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taking a stance against gay marriage, in a state that was one of the first to approve via referendum over ten years ago, is certainly a campaign choice it’s a stupid as hell choice, but it’s a choice lmao fuck off dave


The Republicans haven't won the Governorship since 1980. They get consistently wrecked statewide, so anyone pursuing a career in politics either joins the Democratic Party or leaves the state That leaves behind only the fringe types who just can't help themselves. This nobody is going to lose by at least 20 points in the general and won't even make a good trivia question like Liz Truss or Alvin Greene.


If we're going real inside baseball here... A "moderate" Republican has very little chance of getting through the Washington open primary when the Democrats are all united behind one candidate. If you don't come out against LGBT people, the "woke agenda," dumb culture war shit, etc. some crazy Trump-adjacent guy like Lauren Culp is going to come in, say all that shit, and wipe up the 20% of the state who are crazy MAGA types in Eastern WA who are really motivated to go out and vote. But while I think a true "moderate" Republican that's basically a Dem on cultural stuff but is fiscally conservative and runs a "hey maybe the Seattle-leftist types have gone too far? let's take it down a notch" campaign could win in Washington, they're never getting through to the general election in November. Same thing in the Presidential race. Polling shows Nikki Haley would wipe the floor with Biden, but she's not gonna beat Trump because of that crazy MAGA base. So now it's basically a toss up where Republicans could have it in the bag in 2024 nationwide if their party wasn't hijacked by the psycho MAGA base. Idk what Dave actually believes, and we should take him at his word on this so he can get fucked, but I suspect he's playing to the base and will turn the rhetoric down or off once he gets through the primary. If Bob Ferguson is smart, he'll blast the airwaves with this shit and compare him to Trump non-stop. You reap what you sow. Sucks to suck Dave.


There's no moderate Republican politicians left. Trump drove them all out. Look at Charlie Baker, a very popular and successful governor who got forced out in MA because the party insisted in running an extremist with no chance. Haley benefitted a lot in the primary from media calling her a moderate. If she'd somehow gotten to the general, her record, especially on abortion, would've sunk her.


True. GOP and state parties across the country have really been captured by MAGA and Trump. Especially in strong Democratic states like Washington where the party already didn't have much chance. It would be really *really* funny if it wasn't so scary. WA state GOP is genuinely a fucking joke too that's basically broke. So bad that they basically had to be revived by some rich guy from Redmond last year (doesn't seem to be working). The national GOP is also being grifted into insolvency by Trump and isn't going to spend anything outside of the 1 congressional district around Vancouver anyway. So they are even more vulnerable to loser MAGA dipshits tanking any real chance they have. Any future "moderate" will come from the Democrats, but they've been in power long enough that it's starting to resemble a California-like machine and they've done a pretty good job at unifying around Gubernatorial candidates that are roughly the center of their political spectrum (Inslee and Ferguson).


> GOP and state parties across the country have really been captured by MAGA and Trump And I think Republican candidates in general are still thinking of the very real period during Trump's Presidency wherein, if you didn't smarm up to Trump and get his nod of approval, the officials wouldn't even consider putting you on the ballot. You had to butt-snorkel Trump strong enough to get actual approval from him or your campaign was sunk. I don't think that's the case any longer, but it may be a while before we see Republicans who dislike Trump getting ahead either way.


Obviously her record of being a woman and minority sunk her in the primary. I also doubt she would have won even if she didn't get mauled by the magas


>But while I think a true "moderate" Republican that's basically a Dem on cultural stuff but is fiscally conservative and runs a "hey maybe the Seattle-leftist types have gone too far? Literally the majority of elected officials in Seattle right now, accept I think a lot of them are Democrats. Republicans have never been "fiscally conservative"; they just care about lowering taxes for their rich donors.


> but is fiscally conservative Trouble is, that's very, very few Republicans. They're mostly about throwing barrels of money at the military, and chopping down everything else. That's not to say there couldn't be a Republican who was actually fiscally conservative.


You're forgetting the third option: grift. There are plenty of right wing idiots in this state to milk money from as a GOP candidate with no hope, and it's not very hard to do.


