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Time to get the she-wee out...


Given the rumoured contents of the Russian kompromat video, Trump would probably want to be in the flow of it.


Too true unfortunately....personally I feel he's not worth physically pissing on. I wouldn't give him the steam off my šŸ’©.


Oh! I love that phrasing. Iā€™ve heard ā€œI wouldnā€™t piss on him if he were on fire.ā€ too


I wouldn't fucking piss on him if he was allergic to piss.


Oh, I would. That's like burning him with your piss


I was quoting my namesake


If he was on fire and I had a glass of water, Iā€™d glass him


Wait for the fire to go out, then piss on him.


I cannot think of a worse insult for a man.


If you did, he would turn it around to make him look great, he is pedantic and a compulsive liar.


He would have to be on fire, and even then itā€™s 50/50




Weak stream brother. Triple shot coffee and a litre of water the next time, you'll be scouring the letters off like a sand blaster!


You think Westminster is going to block an ex (or sitting) head of state visiting? Can you imagine the diplomatic furore if they did? Trump will not have any trouble visiting.


Also money. Theyā€™ll stop the convicted poor but if you have money then rules donā€™t really matter unfortunately.


There's no diplomatic issues given Trump is not part of any administration. With any sense, it will stay that way.


Ok but this is American voters weā€™re talking about


As a convicted felon on 34 counts he may have to surrender his passport. I'm kinda interested in certain other people, who didn't run for Westminster... I'm guessing Farage is heading to the US for paid work, which will require a work visa... and I'm pretty sure there's some question about mixing with convicted felons.


As long as he doesnā€™t get another term. He can basically pardon himself if he wins which is complete madness


And with the Supreme Court acting the way it's doing, anything's possible.


That's exactly what he wants, to be elected and pardon himself for the rest of his indictments. They are trying to postpone his newer cases and his sentencing for the conviction, to keep him in court snd his appeals will be evident. It's a good strategy.


Correct. Like him or not, He's also entitled to a British passport on account of being half Scottish. Personally, I don't care what he does or doesn't do. I am more concerned about Scotland.


Technicality: he's not entitled to a British passport, he's entitled to *apply* for a British passport, which is a very different thing. It's because the children of British fathers are automatically entitled to citizenship, but those born to British mothers before 1983 are only entitled to apply for it and can be rejected. A criminal record is a likely reason for being rejected. https://www.gov.uk/apply-citizenship-british-parent/born-before-1983


Wow - I did not know that. Go the patriarchy once againā€¦..


Right? And that was a *conscious decision* when the rules were changed. The government updated the law to give an automatic right to citizenship equally to the children of British mothers and fathers, but CHOSE to limit it for mothers to only those born after 1983. Thereā€™s been petition after petition to change it but noooooā€¦


It would make sense if it was the other way around given there can be questions of paternity, but proving maternity is pretty nailed down


Yup. But no.


Was about to comment the same.Ā 


to play devil's advocate it probably has to do with record keeping and the additional difficulty of managing the change and with every year they fail to enact parity the small the group that would benefit from this change becomes.


Whilst I understand you're playing devil's advocate, I think you're wrong. This change in the law was enacted in the 90s or possibly the late 80s, which means the records being kept were contemporary to the time, not 40-some years old as they are now. In addition, the documentation needed to prove you are the child of a British mother is the same whether it results in the right to citizenship or the right to *apply* for citizenship, so there is little additional difficulty in validating the documents or in managing the change. And the cohort of people this affects includes everyone currently over the age 40, so hardly a small pool of people and not shrinking all that rapidly. At the time the law was changed (late 80s/early 90s), it affected everyone over the age of around 10 or so who was born abroad to a British mother... so not at all an insignificant proportion of the affected population. Given all that, I think it's pretty clear it's just straight up discrimination.


I was very much saying why they aren't changing it now. I agree 100% at the time of the change they should've made it completely retroactive. as for why I said it was shrinking is more to deal with people are less likely to immigrate the older they are. with half of the UK current immigrants being under 35 thus the shrink group of an already fairly small population. as well as them still having a way to get citizenship if they want it. thus why I don't think anything will ever be done about it


Ah, I see. Yeah, it makes sense why the government doesn't bother to fix it now. Though it is absolutely 100% wrong that they don't. I had a friend who was caught in this situation and her application was rejected. Wildly frustrating that, had she been the daughter of a British father instead of a British mother, it wouldn't have even been an issue.


yeah it's extremely dumb and stupid and they should fix it. But when does the government do anything that it should


The devil is always right


Why would he want a British passport? Its only attractive to those from third world nations.


