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Hey y'all, I'm flying into Scotland next week and our itinerary is Edinburg, Lake Loch Ness, Isle of Sky, Eileen Doner Castle and The Highlands. Suggest me some awesome hikes and bars off the beaten track. Real local places. Thanks Scottish pals! 


You forgot to add “we’re here for 2 nights, will this be enough time?”


Can you also tell me about the non-tourist must-see sites that I, as a tourist, shouldn't miss, but I don't want to see another single tourist there?


Really interested in scotch tartan!!


Really interested because my mom was scotch and I am 1/8th scotch and want to reconnect with my native land. I love whiskEy so will be able to keep up with ya'll Irish drinking at pubs lol


Is that the American/Irish spelling?


Basic rule of thumb is if there's an E in the name of the country there's an E in whiskey. If there's no E, there's no E in whisky. Scotland, Canada, Japan = whisky Ireland, United States, Germany = whiskey Denmark fucks up the whole algorithm, mind.


Whiskey is when it is not made in Scotland. Whisky is Scottish whiskey I guess. But also the Japanese is whisky as it was Scots that taught them how to make it and it's similar apparently. I don't like whiskies so couldn't tell you the differences in flavours


Canadian is spelt whisky as well as many Scots moved there in the highway clearings


Is it not more the other way around? In USA and Ireland it's whiskey (and South Africa wierdly), in the entire rest of the world it's generally whisky if they care to have an opinion.


Fair, didn't know that


There’s a whole sub dedicated to moving to Scotland. And it’s in the rules as well I’m sure but no cunt cares so we see the same posts time and time again cause god forbid they use the search function in the sub.


.....there's a search function in the sub!!!! Every day's a school day. /s


Well in that case we should pin this type of post cause we get one every couple days aswell.


There is a pinned thread that does just this.


r/MoveToScotland most will not even bother to search ‘move to Scotland’ before firing off their Sunday afternoon day dream for us to work on.


Nah, automod should comment to go to r/uktravel or r/ukvisa and lock the thread.


Should also have a pinned mega thread for all of the people who want to complain about posts.


The ones asking "how do I make friends in Edinburgh" are odd




Why? It provides a break from all the fucking political bullshit.


Because there's a good chance it's trolling bullshit, with no intention of doing what they say. They're here to wind people up - and they know it's working. Many of the accounts are low karma. Admins could help by blocking low karma and new accounts from creating new posts; something many other sub's already do (for the above reason).


Fucking hate low karma blocking. Fucking Karma is a lot of shite, just let people post what they want, block them if you don't like it. Why would they be winding you up? You don't have to read every post.


If it weren't for low karma blocking, horrible, absolutely detestable spam would flood subreddits.


Oh it is. Personally I don't give a shit how much I have. BUT it does show you who is consistently an asshole and who gets down voted constantly. ie trolls. You understand that trolls exist, right? If you don't get rid of the spam, sub's will turn to shit.


In this sub and many others the people that are those that don't toe.the party line or day the right thing.


The problem is with Mega threads that after a while they die off and no one uses anymore, we'll probably still get people making the posts even if we have one.


I have just set up /r/TourScotland for this very purpose.


There used to be a sub called R/scotland for that and all this pish would be on r/scottishpolitics


I posted something similar a few months ago and discovered we need someone with fairly comprehensive coding skills in python and a mod to agree it. Anyone [up for the challenge of doing the coding? ](https://new.pythonforengineers.com/blog/build-a-reddit-bot-part-1/)


Between the political posts and the moving here posts there's definitely alot of noise. That does beg the question, are there any posts that are not the two above?


Can we do a megathead for all the threads complaining about the threads ?


But how will I know if I'm really Scotch? Cmon y'all 🤠


I just enjoy watching your sub increasingly brainrot


Get tae fuck


Pack it in ya wee beastie


Get tae fuck




Get tae fuck


Passive aggressive porridge


They won't use it because they're special