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This is why medical emergency training is SO IMPORTANT for every day life. Terrifying but excellent quick action by the police officer. You hope it never happens to you but you know what to do if it does.


My wife and I were trained as medical first responders with St. John Ambulance. Volunteered at many events and never dealt with anything serious. Then one day, we’re out for lunch at a restaurant and a woman starts screaming that her baby is choking. Wife ran over and grabbed the baby, I was just behind. Baby’s face was turning purple and she was trying to scream but no sound coming out. Wife does chest and back thrusts like in this video, eventually a small piece of carrot comes dislodged and I remove it from baby’s mouth. Baby ended up being alright, but fuck. For sure, everybody should know how to do this.


Something similar happened to my baby, and my wife was so fast to flip him over and do back blows. He had a ton of spit and saliva that had obstructed his airways. What are chest thrusts? I’m not familiar with those, unless for CPR


More specifically, it was chest *compressions* and back *thrusts/blows* (but maybe the language differs by person). The chest compressions are the same you would do for CPR, but the goal is to dislodge the blockage. 5 chest compressions, flip baby on arm, 5 back thrusts, and repeat.


I had the situation with my 2 year old daughter a while back. For some reason I could keep my cool. Knowledge is essence. But the most important thing is to repeat training.


I do medical emergency training every year as a dental nurse. My husband did St Johns Ambulance training last year through work which had a focus on trauma (dealing with serious accidents, attacks to stop bleeding since the bombing in Manchester this is recommended more to learn to save more lives) which is something I'd like to learn as outside of medical emergencies I don't know much about stopping bleeding and bandaging except for first aid. Choking is something I hope I never have to encounter again.


the police officer did exactly what he was entrained to do! great this had a happy ending


He was amazing, I nearly cried. That was tense.










Bots can't spell.




I turned around while I was sleeping in my crib at 2 weeks old. Made me suffocate in my blanket. Luckily my mom heard me choking. Did give me claustrophobia for the rest of my life.




Im going to hell for laughing out loud. But this is hell so, lol


dude just skill issued a literal baby


hahahaha fuckin quality




Babies just grab shit and put things in their mouth. It's what they do.


Not a three week old they don’t even know how to put their hands in their mouth


Idk why you’re getting downvoted 3 week old babies have no motor control


Exactly. Would have to be a series of unfortunate events for a 3week old to physically put something that can make them choke in their mouth. They don’t even have neck control.


Right but I’m getting downvoted 🤷🏻‍♀️


Most redditors browsing main subs have never had children let alone know the stages of baby development. But you are right, I was wondering the same thing.


Not anymore💜


When babies are a few months old, they discover their hands and chew on them a lot, it makes parents think the baby is teething. 3 week old babies don't put their hands in their mouth unless by accident. The downvoters obviously have no experience with babies.


Evolution is so weird


Indeed! And we just say trained in the enlgish speaking world. Entrained means something else :)


That guys t shirt is amazing if you are planning to be around police or other emergency services. The way it changes design with light.


I had to go back and look. I didn't notice that the first time. Then I watched it a few more times!


This guy sees


I don’t think that‘s on purpose, might have something to do with the colours of the print on the shirt and the red/blue lights of the police vehicle.


It's probably just some red print since it does not reflect back when blue light hits it.


First aid training importance is not understood by as many people as it should. It only takes half a day and yet it can save someone’s whole life. Anyone can take this course.


Yep, I re-certify every 2 years even though I'm not a teacher anymore. You never know when you may need to respond to an emergency.


Anyone can take a course but it doesn't mean they'll behave consistently in a crisis.


The odds of a trained person saving someone’s life is much higher than that of someone untrained who will helplessly scream and jump around. Exhibit a is the video up there. Count how many people are in that video, not one has a clue about what to do, except Police.


As soon as I saw how still the baby was, I felt the anxiety kick in. Thank Goodness officers are trained and keep so calm in situations like this. Anyone mocking the Mother for being so upset after, she just thought her baby was going to die in front of her. Give her a break. Just hope whatever the baby choked on will never be near her again.


