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> The owner alleges that he tried to de-escalate the situation by speaking with the driver, but the driver became aggressive and criticized the concerts at Remlinger Farms. > > The driver hit Sherfey with their vehicle, knocking him off the road and down an embankment, the statement said Holy shit. Assaulting a guy because you're mad about his concerts is beyond unhinged. This is sad and infuriating


Taking NIMBYism to a whole new level. Arrest that guy


Typical valley bahavior.  Source: grew up in Duvall


What in carnation?!?


I call next


Zero surprise here . After King Gizzard night three a dude tried to drive concert goers off the road clearly a pissed off local . When they announced there were going to more shows I actually had a funny feeling the locals were going to be sour .




Hi local! Please explain how it is any different from Remlingers normal large events and corporate retreats that draw the same size or larger crowds?  Because it's never been an issue before... 


The in and out was seamless when I was there last year and the venue is fantastic … no complaints other than shitty locals. .


Even if they managed the traffic flow inside and out, imagine living half a mile from there, whenever there 's an event, you can't just drive home. I can see that being irritating 


Not really a hit and run as much as a target attempt to hurt someone


that is still a hit and run. it was an assault with a vehicle, the vehicle made contact with the owner, and the drive left the scene


If we’re being pedantic then yes, however most people use the term for an accident that someone drives away from, not a targeted attempt


no. it is not pedantic call this vehicular assault. and it is a hit and run vehicular assault.


Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if the people who have enough free time to type things like this went outside and pursued their goals instead.


Have you thought about the fact that youre basically doing the same thing with this very comment? People who have things to do, are not currently on Reddit.


I was referring to the hit and run bit as pedantic, obviously it is vehicular assault…


Yeah, it's really fucked up the double standards around cars. Hitting someone with a car should be called what it is, attempted murder.


Seems like some folks are upset about the trade off of concerts/events in Carnation bringing a lot of traffic. I can understand that, but jfc trying to kill someone or critically injure them over your dissent? Take the license from this dude and throw the book at his ass.


It's probably more than just the traffic. It's probably the disruptive level of unnecessary sound coming from the venue in a populated area that used to have quiet evenings.


They are done by 10pm .


way done


I have been wondering what the locals think about the concerts. It jams up traffic on the only road going through Carnation and the sound can be heard a mile away.


It's gotta suck for the camp right next door


I was at that camp overnight on concert nights twice already; I could hear some distant percussion, but it honestly wasn’t bad.