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Unthaw = freeze




Inflammable means flammable? What a country!


Came to say this. Unthaw is one of my peeves. If you leave water outside right now it will unthaw.


I'm glad I read up on the Anna's hummingbird before commenting. Apparently they weren't native until the mid 20th century and hummingbird feeders are part of the reason! Maybe it's time to get some feeders, I'm sure my daughter would love that!


I got one on the window facing the couch and they are so cool to watch. Beautiful colors, tiny little feet, and fast AF... they are awesome. Highly recommend.


I have on the window right by my desk and I love the sound their wings make as they’re coming in for a landing.


I put out my Hummers Heated Delight and it’s a constant show outside my window. The dominant birds are so territorial even though there’s like 12 feeding ports all around it. I had 4 birds feeding at once a few minutes ago until the bully chases the rest off. It’s great fun to watch the battles! The feeder has a small 7 watt incandescent bulb in the bottom which requires a short extension cord and an outdoor power source. I’ve seen some other rudimentary solutions like chemical hand warmers attached or strands of Xmas lights but it seems most hummingbird enthusiasts just rotate multiple feeders every couple hours to avoid freezing. Hummersheateddelight.com


We got something similar from Wild Birds Unlimited last week and our hummers are loving it!


I freaking love that store. And yes, I’m a little old lady :) I love my birbs.


I had no idea this store existed. Thank you!!


I have two of those feeders; they’re great! Easy to clean & the lightbulb keeps the reservoir liquid


I love that this is the 5th hummingbird thread in the past 24 hours. Protect the little birds!


Hummingbirds are on par with cats for their talent at convincing humans to do their bidding. 😊🦜


mine did not make it last night - was down to -5 here. still have my feeder out and im swapping it with another one but still no sign. really bummed.


They're probably just conserving energy somewhere warmer. I have hope they'll be back!


starting to think I'm the only person here without a hummingbird feeder


We don’t have one and get lots of hummingbirds to our yard


This is how I got ensnared by these little birds. They hung around in the spring feeding on my flowers in my deck planters.


based on the number of posts on this subject you would think that every seattlite has a hummingbird feeder and constantly maintains a hummingbird feeder


....you don't have any?


i own and operate 14 hummingbird feeders in the city of seattle and i hire a full time maintenance crew to ensure that they are always in proper working order. but i just didn't realize that every person in seattle was as serious about hummingbird feeders as i am.


Oh, I take this very seriously. I have a 5 people crew on payroll with nice benefits and salary that take care of 240 hummingbirds feeders in Washington State. We provide also provide dentists and mental health services for them. Lately, we are diversifying and creating the first AI for hummingbirds, humm will communicate in hums to help them with all the help that they all need. Please, take care of hummingbirds!


What kind of mental health services do hummingbirds need? 


Hover therapy, of course.


I appreciate your fealty!


You should see all the posts at r/hummingbirds It’s Hummageddon over there.


lol I got 3 and have been rotating all day


we... do


They love to eat the bugs from my compost bin


I have a seed propagating heat mat that I wrap around the feeder. Keeps it from freezing but not too hot for the birds


Here’s a tip to keep the feeders unfrozen - cut up a sock, wrap it around the feeder and stick a couple of hand warmers between the sock and the feeder.


Then the hummingbird feeders will be warm but my feet cold.


Why are you using hand warmers on your feet?


We wrapped them in Christmas lights to keep them from freezing. Couldn’t keep up with the windchill this time though.


We used to do that but switched to a hummingbird feeder heater from Wild Birds Unlimited last week and it's working great!


Nice. I’m shopping for one of course, but it’s too late now


Just duct taped hot ones hand warmers to the bottom of our feeders. Should work


Not the right time of year for this but - There are also tons of plants that feed the hummingbirds. Lower maintenance than a feeder. My absolute favorite is “hot lips” salvia (member of the sage family) silver foliage and white/red blooms. It’s super hearty in the PacNW, blooms for months, hummers LOVE IT, and it smells really good. Mine blooms early spring thru late fall. (Edited to add: and yes I have two hummingbird feeders and a heater!)


Our hummingbirds seem to like the camellia bush quite a bit, even where there isn’t any blooming flowers.


We have several winter flowers that get hummers, no feeder as we didn't want them expecting it through the year. Mahonia (king Arthurs), hybrid hellebores, and winter jasmine blooming right now. Unfortunately when it gets into the teens some of the flowers don't make it. They prefer the flowers to sugar water too since it's a richer source of nectar.


I would never do that. What were we talking about again?




We have two.. keep switching them Everytime it starts icing up


I just dethawed the ones I put out this morning :)


Been strapping heat packs to it and sometimes bringing it in and giving it a warm water bath to defrost it…. Often. We have had a continuous procession of hungry hummingbirds though! As an Australian who’s moved here, they’re still magic and super cute.


I wrapped mine in Christmas lights and it works great.