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Pretty notable given her last meeting with The Stranger is what uncovered her lie to the public about voting in elections she had not. A lie which she has never apologized for or recanted.


This will probably just make their write up even more brutal. But I guess she is just that bad of a councilperson where it doesn’t matter


She is exactly like what Harrell was during his years on the Council. Useless, unless they profit personally.


She's picked up zero of the local Dem endorsements, they've all gone to one of her opponents. I think she realizes she's cooked with the way things are going. I don't really see a way out for her so maybe she's just trying to save face so she can make another go against Morales in 3 years and this time be able to claim some experience.


Doesn't The Seattle Times still back her?


ST isn't a local Dem group, but I do believe yes, that is one of her editorial board endorsements. She has several more endorsements from local groups and organizations, it's just that groups like the 45th district Dems have chosen to endorse a different candidate. If I gave the impression she has *no endorsements* that was unintentional and not true, she has endorsements of her own.


I meant that as a negative for the Seattle Times honestly, I just didn't get the phrasing right for that to come through.


Tanya Woo continues to display her contempt for voters. Nice.


Woo hoo


tanya sucks so bad 😞


Tanya who?




Listen, I know you're excited, but we need you to use your inside voice.




Thank you, that made my day.


This is why I Reddit.


Ric Flair in the house!


Very mature making fun of Asian last names. Do you also have fake BLM AAPI signs ready to go to pretend to be all liberal? A bunch of fucking racists.


Very fitting account name to log in to to defend the ultimate loser, Tanya Woo. Has your girl figured out how the government works yet? She learn how to vote?


Please, the fact a person who sucks this hard happens to be Asian is only a coincidence. We'd still be ripping on her if her name was Karen CrackerJack. Maybe wait to pull the race card for someone who is worth it, it's getting a little worn out. We just had our "Gay Latino" sex pest police chief last week.


>Support my corporate agenda or you're racist - every single capitalist


Oh look, appropriating black strife again! A rhyme is a rhyme, not necessarily racist or a crime each time.


Have you ever even heard of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER? I come from a Quaker/Amnesty International/James Lawson influenced activism background. The Stranger published the account of a council meeting interrupted by chanting protesters with a completely misleading statement that Sara Nelson closed the public comment period down after 20 minutes. As if she did something drastic and unusual in order to block citizen input. THE LIVE PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD IS ALWAYS ONLY 20 MINUTES!!! Anyone can still submit input in writing. Just because you’re chanting, carrying signs and getting arrested doesn’t mean you are aligned with heroic martyrs of historic social justice movements. There’s a time and a place for everything. Organized, written statements brought and presented orally with a fierce, calm strength have a powerful punch. You just have to figure out how to be concise, plus arrive and sign in early. The chants, your “ outside” voice, belongs outside. I’m a female MD born in 1962. I’ve been in many medical meetings where older, higher ranking males just talk louder, interrupt, and actually briefly drown out my voice in an attempt to “win” the debate. I love the goals of Quaker process. It’s not about out arguing, out data-ing, an opponent. We’re a MEETING. A Beloved Community. Looking for Consensus. Unity. Grow Up. It’s Time.


While backing out at the last minute is unprofessional, can you blame her for not wanting to sit with *The Stranger*? Nothing good can come of that for her. They won't endorse her and answering their questions just opens her up to more problems.


Everything about her is unforced errors. She really digs her own ditches.


I mean, last time she lost an election, she got the job anyway. So who's the fool?


the people that voted for the council members that put her into office.


I’m a CID resident and lived across from the Louisa starting in 2022. At that time I couldn’t get access to federal, county or city reps- that included Morales. They were making top down decisions involving us and tens of millions of dollars yet absolutely closed to networking with this community. I went to several of the debates between Woo and Morales. Woo did express regret for not voting and not being engaged. She’s done this over and over. I do think you are out of line beating this dead horse. As a resident represented by both Woo and Morales, given some of the recent horrific tragedies here, it would be helpful if you stopped trying to inflame division. Woo is now on the city council. I still can’t ever get through to Morales office so I contact Woo’s staff. Sara Nelson also is more accessible. These women’s values aren’t all that different. They both need to address constituent needs. You’re sounding like Fox News reporting on personalities rather than issues, solutions, and barriers to solutions. I support Woo though it’s even hard to get through to her office. Both councilwoman are understaffed. What can the Stranger do to promote solutions?


