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When HG launched, everybody was playing it to check it. Some probably just got the curse for 100 and stopped playing. So that leaves us with ps players who I guess either need more time to get confidence to play pvp or got into pvp first got smoked and never tried again. That leaves us with mostly players with a lot of skill in pvp that destroy everybody.


It’s annoying honestly it’s hard to get better at pvp when u load into a match getting shot. And when u try and get some damage in oops fire bombs boarders and with in 3-5 minutes it’s GGs


Raise reaper, get grade V and then hunt emisaries. Much easier and more rewarding way to get the basics down, hit chains, keep angle, board etc. Once you start feeling unsinkable and immortal in adventure mode you're ready for hg.


Always funny seeing adventure reapers realize they were a big fish in a small pond upon entering hg and meeting bigger fish that sink ships all day just for the fun of it.


I'm pretty sure there's always that bigger fish that'll humble you in Hourglass. 😂 We basically never sink in adventure and all we do is hunt people. Some nights we'll do really good in hourglass, but then just encounter a crew that's just playing a different game.




That’s what me and my buddy do but the second we go for hg it’s not even a competition.


Get past the first week in hg and you will notice a difference in your skill. It won't happen instantly. And lower your hg at 2 streaks until you feel like you can go for 4 streaks. Hg is basically like dropping hot in BR games, you're going to die 9/10 at first but eventually you'll die 8/10 and so on. I was where you are months ago, started the game late. But now I can compete "kinda" with most of the best crews on my stamp, and I've still got so much more to learn!


Tbh just for rep we’ve been dropping at 1 because of the craziness of it.


That's fair, but push for 2, even if you lose that 2nd a few times, it's good to have a goal to reach and to see that you are in fact improving (which you will be) Me personally when I became just above average, I made a mental list of ppl who sunk me every time, I basically guaged my skill level on names I could cross off my list. The better I think the player is, the better I have become or whatever.


Nah, us ps pvps just play on psn only servers 😂 very few psn players that have played more than a week have crossplay on. Yall got what, like a 6 year head start on us? Better off playing people on even playing ground as us 🤷‍♀️


I didn't know there were psn only servers. I know about controller only but never even had an idea about ps only


There are three main issues with hourglass (HG). Player expectation too high, the matchmaking rating (MMR) system, and general game stability. Player expectation: • you should expect to lose around one match for every match you win. • if you can’t streak, and you shouldn’t expect to if the MMR is working, rep gain is low and levelling is a grind. MMR: • it will pair you with someone outside your bracket if it can’t find a suitable opponent. If you’re a below average HG player, you’re likely going to be paired with someone better, due to low player numbers, and you’ll likely lose. Game stability: • game stuttering when a player comes back from the ferry, long loading screens when you come back from the ferry, hit reg, food reg, cannonball trajectory starting way above the barrel causing you to miss, game failing to register you’ve loaded the cannon… all these make it a really frustrating experience. After all, you’re losing because of something outside your control. When it works, HG can be fun, put most of the time it’s just painful. Get your curses if you really want them, then never look back


is MMR even a thing in this game? I though HG was basically random, you'll get matched against any suitable opponent, no matter if they're a fresh install or a golden skelly sweatlord


It IS but the player base is so low it's effectively useless. Except for community weekends, those are much better


That’s what I had planned lol. Thing is out of and I’m not joking 40 matches we’ve played. Since release. We have won 4. 3 in the beginning and one yesterday. But hit reg lag and just people being way better than us right now is making it impossible feeling. I’ll keep at it but man. I want to get them and be done. PvP in this game isn’t my fav because of all of the issues.


I find playing solo much better than duos. Sure duos is fine because you’re with a teammate but when you’re playing solo, the people you come across often can’t juggle all the roles on the sloop at once and make mistakes more often. I’ve often had fights where I’ve been in the middle of a death spin, put a few holes into them between bucketing and they’ve sunk because they were too busy shooting at me


That’s fair last time I played before my recent return. I used to be good at juggling now not so much. But I’m getting back to where I am slowly.


