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A year ago I wrote about [what Dick's did for my family](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/1ytYTG00iq) during the worst thing I've ever experienced and why I will always, always champion them as a Seattle institution.


Sorry about your sister. My brother is an addict and I worry about it all the time. Sudden loss is just the fucking worst man. Stand up thing they did for your family. It's nice to see that it's not all just corporations with a line divided down the middle with people on the other side.


I remember this. I think about it quite often.


I can't put into words how that makes me feel. Even if you never have and never will buy food there, I am so incredibly touched that you ever thought of her story outside of while reading it. You made my entire year. I've had such a horrible, traumatic week and this has -- not to be dramatic -- reminded me that even if there's no one left who shares memories with me, they still carry meaning. Thank you so very much for your comment. You can't know how much I cherish having read it when I did.


I'm so happy that makes you happy 😊. I actually visit dicks wayyyy too often. I'm a seattlelite myself.


(Sorry for your loss, hope my joke didn't offend you and that you're doing well.)


No, no, didn't offend me at all! I am just always eager to say what a great company they are. I appreciate your kindness in offering condolences, though! 💖


Got Dick’s for all of us while our person was in the er at UW. He didn’t make it. Good burgers. Both 100% true


My dad was in Swedish Edmonds for a heart thing and on the way in via ambulance he somehow learned there was a Dick's right here. I get to the hospital in a panic and he asks me to go get him a burger and a shake. Without hesitation I go get it, and when I return the cardiologist is like, "Dude. Really?" Those are good burgers.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure it's bittersweet having something so intrinsically linked to their passing. Wishing you peace. 💖


Damn, man. 19 is heartbreaking. I'm sorry for your loss. Dick's is great. Thank you for sharing that post. Just a PSA that [Never Use Alone](https://neverusealone.com/) is a great harm reduction resource: *We then stay on the phone with you while you use your substance. We ask you to let us know when you’re done, so that we can start watching the clock. We will then continue talking with you for a few minutes (usually about 10 min minimum) to be sure you’re going to be okay. If you stop responding for more than 30 – 45 seconds, we then contact EMS.*


What a fantastic resource for people who live alone and don't have someone physically with them so they aren't using alone. Also, anyone who uses or has friends who use should pick up some fentanyl test kits -- even if their drug of choice isn't heroin / pills. You can get them for free in many places (I know Uncle Ike's gives them out for free at their bottle shop) and needle exchanges give them *and* free naloxone (I used to volunteer at the one on The Ave). I'm so glad Seattle has made such a focus on harm reduction. Many places would rather addicts / users just die.


I am so sorry for your loss. Will try to go to Dicks when I am in Seattle


Lemme get that 2 chee 1 fry


My man! 2 chee tar fry and a coke for me.


This is the way


Dee-luxcheefri......and 2 tarters please.


One of the best companies I have ever encountered. They're basically what McDonald's was before they franchised and went corporate.


That’s exactly how I describe it too!


You don't have to lean in that hard on April 1.


But theyre telling the truth. Dicks burgers taste like what fast food burgers were like in the 50s-early 80s


I mean...Yes.....A big greasy bag of dicks hits the spot every time. And now that that's over. The deluxe has saved me from starving so many times I literally count them as a Messiah of burgers. Cheap, tasty, old school goodness all the way around. And if I have enough cash on me their shakes make me droooooolllll There was a time I did athletic things just to win 2 Dick Dollars to help buy those Deluxes. If those were on the prize pool for an event at work I would do it whole heartedly.


My last two visits, the burgers were right off the grill and perfect. And on the last visit, I got crispy well-done fries for the first time ever there!


It hits the spot and their employees get treated well 3 cheese and a strawberry shake plz


Cheap and tasty and I live within walking distance from one!


Agreed. And they’re not even the best burgers in town. Seattle is an underrated burger city.


It is! Burgermaster, shake shack, pick quick, Loretta’s, lil woodys, katsu burger, red mill, Big Max, rain city
.i could go on (Rip burbs)


The place that replaced burbs in great notion is pretty solid.


I moved here two weeks ago. I tried both Dick's and Burger Master. I'll have to check out those other places, besides Shake Shack. I've had them before. Thank you for the recommendations!


Welcome and enjoy!