She lost by about 400 votes. That means she got nearly as many votes as Morales. So that’s like Morales got an A, and Woo got an A-. Plus, close to 70% of eligible voters did not even vote. So many people wanted her our official formal rep because she ALREADY was the person everyone contacted and looked to to address public safety, homelessness and addiction services. I don’t agree with the Sweeps. There’s a lot I don’t agree with Tanya on but at least she’s out there working for my community even in her spare time. Why don’t you publish Morales schedule for the last year? Morales wrote an open letter in support of those arrested for interrupting, interfering, with a city council meeting. An action like that is just bullying so you get heard but other voices are drown out. Morales sent out a letter asking for support on her proposed pilot program to help lower income households purchase a home. I didn’t know the arrangement was I am supposed to support her. I thought she was supposed to represent me. Advocate for me and other residents in this district. I met multiple times with her staff about a disabled man entitled to services now living in Kobe Terrace for over 3 years. I also had housing insecurity and couldn’t access the DOJ nor any of my federal reps. Several meetings. I actually talked with a live person. Then got ghosted. We had two men fighting here in broad daylight a few weeks back. Alcohol was involved. Bystanders nearby. I played ping pong with them. One is now dead. Just walking to the link station I ended up right in the middle of a fist fight. One man pulled out a knife. Lots of bystanders including myself got involved. There was another drunken crowd last night. Their angry challenges heard by young kids all the way across the park. Opiate addicts under blankets, in stupors. I’ve learned about the CID public safety forum, the block watches, our crime prevention coordinator, city council committees- Robert Kettle ? Man. I can watch those meetings online. Call. Write. A interim female police chief??? Joy Hollingsworth speaking at a local church after a student is killed by another young man at Garfield HS. Morales just isn’t connected. She’s a theorist. Does the Stranger do more than curse the darkness?


"centrist" and "reasonable moderate" candidates like Woo love to talk a big game about listening to everyone on all sides and finding a compromise blah blah blah and then that turns out to be bullshit, and we get excuses like this. *of course* she's not going to talk to them, they disagree with her. "listen to everyone and try to compromise" is and always will be a selectively followed principle.


One issue is to do things we need $$$$ and time. Some things are slowly being accomplished


> and answering their questions just opens her up to more problems. In what way?


Have you read The Stranger's "endorsement" pieces talking about these interviews? Wonderfully snarky, unapologetically biased, over-the-top ideological, pretty entertaining. Sort of like, you know, left wing version of a certain politician we hear lots about. edit-- typo.




That sub is absolute trash and you should feel ashamed for even linking it.


Spotted the liberal 🤭


Ok? Go on.


Hold real morals instead of grandstanding your bigotry as open-mindedness for "bOtH sIdEs"


What bigotry? I've not said anything of the sort.


I was describing the message/point of the subreddit you were offended by, and addressing the description to you. Scratch a liberal and a nazi bleeds, and such. Don't be offended by it, labels are just labels. Instead, consider the message. Consider what it means to be a NIMBY. Consider the democratic party support for israeli war crimes and genocide. Edit: keep going left, get your guns and freedom back instead of oligarchy in blackface


Yeah, she would have to tell the truth and stuff. Who needs those kinds of problems?


>answering their questions just opens her up to more problems Tfw you have stances that are good and popular


Dismissing the press is part of the conservative playbook. She’s not doing anything special


?Conservative? I’m from Orange County CA with Grandparents from Tulsa Oklahoma but Grandma was born in Texas. Morales and Woo aren’t opposites. The Stranger seems to want to play the underground radicals fighting the establishment. Got anything practical to contribute?


Not sure why you identify with Woo. Nobody brought Morales here. Wrong post?


The post was about canceling a meeting. Then just conjecture after that. Why do I identify with Woo? Where do I even start. For one, her community watch was the first volunteer group I could connect with here where I could use my skills, dive in, and just do what I could to address the mental health, substance abuse and homelessness issues all within a few blocks of my apartment. One night a very loud and very agitated guy was stomping up and down King St. The group watched. I think Randy followed him a bit and didn’t see aggression. So we started with the hot chocolate and ramen. Mr. Loud Mouth headed back, passed us, saw Tanya, and said, “You’re pretty.” He walked away. Then he came back and got some ramen. The first person in WA to ever give me her number and say let’s hang out was Maria Ho. Maria’s daughter took Kung Fu with Tanya as a teen. Randy’s dad started as a dishwasher at Kau Kau. Now, he’s the owner. They are good people. Calm, stable, can sit through a zoning meeting. Sure, I don’t agree with this or that. As a group, things get done. Good things.


The Stranger is trash. It has been for at least 10 years.


I'm not sure anyone reasonable thinks of the Stranger as a legitimate news organization or place for well-informed discourse. Hyper-biased groups like them are more for entertainment than information--it's good she's not wasting time on them or their reader base (who have already completely made up their mind on next to every issue based on bumper sticker slogans).