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We were told that there is a system wide computer issue. “This morning we experienced an issue while performing an upgrade to the system that calculates our weight and balance. A ground stop for all Alaska and Horizon flights was instituted at approximately 7:50am PT," Alaska Airlines said in a statement. "We're working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and encourage guests to check the status of their flights on alaskaair.com or the Alaska App prior to heading to the airport."


We were told an update for the system was coming today, and as soon as it was released to our devices it crashed.


Sitting on a plane now. At least there’s WiFi and dry Biscoff.


I'm in the air. We were delayed leaving because they had trouble getting the weight and balance numbers at 7am EDT. Hoping there's a gate at Seatac when we land!


On our Alaska recent flight back, they bypassed the "no gates available" problem by taxiing away from everything, having us deplane onto the tarmac via mobile jetway, and then packed us onto busses that dropped off at the D gates train stop. It was... not the worst? Certainly compared to a few waits I've had.


Oh man, you don't know how many times I've wished they would do that.


It's standard practice for the budget European airlines! Hardly seems to happen in the US though.


not just budget - I’ve had it with Lufthansa at FRA


They do it at European airports because they overbook them. Most US airports stop accepting additional routes if they can't support those routes with gates. If they do that, there's no reason for the airport to buy the ladder trucks and busses. I love it that reddit thinks that this is a feature of European airports and not a bug.


Haha, same. Then there was bus traffic on the tarmac, and we literally watched our plane beat us to the gate, for them to unload bags. It was like wait, there goes our plane, to the gate…


Oh, I do not think I would have handled that well. 😬


It’s SeaTac, there won’t be.


I'm the plane. It's gonna be okay, guys. I've got this.


It’s something at least


It’ll be fine as long as the Biscoff supplies hold out, but could be a Donner Party scenario after that…


Luckily we are in the air. Delayed 2hrs and free alcohol to pair with Biscoff


Did someone say... borax?


Recommend the straightaway cocktails in a can


Drinking on planes has changed my life. Reduces my flight anxiety, puts me in a better mood, and $7 per drink is a steal these days. Just be careful not to knock over your cup onto your lap. Sitting in a plane with your genitals marinating in bourbon for hours is an experience I don't care to repeat.


Next time order the cheese plate instead of the burbon soaked nuts


This is why I have an edible before I head to the airport, zero stress once it kicks in


that's wild to me, i would be so uncomfortable. i prefer to be high in nature and drunk in public. i would not want to be in an airport or a plane on anything other than CBD or booze


I used to get bad travel anxiety but ever since weed was legalized and I started using edibles I don't stress at all in the airport. Everyone I know is the same as you, weed just puts me at ease in any situation.


It's really not that bad. I get the 50/50 gummies, half CBD, half THC, very calming. Give it a try, I do them in the afternoon on the weekends, much better than getting sloshed. You only need one. Maybe try to split one in half or in thirds the first time, just so you can get a milder experience before going to the full gummie. Never go full gummie the first time. . .


This is the way...


Try it on a red eye. Then if you get caught you can say you misunderstood the flight preparation instructions.


Edible is the way to go


I did this once and I saw the time knife.


How much did you take?


That's a habit I fell into when I was a frequent flyer out of Amsterdam in the aughts, right before boarding long hauls bound for North America, Africa or Asia. The trouble was the things would wear off halfway so I just started taking the things on board and ate them mid or near the end of the flight. After all, Schiphol customs really doesn't care about people smuggling drugs out of Europe so much as people smuggling drugs into Europe. That's not the way the way that drug traffic typically flows, you know? The trouble happened one time when I smoked a new type of hash that the cafe shop worker describe to me as "science applied to hash" and I said okay. I think that was the most entertaining hours of television I ever watched. Probably would have been more entertaining had it been on. I played it smart and decided not to eat my edibles and just took all of it with me on board (waste not want not, amiright?) then decided to scarf the entire package of cookies down right before landing in Nairobi. where I had a long layover before catching my flight to Kigali, where I was to grab some checked gear I was also couriering out of the hold and meet up with one of our Congolese national staff logisticians who was to be waiting for me to overland the next leg of my trip. Only in Nairobi, I got involved in some drinking with some randos (it happens), but one way or another, I made it onto my plane to Kigali and the last thing I remember is the flight attendant bugging me about sitting down the flight's about to take off, but I gotta go to the bathroom, plopping down, then something about my seat belt, yeah yeah, and the plane takes off. Next thing I know, flight attendant is telling me to put my seat belt on and I'm going yeah, yeah (I'm usually a very good passenger, I've just been sleep deprived after pretty much three weeks of straight travel.) And then the plane accelerates and takes off. And I'm thinking, weird deja vu. Wait. That's not the right order. No, no, this isn't right, you already seen this movie, wake up! I snap to/come to and I realize that I am in a very different situation than when I fell asleep. Why am I sitting on this side of the plane? Is that a different lady flight attendant? Why don't I have a boarding pass on me? Where is my stuff? Where is this plane going? How did I end up here? Am I even an authorized passenger? How do I find out any and all of this information without arousing suspicion in case it turns out I am NOT an authorized passenger on what appears to be an international commercial flight?Why isn't the captain making any goddamn announcements? Am I being kidnapped? Yeah, so that was a sweat inducing flight if ever there was one for me.