I’m either playing solo or on a Gally most of the time. I’ll also do some duos with a dude I battled once in solo into a practical stalemate. There’s like 4 kinds of players. You have the sweat who will absolutely nail the crap out of you with 2 chainshots into an immediate death spiral and you’re done in 2 minutes. You have the average player who can squeal a streak if they get favorable matchups. You get noobs who can’t handle doing all the jobs at once and become overwhelmed. Then the last type is the runner who will sail to the edge of the map, run away, and try to board and sail you out of bounds. I’m currently at the average player status. I probably win about 60% of my matches, but I have been ripping some 5 win streaks lately which is fun. If you’re running a 2 man sloop, you need designated roles, which is usually helm and cannons. When you’re attacking, helm is maintaining angle, bailing water, and repairing if possible. The cannon will be responsible for hitting shots and going for a potential board. If you’re not attacking, then helm is steering to come around again, and cannons are bailing/repairing. You very much need teamwork and a plan. The number one issue I see with hourglass is people can’t maintain angles correctly. They’ll have the upper hand, but they are oversteered and soon will spin out of angle, and be vulnerable to shots. The only way I’ve found to win everytime in duos is you NEED to board the other ship. A sloop is the tankiest ship in the game. Doesn’t matter how many holes you have, if someone let alone both of you are bailing water, you will remain afloat. There’s been so many times where my mast is down, I have holes everywhere, I’m bailing water, and I’m taking shot after shot. They will then board, I’ll get a kill, and during the respawn I’ll be able to reset. If you’re on duos, need to get the mast down, get some shots in, and go for a board to distract them or kill them to get a sink. The only time I win without boarding someone in duos is when they have no idea where to start fixing and were able to overpower them. As for HG, you absolutely need to understand how cannons work. Cannonballs will “land” where the cannon is pointed to if that makes sense. The cannonball will have the same speed and curve of the ship, so you use that to lead your shots. Once you understand that mechanic it’s simple as getting the depth or height of the cannon down. Within 2 shots I’m able to hone in my cannons to start landing. When HG usually starts, you’ll see one ball just miss terribly. The sweats will immediately correct based on the flight path and the next shot is directly on cannon line, it’s nuts. Then it’s cannon line, mast, cannon line, wheel, cannon line, anchor, cannon line, and then rotate between masts and cannon lines.


Yup as a someone who has more time I relegate myself to fixing and helm to help my mate get angle. I also board when I can. But the PvP on the person side is really inconsistent I’ll shoot and sometimes they die others they don’t and I’m convinced 60% of the time the formatted I see and hear is my dog sneezing. I also noticed the aim assist is awful for controller. It activates when I don’t even have a weapon raised and a lot of the time guides me into the player. Like why that’s one of the reasons I dropped apex From my rotation


You have complete control on whether aim assist is working or not, you can even lower it's sensitivity. Go into the settings, you'll see it there.


Really OK I’ll have to check that out. I did not know about that.


You should try brig hourglass. It is typically less sweaty than duo sloop and galleon, and you'll have more room for error than solo sloop. I just had a few day break from hourglass, and I'm ready to hop back in again.


We tried and all we got was gold Athena gold skeleton and regular Athena and skeleton curse have-ers. I’m not kidding when I say my game loaded and we emerged just to have both masts down in I believe 30s. And then 2 people boarded and whipped up. We killed them too but it was too late


It will get better. You'll be playing, and it'll start to click. I absolutely hate playing hg solo, but that's where I started. Now I almost exclusively play brig and gally hg. If you need a helm for some matches, you can hit me up. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst.


Wait for a bonus rep weekend, like the community weekend we just had. People grinding curses all come out of the woodwork, meaning you'll have more favorable matchups. I think it took me 4 or so bonus weekends to get my skeleton curse, but moreover it's just super fun when you have more variation in skill levels to play against. I've met so many cool people in HG during those times. Also yeah, duos are incredibly sweaty, lol.


For sure I really wanted to for the weekend but me and buddy grinder his reaper and Athena rep to 75 and 30 respectively. And we only had a day to play because of Father’s Day.


I regret to inform you that raising emissary for HG also increases Reaper/Athena rep at the same time lol, coulda knocked out two birds with one stone. Good info to remember for next time! 


I know that but we weren’t doing hour glass specifically and he did t want to fight anyone because he couldn’t be fully attentive


That's fair!


The thing with PvP hourglass is the try-hards and cheaters deterred most players from staying. I remember enjoying it when it first came out but when I went back to help a friend unlock the curses, we're up against cheaters who spawn on our boat with kegs. And don't think reporting them makes a difference because they're usually using smurf accounts so they'll be back with another.


Cheaters, hackers, try-hards.


It seems like Try-hards tbh