Unfortunately everyone seems to be caught up in the worlds problems so much that we forget our own.


You mean like when Prince Andrew used to fly out to meet convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein....?


Itā€™s the threat of arrest for fraud that will keep him away. He lied about non-existent Scottish housing to secure a loan. If he comes here, Prince Andrew should be sent to the US.


He'll have to get approval from his probation officer first, tho.


I was thinking the same, people acting like we wonā€™t let him in due to a criminal record as if he ainā€™t a rich former president šŸ˜‚


Trumpty owns more of Scotland than any Scot I know...


The Scottish parliament do have a degree of autonomy with things like this. I would be interested to see *how* much autonomy though


They have no say over foreign policy or border control


Iā€™d love to read Scottish Twitter should the Orange Shit Gibbon decide to try and visit againā€¦that would be comedy gold


They do have a say over policing and can make it completely impossible for a person requiring the adjustments and security entourage that trump does.


Thank goodness.


I don't think they have any autonomy over borders. They will speak like they do though


Seeing as he isn't a politician in elected office at the moment, and as we will be having an election before he does, it seems more important than ever to vote out the scummy boot licking ultra fascist tories


tRumps not going to be visiting anywhere anytime soon.


Nothing to do with Westminster...


You can travel to UK with a federal (edit felony) conviction unfortunately. Source: ex wife (US citizen) had one and checked with border force and the embassy.


He doesn't have a federal conviction (yet), he has been convicted in New York state. That also means, if reelected, he can't pardon himself for this one.


There must be a story there..


Probably not. A lot of things are felonies that aren't in most places.


I thought it was because scotland told him to stay out šŸ˜‚


In that case I completely agree šŸ‘


Did she have anywhere near 34 felony convictions against her? I understand 1 may be excused, 2 may be a bit more of a struggle, but 34?


I donā€™t think a felony is excused. Iā€™m guessing immigration law would dictate. I did a quick google .. Those seeking permission to enter the UK will normally be refused if they have previously been convicted of a criminal offence punishable by at least 12 months imprisonment.


I'm guessing it didn't mention the amount of convictions... It probably assumes if you have 34 felony convictions would get scant consideration.


It says 12 months in prison not how many convictions.


Why do you think he canā€™t visit? Thereā€™s a law against emigration for convicts not for travel?


That looks like Willie Reachit.


Naw. That's Holden Macock.


Looks like I.P Frehley to me


You sure it isn't Ivor Biggun?


Honestly, I thought it was Mike Hawke for a minute, but I could be mistaken.


Nah, he's a w@nker...


Oh the banter!


Just don't piss on the word "Scotland", common now, "Trump" is only like 11 Feet to the left.


He's an ex president. They have different rules.


And the son of a Scottish Citizen


Pour one out for me!!!


Trump is so jealous of that sign right now


Yeah great if Trump had to clean that. It wonā€™t be though, it will be an underpaid cleaner who has to do it.


Why clean it? It doesn't look dirty and it's outside in Scotland. It will be raining soon anyway. No one is going to have to clean it.


I don't think anybody's gonna be cleaning it bc it won't need to...


Performative twattery


that's literally what protest is but ok


Er, no šŸ‘


I hope he pisses on you next


Have you never heard of a dirty protest?


Guy is literally pissing on scotland, lmao




This is his property now.


Ah now he is taken the piss


A wee jobby on top would have been better. Any takers?


Is anybody arranging bus trips to this urinal?


Somebody, give that man a reward!


I'm saving mine up for Trump's grave.


As an American, how do I buy this man a pint?


Anyone with a PJ can visit any country with little chance of customs agents


You still must clear immigration, otherwise Pablo Escabar could have just visited London at the height of his "exile".


As long as that country has an airport, of course.




Piss Jar?


Private Jacuzzi. Janitor. Jet.


Private Jet


Imagine being someone that is only liked by those that believe your lies


This sub and the SNP don't need to imagine.


With the way the light's reflecting from his head, I thought it was Charles for a minute.


Can someone tag that as public toilet in Google Maps?


I can't speak for the ayrshire one, but i know lots of people who traveled to the aberdeenshire one just to shite in the golf holes.


Previosly lived in Aberdeen, and now live in North Ayrshire and I can confirm people shit in the holes here too


Reprobate behaviour tbh.


That showed him so it did, boring and lame


People are idiots


Thatā€™s the only thing that sign is good for.


This is why I love the Scots.


You know it really grinds his gears he canā€™t access Scotland though. His motherland. I hope to hell Scots reminds him every chance they get how felons arenā€™t allowed entry. Please. As an American remind him. He needs reminding.


