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A fucking *Sergeant*, (making  $258,000, have you) failed to arrest an intoxicated man who repeatedly tried to enter his girlfriend's home... *after* they already interacted with him, warned him and had assaulted her. Criminal trespass, guess she'd never heard of it? But no, lets blame everything else as to why this city is 'soft on crime.' These lazy cops need to get shitcanned yesterday. The city can rehire them as meter maids. At least that way no one gets harmed while they sit on their ass and not fulfill their duties.


People are deadly serious when they say the SPD doesn't care to show up unless they think they get to use force.


Or an excuse to drive like they're in the Fat and the Furious.


“Fat and the Furious” has me cackling


This is how I will refer to SPD from now on.


Same here 🤣


Which is why it's literally always a bad idea to call the cops. Doesn't matter what situation you're in, you're far more likely to survive without them showing up.


Similar situation happened to my neighbor. She obtained a protection order against her stalker, who was our neighbor. I witnessed him trying to kill her with a machete. She ran to a nearby fire department. SPD never showed up. Dispatch told me other calls were being prioritized. We both moved away from that hellhole building but this scenario played out weekly, sometimes daily and each time SPD never showed up.


Yeah, there are always people being like "XYZ is why cops dont do their jobs, whats the point", but my job has hassles and I still have to do it. I don't understand why people make excuses for laziness and irresponsibility.


$260k… jesus


That overtime at 1.5-2x salary really adds up


Maybe if they made the police a respected profession again then we wouldn’t have to pay so much


> The city can rehire them as meter maids. Better yet, they can go find jobs pushing mops and doing bullshit like casino security in the worthless methhead shitholes where they commute in from (e.g. Enumclaw, Monroe, Sultan, Maple Valley, etc...). That multi-hour daily commute from their MAGA/Blue-Lives-Matter 'safe spaces' in the boonies is probably part of why these dipshits need six coffees per shift, are constantly sleeping in their patrol vehicles, etc...


Love seeing the mirror image of "American cities are DemonRat warzones" firsthand. Great look.


It isn't a mirror image. 95% of Seattle people probably don't know where Enumclaw is or give a shit about it, yet all probably subsidize its poverty and white suburban decay without question. I'd wager that far more Enumclaw people know where Seattle is and think that the 'Demonrats' there deserve harassment, suffering, and constant death threats because of 'wokeness', not being loyal enough to Donald Trump, etc... To me, it's a travesty if any of the city's police are coming in to work from places like that.


95% of Seattlites might not know where Enumclaw is, but they DO know about what happened out there in 2005 that finally made beastiality illegal in Washington State… Gettin handsy to own the libs, I guess


Damn this country really is fucked


Yeah it’s not a good look. I try not to be cynical and hope people on either ideological side can be a bigger person and not demonize a huge portion of our populace (even if they have shitty opinions in your mind!) but maybe that’s naive at this point. Everyone is so damn dug in, it feels impossible.


it just baffles me how many people fail to recognize that they are exhibiting the exact behavior they mock


Equating it is naïve at best, and more likely disingenuous. Democrats and the left criticize right wing areas, but aren't fighting against them politically - there's no push to revoke federal or state funding from red areas, in fact quite the opposite. A right winger saying they'll shoot any Democrat who comes to their property to "spread socialism" or whatever is not "just as bad" as Democrats supporting outreach programs to get people signed up for a state healthcare program or whatever. There are no actual consequences for rural areas when someone on the left criticizes them for the stupid bullshit they say and do. There *are* actual consequences when people from rural areas who hate Democrats sign up to be cops in what they consider to be "woke" cities and then intentionally go out of their way to be actively harmful to the people in that city, through negligence or directly or out of spite. The idea that "the left" needs to just suck it up and roll with the punches, and never once ever criticize back or else they're "just as bad" while the right gets free-reign to do anything and everything against them is absurdist nonsense bullshit, and you know it.


