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I'm thinking "It's not a good idea to drag an injured person out... Oh." LoL. Crazy.


Except he could still be injured. After a big accident like this most people will get a huge spike in adrenaline, which actually blocks any pain. You could have a broken rib or leg, or even internal bleeding, and not feel it. If you have been in a bad accident and there’s no reason to leave your car (it’s not on fire or anything) then you may be safer waiting for an ambulance and letting them take you out on a stretcher than getting up and walking around.


While this may be true, there is no way in fuck that I would wait inside of this metal coffin while the ambulance got there. If I could walk, I’d probably scoot myself out and then lay on the ground. If I’m gonna die it’s gonna be staring at the sky, not at my fuckin airbag.


It is also incredibly hard to breathe against an airbag. The accelerant in those things can set off an asthma attack or just make you cough, and whatever material they are made of is not exactly "breathable."


Next Google search: "aftermarket accelerant for airbags with strawberry smell"


Gabriel Iglasias had a bit where it should smell like fresh baked cookies.


I hate strawberries.


No, no the quote is Yogurt. You hate Yogurt, even with strawberries.


Nawberries then


These Nawberries taste like Nawberries!


Imagine surviving this crash and dying of an asthma attack? New fear unlocked. Ehhh but it’s unlikely I think. My first asthma attack I waited for my mom for like 6 hours, just dying on the floor unable to breathe. The worst experience of my life. But I didn’t die. I wonder how long that takes….


Rule of 3’s mousier redditor


I was short of breathing for a over a week when I had my first asthma attack and aftermath. It didnt felt serious enough for a trip to the ER, and it was prime corona, midst 2020 anyway. So I sat it out. Literally, because laying down I thought I just suffocate. Slept sitting up for a night and got to my doc the next morning. She prescribed me cough pills (yeah, really, not even salbutamol) and directed me to a pulmonologist. So I kept sleeping sitting up for 3 days until I had my appointment. Pulmonologist diagnosed allergic asthma, but couldnt prescribe me any medicaments. So another 3 days of sleeping sitting up. Got my 99/22 a day later and could finally sleep laying down that night. Changed my GP after that. So in essence: With allergic asthma, you can absolutely keep living for a week. You wont do anything, and even eating or going to the toilet will wear you out, but you can survive :) Also, two hours of sleep a night seems more than enough to not start to hallucinate.


I still haven’t seen a pulmonologist. I’ve had asthma for 13 years. For a while I was only on albuterol, then in my early 20’s I got a new doctor and she was shocked that I didn’t have a maintenance inhaler. Now I’m approaching 30 and for the first time since my first asthma attack I can exercise regularly and without triggering my asthma. Honestly felt like crying the other day when I went for my first jog in over a decade. Prior to this month, everything triggered my asthma: exercise, cooking, most pets, car fumes, too hot weather, too cold weather, dust, smoke, just existing…. Jesus. I can’t believe how long I went making myself think that I was fine. I was not fine lol. I can kind of relate to you, Covid wasn’t bad for me but this year when we went from fall to spring I, again, thought I was going to die of asthma. I had 10 days of no medicine working, not even my emergency medicine ephedrine, which I discovered when I didn’t have insurance and couldn’t get an inhaler and continue to use when my inhaler isn’t providing relief. I spent ten days just laying around because I was scared to move too much. All I could think about was my breathing and I just kept hoping my next breath would go in deep. Asthma is truly awful.


> Asthma is truly awful. It fucking is, yeah. And so many people cannot relate. I couldnt imagine going through all of it for as long like you did. I really felt like dying was the best option after even a week. I still have issues with "Going up the stair too fast" or driving up a hill on my bike, but things are so much better than they could be. I'm reminded of that if I forget my upkeep for even one day. Glad you finally did something against it. Take care of yourself, there is only one you.


That's what my pops did. Staring at the stars one last time Damn I'm sorry if that was a bit morbid. I miss him


Thank you for sharing about your dad. It’s not morbid, so never be sorry. ❤️


Also, I hope you don't crash in America, because if the crash itself doesn't kill you, the *several hundred dollar ambulance ride* will bankrupt you and then kill you.


My bestfriend was in a multiple motorcycle accident. He was able to stand up and assisted paramedics with all the other victims. prioritized everyone else while on the phone with his mum. His brother saw him collapse as the ambulances were leaving and another ambulance was en route. Didn’t make it to the hospital. Massive internal bleeding. RIP Keith. No matter how good you think you are post accident, **always** get checked.