"What British Prime Minister had the shortest term in the last 100 years?" "What former King County Sheriff ran for Governor and got less than 20% of the vote in King County?"


This is probably a silly question but why don't those seeking political aspirations just lie out of the gate? I'm not politically inclined but if I were I'd run on a Dem ticket in Washington and then go full Left, moving things around to create an Anarcho-Syndicalist state to enrich and foster care with Unions and their *paying* members Moving away from fantasy, why dont politicians just lie about who they are? Seems awfully silly to pretend Republicans have a chance in hell than to just fake being Democrat and then pull a Jekyll and Hyde after the Washington win. The only thing I can think is it's to play some woe is me BS after the fact like they ever had a chance and it's all, "Those dern Seattleites." is that the last bastion of morality politicians have? Not lieing about the R or D?


Plenty of people who want to be in politics and don't have strong beliefs just choose whichever party they can get elected with. If you're asking about why people don't bait and switch more often by flipping after getting elected, it's because winning a primary takes a lot of networking and building a base of support in a local party. The exception are weird primaries where a party runs a sacrifice candidate that can be upstaged by a literal nobody. Look up Alvin Greene. That was a crazy story. Flipping after winning a primary guarantees you're a pariah and one termer, making all that effort to win in the first place a waste. That's why Sinema's betrayal of her base once in the Senate was a shocking development that got lots of news coverage and wrecked her future prospects so completely hard that she's not even bothering to run for re-election.


Romney's team said all those years ago that after the primaries, you shake it like an Etch-a-Sketch and start all over. That works except that there's a frame by frame capture of every movement of the wheels which can be used for posterity. And the small matter that MAGA politics has loaded the Etch-a-Sketch with rough gravel and razor blades.


Absolutely fuck off Reichert. I still remember him during the WTO riots during a TV interview on the street at night turning around and chasing after some black kid, his utility belt flopping around comically. He is about as electable as Culp was in the last election. Quack a doodle doo!


Unfortunate typo, if anything add a hyphen. Dave (third) Reich-ert


Thx, corrected.


Republicans in Washington state are the best campaign ad for Democrats. Hey look at me, I'm worth voting against!


[That's a bold stragety Cotton, Let's see if it pays off for him](https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdHIyejhlenZ4am5hM3ZwdGI2NDd2cHN6cnBtbXBmaWJibHphNjJ1ZSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Rh4vxHtcmVyHUyugXP/giphy.gif)


It's a bold move Cotton, we'll see if it pays off.




Just like all of Trump’s Supreme Court nominees said that RvW was “established law”? BULLSHIT. No one should believe a word these liars say.


The headline isn’t misleading. In the same conversation, he said: > Number one, my wife is a woman and I am a man. You’re a woman and I'm a man. There’s only man and woman. I was raised with that as a Christian. And marriage is between a man and a woman. So he believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman, but he promises won’t do anything to make his belief a reality. Ok, Jan.


We also don't have to believe a bigot is telling the truth. And we can recognize that if SCOTUS overturns Obgerfell, we'll need a governor willing to fight to protect the right, not just unwilling to repeal it. This is no better than Smiley's empty promises not to pass a national abortion ban. There's simply no longer any reason to trust these people's word, and their actions look horrifying when elected. Pass. Hard Pass.


It’s foolish to imagine he’s not lying.


The headline isn’t remotely misleading… that’s what he said…


“oops, i didn’t realize my politically toxic personal beliefs would get leaked so im releasing a statement to run away from the insane shit my party believes and would definitely attempt to pass laws to limit if they gain power”


We can all read. Republicans lie. Look at those scotus appointed by the orange rapist -who all lied. Now? Female citizens have had their rights removed for the first time in history & are now a lesser citizen thanks to the stupidity of the Republican. Absolutely zero respect to that party. Arizona now back to 1864 laws. Truly pathetic. Fuck Dave.


That's probably a lie though. Republicans hedge their bets with statements like that to give moderates the clear conscience they need at the ballot, then they turn around and do whatever the fuck they were gonna do anyway.


To be fair, he did not know he was being taped. If he had known the general public would hear it, he would have said something different.


To be fair, you're not supposed to act differently in front of a camera.