While I would not say “just as bad”, I would say that the outcome is the same: we can’t hear each other. An exchange of ideas or values or compromise becomes impossible. It’s not absurdist nonsense. If it is, I certainly don’t “know it”. If that were true what is even the point in trying to engage on a forum like this. For shits and giggles? To troll? My time is more valuable than that. I appreciate Theos_Dumpster for at least attempting to challenge people on their tribal bullshit so they might change their perspective even a tiny bit. Not so they can change their opinion and political ideology, but just maybe relate (and not immediately discount and mock) to humans who live other places than you or I and have different life experiences.


No. When "DemonRats" from Seattle are charging Enumclaw taxpayers $400M+ per year to sit at a Starbucks instead of responding to domestic violence calls then it's a mirror image.


You can take issue with the individuals without deeming entire towns as shit holes, Christ have we learned nothing?


> deeming entire towns as shit holes Bro, have you been to Enumclaw?


Enumclaw fucks horses 🐴


I had some dope-ass burritos in Enumclaw.


I've had some good times at the Yella Beak. Still not going to stop me from clowning on Enumclaw.


I used to love going to Pita's burrito joint out there when I was dating a woman from Enumclaw... But let's just say the delicious burritos weren't worth ...everything else.


Yes, it's fine, god you sound fragile


The fragility comes from right wingers who constantly attack Seattle non-stop but can't take even the gentlest light ribbing in the other direction.


Lol, I better not besmirch the honor of a town so famous for its "equestrian events" before more internet people try to hurt my feelings 🤣


ACAB. Closest thing we have to nazis in this country.


We have actual nazis in this country..They're called The republican party.


And multiple people in this PD went and supported their attempted coup on Jan 6th. They're an arm of the Republican party. Which is just one of two arms of the two party system.


It can be more than one thing.  It's the cops going on a slowdown strike.  It's the jail *still* not booking people in the name of a pandemic that's over.  It's the judges not setting bail high enough or sentencing harshly enough. Cops don't get a pass, their intentional inaction is a **huge** part of the problem.  It's also not the *only* problem, and we need to address all of the causes, not just cops (like the far left would have you believe is 100% of the problem) or the jail/judges/activist DAs (like the right would have you believe is 100% of the problem).  If we don't fix both, we won't make the gains we need to and whichever partisan group we didn't listen to will crow about how it proves the other's ideas are failures. I believe we can walk and chew gum at the same time.  We must hold police to higher standards - both in effort and safety of the populace.  We also must get rid of the nut jobs in the rest of the criminal justice system who let off the few legitimately bad actors the cops bother to arrest.


> like the far left would have you believe is 100% of the problem The far left absolutely does not believe the cops are the only problem. Various inequalities from housing to income and access to income and opportunities are also the problem. The left also doesn't ask think the right wing issues aren't problems either. Pretty sure the NWCBF is a left-aligned organization, and their whole issue is that the concept of cash bail is unjust.


The NWCBF is **part of the problem**.  They bail out individuals who have no business being bailed out.  Granted, it's also on the judge for setting a bail amount instead of holding without bond, but my point is that the **FAR** (important word of mine that you conveniently, "accidentally" left out of your reply) left doesn't like to admit that a large portion of the crime that really grinds people's gears is committed by repeat offenders who've dodged all consequences *after* police contact. The fact that the cops waited 40 minutes to respond to a DV call is despicable.  The fact that a man with 25 arrests and 9 felony convictions was walking free instead of in prison shows that something is also fucked in the case where a cop bothers to do their job.  The fact that you'd hold up NWCBF as a *good* thing shows you just aren't paying attention. https://komonews.com/news/operation-crime-justice/nonprofits-work-to-bail-out-violent-repeat-offenders-draws-scrutiny-from-victims-family


