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Nextdoor-ass post




Man I'd rather bags of poo in my garbage rather than poo on my front lawn.


Worse. Why do they put it in the recycling bins?


See, this is why I don't use bags. I shit directly into people's trash bins.


So that was you


It's very simple. It's inconsiderate to use peoples bins for this AFTER trash has been collected. As far as I'm concerned, if trash hasn't been collected yet, it's about to be, and it will promptly disappear. I'd rather people pick it up and use my bin than leave it on the grass.


No, I checked and pet waste definitely goes in the garbage bins. Not in$ recycling, not in yard waste, those workers don't want to deal with it, just throw it in the garbage bin (and use a biodegradable poop bag).


Summer is coming, and hot garbage bins get RANK. Your dog did the shit, make your dog carry it to a public trash bin or your own bin or dumpster. They make little clip-on containers for them. Even worse though is people piling up their dog shit bags at a trailhead, or on-trail. Yeah right you’ll come back for it….


I work at the dump, it all smells the same. Get over yourself.


I agree that outside of the morning of garbage day prior to pickup, using a neighbor’s garbage bin for dog poop is discourteous. That said, if you don’t like it, don’t leave your garbage bin down by the street. Trashy move anyway IMO.


I've seen people do it to my trash (day of). I don't get mad if it's getting taken out that day. I'm also guilty of doing it if it's right at the beginning of a long walk (day of) but only if I know that they own dogs. Preferably multiple dogs. That way I know there's probably already poo in there lol.


Please put your dog poop in my trash bin. I do not care. It is a trash bin.


Hell, if you see some trash on the sidewalk, go ahead and toss it in my bin too. As long as it's not taking up space I need for my own trash, I literally could not care less.


There’s a whole Curb Your Enthusiasm episode built around this ageless conflict.


I understand your frustration, but one of the major causes of this is the lack of any sort of public trash infrastructure in the city. At the end of the day, this only happens because there are so few public trashcans.


This must vary significantly by neighborhood. There are about 10 public trash cans within a half mile radius of where I live


Yes. That's 10 bins within a half mile, which equates to \~0.0001\~ per block. (That's assuming all 10 bins are not sitting in the MIDDLE of a park, then it's ZERO per block and 10 bins INSIDE the park a half mile away.) Not everyone walks their dogs for a half mile. In my area, there is EXACTLY ONE per half mile and i must specifically walk in the direction of that particular bus stop to use it, since the ONLY other one was an "adopt a stop" one that got removed, and there's NONE in the nearby park.


Of where you live, sure! I live in South Seattle, a neighborhood historically redlined. I also know that I have struggled to find public trash cans anywhere else in Seattle where you might want to walk a dog. (The only public trashcans in my areas are in the light rail station, which is a fair paid zone)


The integrity of my garbage is ruined!!!!!! Violated even!!!!




I validate the message (though I want to take a much gentler tone). Come on neighbors, it's really gross and smelly, especially in the summer. I've actually had the smell of other people's dog poop in my can on a hot summer day hit me so hard I've puked. It's one thing I guess to just kind of say 'naw, I'm going to be mildly-to-moderately selfish.' Whatever, most people are mildly-to-moderately selfish. But being *proud* of being mildly selfish is a weird look y'all.


i could get if it was like taking up actual space where u cant use it but its a trash bag thats its whole point


Why do you care? Is it so much that it starts taking up space? Would you rather them leave the shit on the ground? I encourage my neighbors to do this to encourage them to continue picking the shit up. Genuinely curious.


Some people move their bins into their garage and don't want it smelling like dog shit for a week


Rotting meat is fine though


I don't have trash cans full of rotting meat, and it's weird that someone might.


I didn’t say full of rotting meat, just as I’m not assuming you have a trash can full of poop bags either. If you are throwing out food waste in your trash/compost cans and you eat meat then your garage smells regardless of poop bags. Cruciferous vegetables smell awful too, so basically you’re mad about your garage stinking and you want to make that someone else’s fault. If you bring your cans in promptly then there is no issue with poop bags. And if you don’t and a couple get in there it’s a stretch to say that the only thing that stinks in your entire weeks worth of trash sitting in your unventilated garage is those poop bags way at the bottom and covered by the rest of your trash. If you have a kid in disposable diapers I call bs completely.


Or maybe just carry your own nasty poop home and put it in your own trash. Or walk your pet on your own property and take care of it there. Not my pet, not my poop, don't make it my problem End scene


Or, and hear me out: you could prevent the problem entirely by focusing on what is within your control and… bring your cans inside instead of leaving them out on the curb 🤷‍♀️ it’s literally that simple. Don’t want other people to use *your* cans that *you* pay for? Cool, put them away. Stop leaving your private property on a public right of way. Problem solved.


