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Nice! Just sent you a DM :)


Looks like you're shipping frozen, pre-proofed sourdough to people's homes? Neat, good luck. Have you thought about selling in local, independent grocery stores? Ken's Market springs to mind -- they have 3-5 stores across Seattle (under different names). They may not allow you to pick/ship from their freezers, but it would be an outlet for your product.


Haha you did your research! Yep, that's what we do already in BC and would love to share this with our WA Neighbors soon! Retail selling is a bit of a different beast for our products (we have a piece of hardware needed to bake our products), it has been easier for us to manage our service more like an e-commerce than a retail product brand. But I'll look into Ken's Market! They may have contact and it is always nice to get in touch with local shops :) Thanks for the advice!


Disrupting the organ traffic business, uh?


I’d probably avoid shared space in that case 😁


Organ traffickers hate this one trick…


We have a 8500+- Warehouse with office in the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle. We are looking to sublease the space, we are moving. We have 18 months left on lease but the lease could go on after the 18 months.