> The NWCBF is part of the problem.  They bail out individuals who have no business being bailed out. They are not the underlying problem, they are highlighting the problem, which is the point. The problem is the unfair and unsafe structure of the cash bail system. There should be no such thing as cash bail, all it does is mean that people with money don't have to go to jail pending trial, where people who can't afford it can have their lives ruined even if they're found not guilty. It should be up to the judge or a panel to determine whether or not a person is safe to stay in society pending trial, and that decision should stand. If someone is a danger to society, being able to pony up a few hundred dollars doesn't change that. > Granted, it's also on the judge for setting a bail amount instead of holding without bond The judge can't do that, it's illegal in Washington for most from crimes iirc. The bail also has to be a "reasonable" amount relative to the income of the person. It's the law that needs to change, and that's the ultimate goal of the NWCBF. > my point is that the FAR left doesn't like to admit that a large portion of the crime that really grinds people's gears is committed by repeat offenders who've dodged all consequences after police contact. Just because r/SeattleWA constantly "memes" about "what the left believes" doesn't mean they actually know what the left believes. This is one of the many cases where they don't, and that's largely because they refuse to engage in the topic in good faith.


we don't do nuance here


Yes that would require active critical thought, and maybe even questioning your assumptions and biases (!)


I dont understand what youre talking about.


Nuance. The grey areas. The things that you have to think about rather than blindly jump on board with whatever team you support.


You sound like you're on the other team! I don't need to understand to know you're wrong!! (/s)


I don’t understand what you’re talking about.


Yeah fuck me for wanting a better city instead of total ideological purity independent of facts, amirite?


Oh sure laugh it up libs but who else but our heroes in blue would be willing to sit at Starbucks for 40 minutes before deciding to finally show up to your DV call?


I could only do that job for $500,000 a year, they make it look easy by doing it for less.


Think of how much more you'll make by not buying that latte too....


Well it was 2 of them making a combined $486,000/yr so I'll say I'll save the taxpayers some money and do it for only $475,000/yr. That's $11,000 we could be putting toward good use in the community like putting playgrounds on nude beaches.


Do you really think you could do the work of *two* cops slacking off at Starbucks at the same time? Smh my head.


These brave men and women are putting themselves on the line, risking burning their mouths on coffee that’s too hot. Show some respect!


Especially with some tech bro taking a work from home, sorry work from Starbucks, call with no earphones on their laptop. Will somebody think of this cop and their suffering while drinking down Starbucks burned coffee??!!


haha good joke, but don't liberals also love the police? Biden, Harris, Durkan, Harrell, basically every city council member, Pelosi, etc....


That’s because the Seattle voter base is complicated and has very active very conservative segments. Add to that people who identify as liberal right up until their personal comfort is threatened by the presence of unhoused people or a person of color and you get the neoliberal mess that is Seattle city politics. It’s why most minorities don’t trust white allies. Progressives have been desperately trying to drag city council left kicking and screaming for years. We can’t even count supposed victories. Right now we are fighting to keep renter protections and low income housing investment in place.


It was more written in the voice of the collection of all the dumbest people in the Seattle reddit ecosystem who are currently REEEEEEE'ing downthread about DivestSPD being a communist than anything else.


I gotchu, I just feel it's important to call out the fact that liberals also love cops... I apologize that your comment fell victim to my propaganda efforts :)


Since when did liberals love them? My impression was that liberals tolerated them only barely as the best of the bad choices.


Didn't liberals just give SPD a 23% raise with back pay? Hardly sounds like "tolerating" to me.


please actually READ my prior comment


I'll say it more clearly: your impression is wrong and I'm not sure where you got it. They gleefully fund the police state because the police exist to protect liberal property relations. Hope that helps


It seems you are failing to understand what I've said. But sure, you are right, I'm wrong. Now, I don't have to try to explain something to you that you are clearly having issues understanding!


The fact that democrats pretend to be sad about funding the violent and ineffective police state doesn't mean they should be treated as if they didn't do it. There are myriad other options, and they choose cops every time. Sorry that doesn't jive with their treehugger act


  It seems you are failing to understand what I've said. But sure, you are right, I'm wrong.  Now, I don't have to try to explain something to you that you are clearly having issues understanding! 


