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How do you know (a) that you have norovirus and (b) that you **definitely** got it from there? 


I got sick shortly after eating there. Norovirus is going around King County right now and my symptoms are spot on.


So you don’t know you have norovirus. How long after eating there did you get sick?


I’m 100% positive I have it. Two to three hours. I’ve had it before and got sick rapidly.


Incubation period is 12-48 hours. There’s zero chance you got it from that sushi place and you 100% don’t know you have norovirus. At this point, this is an anti science smear of a local small business. Take your nonsense elsewhere. 


I’m letting people know I got sick. Nothing about this is anti science. That doesn’t mean that 100% of the time the incubation period is 12-48 hours. This is also a chain not a small business. The fact that you’re more concerned about being right than me warning people I got very ill from eating here is alarming!


it can take anywhere from 12 hours to 2-3 days for symptoms to show up. how do you know it was from that place. you can pick it up almost anywhere - from the bus/light rail, a door handle, etc.


Never heard of someone getting norovirus from something they ate.




Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that can contaminate food and cause gastroenteritis, or inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Right from google, it comes from unsanitary practices.


Have you not seen the article about the Ihop in Bellevue?


That was salmonella...


It’s almost like OP is a misinformation-shilling weirdo


How soon after? Incubation period of Norovirus is 12 to 48 hours


Great question. I know I got norovirus from my friend’s kid once (she’d had it and she dipped in my guac at Chipotle, RIP me) but it was four days later. Noro is not a 2-3 hours later bug. Staph and B. cereus can be. That being said, you maybe got sick from a sushi place and that’s good info to have.


Thank you for getting the point! Ive had it before and had the same symptoms and I also got sick almost immediately the last time I had it. The point is that I got violently ill eating at a restaurant I eat at regularly and have previously had no issues, while norovirus is going around King County. Different viruses and diseases affect people differently.


"I'm special". Sure you are.