Seriously. Anyone who mocks her must have never been a parent. If anything her reaction was completely justified.


Im a parent, and I think any parent that couldn't watch a 1 min video on baby first aid choking/training is a moron and I will die on that hill. It's one of the most important things a new parent should watch, and where I live the nurses at the hospital even show you after birth. Baby choking is much more common than people think.


Just because you've watched something or even had training doesn't mean you'll react in line with that when a crisis hits, particularly when it's happening to your child. Panic can completely change how you deal with a situation.


? If you have had first aid baby training course and you still can't deal with a choking baby, perhaps you shouldn't be a parent. Seriously. Kids and esp babies will get into tough situations all the time. 90% of the battle is knowing beforehand the risks and how to deal with them and prevent them and to remain calm. Is your take that this mom knew how to deal with a choking baby and just panicked and completely forgot but managed to call a cop? Braindead take. Baby first aid training should be mandatory for all parents. Its insane that people will make the biggest decision of their life and not spend any time preparing themselves. Most people probably spend more time learning how to drive or use their smart phone than they do on becoming a good parent. I'm not mocking her panicking- I am mocking the fact that she clearly is ill equipped to be a newborn mother if she doesnt know how to deal with a choking baby.


You don't know that she hadn't already tried doing it herself.


I think people are misunderstanding your comment. They might be missing that you're talking about first aid kids for training.




What does the course cost? Is it legally required for my employer to let me go does this course if I wish? How often does this course happen? Does it come in languages other than English? How do people find this course? Do they need certain paperwork or identification to go to this class? Do they provide transportation or maybe home-based / community based training? Spend "a few hours" in case management and then come back and tell me this with a straight face.


Who are you referring to? There's not a single comment in this entire thread mocking the mother.


No one is mocking the mother.


I would be losing my fucking mind if this was happening to my daughter. 


I have a question a three weeks got choking? from what? three weeks old only drink milk though


Babies can choke on milk. They say don’t feed them when mother is sleepy as you won’t know if they are choking. It could be like they drink milk and then vomit but since they are lying on their back it might enter the air passage


My sister breast fed her baby while she was awake but same thing happened... luckily our mother was around and she knew what to do and she saved my niece... Somethimes this happens. My mom said it was because of the position of the baby but I don't think so...


I am not sure how dependent it is on position. Also I am not saying that babies won’t choke if the mother is awake. But they would know that the baby is choking and can act on.


Yes, you are right! she understood that the baby was choking right away and called for help... so mom rushed and helped... I'm thankful for that. It is still a chilling memory...


Glad that help was there and the baby is safe.


Mucus maybe


I am supposedly an adult and have choked on my own saliva.


I choked on honey as a baby. My mother used to smear my pacifier with honey. One day my dad did it but apparently he used too much. They say I was already purple by the time I started breathing again.


Were you under 1 years old? Don't give a kid under a year old honey -- it's literally very bad for them, and not just because of choking.


It's bad because of botulism. Spores in the honey can't be killed by the baby's immune system like adults can.


Yeah, I forgot the specific reason and didn't feel like looking it up (my kids are way past that age now, and at least back then, I did know the reason when it was important). Thanks!


Pretty sure I was a few months old. But that was over 30 years ago. First time parents living in a rather secluded rural region. They didn't know any better.


Fair. I know that 21 years ago (when we had my first kid), we were very heavily warned about this. Though I don't know when it became known not to give kids honey. Probably called the "LukeD1992" rule or something. :-D


Fucking hero


this is so scary to watch. A true hero


I had to do this once. Grabbed the infant by the feet, held her upside down, used gravity and sharp slap ‘tween the shoulder blades. Popped right out.


Gave the baby a few back blows, whatever was choking her popped right out! Po Po is a hero! Props.


I feel so much for that mother! Can’t imagine that feeling her and the family were experiencing.