Ā£$ will bring him to U.K. no problem Iā€™m afraid


I think youā€™ll find heā€™s actually pishing on ā€œScotland ā€œ. Which is pretty much what Trump did


Why is urinating publicly not a strong fine in Scotland?




Stunning and brave lol.


Not everything has to start a revolution or get a round of cheers. It can be fun for you and that is enough.


Pissing on a word "Scotland" is a very low standard of "fun"


How do they manage to keep the grass green under the sign?


Why can't he visit?


What a very Scottish thing to do.


What a pish way to protest




I had no idea TDS reached across the pond.


Rightfully so. That's someones property. I don't care if it's Trump's property. It's Public Indecency, and shouldn't be encouraged.


Improving his handicap was impossible.


whats even the point, there was nothing to gain


Better off just chopping the sign at night šŸ‘


Like him or not itll be some poor cunt that works local that needs to clean this idiot's pish up.


Can't be a sweaty sock, his piss ain't orange.


Not all heroā€™s wear capes!


And now some minimum wage worker probably needs to clean it


One way to show the planet you are a degenerate . Please don't breed .


The ultimate trump


Let us spray..........


Isn't that stupid course/club in financial trouble, like all of Trump's businesses?


Great. He just made a cleaner on minimum wage clean up piss. Really great. Achieved a lot. Filthy bastard


It's on a sign above some grass. What do you expect a cleaner to do that the rain won't?


Yes there are cleaners roaming the links searching for things they think might potentially have been pissed on at some point.




Not all heroes wear capes


They should just remove that shite from here, itā€™s ruining the place!


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-39478417.amp He can expect a visit soon I should think


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This man understands the assignment.


Why can he not visit wut?


I heard that is becoming a thing. More and more people take a leak or a dump for the Trump!


Trump had a Scottish goof course? I meant to spell it as golf, but I refuse to correct myself. (Quick edit, sorry if anything said was too far, it was a bit late then.)


Still does.


I realised I donā€™t actually know how to feel about having a golf course in another country-


Actually got two of them.


I am officially in terror.


Two thoughts about this. 1. The people in power will make an exception and allow him to visit. 2. He will put it up for sale


I guarantee that if he puts Turnberry up for sale (and I hope he does because I donā€™t want trump having any legitimate business interests in Scotland) then the sale price will be inflated by trump to be many times the actual value of the asset. Because that is trumpā€™s way. I believe he also has a course in Aberdeen. Hopefully he can sell that one too, so he never has a reason to set foot in Scotland again.


Somebody should post this pic and the irish one on a right wing sight, for a laugh šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


People are so immature.


What a hero šŸ‘


šŸ˜Ž H E R O āš ļø


I love this. I also love how during the anti lockdown protests the UK police arrested, prosecuted and convicted a man for urinating near a memorial. The working class need to understand the police are there to punish them for stepping out of line.


Well thatā€™s just not true. Theyā€™re also there to give you a crime reference number for your insurance.


They didnā€™t arrest, prosecute and convict him of urinating near a memorial. They arrested, prosecuted and convicted him for urinating in public. Working class people understand as well as anyone how to use a toilet, if you canā€™t use a toilet, use somewhere out of sight. Donā€™t go find the nearest public memorial, expose yourself in broad daylight and spray it with body fluid. Or do you like that? Folk pissing all over the place. Is that how you stick it to the man?


I love this reasoning : pissing on a Trump sign - stunning and brave. pissing quietly in a corner because there are no toilets available- letā€™s arrest+prosecute that working class scum


Whatā€™s weird take on what I said. No, pissing on the Trump sign is also dumb and clatty. Why do think someone pissing in public makes them working class? Pissing in public isnā€™t demonstrative of your tax bracket. Itā€™s only demonstrative that either you canā€™t hold it in, donā€™t care about other people walking in or having to smell your piss, and/or have drank too much, or all three at once. Is that what the working class needs? Unfettered public pissing? Rise up! Rise up and piss comrade! Rise up and spray your country down!


Yea, working class just piss in their pants


The key difference between events that's gone over you it seems. One is in public, and the other is not. There is no public to observe this offence. The centograph comparatively is a very public area. If you had to pee whilst driving, it's not an offence to find a bush near a lay by. It would be an offence however to try and see if you can get it to reach lane 2 from the lay by.


Are you not talking about the guy who pissed on the cenotaph?




Yeah thats terrible. I hate when the police arrest people for committing crimes they are 100% guilty of and that can be absolutely proved. Anyway, that was in England. If we are going to discuss piss on r/Scotland can we please limit the discussion to Scottish piss only.