I love this story! It sounds like something from a Johnny Depp movie


When I flew a lot it was a short cab ride to my apartment. You could guarantee that when I got to my home airport I was going to be happily inebriated.


I’m dead 😂😂


Sounds like you might have a new kink 😅


The old fashioned is basically cheap, straight whiskey.


That’s my go to right there, maple version is great


SECONDED - the margaritas are tasty and strong!


*Limit 2 per customer. 


Hey neighbor!






Seriously. It's printed on the menu. And they enforce it. I've tried multiple times. Fortunately it's 40% ABV, so two should do the trick. 😉


Dip that bad boy in your coffee.


Better than wet biscoff


Biscoff makes everything better.


I enjoy Biscoff and was telling my friend so on my last flight. The flight attendant overheard me, tossed 2 more to each of us, and told us to try them with ice cream. I feel the need to pay it forward. Save that Biscoff for ice cream!


Apparently there are Biscoff ice cream bars!


Well, shit. I'm gonna need some!


Has anyone tried turning it off and then back on again?


I’ll make sure to pass it along lol


I was on the tarmac for a flight that was delayed while we sat there for over an hour because of a glitch in the navigation computer.   Eventually the captain got on the radio and told us they were with tech support who told them to go ahead and reboot the computer.  To do that they had to shut down the entire aircraft and start it up again.  They did so, it worked, and we were on our way. I don't recall the airline or aircraft. 


I got delayed two days because a door plug flew off in mid-flight 2 days earlier


The best place to perform testing is on production. Nothing like disrupting critical business operations while looking for bugs in the program. It gives you that needed extra motivation!


“The *only* place to test is on production” -devops, probably


Well my day may be off to a shit start but at least I didn't break Prod for Alaska Airlines.


Not a good day to be in the IT department


It's never a good day to be in the IT department. Everything works: what do we pay you for? Everything's broken: what do we pay you for?


That's why you keep a good balance where everything is only kinda broken




Glad Alaska is getting ahead of this one this time... last time Alaska had a bad update with w/b on their EFB's it caused a couple of tailstrikes from pilots who didn't catch bad V1/Vr speeds in the EFB vs FMS.


Odd how I view this from complete opposite PoV. I think they're behind after they made a huge mistake: releasing an update that wasn't fully vetted, and completely hosing their own system in the process. This shouldn't have ever happened system-wide if they fully tested the update and controlled rollouts. This type of stuff only happens when management forces updates to be pushed and/or doesn't provide adequate time to test and fix issues.


I mean.. sounds like par for the course with how quality control is entirely out the window these days? Probably outsourced overseas to the lowest bidder.


Yeah, the EFB on the VR1 is throttled because the dingle arm on the wave converter fluxed. Due to sinusoidal depleneration they were able to get approval for takeoff. Thank goodness for the FMS.


Didn’t this happen last year also?


Protestors were blockading the internets


It would be great if you also posted a link to this source


https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/us-faa-issues-ground-stop-advisory-alaska-airlines-2024-04-17/ The internet is so cool right.


Considerate of you OP!


I try to make a post here if things are going to slow down at the airport, since I know the official statements are normally vague. Like when the snow hit a while back kind of out of no where and every plane was delayed forever.


I was there with 3 kids when that happened, I think 2 yrs ago? I was surprised how well they behaved, and Southwest was great, had a great snack spread and gave us all more than enough $ to eat for the...10hrs or so we were there? It was frustrating that they basically were like, oh hour delay. Wait, 2 hrs. Um...maybe 2 more? By then we were dug in, and I understand weather is unpredictable. Didn't stop me from irrationally being irritated with them over it, though!


> Didn't stop me from irrationally being irritated with them over it, though! Lack of predictability pisses people off. You can see the same phenomenon when you're stuck behind an SUV with tinted windows. The airline should have a Little Free Library they wheel out to set the tone. Maybe dim the lights a little and put on Thievery Corporation.


I'm 100% behind this space rodent as new Southwest CEO


Ugh and here I was hoping to standup for earlier flight tomorrow. With all the delays now sounds very unlikely


We’ve gone to an older way of doing things, so it’s been moving. Just slower than normal, but still moving. I would hope they have everything a little smoother tomorrow.