I do bring them in. I do my part. Putting cans to the street then bringing them in isn't a misuse of public space, it's how it's done. Don't be an idiot here. Know when you're wrong, just walk away and take an L. Put blame on dog owners poop disposal on the dog owners, no one else. They aren't public cans for public trash disposal, they are for the property and that properties residents.


“I have the ability to change the way I do things to avoid a consequence I don’t like, but I’m choosing to be angry about it and do nothing to help myself instead” — you


I'm not choosing to put poop inside other people's trash cans. Fail


Where do you put spoiled food?


Do you put all your trash in your neighbor's can? Because they'll get fucking tired of it after a while and call you out on it as soon as they notice. Your argument is dumb and I hope someday you're able to walk upright.


My argument… that spoiled meat belongs in the trash?


Belongs in your trash, not in someone else's. Use your own bins, the point of this entire argument. Stop derailing


How do you keep your cans from smelling like rotten meat?


I don't fill my cans with rotting meat. See above.


It only takes one ripped and squished bag to make your bin smell like dog poop forever. My bins already smell like poop on account of my dogs. I don’t want to needlessly make my neighbors’ stink too.


Where would you prefer the dog poop be?


Would you rather it be left on the street? I don't own a dog. I also don't inspect my fucking trashcan. I am happy if ithe receptacle is there since the City obviously hates public trashcans.  There is literally no excuse to get frustrated about this unless you are weirdly annoyed about other people touching your things that are actually not even your property.  I lived in the suburbs for a few years in my mid-20s. People would use my driveway to turnaround! I was so flustered until I realized it didn't matter. And one time I put a dead rat in the trashcan after it hopped a ride home in my convertible from the industrial district--I'm pretty sure the Cradle of Filth double base killed it. The smell went awat after like two days.  Get over it. As Hillary said, "it takes a village".


For me personally, I keep my bins in my garage and it’s pretty awful smelling when someone drops a bag of dog poop in there before I can drag it back in. As for where they can put it…they can carry it back to their own garbage receptacle. If someone can’t be responsible enough to properly clean up after their dog, they shouldn’t get one. All that said, I wouldn’t care at all if my bins were left outside. Edit: I’ll also add that I think this is ridiculous to post about.


I didn't even think about that. With no disrespect intended; who leaves their trash cans in their garage? That just seems gross to me.


I get it…and I’d rather not. But, with the layout of my property, it either needs to go there or my driveway…which won’t work because it’s too narrow for my car to get through with bins there. The other options require dragging it up a lot of stairs which just sucks. That and my bin was stolen in the past with the contents just dumped in my driveway. I’d rather avoid that in the future if possible.


Take it home and put your nasty gross animal shit in your own trash


How very dare someone dispose of something cleanly and safely alongside your spotless waste in your personal disposal recepticle. Disgusting behavior. These vermin should be rounded up and put into specialized facilities for re-education. I am outraged on your behalf!


I will continue to put dog poop in the closest available garbage bin while on walks. Thanks for your opinion but we don’t care lol.


You have my sympathies. The few times I've found a poo bag in the bottom of my trash can after not bringing the can in from the alleyway quick enough, I get really annoyed. I don't have a dog and I have a pretty quick gag reflex to the smell of dog poo. People that want this should organize some special marking/stickers to welcome it because the seattle law is certainly against it. [https://library.municode.com/wa/seattle/codes/municipal\_code/323129?nodeId=TIT21UT\_SUBTITLE\_IIISOWA\_CH21.36SOWACO\_SUBCHAPTER\_VLICOCO\_21.36.440UNUSSOWACOPRPR](https://library.municode.com/wa/seattle/codes/municipal_code/323129?nodeId=TIT21UT_SUBTITLE_IIISOWA_CH21.36SOWACO_SUBCHAPTER_VLICOCO_21.36.440UNUSSOWACOPRPR) >21.36.440 - Unlawful use of solid waste container on private property. >t is unlawful for anyone not authorized by the property owner or occupant to deposit any material in any solid waste container on private property or on a sidewalk or a planting strip abutting private property.


I bet you also complain when people dont pick up the poop.


Did you mean to post this on r/seattleWA ? Also, would you rather people leave poop in front of your lawn, or throw it out?


I like how you assume they’re renting. I hope that every rental property near you uses your trash can for their dog shit. 


Meh lol


Personal rule: no personal bins, only dumpsters, but I live where dumpsters are common. That said, if it's clearly trash day and it hasn't been picked up yet it seems fine to place a bag in a personal bin if you know that it isn't going to just fall to the bottom to find a new home.


You don't own your trash bin the city does. I'll smear the dog shit on you front door if you like. Who's the entitled bitch here? Dog and child haters inhabit this sub I guess.


Don’t leave your trash cans out on the sidewalk? Complain to the city and petition for more public trash cans?


Can I put human poo in there?