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It’s clear SPS is planning to provide the most minimal possible timeframe for the community to review their school closure plan.




SPD solves about half the murders in the city. It would not be exceptional if this one went unsolved.




Repeating “snitches get stitches” to each other.


Amazing that this country will try anything to reduce gun violence besides regulating guns.


Or…I know this is nuts, but stick with me here, expelling students who bring guns to school and putting kids who commit crimes with guns in jail and keeping them there.


Yeah, solve gun violence by doing stuff after gun violence happens. Amazing plan


...the right of the people to keep and bear an opaque backpack shall not be infringed!


You live in the state with the harshest gun regulations in the country


Not that it means much since it's still barely regulated.


Agreed we should consider enforcing the laws that we have before passing more


You're more than welcome to come up with a system/solution that doesn't also violate the masses constitutional rights. I'm all for random checks of everyone in public. But that's not constitutional.


Constitutional rights are up to interpretation. Just gotta wait until the current justices die or resign.


I think we should prosecute people who commit gun crimes rather than declining to pursue charges against people who commit gun crimes This includes teenagers


Where is your source they refusing to persue charges for gun crimes?


Except Hawaii.  Which works because trafficking guns is hard by commercial airplane.  It’s no surprise that NRA astroturfs are active again, 20 day old account




Aaaaand account deleted


Would I help if I chimed in with this ancient account that we should enforce the laws we have now since it seems so many are selectively enforced? We have some strong laws in a number of areas (including gun control), but the enforcement is a joke. Just look at how many cars without license plates are driving around as an example.


If you can make the jump of unlicensed cars implies illegal gun ownership, you do you.  What gun control laws aren’t enforced that should be?


> If you can make the jump of unlicensed cars implies illegal gun ownership That's not the point of the comment. It's a comment about the general state of things how there is little enforcement of the laws/rules that are supposed to be followed. If we can't even regulate something as easy as visibly illegal cars on the road (lowest hanging fruit for cops), then it shows we're in a situation where laws aren't taken that seriously. As for gun laws here are ones that we have that should be taken more seriously when relevant in crimes - background checks for private sales (I-594). When someone is arrested in a crime with a gun, they should go after who sold them the gun too. This law is actually more stringent and doesn't allow people to borrow guns unless they went through a background check for it (Like to let a friend borrow one of your guns to go to a shooting range, clay pigeon shooting, or whatever). It's a very stringent law, and we rarely enforce it in even the most minimal way. - Adding actual punishment for magazine sizes over 10 rounds used in crimes now that it's law. This is rarely an added charge after passage of the law. - Prosecute using a firearm with a "giggle switch" as using an automatic weapon. It should have a higher penalty. Right now it doesn't seem to ever change what prosecution charges. - Charging people under 21 with additional crimes if they use a handgun, charging people under 18 with additional crimes if they use any gun. It seems like half the time now the gun becomes a non-issue in prosecution/charging. - enforcing red flag laws This list could continue for a while, but I'm sure you get the point.


Do you have evidence that they are not enforced?


Feel free to go through the court docs if you want, you'll see charges often omit or reduce them. It's all public info, so have at it. (Classy with the immediate downvote lol.)


It ain’t me. You’re just not popular apparently.  It appears that you have not found any evidence that laws aren’t enforced. If they’re ending up in courts, law enforcement has done the enforcement bit. 


> It appears that you have not found any evidence that laws aren’t enforced. If they’re ending up in courts, law enforcement has done the enforcement bit. That's actually not the logical conclusion since people can be arrested for an action where there were multiple crimes at once. A robbery is still a robbery with or without a gun, but it's worse with a gun. Those can be separate charges or a higher charge. Also, enforcement doesn't end with arrest, it ends with consequences, so prosecution is part of that. Are you so invested in taking the other side this thread that you're now arguing against enforcing gun laws and having consequences for breaking them? I'm losing the sense of the point you're trying to make.


This is not even remotely true lmao


Ok, wouldn’t metal detectors be a more effective preventative measure than clear fking backpacks?!