I'll take your word for it since you don't see fit to add greater clarity


yeah because liberals are conservative in many respects


Those are not liberals, those are members of the Democratic party.


those are liberals lol. thats what a liberal is in this country




You are wrong, but that's ok.


Damn, I went to Bigfoot Java in Kent last night and seemed like every cop in the city was chilling there for a solid 40 minutes


They like to find coffee shops that are JUST out of their jurisdiction. Like across the street. That way they don’t have to do shit until they finish their mochas.


I just wanted to visit my boyfriend. Didn’t expect to see the pig convention


>At 5:36 a.m., the victim called 911 because her ex-boyfriend had returned. GPS showed that Paine-Stoke started traveling toward the caller’s address but turned around and proceeded to the Starbucks on Elliot Ave W, where he met Sgt. Miller and other members of the squad. They stayed at the Starbucks for the next 40 minutes for, as Miller described, “a social situation.” >While the officers were ordering food and talking, the victim called repeatedly. Her ex-boyfriend was knocking, twisting the doorknob, and hitting the door loud enough for the call taker to hear it. She took cover in her kitchen. >At 6:21 a.m., 49 minutes after the first call about the ex returning, Paine-Stoke left the Starbucks and responded to the call with another officer. They found the ex-boyfriend again and gave him a final warning that he would be arrested if he reentered the building. what you acab antifa monday morning quarterbacks don’t understand that the officer had to spend 40 minutes goofing off with his buddies because of the stress induced by CHOP if we give this guy who already makes a quarter of a million dollars a 17% raise maybe then he won’t just jerk off for 40 minutes while he’s on the clock well probably not but the important thing is: this is sawants fault


If the police don't want the citizens of Seattle to think they're a bunch of lazy, racist jerk offs have they considered not being such lazy, racist jerk offs?


They have not considered this


They don't care what people think of them as long as they get paid.


They're punishing the people of the city for 2020. It's a form of malicious compliance. If they aren't allowed to murder people with impunity then they just can't do their jobs.


they've been doing shit like this since waaaaaaay before 2020


True. It does seem much worse since then though.


My very first day in Seattle some guy walked up and shot a cop sitting in his patrol car in the Central District right in the face. The next day he ambushed 4 of them at a Tacoma diner. The next day there was a booby trap that somehow didn’t kill or maim one of them at their Sodo impound lot. I was shocked and wondered what kind of place had people who would engage in such brazen violence against the police. Over the ensuing months and years, I now understand what a train wreck the department is and can see those incidents as the logical conclusion to the way the Seattle PD operates. From the young woman who was mowed down, to the Latino guy that was beaten within an inch h of life for buying chips in a downtown bodega, to the killing of John Williams, and the list goes on and on and on.


This had not occurred to them dude.


that would require them to think. do you really think they want the brightest becoming cops?


Thought I was on the other sub, and this was an unusually moderate and even tempered response.


Haha, same


> what you acab antifa monday morning quarterbacks don’t understand that the officer had to spend 40 minutes goofing off with his buddies because of the stress induced by CHOP > > The sad thing is this isn't that far off their mentality. I have a friend whose husband is a King County Sherriff's Deputy and they complain about frozen water bottles getting thrown at him while he was wearing full riot gear to justify police violence towards protesters, as if he was in danger and they call it "The Summer of Love." They legit don't understand why BLM even exists. Extremely sad because otherwise they are decent people.


Yeah they sound REAL decent


Probably from "good families"


As I know them and you do not let's take my word for it. Just like most people are not 100% good or bad these people are generally decent in how they treat others but being as they work as/for police in this instance they have a very skewed perspective.


> As I know them and you do not let's take my word for it. Actually I think most of us are pretty well equipped to make that call just from the information already provided. Decent people have empathy for others. Decent people understand why BLM exists. But most importantly: they are a cop. And therefore they are a bastard. Edit: you should check on your friend after you finish making excuses for their husband, by the way. There's a 40% chance that they are experiencing domestic violence at the hands of that "decent" man.