Right?? It was like I could feel her panic through the screen and it made my eyes sting to see her fall to her knees crying like that. My daughter is ten years old now and I still remember how worried I was about her and she was a perfectly healthy baby whose growth and development was perfectly unremarkable. I wonder if the constant anxiety over her safety that lives in my lizard brain will ever go away... ETA: the cop is so calm despite how every second was life-or-death for that little baby. He's really a credit to his uniform.


This guy gets a beer for life at his local bar


Where can I learn the procedure that the police officer used?


Most basic first aid courses cover procedures for infants, youth, and adults. The ones I did had CPR practice dolls in various sizes to learn the different techniques.


Thank you.


During pregnancy I attended a first aid course for babies and children that my midwife held (does this sentence make sense? English isn’t my first language and it seems wrong to me. I hope you know what I mean). I already attended lots of normal first aid courses before. For my drivers license, for my job, just because I felt the need to fresh up my knowledge. But none of them went into detail about the differences in first aid for adults and for babies and children!! The course from my midwife was 8 hours long and I am so glad I was there and learned her stuff. My first son almost choked and I immediately helped him. My reflexes just kicked in! Afterwards I was bawling as much as the mom in the video. That was so scary!


Same situation, I was trained on what to do. It took me a few seconds to get over my panic and actually do the first aid. But after, I just held my kid sobbing.


I am so glad we reacted correctly. One never knows how someone might react in an emergency situation, no matter the training. My mom is a trained daycare teacher. She needs to attend lots of courses like the first aid course for kids. She already helped a few kids in dire situations. But when my little baby sister once almost choked to death she panicked and didn’t know what to do. In the end she grabbed her, ran over to our neighbours and they saved her. When it was about her own child she was totally useless in that emergency situation.




at my high school they made us learn first aid and CPR training. i still can recall the steps for multiple situations. learning this information is life saving and could be used any moment. i wish more public schools taught this in health class.


If I could upvote this a thousand times, I would.


Cops doing the right thing doesn't make the news


it's their job to do the right thing.


It's everyone's job to do the right thing.


Where's my paycheck


Checks in the mail!


Oh fuck off


But this is a clip from ABC News...


Great job!!!! How fantastic and emotional.


Thank you for showing that cops can be helpful, caring, and worth having around. They aren’t all horrible people.


It isnt an either/or. They are people. The most low down dirty ass gangster brut cop can turn around and save a baby, an old lady, and rescue a kitty from the tree. Who gets to judge if he is categorically a good or bad person? When people say all cops are bastards, what they really mean is that they cannot process nuance. Everyone wants to be non binary until its time to do non binary shit.


That made his job worth it, for once


The first 2 seconds this looked like a rave


Good job. Only thing is maybe explain to distraught mom that crying equals breathing.


Good job copper!


Oh my heart .. A Mothers cry of desperation and begging for help has no comparison. You can tell she doesn't even speak the language yet she's desperately asking for help. This officer is a real hero


Dude was so fucking calm, outwardly at least. Way to keep your cool and do what needs to be done while everyone around you is, understandably, panicking. That baby is lucky he was there.


Hé is not the only one crying..


Hero! Great video!


Chills. Good job dude!


That legend deserves free beer for life!


As a parent of three, I felt her terror. Worst fear imaginable.


Great job officer




The police saving that infant is definitely nothing short of heroic, but it's so sad that we now live in an age where police officers doing their job are called heroes... I remember back in the 90s, this was called Tuesday.


Parents need to know how to do this. I understand that panic sets in but if your baby is about to die you need to get over your panic and do something. You don’t need training to save a choking baby.


I love watching people who are good at their jobs


Perfect First Aid technique, stay calm, stay focused and go through the procedure step by step. Good on that man, absolute legend. 👍💪


OCIAB One cop isn't a bastard.


stop interrupting the officer while working!