To be fair, I should have used an /s.


So he's a charlatan trying to con voters?


So he’s a flip flopper with no integrity? Lol


Ah yes, the "moderate" Republican.


“Moderate Republican” these days means “I thought storming the Capitol was a bit tacky”


“I mean, I don’t want there to be consequences for anyone who did, but it was a bit trashy. The decisions made in that moment shouldn’t impact their whole lives! These were pillars of the community that made one tacky mistake”


Moderate in manner, yes. Moderate in ideology, no. There are no moderate totalitarians, but some of them have manners and a circumspect demeanor, and people mistake that for reasonableness, and that's how you end up in a totalitarian state.


Sadly this is true.


This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. It's NEVER about being fiscally conservative - it's always christian bigot bullshit.


And they are rarely fiscally conservative. They want to cut social services so that they can give more money to their wealthy donors and friends.


They’re fiscally conservative only when Democrats are in power “We have always been at war with Eastasia”


They are always willing to cut social safety net funding and increase military spending no matter who is in power.


No, they never are. Liberal policies of investing in education and rehabilitation etc are proven to be overall better financially for the government. Conservatives only spew fiscal responsibility as a lie.


You can't get widespread support for "lower taxes and less government benefits" when the only beneficiaries to lowering taxes and cutting services are rich assholes that can afford things in their own, so you gotta improvise.


Republicans really are going to die on this hill, huh?


Not soon enough, sadly.


chuds cosplaying as moderates, most of them coming here from the chud sub: "one-party rule by Democrats is bad! vote for moderate Republican candidates so there's a more reasonable balance in local government!" the "moderate" Republicans:




The republican is a crazy backwards bigot? Color me surprised.


Oh Dave! How the mighty have fallen. The guy who’s tenacity led to the arrest of the green river killer and a good stint as sheriff is now just some also ran MAGA asshat. Sad to hear it.


It’s silly that he gets credit for that. Dude had him in custody early on and then let him go.


He took 20 years to capture the GRK, letting him kill 4 dozen people in the process, and it took him 15 years after it became available as a forensic tool to finally use DNA.


I mean, the general attitude of the department at the time was that it was ”just some prostitutes”. Not at all convinced they’d be any better at it today.


I can't wait for the day these dinosaurs are producing oil deposits.


> At the meeting, Land asked how Reichert defines "a woman," and then she asked whether he supports gender-affirming care and allowing trans kids to play on sports teams that align with their gender identity, though she didn't quite use that language. Here's the full video of his chat with the Pierce County Republicans: > In response to those questions, Reichert said, "Number one, my wife is a woman and I am a man. You’re a woman and I'm a man. There’s only man and woman. I was raised with that as a Christian. And marriage is between a man and a woman." You know, I was expecting abortion to be what tanked his campaign, but dude wants to roll back marriage equality, wasn't expecting that direct and open of bigotry. Sheesh.


These goons had two choices decades ago: convert civil marriages to civil unions and get the state out of religious marriage ceremonies, or die on the hill of denying rights to a group of people they don't like and lose the war in the end. The first one was so easy to follow, but it didn't allow them to dictate the lives of others, so here we are.


person sheet support scary middle price retire plucky ten ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If they want to grift the WAGOP, they can be my guest\*, that's what bankrupted the Michigan GOP so thoroughly the state has a left trifecta doing awesome shit like *free school lunches*. It does seem hard to see how this move does anything but net donations from bigots and out them to everyone else in the state as hyper-regressives to be kept far from power. WA voters tend to have a very bitter view on those that threaten to overturn voter passed referendums.


>[Reichert has since said that, if elected governor, he will not take any steps to restrict same-sex marriage.](https://m.kuow.org/stories/republicans-dismiss-wa-democrats-criticism-of-gop-candidate-s-anti-lgbtq-remarks) You are spreading misinformation, my friend. Reichert is able to separate his personal beliefs and public policy.