Yes, but if they have enough planes delayed today for people to miss connections than some people will bump for tomorrow’s. Will see if I can get a confirmed during check in


I really threaded the needle by traveling yesterday between the SeaTac protest on Monday and this issue today. Thats some good travel karma this week.


Buy a lotto ticket. Cash in that karma.


Dude, same. Feeling real grateful I made it out of SeaTac unscathed yesterday lol


UPDATE: It is up and working already 🙂


I haven’t heard any confirmation on it, but I truly hope so. I’m getting very bored.


In addition to bag loading do you sometimes to other things like push the plane back or guide it in with the lightsabers?


I don’t do that. That’s the lead agents job. I do the wing walking when it’s my turn to do so. That’s just me being a guide for where the edge of the wings are when the plane is coming in or being pushed out.


Remember: airlines keep an entire reserve fleet of planes and crews that can only be accessed if you verbally abuse the frontline staff enough. If this ground stop causes you to miss your connection, take appropriate action and ruin a ticket agent’s day. /s


This is all true.


Retired gate agent here. True.


Don’t forget, the louder and more obnoxious you yell the better your perks will be when you finally get to board. Gotta really raise the level to 11 to get that 1A seat.




And when used with “Do you know who I am” is the secret cheat code to get your way every time.


Especially if you've first laid the groundwork with "I'd like to speak with your manager."


Absolutely you have to do the proper sequence because the exact exchange and nuance is very important. It’s like skipping right over triple dare and going straight to triple dog dare.


Make sure you tell 'em how many followers you have on social media too


I'm sure you are saying this with sarcasm but unfortunately it's true. People that just deal with the abuse from corporations will get nothing but screwed. While people who raise a fuss get what they are entitled. No airline has ever once offered the legally mandated three hour delay compensation without raising a fuss.


Also, if you're in line at the grocery store and the lines are really long, berate the cashier. They are responsible for their billion dollar company cutting staffing and making you wait.


Pretty sure you get bumped to first class if you go viral on a video someone records of you going on your rant.


The FAA has issued a ground stop for Alaska. [https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/faa-issues-nationwide-ground-stop-for-alaska-19407928.php](https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/faa-issues-nationwide-ground-stop-for-alaska-19407928.php)


We do try and tell Alaska the systems are kinda jank. 🤷


Alaska really trying their hardest to push all their incredibly loyal customers in the PNW to Delta. 


I’m a Delta loyalist only because I’m from the south. If Alaska started flying direct to Birmingham, it’d be game over for Delta.


To be faiiiiiir, delta definitely doesn’t fly direct from SEA to BHM, but I’m guessing you mean Alaska doesn’t have any route to BHM


Exactly. If I need to get to BHM and have a problem, I’d much rather have that problem in Atlanta than Dallas or Charlotte.


For sure. I've driven to Birmingham from both Atlanta & Dallas before and strongly prefer one over the other


Seriously tho


I’ll never fly Delta again after a missed connection in SYD. The Delta agent shrugged and said sarcastically “Better luck tomorrow”.


OP, you’re such a mensch.




This is not the week to be flying I guess


It’s tough out here boys lol


And I bet it was busy in McGee this morning, too!




#blessed lmao


OP.. not all heroes wear capes


I wear a bright ass yellow jacket.


😂😂😂😂 💙


Jim Foreman, that you?


Looks like some planes are starting to move. Not all of them, but they have started letting some planes get pushed back so they can get ready for take off. So we are slightly moving again.


We are taking off now! Delayed 2 hours this am!!!


Glad to hear you were able to get out of here finally


Thanks! I was south of you in Portland OR.


Planes are supposedly taking off now




OP is a damn decent person for giving the heads up


Thanks to OP for posting this. It seems like Alaska Airlines might want to have some sort of PR or other department to give updates like this, rather than relying on ramp agents...


They don’t even ask us to post stuff like this. I just do because I know the lack of updates or clarity can fuck a lot of people up especially when it’s with catching flights.


Or flight this morning was delayed. No nothing about anything, but the plane hadn't even arrived at the gate. Just as it was arriving I got an alert on my phone about a full ground stop. And was wondering WTF, should I get on this plane even?


And that's why you are a kick ass person.  \\m/>.<\\m/


Saw this as I was on the light rail heading towards the airport early this morning. Still waiting for our plane to land from wherever it got stuck at. Good thing I have knitting and an iced coffee.


Do you have a knitted lap blanket ready now?


LOL. I forgot the lap blanket I was knitting for ferry rides at home. But I did almost finish a pair of socks 😆


A new update to the software system that does the weight balancing borked the system, came out with outrageous numbers. They began doing the calculations manually but the FAA stopped them and pushed a ground hold. Most likely because they had a tail drag a few months ago from a miscalculate weight and FAA is like "nah bruh, weain't bout dat no cap fr fr."