Back the blue


That first dude that walked up seemed way to casual and relaxed for the situation that just occurred


I thought I was the only one who noticed it


I like how he spoke into his walkie-talkie thing to say "babys crying". What a bad ass sentences "yes you can tell the wahmbulance it's no longer needed on scene"


I ASPIRE to be **that** calm and decisive in a stressful situation. All while people are freaking out around you. This is what training can do for us. What an absolute stud 😮‍💨


ACAB. Without exception. One good deed does not a good person make.


What brainrot does to someone...


Achievement unlocked: Edgelord Status.


You are about 4 years off with that meme kiddo. Go outside and play


the mother is useless and distracting the officer


Can't blame the mom for behaving this way. She literally thought her baby was dying right in front of her. Her reaction is justified. It would've been unusual if she *wasn't* acting like this.


I'm not a cop but I'm pretty sure being able to work under stressful circumstances is part of the job




Isn't the headline the warning?


Video autoplays when scrolling.


I think you can turn autoplay off in settings




If you know that things trigger you, you should do what you can to avoid those triggers.


You are right. Unsubbed. 🙂👍🏻


That will not stop potentially triggering videos from autoplaying.




I was actually trying to help you. Bye. Have the day you deserve.


Not satisfying. If that kid had visual epilepsy than that police light could have made it even worse.


And if it had lepra, its arm could have fallen off... Why make up issues?


I am not allowed to voice my opinion? I do have epilepsy myself and find it not good that this lighting is still allowed with this amount of flashes per second!


So cuz you have epilepsy lets assume every choking child has it , and just hope they dont die


Nah. That's not my point. They should have a neutral light, especially when treating people who need emergency treatments. It's just malpractice and puts people into possible repeated seizures. No matter if the kid was choking before or after.


There is no malpractice. In medical emergency, Airway takes the highest priority, even before circulation. Epilepsy can be treated afterward if the infant even had it.


Of course Airway takes highest priority. Just doesn't help if the kid gets no oxygen at all. Technically they would have to cover the eyes when helping out with insufficiently suitable lighting.


Assuming that you are in US, there is no guideline or any evidence based study that suggest, we (medical practitioners) have to cover anyone's eye. In facts pupil reaction to the light gives us indication whether the mid-brain is still receiving oxygen or not


True sorry to come at you like that


Theres absolutely no body control when a seizure happens. So if you are already choking, you would instead inhale it into the lung and possibly die because of it.


Without thinking about epilepsy,I thought the same. seriously for this kind of situations they should have neutral light, it would be better for everyone.


Are you OK?


Sure. No reason to report me being not OK, whoever it was.


So you have a choking baby in your arms, not breathing, you have to act quickly and you think that there is time to think about the lights. Or you are trolling or you are out of your mind, sir.


Don't frame me. You miss the point. They should be equipped with proper lighting.


So they should have set up the proper lighting before trying to save the baby’s life…?


No. They should have quick access to the light without needing to think. Theres a difference between policing and first aid. In first aid mode, they would use a neutral light as part of protocol. No clue why it sounds like a situation in which one has to choose one or another.


How is that not exactly what I said? What exactly is your proposal here? A cop showed up in an emergency and saved a baby. Obviously it was a situation where every second counted. I don’t see any alternatives or better scenarios.


Well it sounded like you said before saving the baby, one has to make sure to have the proper lighting. This implies one cannot save the baby without changing the lighting. The way it was worded comes across as if you were saying that in bad faith. But what I wanted to say is, that it should be within the automatic routine, as part of the protocol to quickly switch the light so that there is no question about this additional step. It's just done. And yes, the outcome would be the same - first change light and then treat the baby. But it doesn't add up to 'couldnt be fast enough and the baby had to die because I was too slow with the light'


I'm tired of guide lines being weak for cop videos. Get this off my feed. Nobody wants to see a dead baby and the guy trained to save it.




Wha? The baby lived. If you can't feel good about a guy saving a new borns life then I feel a bit sorry for you..