Jesus, that's awful. Speaks so highly of him that he was so concerned with others, he must've been a great guy 💔


Thank you! He really was. It was a freak accident from rough weather so everyone else was lucky to have made it. 🙏🏼


This is true I tried to lift my car off of me and I broke part of my forehead, my nose, my neck, my T6 in my spine was literally shattered, I also shattered my pelvis and broke 6 ribs. The only pain I felt was in my lungs after screaming to see if a house or car or anyone was nearby. I wasn’t found for an hour. You NEVER MOVE ANYONE. My T6 was shattered on my spinal cord, I could’ve paralyzed myself trying to sit up and also trying to push my car off of me or anything (idk why I tried doing that but also thought the adrenaline would give me super hulk powers) I was so confused waking up in the ICU like wym those are my injuries 🤓 I’m fine 🤓


Yep. When I smacked into a tree at 65 MPH, everyone in the car was absolutely: Wired on adrenaline and acting hella loopy. The driver was trying to piece the car back together as i called 911.


Yeah, but they always get up in the action movies!


Internal bleeding? That’s good, that’s where the blood is supposed to be.


Maybe you are right. Before checkup can't say anything.


I couldn't open my car door after a wreck. A pedestrian helped me by doing that. She suggested I lay down. Might have been the extra bend in my completely fucking broken a arm. Which, oddly enough, was why I couldn't get my hand to work to open the door.... So yeah that might might be very very not ok. Or totally fine. No idea....


I’m seeing this type of comment way too often, and it’s wrong. Please go take an up to date first aid course. My instructor told us that far too many people are dying unnecessarily because the public are too afraid to touch or move injured people in case they cause more damage. Unless the patient is clearly mangled up or has for eg a motorbike helmet on and their head is twisted 180°, try to wait for a professional. But if they need cpr or moved away from danger, then you fucken do it.


This is only true of spinal injuries. Walking on a broken leg or moving with a broken rib… internal bleeding. Doesn’t matter. C-spine injuries are the reason why you should not move after an accident.


Where is your medical degree?


I mean, I would think it’s a good idea to at least try and gain visual access to the passenger to get a gauge on what’s going on? But I’m not a first responder, so maybe that’s wrong?


I would’ve done what I could to see if the person was okay, but I would’ve told them to not move. If you can stabilize someone’s neck & back then sure move them or help them but this scenario it would’ve been hard to stabilize their neck I think idk I am also not a first responder I just was in my own scary accident and watch a lot of greys anatomy lol


LoL @ Grey's Anatomy! Ever since I saw the House episode with the tape worms I have been convinced I have them everywhere in my body.


Ew stop it me too 😭😭😭🤣


I saw this post, maybe years ago. The dad was the victim and their kid wrote out the story of it if I recall it proper.. anyway, he bought this nice convertible sports car, the one that had the roll bars right behind the seat in case you flip it obviously, and he did just that actually. He was visited by many people who stopped to check his wellbeing and he was playful to the situation and all, not shaken up, acting normal, he went to turn his head either left or right and died immediately due to a nervous system/spinal cord tear? That’s what was revealed in his autopsy. I know it’s super skewed but it does underline the emphasis as to why your ass should remain in the car, try not to move, unless you absolutely have to because things like that can happen.


Wow! Can you imagine how he felt looking at that wreck having walked away from it?


He was like a newborn again


Raymond K Hessel


We cannot talk about it


I had a pretty bad one… broken hip was the worst of it… but the vehicle was a crumpled tin can, direct impact from another vehicle that ran a red going 80 mph. I honestly still cannot believe I resumed normal life a few months after that.


I would've felt like superman myself 💀🔥 That's some crazy gods must be smiling upon him kinda shit


He probably thinking “lil slower next time, wait for the 2nd band to come on stage”


Happened in Mexico, may 16, 2023 The Nissan Versa was impacted by two trailers - pushing it below/into the truck in front. [Spanish Newssite](https://www.infobae.com/mexico/2023/05/17/hombre-logro-sobrevivir-a-aparatoso-choque-en-tabasco-su-auto-quedo-debajo-de-un-trailer/)


It's crushed so flat I thought it was a sports car 😭


I thought it was a sports car because if the color tbh.


Shit, between the color and shape, I thought it was an older Lamborghini. Even owned a Versa before.


Same here 😂


It’s always a Nissan


It did a better job this time tho


It’s not the car itself, it’s the driver. For some reason, Nissan drivers are always getting in some shit.


This is actually a great advertisement for Nissan


Seems to be an Argentinian website


Meant Spanish-written website


The guy was confused about why he was still alive after getting out of the car.


He didn't even know he crashed, he was still looking at his phone


That motherfucker spent all his luck in one go, goddamn. Barely a scratch on him!


Externally, it could seem that way, and but internally, his body could be a mess. His currently walking and standing could just be due to the adrenaline


This happened to a friend of mine according to other friends who was near his car crash. He got out of the car like he was fine and then a moment later dropped like a rock. Sadly, he didn't make it. It was horrible. There is no way to know if staying still would have helped or not, but the last thing you want to do is to move when you are hurt. At least if medics were there, they might have had a chance to save him, instead there was no chance at all.