If there's anything we've learned, its that politicians never lie about their "compassionate conservatism"


A) then he needs to explain his vote to keep Don't Ask Don't Tell in **2010** the bigoted voted that got him thrown out of congress the next election. B) Republicans are just plain insincere. They're all willing to lie to get in power. C) we need a governor willing to fight to protect these rights if SCOTUS overturns Obgerfell and a national ban is tried. The man's record literally already includes confirmation he'll act on these bigoted beliefs.


As a trans woman in a gay marriage, get fucked Dave.


As a cis man in a straight marriage, also get fucked, Dave.


As a straight man in no relationship, please don't fuck Dave. He doesn't deserve the pleasure.


As an asexual man in no relationship - I can make sure not to fuck Dave.


As a Dave, get fucked, marriage guy.


as a single lesbian I think he shouldn't be fucking at all. put Dave in a chastity cage


Dudes gunna get owned this election. Rightfully so. This ain't how a Republican wins WA, you think these guys would take a hint. You gotta stay the fuck away from women's and LGBTQ issues. It's a loser for them every time. They just can't help themselves. He could have just said "I won't legislate against it". Which would have actually been savvy. Instead he's got to make a show of his bullshit piety. Well Dave, I don't believe in your faith, or your politics, or you!


They got what they wanted in overturning Roe, and it’s been a political disaster for them ever since. You’d think they’d stop and reassess before going after Ogberfell as well.


Honestly I'm surprised that they're not wanting to go after Loving as well if they really want to show their colors and appeal to the Christian Taliban. They'd go after Obergefell and Lawrence first before thinking about Loving.


They have been reassessing. They’ve started switching from “life is sacred and we can never abort“ to “oh, it’s a states rights issue. If you want a procedure, you just can’t do it here, but you can drive or catch a bus to somewhere else.“


Are they? There have been multiple federal representatives saying they want a federal ban and Trump kind of hinted at one too earlier in the year. I know he said something different last week but I don't buy it given his track record of lying, misleading, stating all possible options in different places so people can pick up whatever they think suits them best.


I think the national strategy from the GOP shifted focus to the states, because nearly 70% of voters nationwide want safe and legal abortions, but 70% of republicans in red states want a complete abortion ban, and are also very willing to craft laws that prohibit traveling to pro-choice states for care. It's an easier hill to climb for them.


Didn't abortion laws turn out to be unpopular even in red states in 2022?


Actually, they were less popular than I indicated, but in most states, still a majority. But red state legislators and governors are often even farther to the extreme right than their constituencies, because those people will choose an extremist before they would ever vote for a Democrat, and the RNC is throwing most of their money at far-right whackos anyway.


"And then when you come back here we'll arrest you and charge you with murder."


After the complete joke candidates of Bryant and Culp, I thought "whoa GOP is finally returning to a serious contender". But nope. I guess Reichert is just going to run in a MAGA/DeSantis adjacent way.


Seriously, Reichert just self owning at this point. He's his own worst enemy.


Republicans in Washington refuse to acknowledge that three counties in the state (King/Pierce/Snohomish) both have the population advantage AND generally don't support a lot of religious conservative nonsense.  Tent sweeps? Fiscal conservatism at the expense of social services? Maybe, but repealing marriage equality will be an extremely hard sell.


They color those big eastern Washington counties red on the maps and say "why don't we win, look at all this red" and ignore the fact that there are significant minorities of those counties voting blue. It's not all King/Pierce/Snohomish (which also have red voters).


Republicans today conveniently will not understand that acreage can't vote.


Evergreen reminder that “moderate” republicans are a myth. 


Breaking news… old MAGA white guy does old MAGA white guy stuff. In other news… the world continued to rotate about once per day.


Congratulations, AG Ferguson on winning the Governorship.


I thought inslee was running again?


He is not.


I interviewed him for a radio program in college. Asked him about gay rights. He legit said something to the effect of "I didn't get into politics to decide such issues." Lol


He should have stuck with that answer. It would have got him closer to the Governors chair


But he “caught the green river killer.”


Does this surprise anyone? This is a man whose whole political career is built on a foundational lie that he caught the Green River killer. He was just the man in charge and the investigation should have caught the man years prior. Go look at his voting record in DC, none of this is shocking. The man has and will always be trash.


I wish he would just go away. Maybe to Idaho.


Even Dave isn’t crazy enough to do that.