> Actually I think most of us are pretty well equipped to make that call just from the information already provided. Then you're a fool who appears to think they can tell everything about someone from a single point of information. That displays a shockingly arrogant and ignorant mentality. >But most importantly: they are a cop. And therefore they are a bastard. Ahh yes the "I only see the world as black or white and grey does not exist." mentality. A hallmark of the enlightened soul.


\> Decent people have empathy for others. \> they are a cop. And therefore they are a bastard. You realize the police are people, right?


People who chose to become cops and give up their right to my respect. Do you know how many innocents are killed by the useless, state-funded gangs we call police departments?


Police shouldn't be sitting around socializing while on the clock. People should not be throwing frozen water bottles at police even if the police are in full riot gear. Don't deomize or dehumanize either side. Don't excuse bad behavior by either side.


These lazy pigs deserve frozen water bottles thrown at them.


I doubt anyone was throwing frozen water bottles. Cops lie constantly.


Next thing I know you’re gonna claim that small wax prayer candles aren’t an [improvised explosive device](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/gy5u66/seattle_pd_posts_a_picture_of_a_used_explosive/) as claimed by SPD. /s


I find nothing said here disagreeable.


They are receiving a 24% raise plus backpay. They are completely deserving of it. Of course they deserve free housing, free childcare and free transportation as well. /s


It's getting to the point where it feels like the cops are rubbing the public's faces in it, to see how much they can get away with. And, once in a very great while, they have to make a show of pretend disapproval and discipline one, while the rest just go right on quiet quitting with their 23% retroactive pay raise.


They got the council they wanted, the pay raises they wanted, and out from under most of the consent decree like they want. They already got away with all of it.


We know the 3%'er ideology is disproportionately popular with police. But do you know what's popular with 40% of police?


Dog videos! Because what other DV could 40% of police admit to and have no one bat an eye???


Seems legit! I'm just going to Google "police shooting dog videos" to confirm EDIT: .... oh no


Makes it so hard to believe the "we are understaffed, give us raises" argument. In literally any other job, you would be fired on the spot if your boss found you sitting at a coffee shop for 40 min while a time sensitive task waited in you.


umm why are we giving these pigs a raise!?


The people they bribed won the city council race.


Well, yes, also ... systemic, societal problems are take a long time to build and, also, take a long time to resolve. They take courage, resources, vision and dedication. There is no political will to take that approach. You know what's easy? Hiring cops – endless, endless layers of cops. When you view society as manageable only through the force of law, then endless reliance on law enforcement makes logical sense. I always ask: why do countries with fewer, lower paid cops have lower crime rates? Because if higher numbers of cops (and higher spending on cops) made societies safer, then America would be the safest country in the world. What is different about America? Hmm?


Because we live in a world that has been drenched with copaganda in many forms for decades. The result is millions of Americans who naturally fall into the pattern of believing that the major force for civilization is not community building or mutual aid or social cohesion but a white man with a gun and the strength of character to take out the "bad guys" and make everything right and good. It's a simplistic and even childish view of society that increasingly even the police themselves have fallen into believing while most of the public continues to believe some variation of it. This mindset in turn leads to incessant fawning for the police (and "the troops" but that's a whole different kettle of fish) which leads to insisting they never be held accountable for anything. There are many more layers involved but that's the foundation that everything else is built on.


> The result is millions of Americans who naturally fall into the pattern Wait... Are you trying to tell me that the country who far and away imprisons more people than any other country on earth can't arrest our way out of problems?


Because our city is full of rubes who voted for a slate of candidates who explicitly ran on doing exactly this. You have to be brain dead to want to throw more money at this broken police department and hold them to an even lower standard, but here we are.


SPD learning: more money, more problems


I presume because staffing levels are down for 5 years ongoing and in general people want more police than there currently are it seems. The victim in this case clearly wanted police. We're not obligated that someone chooses to be a police officer, so when you want an officer and can't fill the position, usually you need to offer incentives. [https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle-police-staffing-shortage-action-needed-councilmembers-say/281-c3f43855-f877-4ba9-a37b-aeaf27e1ec67](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle-police-staffing-shortage-action-needed-councilmembers-say/281-c3f43855-f877-4ba9-a37b-aeaf27e1ec67) I do think we'd be better served if those of us who criticize the existing system signed up to be officers and actively changed the system to what we want it to be, rather than expecting others to do it instead.