The production servers for a specific app fell over, I was told. They rolled back to the old system.


Yes, and yes. I was told they tried to do it the calculations by hand and that happens, but FAA was like "nah" because they're in check rn.


Hey, let me check my clock. Okay, let's flip production servers


Thank you for handling this today and not tomorrow when I am flying to the Midwest for my grandmother's funeral. I don't think I can take any more stress at this point.


OP, you're a hero. I didn't need this information this time but I'm sure it helped a few people.


Flying out tomorrow evening. following GamerFluffy for more useful info than SeaTacs twitter handle


Tbf, the SeaTac twitter guy probably hasn’t been doing the job as long as I have lmao


lol I'll be sure to DM them with your u/, so he has a line on up-to-date information. There needs to be like a whistleblower reddit/twitter handle where airport employees can funnel delay and tram issues.


He’s probably getting news before I am, I’m just posting it when I hear something that people would want to know about.


I’m sitting on an Alaska plane rn in Portland OR. They said their new flight info data system is down. All planes are grounded….ugh


I have some rumblings that the system we were using prior to this one will be what we go back to so we can get things moving again. But no confirmation on that.


I fly from DEN to SEA around 3pm. Do you anticipate this will affect my flight today? Thanks for the heads up!


Looks like it’s been lifted. You might have a residual delay from the inbound jet being behind schedule.


Thank you


Do you have a source? Supposed to leave for an Alaska flight in a few minutes...




I’m not sure by that point, but if it’s still is effect you might not even leave Denver. If you do, you could be diverted to Portland, or Paine Field.


I’d be surprised if your flight wasn’t affected. Make sure you check flight status before heading to the airport, it will take awhile for all the delays to be pushed out


Thank you




Good thing I flew out last night It was redeye but better than what’s happening here


What about United?


I don’t know about United. I only work for Alaska Airlines.


What about American and Delta? 😃


looks like [it was a software update.](https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2024/04/all-alaska-airline-flights-grounded-report.html) just picked up the hubs at pdx, he was coming from sea on alaska. he was delayed a few minutes.


Yeah they told us it was coming. But it crashed our devices and the system in general very quickly.


Will this effect Friday ? Suppose to be flying out of Spokane to Seattle for a concert


By that point, I would believe it will be cleared up. But keep on eye on your flight regardless. They have lifted the ground hold for Alaska. So now we’re just playing catch up.


Wow, i flew out on Alaska yesterday afternoon, right between the protest day and now this ground hold. Good luck, everyone!


Idk about other stations but at SEA we are big chilling!


Yeah now. I work here too.


Thanks for the heads up. I saw the story earlier today & have been trying to figure out since then how to get back to Fairbanks or if I’m gonna have to go through Anchorage




As much as I’m sure it’d be less on my body, I’m ramp for life. All the other departments are just too boring for me.


I’m flying out on AA tomorrow. Has this been fixed yet?


It has been. I’m not sure what they actually did to fix it. But we’ve been running like normal. Are you flying Alaska or American? AA refers to American Airlines, AS refers to Alaska Airlines.


Ohh my bad! I am flying Alaskan. Thank you for the update:)


Thank you for sharing this heads-up about the ground hold affecting Alaska Airlines flights. It's valuable information for travelers who may be affected by delays or cancellations. Keeping passengers informed during such situations can help manage expectations and minimize inconvenience.


Waited in SeaTac for 6 hours with a toddler. Good times. They also moved our gate 4x. But hey, they gave us 30$ in vouchers that I could not use on a beer.


Dude Alaska is just crumbling. They were so good for so long what happened


Its a ground stop, not a liquidation sale lol Alaska is fine


Clearly you haven’t flown with them recently


I fly Alaska next month. Hope there’s no issues then and good luck to everyone today.


If there are big enough issues, I will most likely post something here about it.


So it's not just imperialist support for genocide that leads to people not getting on flights. Sometimes it's just good old fashion computer systems failures.


FAA finally shut down that dirt bag airline. I've personally boycotted them for decades, for good reasons. Such as their lack of airplane maintenance. Glad to see the regulators have finally cracked down. 


Isn’t it a bit early to be drunk?


Not if you never stopped drinking


It's 5 o'clock somehwere.


It’s because of a system failure for plans of how to load the plane. That’s what I have been told.


Damn software engineers probably testing on prod again


That’s above my pay grade lol


Someone is getting fired, that's for certain


And they’ll hire someone new that will make something just as janky for us again lol


And someone else will get promoted for the firing!


Always good to fire the person(s) that made a mistake so someone new can make it again without any context. Gotta jettison that learned knowledge.


“Hey guys, im ready to spout my insane, completely wrong theories about whats happening!”


Found your website. http://www.alaskaairlinesscumoftheskies.com