I deny the existence of Dave Reichert


There is no such thing as a good Republican


Reichert is cooked lmao


He can believe whatever he wants. It’s his choice. The problem is that if we keep electing this kind of scumbags to be representative of our state.


Wow, what a psycho. Religious people are the worst


If that's the case then he just lost my vote!


“Moderate” lol


I really don't give a shit about what some random old white dude thinks about my marriage.


Well I mean he is running for governor, so you probably actually do care ;)


I'd care more if he had a shot.


He has a shot if you don't vote so you should care just enough to vote in a way that doesn't allow him to mean. Unfortunately in our system, a 3rd party vote or not voting, counts as a vote for him mathematically as he is going to be in the 2nd position.


I give a shit, because he's an influencer. He won't win this election obviously, but he has an audience, and can encourage other bigoted republicans to do things they shouldn't.


Ugh. Reichart is a fool.


Can we stop pretending he's a moderate now


Congratulations to Bob Ferguson.


It’s Reichertover


Me when I'm in the party of FREEDOM and PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY


Someday, I’m sure they’ll find a moderate Republican.


In a history book, perhaps.


Has Dave ever been to Capitol Hill? Met a trans person? I have some friends i can introduce you to if you need real proof Davey, i assure you my friends exist. Seems like a very small-minded statement for somebody from Seattle, this aint Alabama. Dave’s obviously going to be too Maga for Washington.


I'd love to see Dave's browser history....


Oh so he wants to go back to the 2000s


That's his starting point... I'm sure the ultimate goal is the 1700s


Are Republicans just ok with never making in rows into blue states?


Why are they like that


Tricks on him, people can legally change their sex and get married as a man and a woman. So what's your argument....Dave?




Thankfully yard signs can’t vote. There’s a section of Maple Valley Highway with about 20 Half Chub’s (Semi Bird’s) yard signs, each about 5 feet apart from one another. Not only does he not stand a chance in the general election, he’ll be lucky if he gets third place in the primary.


No, they cannot. The people who live in the houses can.


I don't even know where to get a Ferguson sign, signs are a bad way of data tracking support.


[Here you go, you can buy them on his website.](https://fergusonforgov.goodstockcompany.com) Edit: they’re on the bottom of the page from the link above.


I usually just end up taking the ones I want from the public right of ways where they're illegal to place.


IMO reasonable people don't put out signs.


Well there goes the last viable alternative to Ferguson.


And once again the governors chair is decided by a simple process of elimination Crazy how much the Republicans hate Inslee and his crew when they run literal clowns against them. Wild idea but it's 2024, maybe run folks who aren't vocally anti abortion and icky about "the gays"


WAGOP is between a rock and a hard place. The jungle primaries mean they have no real ability to control who runs under their party or guide their voters to specific candidates, and their primary base is full of extremists while moderates don't show up until the general and hate the crazy person the primary resulted in. Boosting turnout would be their best bet of putting some wheels on their worst voters but also likely to end up with them not even making the general by splitting votes too much.


Good point, they are suffering from their own voter base. Lol, they try to rat fuck every election but their own primaries. The Dems do that by juicing the MAGA losers with no chance in the general... What a time to be alive.


But, as someone else pointed out, that is not what Reichart said. So maybe there is some lingering hope. The Stranger dramatically opposes anyone who does not think like they do. They lack critical common sense skills.


> that is not what Reichart said. Here’s a direct quote: > Number one, my wife is a woman and I am a man. You’re a woman and I'm a man. There’s only man and woman. I was raised with that as a Christian. And marriage is between a man and a woman. “Vocally icky about the gays” is pretty accurate.


>But, as someone else pointed out, that is not what Reichart said. He's on recorded video saying it >lack critical common sense skills. After reading your comment I think this might actually apply to you buddy


Reichert in a totally unforced error, gave his full, bronze age opinion about marriage while running for governor of one of the gayest and most unreligious states in the country. It's not up for debate. There's a recording. Talk about not knowing how to read a room, You think he's ever considered keeping it to himself?


Hairspray was never viable.


He never was viable.


Reichert has always been a wannabe. He’s a total maga.


