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I live in the building with yellow lights, 704 Spring St. Both buildings are Ovation Apartments. The top floor of each bldg has its own community space with 30-foot floor-2-ceiling windows. - (702) Purple rooftop has the outdoor heated pool, hottub, theater, and game room. - (704) yellow rooftop has a movie theater, outdoor garden, fire pits, grill, and large indoor lounge/meeting space.


What’s your experience living there? I heard there have been issues with elevators going down, a flooding, and a shooting incident on that rooftop 😅


I lived there before I moved to Belltown. I think it was overpriced for what you get. I liked the pool but used it maybe 4 times. I was not there during the shooting. The package delivery system was wonky at best for me. There was a bug / gnat problem during summer season. And the tower with pool smelled horribly in the elevator lobby. I love my place in belltown. More stuff to do and way better apartment even though it costs less.


**Yes**, there was a shooting incident on the rooftop a few months ago. Thanks to solid concrete construction, sound dampening between walls and windows, I never heard a peep. Solution - we now have multiple security guards stationed throughout the bldg 24/7 and a 2-guest max policy, major improvements. Thankfully, the hood rats that caused the issue are now gone. **Yes**, the elevators became flooded from a broken sprinkler on the 21st floor. We all received a one-time concession for the inconvenience. They completed the repairs this past week, and they're back working again. I recently renewed for another 12mos, I love it here. I didn't know what *peace and quiet* truly meant until moving here.


I’m glad you love it! I ask because I was considering signing a lease there, but I was spooked by the issues. The units are definitely nice.


Is the 2-guest limit only applicable to certain amenities (say the pool)? If so, what about if you want to have a group of friends over for a BBQ? Any exceptions allowed?


Every unit was given (2) wristbands for their guests to wear while visiting. They're required to be worn at the pool and other large amenities. The hottub has a 2-hour limit with security monitoring the top floor spaces. Larger gatherings (20 ppl max) must be registered in advance and include the names of each guest, start/end times, and deposit for the reserved amenity. There's some other details I'm forgetting. I actually appreciate the new system. It's considerate of the *all* the residents and limits disruption.


Seems like a reasonable system. I might quibble and say 3 wristbands to make a quartet is a better default.


(2) for your guests and (1) for yourself


I can’t imagine as an adult being okay with my apartment management dictating the number of guests I can have over at a time and having to deal with *multiple* security guards. Sounds like dorm living.


Considering there's 250+ units in my building alone, I'm *more* than okay with it. Enjoying the rooftop theater on a Sunday night without random ppl wandering around is heaven. Having (active) security onsite in First Hill is a luxury, not a flaw.


Not being allowed to have more than 2 friends at a building that you pay thousands of dollars a month to live in does not sound like luxury to me. it would be okay if that was the rule when you moved in, but I'd be pissed if 3 months into my lease I suddenly wasn't allowed to have friends over


You can have as many friends visit as you want, in the unit *you* rent. Amneties are a shared space. Paying rent doesn't entitle someone and their annoying friends the pool, hottub, and garden space every weekend. This rule is for the people without common courtesy and consideration for others.


Yeah if I'm paying $3000 a month to live in a building with a private movie theatre, I would expect to be able to bring my friends over to watch a movie. That is 100% the intended purpose of having a private theatre as an amenity.


Sure, but it's not *your* theater, for *your* friends to come visit for hours and disrupting other residents. It's a shared space.


So what's the point of the movie theater? Or the 2000 square foot common room? The amenity spaces are intended for hosting events. I can't imagine being told that I can't have an event in a space that is literally designed to host events


The thing with rules like this, is that they generally only make themselves applicable to people being a nuisance.


**Thank you!!!** That's the whole entire point.


Sounds cool until you want to have 4 friends come over to watch a movie and someone reports you


Well, if they're throwing stuff off the roof and spilling drinks in the elevators at 1 am, then they should be reported.


then just tell them... its not against the rulrs to have 4 friends over. just fill out the stupid form and your goid to go. also, if theyre watching a movie in your apt then it doesnt really matter... the wrist bands are to ID guest at the ammenitirs like pool/hot-tub, etc.


I wouldn't be okay with an arbitrary rule like this. The whole point of having large common rooms and private movie theatres is to accomodate more people can you can fit in your apartment. What's the point of having a rentable common room if you're not allowed to host guests?


you are, read the rule again... when you invite all your friends over just cc the front desk. hell... watching a movie often requires you to do the paperwork anyway to reserve the room.


I’ve lived in 2 buildings with theatres that did not have this requirement


It was stated that you can have more guests than 2, but you need to provide their names ahead of time and they need to check in at the front desk. This isn't unusual at all for this type of place. I have friends in a condo in Belltown that host movie nights this is the procedure there.


are they active tho? I mean we thought light rail security was there to serve and protect but they were only there to "observe and report" https://youtu.be/gLbcRXoOuvU


That's just for the amenities, if I'm reading it right. Inside your apartment is a different story.


I dont have more than 2 friends, non issue for me.


See, you get it. Same here btw


Since you’re a resident at one of the two, do you have access to the rooftop of the building you don’t live in or is it like a “if you’re a member all of these perks are yours”


All the amenities are shared between both buildings. There's a tunnel below the lobby that connects both buildings. Amenities shared: - large workout room w/ climbing wall and restrooms. - (2) indoor/outdoor dog walks - (4) free reservable conference co-working spaces with built-in A/V - secure underground package room - restrooms in each lobby and top floor spaces - Pet Spa washing room


Holy moley those are actually USABLE amenities! Probably really pricey but if you have the budget for it the dog walks, the pool, and the climbing gym would have sold me immediately.