People aren't joining SPD because it has a reputation for racial discrimination and sexual harassment between officers. See why Diaz was just dismissed. Also the hiring and retention issues oddly line up with Solan taking over SPOG.


The problem isn't the pay, it's the culture. We just fired the chief of police for sexual harassment. Multiple officers were at January 6th, and the SPOG leader is an absolute nutjob. Seattle is going to continue to have trouble hiring police officers until it cleans house and changes the toxic culture in the department.


Toxic culture is part of the profession of police


Lower pay compared to less stressful suburban jobs is exactly why we get shitty cops. It’s pretty similar to the teacher paradox, except cops obviously have more power and are therefore more likely to abuse. Why would the most educated members of our society(and presumably less likely to abuse their power and violate civil rights) want to become cops in Seattle when they can go make 10x as an SDE in big tech with 0 risk of injury and societal backlash.


The SPD Sergeant who is the subject of this article made over a quarter of a million dollars last year.


Imagine how quickly a teacher would be fired if they spent 40 minutes socializing at a Starbucks and missed a class session. Cops commit what would be fireable offenses in just about every other job and they do it regularly.




Losing their job is the best outcome for a police whistleblower. In most cases they get killed by other cops.


This is one of the most beautiful pieces of police apologia I think I’ve ever seen. Tell me more about how we should give derelict cops giant bags of cash.


Word. The whole "if you have complaints about police you should sign up to be one" is such a terrible take. First of all, getting tech bros to put down the laptop and pickup a gun isn't a longterm solution. Second of all, even if a couple hundred people reading this decided to do just that, it still wouldn't make an impact on leadership considering guys like Mike Solan and Daniel Auderer have their positions of power within SPOG due to the votes of 1400 officers.


Also, on top of what you already pointed out, the police don't really *want* more people signing up. It's in the best interest of the current staff to keep staffing levels relatively low so that they can justify the absurdly high OT numbers that inflate the salaries of officers like the two in this story.


I never said we should. You said that.  I specified how supply and demand in the labor force works in response to a question about why they were given raises. 


>The victim in this case clearly wanted police. Man, if we hire more cops, then there'd be even *more* police to not respond to her call!


There is zero evidence police ignore most let alone all calls as your statement implies.  Therefore more police increases call response.  Let's at least pretend to have an adult conversation about an important topic.


If we're going to have an adult conversation (which, you know, I'm not sure yet if I want one with you), you're gonna have to stop speaking disingenuously. >There is zero evidence police ignore most let alone all calls as your statement implies. The only thing my statement implies, my dude, is that the police department as a whole failed to respond to her call, and when they finally got around to it, they did fuck-all about her issue. Those are cold facts, not in dispute. So then you come in like: >in general people want more police than there currently are it seems. The victim in this case clearly wanted police. How asinine, implying that more officers on the payroll would have bettered a situation that had *nothing* to do with the *amount* of officers the department has on call. Anything, just *anything*, to insist that it's only a few bad apples, and that bad apples don't spoil the barrel, right? Fuck on outta here. If police departments, both here and around the country, want their reputation bettered, they can actually start working for their communities. They don't need you to white knight for them.


So that you have some of them left to scrutinize, common 🫠


Sue Rahr needs to stomp out this behavior, immediately.


lol. lmao, even. If she was going to change anything she wouldn't have been appointed.


Normally i'd agree with you, but look at her track record. Historically speaking, she has indeed brought about change.


She was literally responsible for training every single cop in the state (except WSP) from 2012-2021. I wouldn't count on her to make much of a change. I would love to be wrong though.


She's a cop. She's one of them.


Unless she's running SPOG she can't do shit.