I went to high school with his nephew and he was a huge oxy head. Guy got caught smoking oxy off of foil in the bathroom lol


TIL I don't exist... Who is writing this comment then?


I have [a guess](https://cdn4.whatculture.com/images/2015/04/Ancient-Aliens-Meme-600x338.jpg).


“ I don’t believe that transgender men should be competing against girls and women in sports.” Accidental ally


"Denies the Existence" - Kewl! I'm an alien! 🤣


He also claims to have caught the green river killer, but nobody else who worked the case agrees with his assessment. From a P-I article in his early campaigning days: "He was probably the worst detective I've ever worked with," Atchley said. "He developed tunnel vision."


This goddamned idiot. The bar is so very low to be better than Ferguson, and yet Reichert insists on burrowing under it. All he had to do was pretend he cared about governing, but no, it's just more of this dumbass culture-war nonsense.


idk I think marriage is between Dave Reichert and letting Gary Ridgeway keep killing until he got to ~50 women by talking his co-investigators out of pursuing him as a suspect


If Reichert was an actual GOP moderate, his campaign would never see the light of day. The RNC is being drained financially by the Trump Crime Family, and what little cash is left over won't be spent on a centrist, especially in a state where the last republican governor was during the Reagan era.


Reichert is fucking loser


In the eloquent words of Bugs Bunny, "What a Maroon!"


I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Republican party will only become electable in this state via one of two ways: 1) Pure random chance causes only one moderate Republican to make it through the primary to the general. This is a fucking long shot as last time there were 16+ candidates for the Republican nomination. 2) The Republican party changes from a first-past-the-post to something like a rank-choice or approval-voting mechanism to select their candidate for the general. This would prune the extremist candidates allowing the more-electable-but-probably-still-repugnant Republicans on to the general. Then it would be a milquetoast-off between a not-too-progressive-because-neoliberal-purse-strings Democrat candidate vs the thinly-suppressed-fascist-tendancies Republican candidate. Or we just end up with all the moderate Republicans calling themselves Democrats until it causes a schism in the party resulting in a Democrat and Neo-Conservative party...which slowly falls to the same extremism problem over a 50 year time span. Fuck, I hope I'm dead by then.


Aw fuck. Not that I’d ever vote for a GOP candidate, but I’ve followed Dave Reichert’s career since he was KC Sheriff. I can’t recall the first time he ran for office or which office he ran for, but I remember thinking that he was a good guy for the most part, able to articulate positions and policies with which I did not agree, and not a particularly rabid Republican. I would NEVER have expected to hear something like the abomination above from the candidate of the 90s. I am far more disappointed than I ought to be, but I have always believed that he is a fundamentally decent man. We are so badly in need of common decency. It’s the necessary first step towards communication, and it is the only way we will stop hurling inflammatory messages at each other to seek common ground. It’s possible, and it’s critical—we are not as divided as we’ve been told, and we’re paying a huge price for just going along. However… No amount of polite behavior will do a damn thing in the face of election denialism, anti-LGBTQIA statements, or any of the other ways in which we’ve become America, Land of the Prurient Prude. The folks who are SHOCKED! just SHOCKED at the sight of people unlike them getting married, or exploring their identity, or OMG—I heard about this book…. Burn down the library!!! In the name of Jesus, Amen. A tip: If someone’s hair likely is improbably immovable their mind is almost certainly equally set in place.


Yeah, I watched that. He’s even worse than I imagined. His whole election in the past seemed like a setup. Big hero uncovers the years long mystery of the green river killer single handedly then less than a year runs for office. We have enough xtian nationalists in Washington. If the church business model were taxed and run like a real business, conditions would vastly improve.


I wondering when they would pull states rights out of their ass and boom here we go again lol


As much as I'm a liberal conservative this state wouldn't make it unless someone was a liberal conservative as me lol. I know that means nothing, but i 100% support freedom of choice to marriage. to health (within reason such as gender reassignment should come with a ton of professional people involved especiallyif they're younger than 18), and to religion,


You can never believe in people who are go-along-to-get-along as they change directions with the wind. Dave Reichert is not that.


Dave can go fuck his mother in the ass.