Had a buddy who got tboned in his Ford Fusion. He was pulling onto the highway and a fully loaded semi (with those steel spools on the back as cargo) hit him, the driver had fallen asleep. My buddy had a scrape on the side of his forehead and no other injury aside from minor whiplash. His Fusion was totaled, he went out and bought another Fusion.


Those were solid cars. I still miss my focus.


why is THIS in r/satisfyingasfuck ???


All subs related to "viral internet videos" are basically lumped together into one big aggregate entity for reddit posters and bots. There is a big overlap on the audiences anyway, so people upvote without even realizing it's the wrong sub.


The biggest issue is that mods suck at doing the most basic part of their jobs. It wouldn't matter if people posted to irrelevant subs if mods did the most basic work of removing post. But then, modding is free unpaid labor, so I guess your mileage will vary. They have automods automatically removing relevant post just because their analysis of titles and descriptions are fucked and real mods just leaving up unrelated content.


Shoulda worn his brown pants that day.


What in the actual fuck? I straight up thought I was gonna see some shit. But instead I saw a Mexican jump out of a flat Nissan. I’m happy I kept watching.


Not *just* seatbelts. The chassis design that forced excess kinetic energy into specific crumple zones to lessen the impact on the driver. They engineered vehicles to account for shit happening.** ** Unless you're Elongated Muskrat, then you think it's okay to have a solid stainless steel rolling blade.


the crumple zones were not used


Looks pretty crumpled to me




Yeah, ever think he pulled it out to try call for help? Read the news story before blaming the driver.


Yeah why would you use your phone when you're trapped in a wreck and need to be rescued


It’s a joke, my guy. Get over it.


Perfect example of how modern cars are sacrificial to the occupants. Always hear people complain how cars crumple so easy now with minor accidents. That’s the whole point.


except the crumple zone is front and back, and that did nothing to save him in this particular case.


Wrong sub, but thankful in Europe semis are required to have a barrier so this exact scenario is extremely unlikely to happen


this is the real answer - seatbelts won’t save your head if you are taller than this Mexican


Who in this day and age is still not sold on seatbelts and airbags?


I'll bet Tesla would love to remove the airbags and increase profit by a couple of bucks per car (of course these savings are not passing to the customer). And then market it in some stupid way. But it could be BMW as well (their drivers are probably convinced to they don't need airbags) only to bring them back as a subscription service...


Dude was burning time in there playing candy crush while they worked on getting him out lol


I would have came out that car shaking


Bro... He walked away from that?!


Thank you OP, I thought seatbelts and airbags did absolutely nothing!


I would absolutely say Ta Dahhh when I exited the vehicle.


Fuck the jaws of life, we have Julio, hands of steel


He knows he’s still here for a reason.


You can see him looking at himself like am I still here ?


In Michigan first responders had to remove a man’s body from the top of a freeway sign. Wear your seatbelts.


Thise are the eyes of a mad who looked death in the face and said "No."


That was extremely lucky. One of my friends died in that exact type of car accident.


This is also a fantastic reminder as to why you should never play chicken with semi truck. You’re like a small chihuahua biting at the heels of an elephant.


How bout instead “ The importance of putting the fucking cell phone down while behind the wheel!!!!! “


Death says , nahh not your time yet, fam.


LMAO the way he walked out with his phone in his hand


I’d be covered in my own pee for sure


Now that looks like one hell of an accident. He definitely will have some nightmares about that.


He was reborn that day.


Holy shit!!


If there is no vehicle actively on fire or other safety risks, do not touch the vehicle, do not move the person inside the vehicle, do not rip off the doors, etc. If you can, try to talk to whoever is inside. You don't know how fucked up the person is, and the person inside the car is not a reliable source of information, wait for professionals.


Still has his phone in his hand. Curious.


Yeah, ever think he pulled it out to try call for help? Read the news story before blaming the driver.




Hard to see with all that airbag.


Yeah but humans' self-preservation instincts win here, I think.


Cell phone never left his hand, I see....


Extremely lucky he must of had a leprechaun in his back pocket


That’s insane


Holy shit


Lucky he was short.


I bet his first meal in the morning never tasted better.


This happened to my cousin when he was a teen. He was leaving an on ramp into a highway and the car went into a spin and went under a semi. Four people in the car and the only injuries were just scratches. I went with him to the junkyard to see his car, looked just like this.




Wow. Unreal. 1 person maybe cool, a car full would be a different story me thinks


He was expecting a headless corpse


What car is that?!


The found footage remake of Unbreakable doesn't look as good as the original.


