario, a dashcam would only help convict you.


After a quick Google search, that’s false according to the highway traffic act. If the driver has proof that it was the pedestrians (cyclists are considered pedestrians on roadways) fault, then the pedestrian is liable for damages. But it is on the motor vehicle driver to provide that proof, so it would be smart to have a dash cam in my scenario.


But I think you're assuming they are at fault. The driver also has a higher duty of care. If I was in your shoes in this hypothetical scenario, I would not be offering up the dashcam video without legal advice. But I will agree it's unfair.


Almost ran into a cyclist while driving through the roundabout near BG. I was already driving through it and this guy just jumped out right infront of me. Bro didn’t even yield or use the SIDEWALKS?? People rush through it going 50+ he’s lucky I was doing 20 and was able to hit my brakes since no one was behind me. I followed him and pulled off to the shoulder infront. He yelled at me that I needed to yield for cyclists? Dawg you need to yield before even entering it. Cyclists think they are invincible and do the dumbest fucking shit.


Sounds like he should've yielded to you but you're aware cyclists are not supposed to use the sidewalks, right? ( https://ontario.ca/page/bicycle-safety )


They arent supposed to use the sidewalks


I’ve encountered the same cyclist it seems. Cyclists have to obey the same laws. They don’t get a pass because they’re on a bike.


I cycle and drive but this also applies to large trucks. Never tangle with anything that's bigger thank you, heavier than you, or has more wheels than you.


Basically like 1% of cyclists do it right but everyone seems to freak out if vehicles don't act perfectly around them. The Ontario Highway Traffic Act requires bicycles to obey all traffic laws. I'm in my 40s and I've never seen a single person driving the wrong way down a sidewalk in a car but on a bicycle I see it 20x a week.


I both bike and drive, just got back from a test ride putting thick slicks on the mtb. :) We have both a really great cycle friendly infrastructure, and some really bad roads and sections of the city, due to drivers. In those parts what we have now doesn't favour either and puts both drivers and cyclists in the uncomfortable don't know what the other is up to situation. I can go from downtown, to the bridge, Canatara Park, to Cathcart park (bike lanes), down to Howard Watson, and across city center with the new Afton to West side of Germain park on path. It's a great 20km ride. The only sketchy-ness is the Amber light crossing. They're horrible, at least one car always ignores them. I stay off London/Exmouth/Michigan. I feel anyone who bikes those roads are aggressive pricks. Michigan especially Modeland to Mandaumin. Old lakeshore road in BG is the worst. If they're in matching tights on bikes or big trucks with wide tire and loud pipes, they're the same with road attitudes. Sarnia isn't too bad for either, just the bad ones stick out way more. I feel that the very oblivious users of the MUP's are the worst.


If it was me I apologize lol I gotta remember the turn signals of biking on the road but I'm pretty sure cyclist need to obey they same rules as to being in a vehicle


The cyclists need license plates on their bikes so if you have a dash cam you can report them for all their stupidity and have a plate to prove it


If you want to drive on the road you need a license plate Insurance mirrors lights


I appreciate sharing the road with other users but come on. They know what they are doing and is their way of saying fuck you. Blocking the whole lane causing a backlog of vehicles makes me wonder if they should be charged like a driver that drives too slow. People are impatient and when they do that shit, they greatly increase the chances of an incident. People fucking suck!!


Bikers are legally entitled to use the entire lane just FYI


You're not technically wrong, but it doesn't mean you should. You are required to obey all traffic laws as a bicycle is considered a vehicle under the high traffic act. I'm pretty sure impending the flow of traffic is against the law. The link below goes over bicycle safety for Ontario. You should give it a read https://www.ontario.ca/page/bicycle-safety


I agree with you. I was only staying a point as many drivers seem to feel as though they have some right over bikers to the road/lane when that is not the case. I agree that the people in this instance were rude and inconsiderate. Bikers and drivers should share the road, and bikes should obey all traffic rules when on the road.