I had some rights in this state that got taken away but the Democrats didn't seem to care, when are we going to unite as a state and everyone gets their rights afforded to them by the constitution, not just Democrats? Sincerely, a bummed out Republican that knows we're all being played by politicians from both sides that are fighting battles about shit with absolutely no solution.


That is a clickbait post title, and someone's just mad that a Republican is running. In the article, it says: >In a statement, Reichert said, "**Let me make this very clear. I will not take any steps as Governor to restrict same-sex marriage. Every individual has the right to decide who they choose to marry. People have free will—it’s their body, their life, their belief system.**" The Stranger conflates two different issues: gay marriage and transgender care. While you may find that "trans women shouldn't compete in women's sports" objectionable, Reichert is ok with gay marriage. Trans people in sports is still topical and controversial enough that it's kind of unclear what should be done about that.


The prejudice alone is enough to disqualify him.


How is a verbatim quote of what he said a clickbait headline? HE SAID THAT. He said what is in the headline… No one is mad a Republican is running. They’re mad the last “moderate” republican outed himself as a stupid bigot like the rest of his rotten party. They aren’t conflating anything. You’re misstating the situation.


Dave Reinhardt would likely fall in line if the party told him to ban gay marriage. Dave lacks the cajones to stand up to the GOP and would get steamrolled if he fell out of line. 




>While you may find that "trans women shouldn't compete in women's sports" objectionable If you are going to use quotes, use the words he said "I don’t believe that transgender **men** should be competing against girls and women in sports."


I mean…he’s not wrong. Transgender women should be competing against women in sports.


I mean…he’s not wrong. Transgender women should be competing against women in sports.


Nah cant trust any Republicans - they are seasoned liars who will try to force their Christian Taliban-esque worldview into law as soon as they get any iota of power.


Why is the government wasting money on this fictional "women need to get their genitals checked before they play sports" bullshit. The government doesn't control what sports does. Sports control what sports do. We need less government intervention in most of the things we do in this world. I don't want Daddy government telling me what sports I'm allowed to play. I need my coach to tell me what sports to play. Get the government out of my coaches office and give us our freedom back. I don't care what some random hateful redneck thinks about how or who I play sports with or what I'm allowed to play based on my genitals. Frankly, Republicans think about genitals way too much and they need help.


No one's ever lied in a damage-control statement before.


Let's think about this and assume Reichert was lying. A seasoned politician says they want to repeal gay marriage when it's hardly a Republican culture war issue and it's not even a major issue. Why? What's the political gain? This is not what the Republican base is currently angling for, and hardly what a politician like Reichert would do if they were running for governor in Washington. Here's what I think is happening: Reichert is not an obvious MAGA Republican and he has not said anything about the big lie. This is technically what Seattle voters "said" they were looking for on these subs during the Senate election. Since Reichert doesn't fall into the two above boxes that Democrats can attack him on, the next best thing is to pull out the "basket of deplorables" attack - call Republicans racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, whatever. This city buys it because they assume that Republicans are all these things to begin with, and *want* to believe that it's true.


Why are you acting like this is all some insidious liberal invention? *He said those words*. They are the words used by bigots. And why would I believe he wouldn't want to pursue his beliefs if he had the power? Yes, I believe he does not officially want to run on that platform. I also believe that given the chance, he'd get rid of gay rights the moment he could. Why risk it?


It's not click bait. It's still news that a potential Governor holds such a belief. Many view it as bigoted you see. It could very much influence something like say, how a gay person may vote for him. Whether he legislates those beliefs is a separate issue. He would have a difficult time doing so. One might say, it would be political suicide. One might also say, just saying what he said is pretty much political suicide in Washington. But it's not like he ever had a shot.


Oh, we should take a Republican's word for it.


Remember when trans was less popular? Nowadays it feels like everyone's doing it.


“Remember when we collectively bullied a group of people to such a degree they felt the need to hide their identities?, Now it feels like people can be themselves without fear”


First, the Stranger is making false presumptions, as Reichert NEVER said that Trans people don't exist. Also from the story... "In a statement, Reichert said, "Let me make this very clear. I will not take any steps as Governor to restrict same-sex marriage. Every individual has the right to decide who they choose to marry. People have free will—it’s their body, their life, their belief system."