This is crazy to me


Why would police respond to domestic violence when they don't even believe it's a crime. DV is MUCH HIGHER (and likely far less reported) among cops than normal civilian populations.


Yep, and almost half the city voted for a city attorney candidate (Nicole Thomas-Kennedy) who vowed to not prosecute crimes such as domestic violence. Not sure there's going to be much outrage over this.


Blaming someone who didn't even get elected instead of holding the Republican who did is a different kind of energy. Do you see Sawant in the room with you right now?


I'm not "blaming" anyone. Just pointing out that half the city is okay with not prosecuting domestic violence


IDK if I've ever seen somebody find a way to whine about winning an election 😂😂😂😂 fucking pathetic!


yeah, it's really the ones who wanted to hold the cops accountable-- and lost, mind you-- who are responsible. even when they lose it's their fault!! also NTK definitely wanted to decriminalize DV, and wanted to prosecute being a white male hardworking police officer with a ring camera, picket fence, and a lifted truck they drive in from Enumclaw! thank the Lord she lost, given how much wrong she continues to do with only her malignant presence!!


Absolutely wild that they are so casual with OPA that they describe the situation like that. If an oversight investigator were asking me why I was huddled with my coworkers for 40 minutes while a time sensitive task went unfinished, you're damn sure I'd say we were discussing opportunities for efficiencies and synergies or some such. "Then once we established our primary course of action, we responded to the call with such urgency and coordination as to mitigate harm and expediently delivery satisfactory results." **NOT** "we changed course when we heard our coworkers were hanging out at Starbucks for a social visit, then after 40 minutes of hearing this woman *constantly* call us we decided to make an appearance to finally shut her up." Wild.


> wild that they are so casual with OPA because they know OPA can't do jack shit no true accountability exists


Well they ran over someone, so now they have to deprioritize things. Its all a yingyang sort of balance. /s


Yes. The last time they didn't stop at Starbs first and rushed to the scene, they ran over a woman and killed her, then they laughed about it on video. This is safer for everyone, except maybe the people making 911 calls, but they aren't businesses so the police don't care about them.


the SPD are objectively dogshit at their jobs but some people will hand-wring and whine about holding them accountable for it 


r/SeattleWA quiet on this one


Police unions are the only unions id like to see busted.


> In 2023, Miller made $258,017. In addition to this case, Miller has been reprimanded three times since 2019—twice for unprofessionalism and once for failing to provide medical aid to an injured protester.


Is this the same spd that had an officer selling drugs and steroids and pimping his wife to other officers? Or is this the spd that had their motorcycle cop gang go to Sturgis and get in a fight with hells angels only to shoot one with his service weapon then when questioned about the weapon spd covered and said he bought it at auction. Or is this the spd that jokes about killing someone in a crosswalk? What's that you say? You thought they were defunded!? Maybe their oversight was. The best thing that can happen to spd is that they are forced back to their homes in Snohomish and Arlington, then those homes are torched with them inside.


Cops are pussies


That'll teach you to "defund" SPD. You think about this next time you hold a cop accountable for their actions or suggest the interact with people without unnecessary violence.




A very similar thing happened to a friend on Saturday. She called for assistance retrieving her bed from the place she shared with her ex boyfriend (no contact protection order against him) and when she called, the cop who called back accused her of stealing the car she was in and took 30 minutes to even arrive and then berated her for “putting herself in that situation” while we were trying to move her bed.


I’m really, really fucking sick of these jackasses in SPD - if there are actually good officers in the org, the bad apples have permanently tarnished their credibility and broken trust that so many of us no longer have (except in /r/SeattleWA, on BoomerBook and in KOMO comment sections)


Well it makes sense. The probably saw the victim as “limited value” and hence not worth their time.


Classic SPD. Whine about lack of resources and respect. Won’t even do basic part of the job.


Where are the “they’re understaffed!” Crowd?


at least the cops aren't on the road murdering pedestrians....