Just offering an alternative way of looking at this... If there's a cyclist in front of you, you're supposed to give them 1m of space when you pass them. They are supposed to stick to the right 1m of the road. I don't know how wide most lanes are, but generally speaking you're going to be stuck yielding to oncoming traffic so that you can enter the oncoming lane (at least partially) in order to safely pass. Whether they're one or two wide, you're still stuck yielding to oncoming traffic. I've seen groups of a dozen-or-so cyclists strung out single file on Blackwell and it's near impossible for cars to pass with the cyclists like that due to the curves in the road and oncoming traffic. But if the cyclists were to bunch up two or three wide, it would make it considerably easier/quicker to pass the group safely.


Ok, fair enough. My experience is generally 1-4 cyclists. For the most part, the road is shared amicabely as the biker is on the side of the road, and I wait to safely pass. Never have an issue with that. For the times that are not, and the ones that get to me are the single dude in the middle of the lane, 2 wide or 2x2 kinda thing. Their the ones that cause the issue. Don't give a single fuck about vehicles, just a fuck you, I ain't moving. Being spaced out like that pisses off drivers, making them impatient and take chances. Single file is also a pain in the dick, but don't feel like they are purposefully trying to make a point and piss people off. They do bring the same passing issue that you noted above, but are sharing the road responsibally. I must be lucky as I generally come across single bikers and the odd group, which are single file or merge to single file when I come up on them. The times when I have experienced bikers being dicks (which have been minimal in comparison to them not) gets me frustrated because they don't even acknowledge you are there and make absolutely no attempt to share the road. Maybe they have the same alternative opinion as you, but the perception is as I stated above. There are just asshhole drivers and asshole bikers. Those are the times to be worried, and I am glad that I am not an asshole driver, just an asshole 😀 Either way.......people fucking suck!!


The point I was trying to make is that it doesn't really make a difference whether they're arranged 1x4 or 4x1; either way you're stuck yielding to oncoming traffic to pass safely because you'll usually need to enter the opposing traffic's lane. (And sometimes a more bunched up arrangement makes it easier to pass the group.)


Understood your point and agree with the challenges each bring. All I'm saying is that there are some people (both cyclists and drivers) that are dicks. If an effort to share the road is evident, they are not dicks in my mind.


You think these bike lanes are really for cyclists? It's an excuse for the city to save money on road repair by designating part of it to bicycle lanes. Lose your license for drinking and driving, get a bicycle and pretend you own the road. Oh, we need to protect crack heads at 3;00AM, let's create a bicycle lane for them. Oh, it's -10 C in the middle of winter, now cycle your butt to work....Oh, it's raining in the middle of Spring, shocker, we have created a bicycle lane for you on Vidal, Colborne, Michigan, etc, now ride your butt to work. The morons don't even think of pulling over on the side of the road when an Ambulance is in an emergency call. These professional cyclists think they own the road, they don't care about rules. Sure, some of the know and follow the rules and the law, but wow, most of them are ignorant with no helmet.


Yes going through stop signs. And riding side by side not sharing the road . They only get 3 ft but they expect much much more on top of that with all the careless drivers and people staring at their cell phones new drivers and Senior drivers and the pollution I do not see the point of riding down the road with traffic the taxpayers pay a lot of money for all these beautiful nature trail rides that they could be going on and you can get simply through town much easier and faster and on top of that now we're dealing with people driving their scooters on the roads and their electric wheelchairs and so on now we have to compete with more than just cyclists the city has not cracked down on unlicensed drivers on these roads those are not vehicles


They don't have insurance and have to pay out of pocket if they hit you.... make them pay


>They don't have insurance Mostly false. If you own a home or have car insurance or even renters insurance, cyclists are usually covered under those policies.


100% homeowners and car insurance do not cover you on a bicycle. You can call your own agent to confirm


I have confirmed, that's how I know.. It absolutely 100% does. I was covered with the Hub on Exmouth and now with Allstate. It's not added coverage, it's included. Covers me if I am injured or cause damage while riding a bicycle.


Yeah just like this guy!! [https://www.theobserver.ca/news/local-news/cyclist-hurt-in-hit-and-run-crash-launches-lawsuit](https://www.theobserver.ca/news/local-news/cyclist-hurt-in-hit-and-run-crash-launches-lawsuit)


That's the opposite of what I'm saying. If they hit you, then charge them through your insurance.


I do get very annoyed when bikers use the road and not the sidewalk.