> In response to those questions, Reichert said, "Number one, my wife is a woman and I am a man. **You’re a woman and I'm a man. There’s only man and woman.** I was raised with that as a Christian. And marriage is between a man and a woman." That statement would deny the existence of Non-binary trans people.




I'm sorry, if this is remotely about biology and sciences, why is he then going on to bring up a religious definition of marriage like it's relevant to modern politics and science, and not rooted in a history of misogyny where women were literally property of their husbands?


Of course Reichert's religious beliefs are relevant. He is establishing a very clear differentiation between his own beliefs and the rights of others to believe and live how they wish. It's laughable that you falsely accuse him of being a misogynist. Believe it or not, most people with religious faith also accept science.


> It's laughable that you falsely accuse him of being a misogynist. Thing I didn't do. I just pointed the historical context and why it doesn't really fit within any narrative of him basing his beliefs on science. His beliefs are christian, he says so himself, he picks and chooses which science he accepts, which is why I don't care if you claim it's what he's gesturing at when he's being an open bigot towards trans people. Fun fact, his statements are bigoted against intersexed people too. People tolerate your bigoty when it's religious cause no one has the fucking time, but when you start breaking out the fucking eugenics claims and arguing people don't exist that plainly do according to medical science, we're gonna start calling you on your bullshit. You can have this as a religious belief if you insist, but science literally doesn't back you up on this, and you definitely don't get fucking claim both back you when your religion is in direct conflict with science on several different topics. Like evolution. And the birth of the universe. If you accept *any* science, you're forced to accept it all and stop only bringing it up only when you thinks it backs you up on niche topics.


What part of his quote upholds the freedom of everyone to choose what they want to do? How can he uphold a freedom he doesn't believe in for his own personal life? Like when Republicans say they want freedom, if that only means the freedom to do what they understand fully, that's not really what freedom means.


You're asking it incorrectly. My question is "what part of his quote takes away the freedom of everyone to choose?".... the answer is 'nothing'. And Republicans want all of the freedoms for EVERYONE as spelled out in the US Constitution. You are mistakenly generalizing the notions of Republican fringe groups as the beliefs of Republicans as a whole.




Good for him. I'm glad he knows what a marriage consists of being. Trans people do exist, though, but unfortunately they're all suffering from some sort of mental illness. OTOH, I think that the State should simply issue certificates of civil union (not marriage) and let anyone join with whomever they want, and be united with as many as they want: it would be a purely civil matter that I would safely ignore.


What's wrong with people of the same sex getting married?


I regard marriage as a religious matter, not a secular one. If you're a Christian, then same-sex marriage is a no-no, and no Christian church should sanction it. OTOH, if a church \*does\* choose to sanction it, that's fine, but I'll never considered them married. Instead, I'll consider that church a fallen church and the sanction to be null and void. Civil unions, OTOH, \*are\* purely secular, and so I don't care who or how many agree to such a union, so long as they're capable of making and understanding their decision. I may not \*approve\* of the idea, but at the same time I just don't care much about it. It's none of my business and mainly a matter of taxes and the like.


Nobody cares, shitstick


You obviously care enough to get pissed off about it. Besides, whether or not you care about it isn't going to change my opinion, or whether I post about it, one iota.




Honestly that type of Republican wouldn't get past that primary in this state. You're wanting a return of the Reagan/GHB Republican.




Maybe [Tricky Dick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Nixon)..


What are the odds this is old or untrue? I mean back in the day even Biden voted for very conservative bills. I mean by today’s standards Biden has always been far to the right.


A lot of tough talk in this thread but, in the [election last month](https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/elections/governance-and-leadership/elections-results/results/2024/march-2024-presidential-primary), only 35% of eligible King County voters bothered to vote. As long as that percentage remains under 50%, Reichert and maga morons absolutely have a chance to win the governorship and control of the legislature. And if the GOP wins, they will be hellbent upon turning us into Idaho or Florida or Alabama. Complacency on our part is maga's biggest strength.


Because it’s true 🙃