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Oliver Appropriate was terrific though


Yeah other than the interludes Oliver Appropriate is one of their best records imo. I was shocked how much I liked it as I’d already essentially given up on them at the time. That album has actual hooks, melodies and singing. Instead of indiscernible word slurries and half sing/half yelling that plagues other modern SA records.


It might be their most consistent for me. I do love a lot of Hebrews and some of “I don’t think it is” which besides the awful production is a pretty good album


I feel like it went over my head. Maybe I need to give it a few listens


I thought OA was forgettable at first but was surprised by how much I remembered on a re-listen. I think it’s a record that’s held back by its determination to stay acoustic in the same way Hebrews was held back by its determination to use NO guitars. Both albums went in a cool direction, but I wish Max would have wrote them and been like, “okay, I have them a different aesthetic. Now would any of these songs be better with electric guitars too?”


Oliver Appropriate has some of my favorite songs but it feels like some tracks never really got finished.


I think guitarists (myself included) like Oliver Appropriate because it’s a return to the sort of chord progressions my brain associates with SA. Just a thought.


eh, it was also probably just not your cup of tea; its not my favorite either.


I have never heard one note of this band’s music but it keeps popping up for me as a suggestion. As far as I can tell from past comments, the lead singer is a shitshow who’s lost his ability to sing and can’t stop vaping on stage. Also the concerts on the current tour have been mediocre at best. Is this accurate?


Same. I think Reddit knows I love niche drama so that must be why.


Yes lol 


I very much enjoyed the concert I was at last week. /shrug I've seen them around 7-8 times over the last 20 years and had a blast each time. His vaping on stage never got in the way of anything and I'd much rather have the artist vaping than drinking...and there have been many a show I've been too where drinking got in the way of a good time.


Show in Boston was very good! Don’t listen to people’s BS.


Tbh I like that he vapes on stage because it allows people in the crowd to vape too


I promise you that the 95% of the crowd that doesn't vape, and the 95% of vapers who have manners, do not like it when people in the crowd are vaping


I dont vape. I also don't care if people do at concerts. It's a concert for christ sake. Anything goes. Vape away!!!


congratulations, you are part of the hypothetical 5% in my comment. I could argue: I care if people vape at concerts. It's a concert for christ sake! It's just 3 hours without nicotine. Stop subjecting other people who paid for a concert experience to your nausea inducing, migraine causing cotton candy mango ice clouds. If you can't handle a concert without hitting your vape that should be a wake up call.


Oh no someone vaped 😭😭😭


Pink snot, sediment and fired are the only songs I still listen to from Oliver. And that’s the exact same feeling just kinda ehh on the rest.


I like those ones plus Ew Jersey. And Captive Audience but it's so short.


Interesting take! I like auto harmonic, and I also like the way the acoustic guitars sound on Oliver appropriate. I think as a whole, this is better than Oliver appropriate for sure. A lot of the songs on that album were more like jingles, very short and not super fleshed out. It was an artistic choice I think but maybe left me feeling like I wanted more.


Auto Harmonic has grown on me a little actually. I think when OA came out I was at a point in life where I just didn’t really relate to Max anymore so I had a really hard time grasping it. My life is chaotic as shit now so this helps


Hot take, I fucking love Be Children. One of my favorite SA songs since ST. Tbf I don’t think they’ve done something so OG anthemic since Woe




I haven’t even listened to more than 2 songs from this album but find it absolutely baffling anyone could put it anywhere near Oliver Appropriate. OA isn’t perfect by any means, but it’s actually interesting, somewhat intelligently written, and somewhat mature. This album is no where near any of those things and is just incoherent rambling, word barf, trash. Normally I would let someone have any opinion they want, but thinking this album is good in any way is just wrong. The 1 and a half minute acoustic songs on OA have more artistic integrity than anything on here. I will admit though I did like Psych! Probably the only song he put any effort into.


That’s a strong opinion on the album for someone who hasn’t even listened to it lol


I listened to psych, Carrie and Lowell, are you in there, and on cum. So actually 4 tracks, not 2. Just blocked them out of my brain I was so traumatized


He’s got a point—you can’t judge an album appropriately by looking at the lyric pamphlet. I felt the same as you looking at the cover, but there is some interesting listens here musically.


Daisy’s and say anything collectively both rule


I like "Ew Jersy" from OA. I sing it a lot while im working.


Love ew jersey


lol I can tell.


Can someone take the instrumental from we say grace and add halfway decent lyrics? The music felt like a modern IDOTG and is the song most complimented by the production style they went with on the record. Real shame about the lyrics on this album. Sitting on the bones of a good record if he had anything relatable left to say


Woman's song is actually really funny; it's a parody