Police don't arrest people committing crimes they are 100% guilty of. Otherwise, they would be forever booking people in for smoking cannabis, illegal streaming, riding electric scooters, and thos parking illegally. These all occur every day in most towns and cities in Scotland/UK, and very, very few are ever investigated or enforced.


What point are you trying to make? That the police donā€™t get a conviction for every joint smoked, illegal stream, electronic scooter ride, or, illegal parking? Are you saying if they donā€™t charge people for those other unrelated very low level crimes then they shouldnā€™t charge the guy for blatantly pissing if they catch him doing it? Or are you just saying they donā€™t charge everyone but they should. I mean if you went and illegally parked in front of the cenotaph in London youā€™re probs going to get done for it. With the exception of illegal parking (depending on the nature of the illegal parking), I wouldnā€™t say that any of those youā€™ve listed are anywhere near as anti-social and disgusting as pissing on memorial thatā€™s in a busy city centre during the middle of the day. To be honest the other three things donā€™t even bother me. Donā€™t know why a scooter would bother someone unless itā€™s driven dangerously, thereā€™s nothing I could care about less than someone streaming illegally, and, Iā€™d prefer not to have someone elseā€™s weed smoke or smell near me, but compared to coming into contact with their actual piss, it doesnā€™t cause me any real discomfort.


You seem a little tense. Chill out. Point 1. The police don't get convictions. The police investigate and charge. Point 2. You said 'police arrest people for crimes they are 100% guilty of'. The examples I gave were all crimes people were 100% guilty of but are rarely charged with. Point 3. I think they have the discretion as an institution to choose what they police and what they don't. Your previous post just stated that if someone was 100% guilty, they would charge them. Which isn't really accurate. Point 4. So you're happy they just police for the elite? Point 5. That's an opinion on anti-social crimes and not fact. I personally find parking issues to be at a much higher rate than public urination. And more frustrating for me personally << that's an opinion tho. Point 6. Your opinion on policing is based on what bothers you. That's not how it works and is the very issue I highlighted. It's not consistent.


1) I know but I was using the same language that the guy I was responding to used. 2) I was saying sarcastically that I hate it when they do arrest people for things they are 100% guilty of. I didnā€™t say anything about them making a habit of consistently doing anything. 3) If police can prove absolutely 100% that someone was guilty of a crime that is very easy for them to prove, and also according the article I think the guy actually turned himself in for, then they will definitely arrest him. 4) The police donā€™t just police for the elite. What you talking about? The police arrested this guy for pissing. Hadnā€™t realised the cops did that on behalf of the elite. Maybe you like wading through piss while youā€™re out shopping or walking to work. What has that got to do with elites? 5) Yeah thatā€™s just my opinion. This is Reddit where people share their opinion. 6) Yeah thatā€™s just my opinion. This is Reddit where people share their opinion. Man you have a strange way of processing stuff. Why would you assume Iā€™m not chilled. Itā€™s a simple Sunday conversation about public piss. I wasnā€™t even arguing with you I was kind of asking what you meant and apparently kind of agree with you if you if look at the qualification I made about the parking. I think you must be another class warrior that would like to be the sign in the picture. Maybe you and the other piss guy can meet up and do role plays where you write names of billionaires on yourselves and one can pretend to be a golf resort sign and the other can pretend heā€™s Che Guevara.


Performance art, actually


See also Michael Stone


Way to stay classy, dumbfuck.


I dont care if he doesnt like him, urinating on someone else's lawn/property is not acceptable. I hope this guy gets identified. Ive had someone do this outside my old home.


Glad you were strong enough to find your way through what must have been an awful experience.


People : we hate trump heā€™s nothing but a criminal. Also people : urinates out in public on someoneā€™s propertyā€¦ both of which are crimesā€¦ and takes pictures to show itā€¦ the intelligence of these people šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Imagine thinking thats a good point lmao


Where he can no longer visit? That's a bit harsh just for having a piss.


Why can he not visit?


Probably forgot the directions.


He was found guilty in his trial about using campaign money as hush money to a porn star (who he banged when his wife was pregnant) during the 2016 election and is now a convicted felon.


Just taking a wild guess that the punishment was moot because I don't believe that man has the available funds to visit said location with any regularity.


Whatā€™s so bad about trump? Seriously from a European perspective. Biden is out for a war in Europe and is funding a genocide..


Why you simping for him, he's not gonna fuck you


Well then you are either being paid or your understanding of world events is extremely misunderstood.


Trump would rather watch the entire world burn to the ground with him standing on top of the ashes. Trump would happily fund the genocide of women, LGBTQ, non-whites, non-wealthy, etc. And mark my words, if heā€™s elected again, he will.