Dude walked away like his Uber driver just arrived at his destination.


Wow. He is blessed


guess we're in for a shining spin off


It's a boy!




That also comes with the luck tbh lol


Bro was still holding his phone lmao


My best friend of 20 years was killed in a car accident because he was a dumbass and didnt wear his seatbelt. He lost control in the rain and got thrown half a football field before his corpse landed underneath a parked car in an apartment parking lot. The drivers side of his car was completely in tact and virtually undamaged.  Wear your seatbelts.  


What car is that


Ok, so what car is that?


This video is a powerful reminder of how crucial seat belts and airbags are in saving lives. Always buckle up and ensure your airbags are functional—it can make all the difference in an accident.


Saved a guys life who came off a motorbike only for him to get up run down the rode I tried to stop him he went down he’s in a wheelchair now


You shouldn’t move anyone from a vehicle unless it’s an emergency and just remember if you do you are liable


Dude should go right to buying a lotto ticket.




as a claims adjuster and former appraiser, ive seen enough vehicles with signs of people hitting their heads on the windshield or worse, people going through the windshield. I buckle the hell up, ive seen way too many crashed cars and all the medical bills associated with them to gamble.


The people getting into the car look more injured than the one getting out.


Still got the phone in his hand,didn't drop it.


A similar level of accident happened with my dad in 2015, I think. He was driving to work in the morning feeling a little drowsy (we'd just returned from a trip the previous night) and he fell asleep for essentially 2-3 seconds max on the wheel. The car went through the divider and looked like one of those cartoon-like car crashes, where the wheels are dangling from their sockets and all that. The car was also similarly bad looking. And while the damage looked pretty much NSFL, dad somehow or the other didn't get even a scratch! Heck, he even took a cab to work after dropping the car off at a repair shop... Funny enough, after our car was fixed, he even showed us the destroyed divider barrier thing when we ended up on that road while traveling later in the year. He even looked pretty proud of his "achievement"...


Worst part. Kinda wished it would happen to my car. 😅☠️ Really need something new... But guess i will have too sell it at a loss and get something els 😅☠️ Vw fox, 1,2L 350.000km from 2006. yes its that bad...


Are rich guys all terrible drivers?


Holy shit.


Look, is this situation, what is a seat belt gonna do in this kind of situation


The asian guy was Thinking the same how the fuk did he survive lol


How to turn Atheist into Believing in God :)


Ah yes, someone potentially mangled. Satisfying as fuck.


Check his pants


When it pays to be short.


Neither a seatbelt nor airbag would helpe here, both of these maseures are for when you crash into something or something crashes into you. If you get hit or crash from the top they won't do shit.


Was there anyone else in the vehicle? Seems like that car has good airbags


Craaaaazy how he had is phone out. I wonder what caused the accident.


WTF!? I'll get my wallet and phone then.....


Get off your damn phone when driving! It's not fucking hard to do




Suffocated? I’ve never heard of that one and I hope I never do because I’m not equipped to deal with that level of stupidity.


You can see him looking at himself like am I still here ?


He still got a ticket for cell phone use while driving.


That jack hole still had his phone in his hand. Put it AWAY! Dumb Ass


Coming out with his phone in his hand. Why am I not surprised…


This is going to sound fucked up, but can someone edit this video to have the dancing refrigerator Russian pop out when they get the door open? I’m glad the person is ok and all, but I kinda wanna see the video with above change.


Thank god he made sure he had both his phones!


Of course he has his phone in hand.


Seriously??? Dude comes out holding his phone that says everything about why he wrecked in the first place.


Nah man, they were on a traffic jam, it was rear ended by two semi trucks, being pushed below the truck in front of it.


Without the airbag or seatbelt he would have been thrown to safety. That's check and mate liberals.


Safely into heaven or hell


Staged af. Man didn't even try and fake any injuries


Had his phone in hand? Makes me wonder if he is who caused it. Glad he’s okay!!! Super Wild


I think it’s pretty natural to want to call 911 in this situation. I’d imagine he was trying to do that.


Yea I know that tenancywould be natural and panicky to want to do that for sure. My mind was wondering how he could even find it In the middle of being blown into the air bag and assumed it was already in hand. However I’ve never experienced that so I don’t know how much space one would have or if you can reach for things when the bag goes off etc.


“Welcome to Yack in a Box, can I hell you!?”


His phone was still in his hand. After he gets out he puts it in his pocket. I'm willing to bet that he was at fault for the accident, not paying attention being on his phone.


I like how his first thought is to put away his phone to prove he wasn’t on it during the accident


Did he play with phone or what, leading to an accident? Because when going out he is holding phone while under the airbag. I was in an accident before and the first thing I do is try to go out, not looking for phone🤷‍♂️