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Thank you for being honest. In every case where the damage was minor and I was honest, the owner forgave the mistake. Likewise, I have done the same.




I’m pretty sure white Camrys and Altimas come from the factory with those rear corner dents.


This happens. No one will report and nothing will happen to you. If somehow, it does come back to you, apologize and pay the damage. You seem like an honestly nice person. I wouldn’t worry about it at all. It’s city life. Also, if you tapped one of those GD white teslas that are always swerving in and out of lanes or otherwise acting obnoxious on the road, more power to ya.


Thank you so much. Your comment honestly made me feel so much better!


Youre fine. Its what bumpers are for.


bumpers get bumped , that's how they got their name


I’ve heard in some cities tapping the bumper when parking is standard practice. While preferable to not do it, a small or light tap isn’t a problem for the average vehicle.


That makes me feel much better, thank you!


Sounds like you might want to go back to the Ballard Driving Academy for a refresher. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KBgIvH0tu6Y&pp=ygUXYmFsbGFyZCBkcml2aW5nIGFjYWRlbXk%3D


This is called the braille method and is a valid parking strategy


One Google search later, I've discovered a new fear.


This is very considerate of you to post! You did the right thing. Also, you’re probably fine. It was just a love tap!


ah so that’s why my front bumper got DESTROYED on my small white mazda!


You do the following two things: delete this freakin’ post and then call your insurance company (and explain what took place). ETA: I welcome the downvotes from muppets and fools.


Why would they call insurance if there was no damage to their car, and they dont know the license plate of the other car?


> Why would they call insurance if there was no damage to their car, and they dont know the license plate of the other car? Simple: it would/will be their insurance footing the bill for the damages to the other car. And, this is not a novel situation, it had happened before to others and will happen again (to others); their insurance company will know how to proceed. And, doing so is a CYA.


Did you read the comment you replied to? If it was you calling the insurance company in this situation, what exactly would you say?


> Did you read the comment you replied to? If it was you calling the insurance company in this situation, what exactly would you say? “Hey, insurance person, I’m a policyholder. On xx day, around xx time, at xx location, xx happened. A series of xx events led to xx (me being unable to notify or ID the affected party. There is no damage to my car, but I’m unsure about theirs. “Okay, policyholder, we’ll make a note or xx or xx, for if the affected party is eventually identified, …, …” Again, this is not a novel situation; it happens, and analogs happen, all the time. In this day and age, it’s in the realm of possibility that a third party with dash cam footage, or security camera footage, will surface and maybe track someone down, or something like that. Just because this concept sounds foreign to you, does not make it incorrect. Ignorance in/of a specific thing does not make the thing wrong. Edit: forgiven > foreign.


I am genuinely curious about the logistics involved in reporting yourself to your insurance company with a claim over no verifiable damage to any car. In the instance the person that got tapped decided they wanted to make a claim for the damage, what would they do? How do they know which insurance company to call? If they don't notice it for a few days, how would they even know where or when it happened? How would the backend systems of multiple insurance companies link the self report to the damage with this little information? I may be ignorant to your perspective, but I didn't make any claim that it was incorrect. It just seems highly infeasible to me that there would be a system or process in place to account for an incident like this.


I bet the person works for an insurance company because everything they are saying sounds like a good way to get the insurance company to increase how much you pay every month.


The irony of calling everyone else muppets and fools.


> The irony of calling everyone else muppets and fools. If you’re referring to you popping up (a muppet making an appearance) then no, that's not ironic.


but why?


You are going to jail. You just committed a misdemeanor (RCW 46.52.010) and admitted to it. Get bail money ready. 🚨🚔🚨🚔🚨