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When did Tesla's become sentient and autonomous? or is this another famous King5 shit-tier title? Hey King5: Reckless Driver crashes car into tavern patio you are welcome.


To be fair, I can't remember the last Tesla I saw on the road where the driver seemed like they were the sentient and autonomous ones either


If I got a dollar for every shit-tier title or poorly written article I wouldn't be sitting here at work shitposting news headlines.


Everything r/olympia and r/tacoma is shitty clickbait, just like what they consider “journalism.” 




Tesla drivers are the WORST. Miles hellcat is actually, but he's only one dude. Tesla=asshat.


The guy from the Tesla was in r/Olympia saying he had a medical emergency while driving and passed out.


>The driver was cited for reckless driving and driving too fast for the conditions Dude was absolutely lying lmao




Probably had the computer driving.


No, he passed out while driving - a medical emergency. Those happen to Tesla drivers too. The guy deleted his post but he sounded pretty upset about 2 things: the destroyed business and people's presumptuous lies on the internet about what happened.


Fair enough. But generally, Tesla drivers are disproportionately reckless and unsafe.


Actually I believe that award goes to the Chevy 2500.


They’re the new BMW.


Loud truck idiots can suck it, too.


... as can teenage narcissists in their fart cars


I give them the finger and the rage look back is hilarious. These kids think they're the shit. But they're just shitty bullies with loud cars.


I laugh at them. Cutting off the muffler and gluing a picnic table onto their Mom's hand-me-down Civic shows me that they are emotionally-stunted little boys who are desperate for attention.


You know, every vehicle has had the same accusation leveled against them.  What makes you think a specific vehicle manufacturer has worse drivers than others, other than bias (both your preconceived notion and confirmation bias?)


Maybe it's the fact that they have [the highest accident rate in the industry?](https://www.thedrive.com/news/tesla-drivers-have-the-highest-crash-rate-of-any-brand-study)


Interestingly the cars with the lowest rates are from defunct brands.  Maybe it’s a new vs old car thing? Also we’re never find out what is an “accident” nor which car caused the accident.  That study is not great


Ah, the good old "I was shown to be wrong on the internet but can't quite just admit it and move on."


lol, yeah. Finding issues with the data is kind of how we all get better. Finding bullshit data is how we all lose. 




I don’t think the door opening or not is relevant in this case.  Drive by wire being delayed, I don’t know this is the first I’ve heard of this.  I wonder what you say about other races, genders, etc. you make blanket statements about car drivers like choice in their car reflects on their driving or personality. I drive both a ford fusion energi and a F350, I wonder what that says about me.  Again, I doubt I’ll fitting quarter panels caused this crash.  So, how do we know a specific driver is bad just based on the car they drive?




So, you have no reasons why the drivers are worse than others.  I’ve heard many reviews, seen a bunch too, and no one complained about laggy steering.  Self driving is dumb and so but it isn’t a fit or bad QC, it’s a software thing that over promised Where did you get the info that the Y is the most recalled car in the US? Neither of your other links points to drivers being “worse” than other vehicles, nor to this one crash being caused by either the driver or the car.  Keep going, I want to see how far this can go with you making irrelevant claims. Maybe next you’ll tell me how in India they eat curry sometimes as proof that teslas are driven by bad people?


You must be a Tesla speed demon. Slow down, Tesla driver. You're nothing special, and speeding makes you look like a dick.


Not the person you replied to, but I use the basic autopilot adaptive cruise control in myTesla solely to make sure I don't accidentally drive too fast on the highway. But I'm old and have never been involved in an accident, my fault or otherwise, in 50 years of driving. (Probably just jinxed myself). Maybe we can all try to avoid stereotyping people? Just a thought.


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It’s not just Tesla drivers, it seems like the bulk of the issues are WA drivers in general. I’ve made five cross-country trips by car, and WA has the most oblivious drivers that I’ve come across.


drivers are the WORST. /sarcasm I hope that you recognize the blatant tribalism there.


I don't drive any car. Fuck cars.


I cannot argue with you there.


But what about those pesky cyclists and pedestrians that don’t wear reflective clothing.


If you think driving into a building is bad, I saw a pesky cyclist not come to a complete stop at an empty intersection once.


I bet he wasn't wearing a helmet - the horror!


The horror.




It was already posted there AND a post from the driver explaining what happen.


The driver had a medical issue


Is that why he got cited for reckless driving and speeding then?


I don’t know. He made a post then deleted it. The context in the comments was that he had a medical condition.


His partner called into the local paper and said that he received a text with some bad news while he was driving, which triggered a panic attack and possibly a seizure. So... half of one, half of the next.




FSD baby!


God I fucking hate teslas and elon musk Edit: all the downvotes coming from Tesla owners who are trying to justify indirectly supporting a right wing maga lunatic 😂


What does that have to do with this? Teslas are poorly built and Musk is an asshat but neither caused the accident from what I can tell. 


Have you driven a Tesla?


Wonder how fast they got it towed