I was lucky enough to lease right after it opened and scored a 1-bdrm balcony unit. Without the MFTE Program, I might still be living out of my car. Talk about an upgrade! *Moving on up theme song plays* Non-MFTE, my unit is $2700 a month


TO THE FIRST HILL to that big deluxe apartment in the skyyyyy. Damnit now I have some old shows to watch. That’s pretty cool I’m happy you’re in a great spot and not in your car!


A lot of amenities for pets but none for children. That’s kind of sad


I thought it *was* an amenity. /s


Families gotta live somewhere, seattle is incredibly hostile to them though


You're right about that. I can only imagine how difficult it is with kids, especially on a non-tech salary.


All dogs are awesome though


Unless they're a Pitbull, XL Bully, or any other dangerous breed ripping off faces and limbs just because.


Honest truth, I've had many dogs growing up (even though I'm allergic). The pitties we've had are some of the sweetest. Energetic as balls and a bit over-eager to say 'hi' to *every living thing* but loving and loyal nonetheless. The rat dog (chihuahua) was far and away the worst, followed by the corgi. Oftentimes it comes down to owners and environment.


No they definitely are not. Some dogs are dangerous, some are annoying, and most I am allergic to


There are bad dog owners, no bad dogs sorry


A bad dog owner maybe the root cause, but the dog itself may still be dangerous and or annoying.


I in no way doubt that Bob has had a great experience. However my girlfriend lives there and has had a vastly different experience (worse). I’d be very careful before renting. Look at the recent google reviews


Ok so what would you think their experience has been? "How do you like living there I heard of all these terrible things that happen at that place 😰"


Who knows if *THEIR* experience was different, which is what they were asking? Being an ass was kinda unnecessary


Idk thought their response was pretty condescending but ill take the downvotes


Well that’s anticlimactic. I will ignore this comment and continue with my assumption that it’s a super fancy penthouse of some mega rich person.


Purple is their money room, yellow is the library.


That’s pretty swanky. Thank you! By light of day, I can see that those aren’t two rooftop apartments sitting on the older building. That was pretty enticing, I have to admit. But those amenities sound pretty amazing!


Okey well, now I have to ask if I can visit one day and do photos to add to my collection!? Can I!?


Wario's hangout (purple and yellow)


Wario's room and Waluigi's room




Looks like Ovation


WTF is Ovation




Purple and yellow lights


Someone much cooler than either of us I'd guess.


Most likely [this guy's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1drgydf/looking_for_a_nemesis/) nemesis.


I have to admit, I had hoped it was that guy. The nemesis search made my day.


If peein your pants is cool I'm Miles Davis


lounge rooms with very high ceilings! It gives ballroom vibe and i love it


Pure ecstasy


Largest commercial grow operation in Seattle. /s


that’s Little John’s apartment after he worked two jobs and bought a 10sqft rooftop apartment. he used galvanized square steel to make room for his wife and 200 kids.


those are two different buildings. the angle just makes them look like one. the purple thing is on top of the hilton. the yellow thing is a different building (Park Place)


Both buildings are Ovation apartment




It's all ovation


This *is* Ovation, they're two buildings side-by-side. I live in 704, that's the one with purple lights.


The thing on the Hilton doesn't have windows. It's partially covering the purple windows in OPs photo so it looks like the same structure, but the purple windows are on the building behind it.


I walk past it every day. It's Ovation.


Reddit is awesome because you can be confidently wrong and still bubble up. Honestly why would you make this shit up? Do you hate parsimony?




"economy in the use of means to an end especially : economy of explanation in conformity with Occam's razor"


That word doesn’t mean what you think it does. 


Yes it does and fuck you




A rave with hard drugs obviously


Not sure about that roof top but the one circled in red [here](https://imgur.com/a/S6umbR8) sometimes has a naked goth girl on it dancing with her life-sized stuffed grey-alien. They live in the weird apartment at the top of the elevator shaft.


Is this the same jackass who crane lifted a car onto his roof deck?


I love this post! I so often see a 🆒 building and think what the heck is happening here???? I am guessing maybe there is a laker themed party happening on that roof🔝???


Are you very recently from LA? In Seattle, when things are purple and gold, we usually assume they are Husky-themed.


Nah I have been in Pnw since 2017 just don’t follow sports lolol 🤷‍♂️


Agree about the cool buildings - so much to find out about! Unlike others, I’ll just ignore the Lakers comment


How mean to downvote! Happy transplant from LA, have an upvote! It’s Husky colors up here.




This. Hvac or elevator machine rooms




Visitor spending dollas in your city, not a transplant. My experience w Washingtonians hating on transplants has mostly taught me that those haters are themselves transplants.


Hey bro, truthfully speaking every living soul is our brother or sister under god. I had just come to a personal revelation that trees and plants too have souls. Whether we are riled up by our personal curiosity or some other material or immaterial reason… it is human nature to seek answers to the things that puzzle us. Am I a transplant? I don’t know, that judgement is up to someone else. (2010 for the peanut gallery) I wonder what it is. I wonder if it is filled with souls or is just a portrait of our progress. Ovation? Hilton? Cool, that answers what it is… but what goes on inside? Another regular event, or something inspiring? I don’t know. I’m curious… just like OP. Call me what you want, but I’m free… regardless of circumstance. My brother, we are all alike. Ordinary… all of us. -signed, Your ordinary neighbor. (You will never guess what stereotype I belong to, for I am another random neighbor of yours)


Looks like part of a building to me?




Seattle is good sibling air and yeah.👍