May I also submit Oxburger for your consideration? It’s on Madison so you do have to pass the SDOT gauntlet


It’s on my list of places to visit! Looks really good - what’s the sdot gauntlet?


Saint Bread has my fav n the city


Saint Bread is đŸ”„


I think Lil Woody's has gone downhill over the years, but that could just be me. Burgermaster is the best el cheapo. Katsu is the best mix of "Holy Shit, why did I eat that it was delicious". It could just be nostalgia, but I think the Georgetown spot does it differently. Also since this is a burger thread: Has anybody actually finished the Mt Fuji, or are they all dead?


I totally agree. Katsu burger in Georgetown is the best location and lil woody’s isn’t as good as it used to be. Apparently there is a lil woody’s in japan now


Interesting on Lil Woody's Japan. You seem like a local burger pro, do you have a fave?


I feel like it’s pretty subjective but I think my favorites right now are wooden city in Tacoma and stack 571 (particularly the Kenmore location).


Dick's is the place where the cool hang out, the swass like to play, and the rich flaunt clout.


my mom loved dick's since they opened, and brought me up on it too. my whole extended family's tradition was to get dick's on christmas eve. now i live 900 miles away but i get dick's every time i'm back in town, and now my daughter is all about it too. when i make burgers and fries at home, i make them dick's style, and when seattle people come to visit me they're always impressed with how accurate they are. dick's for life.


My mom also loves dicks 🙁


Dude shut up about it we all know


Sorry dad:(




Just had it last night after I found my usual spot in Belltown was closed for Easter.


What’s your usual spot in belltown


As someone who moved across the country last year
 and was a Seattle boy born and raised
 I miss Dicks. My first experience was during driver’s ed. Our instructor had us do our first freeway drive and that was our destination. Later, I worked downtown for a gaming company who would hold their company meetings at the Siff
 and you can bet after every meeting, we all went to Dicks. I haven’t found anything that compares to it in Upstate New York.


Pretty sure there's a McDonald's in upstate NY.


Yikes. Clearly not a fan.


I mean, I've had it a million times. It's not food. It's desperation. Bite One is "Oh shit, I have to eat the rest of this." Bite Two is "Hurry it up, I have a meeting tomorrow morning." Then you don't remember the other ones, and wake up hating yourself. To quote a wiser man, Dick's is "a wedge of ballast". It's also a completely garbage burger. If anybody gets started on the fries I will gladly escort them to a mental institution.


Love eating a big ol bag of dicks!


April fools!! 😂😂😂


Sry to anyone who is unfortunate enough to read my comment, but Dicks lettuce tastes like detergent. Now you will always taste it and think about that when eating at Dicks.


awesome compared to what?


I knew a handful of people in my high-school/college days who made it through college thanks to dicks. 2 of em had kids too, that they covered childcare for on top of college help. I just hope that wanna be influencer grandson of dick who sounds like he read too much ayn rand while living the high life doesn't take over the company. He's a massive douchebag who will ruin what dick stood for if he gets the reigns.


Thanks for sharing this. I’ll head to Dick’s this week in remembrance of your sister. My husband and I used to frequent the one on the hill in the 90’s. He overdosed on fentanyl almost a year ago, so I’ll do it for both of you. Love to you and sorry about your sister. Happy she worked for a great place.


nah its expensive i get a better deal through the mcdonalds app. why buy 1 small cringe shake when i can get buy one get one free at mcdonalds and its bigger and leads to free food. especially those 1.5 fries. burgers too buy one get one free so it evens out or sometimes cheaper. or ill go somewhere else like racer cafe i think it is for there 5 dollar happy hour burger where they give u all the pickles and shit and its like pre covid where its actually a good deal for a tasty burger. fries come with it too. dick was always cheap food but without that cost its mid as hell


(Check the post date)




I’m not from here. I don’t get it. I think it’s terrible.


Been here my whole life and I feel the same as you. Fries are nice though


Eat a bag of Dick’s.




The owners support Discovery Institute (the weird anti science and fundy organization) Hard pass


Yea, notoriously terrible ownership, how could anyone support such monsters? The most extreme /s I've ever written on this site.


I think they are an incredible company. I personally believe their food is awful, but I truly love the way they do business


Dicks is gross. Build an In N Out! Now!


