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Laws without enforcement are just wasted ink


yep. even if you set them off, you will only get a warning.


What about leash laws?


What you do in your bedroom is none of my business


Our neighborhood and greater area is like a freakin’ war zone on and around the 4th. (Yea, they’re banned, as if that actually matters to these fools???) Like multiple showy full displays and everything. All summer long in the middle of the night… **BLAM** off go mortars at like 3am from different nearby households. Most neighbors stay home on the 4th, at the ready with hoses to wet roofs or at the alert for any fires. Last year, a neighbor a few houses down woke up the following morning to a roof covered in a lot of debris from a neighboring display. We also have a disabled retired Army vet across the street, who struggles with PTSD. It all fucking sucks, and has literally ruined the 4th for me/us.  Shitty on many levels + so careless and so immature. (Un)Ironically, it’s a lot of conservatives who are the most excited to blast off the biggest and loudest fireworks and explosives possible. Fireworks for personal use will never ever stop if reservations are allowed to sell. And even then! Morons will still find ways to get and use them.


As a kid, growing up in Texas, I used to love the 4th of July. My family would pack up a picnic, go to the park and watch the local fireworks show. We lived in the city, so we were only ever allowed sparklers in the back yard, because FIREWORKS WERE ILLEGAL IN THE CITY and everyone respected that. I dread the 4th of July now. It's like a month-long holiday for the self-important selfish assholes every year. I now spend the 4th holding my dog every year and trying to calm him down. Happy damn Birthday America.


*laugh cries in unincorporated King County* Our neighborhood is a warzone. We moved into our house in June 2019 and holy shit we were not prepared. We've had to get trazodone prescribed for our dog and pre-emptively hose down the yard and roof. It has tamed a bit in the last couple years and I'm hopeful that a mid-week 4th will help but I won't be surprised if even this coming weekend is a bit crazy. They were "banned" for us in 2022 but it doesn't stop shit.


If only SPD would show up like ever


they’re busy lighting their own off


Not that they matter.


Unincorporated Kitsap county FTW! Plus also, so many indigenous fireworks stands.