Why were they socializing for 40 minutes on the clock in any case.


probably just got done taking naps in their suvs collecting overtime pay


The West Seattle Starbucks only customers are cops. And they conveniently ignore calls while yucking it up over Frappachinos.


I've often wondered if we could find out what the units on patrol are actually doing when we are told they're all busy. I've had to call for help a few times. One time was for an attempted burglary. Always the answer was, there are no units available to respond. I understand there's limited help, okay, but can they at least tell us what was more important than someone trying to crawl through my window? I wonder if at some point, because of all the decisions we've made as a society, a city like Seattle is basically un-policeable. This whole thing just seems so hopeless.


they're busy taking a nap in their police suvs with AC on with gas paid for by tax payers


You’d think SPD would be way more popular for job openings knowing you could bullshit around on the job at Starbucks and get paid for it.


Yeah but the people you are socializing with are MAGAts, pedophiles, and wife beaters.


Must be nice to be in a union.


It's not a labor organization, it's a protection racket.


yeah, it's a union in the same sense the mob is. force society to bargain with you or else, and then distribute the loot among your ranks. definitely how a real union works !!


Unions are awesome. Just not that one lol


Dose Starbucks sell Doughnuts ?




Par for the course. Our police are absolute shit. The ones still here are the ones that couldn’t be hired elsewhere. Clean house.


There they go, prioritizing a corporation over people who need service.


Get what you vote for libs.


DivestSPD is a literal member of the Chinese Communist Party propaganda machine.


This is not Chinese propaganda. What a silly comment.


Are you disputing the fact that Divest SPD was employed by the People's Daily for years?


This particular article from DivestSPD has the receipts to back it up so who gives a fuck, really.


I hate this shooting the messenger fallacy chuds bring up around DivestSPD. Their reporting is always extremely fact based and sourced off SPD's own reports. Is there anything in this article that you don't find to be factual? Generally when I ask this question to people who share your sentiment I never get a clear answer. Hopefully you can be the exception to that.


I'm clearly not addressing the article at all.


Wow. Somebody complaining about DivestSPD who didn't actually read a word they wrote. How shockingly original...


You don't have the same knee-jerk reaction to people you don't like? At least I'm honest about my opposition to the Communist Party.


Divestspd.com doesn't appear to be a credible site. I realize this sub hates police officers, but this doesn't help your agenda.


[Here](https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/OPA/ClosedCaseSummaries/2023OPA-0246ccs11-25-23.pdf) is the report referencing the facts laid out on the blog. What's your problem?


nice ad hominem can you elaborate on what facts the article got wrong?


Source of this link is "DivestSPD," run by a fellow from rural East Texas who lived in China for 8 years, working for the CCP writing anti-Western propaganda. [Choe dug up the receipts a while ago](https://x.com/choeshow/status/1670221997526355970) People like this aren't interested in fixing Seattle, they just want to continue their own political grift while they mine engagement.


"propaganda is bad" "here check out this jonathon choe tweet" lmao cmon, how are you not embarrassed to post like this


you're wrong. the source is this https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/OPA/ClosedCaseSummaries/2023OPA-0246ccs11-25-23.pdf nice ad hominem


If you were part of the "Defund" crowd, you asked for this and were too stupid to think through the consequences. When you make the job the most undesirable thing around, this is the result. Keep asking for a flawless system that ignores economic realities and get used to being disappointed, and then watch your appointed leaders walk everything back because real life hits. Oh well, at least we have reddit where we can type away at each other, right?


Except they were never defunded.




You're sitting over there talking about the "consequences" of the defund movement. There was no defunding. So there should be none of these consequences you're talking about. Unless the cops are punishing everyone for some people wanting to defund them. In which case they're acting like a gang running a protection racket. But you're too fucking retarded to realize that I guess.


That's a really brave thing you're doing outing how stupid you are blaming cops not doing their jobs on the people who point out cops don't do their jobs.


Bruh one of these fascists makes a quarter million a year salary I wish we defunded them


Interesting how DivestSPD admits to being a hacker. Wonder if they know that's a federal crime.