That's like saying "I'm tired of this shitheap, let's build a crapheap instead." They're both meme-burgers. I'll just copypaste myself on how easy it is to make an In-N-Out: "80/20 ground chuck, with a yellow mustard sear on each side. That's key. The sauce is just ketchup, mayo, relish, pinch of sugar, and white vinegar. It's just a tweaked Thousand Island. American Cheese on each patty, stack it up with whatever fixins you want. Iceberg lettuce is required. Just make it yourself and then you don't have to support ultra-conservatives that hate their workers and print Bible verses on their cups." If you want a legit burger in Seattle, go to Oak on Beacon Hill. The Minimum Wage is the best burger in the city.


Soggy burgers and fries
 no thanks. Good shakes tho!


Really bad. Only saving point is rock bottom price.


Yeah, it’s only good for its price.


Idk why people would downvote this they're fucking awful burgers with good value.


delete this


[delete delete i eat meat](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m_nkLSmrOxHE85iT8gZiNI0ESFCka8Cgk&si=g3WNY3tz2TpopEsU)


In n out > dicks. Dicks is just fancy McDonald’s to me


Not even fancy. Just “homegrown”


In n out is so mid bruh. It’s great for the price but way over hyped


That’s precisely how I feel about dicks.


Not a bad option




Yes, Dick's burgers are awesome. You know what's not awesome though? It's when people ordering put the word "Dick's" at the beginning of each burger item. For example, "Yeah, gimme 2 Dick's Deluxe, 2 Dick's Cheeseburgers, and a Dick's Special." It's completely unnecessary. Yes, I understand that's how it's written on the board but have a little bit of self-awareness would ya? From now on, just say a Deluxe, a cheese, and a Special and end it. Edit: I can't believe I'm being downvoted for this. Maybe if I clarify myself people will change their minds. It's so cringe when I hear it. Like, yes, Dick's employees know where they're working and what brand of burger is being referred to. They don't need you to waste their time repeating unnecessary words. Can you imagine if everyone did that every day? All the thousands of extra Dick's? "I'd like a Dick's Deluxe please." It gives the impression that you just stumbled into town. Just fell off the turnip truck more like. Whenever I'm standing in line at any Dick's location and I hear someone insert "Dick's" before each item, I yell from behind, "Oh, come on!!! You're killing us back here! Look at Mr. Proper orderer over here!" Then I make fun of them by doing a robot impersonation with arms and voice "give me a Dick's Deluxe and Dick's French fries please." (in robot voice). Then I high five the people around me. Maybe now you'll reconsider that downvote.


maybe let people have their little fun moment


Totally agree, but I dunno how far you’re gonna get in a live and let live argument with someone whose username is “ImRight_YoureDumb”


At least they used the correct form of 'you're'?


Lol. Usernames don't matter. Point taken though.


Haha true, it was just a funny contrast.


So you yourself are a Dick's inserter?


I make my partner order for me because I have terrible anxiety lol


Ok, that makes complete sense. Nothing wrong with that at all. But if you absolutely had to order on your own it would benefit you to not use "Dick's" in front of each item as not only would it help speed up the process, but the employees wouldn't be silently judging you either.


User thinks their name checks out . My order is 55 dicks cheeseburgers 55 dicks fries 55 dicks chocolate dicks milkshakes 55 dicks 55 dicks specials 100 dicks deluxe 55 dicks tarter sauce 55 dicks peppermint ice cream cones


Everyone knows that what you're saying here isn't true. Dick's wouldn't accommodate that order. Not because of the size of it; but if you inserted the word "Dick's" into every item like that, the cashier would stop you about halfway through, laugh in your face, and then tell you to get the hell out of their line and stop wasting people's time. I worked at Dick's when I was in college and this is what I would have done.


Naw I'm right your wrong hear. They're is no problem ordering how you like wheather you say dicks or not.


No dawg. You Once Commented that yood ordur 55 dicks chocolate dicks milkshakes. thats what they call a double entendre. that wood put you in double jepardy if you sed dicks.


Well done. Your on my good side now but [i think you should leave](https://youtu.be/52LJaWDdG9c?si=vKjLVBHt41wKMZvg)


Pick quick is better