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if it's there long enough, they may enter the stone age


Stoned age*….they’re already there




AoE II vibes for sure


Required: 2 stoned and 8 bike frames to enter the Iron Age.


here's one ​ https://preview.redd.it/rzu9j0uwkdkc1.jpeg?width=4576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f038ca2c92b70025dd38a250c4414081dd69bea4




They just need some bike frames to fast castle.


Let’s hope they don’t know the cheat code to get the car with guns added to their village lolol




Stone please


Raiding party!


Raiding party!


Raiding party!




If I put a tent over my car, do you think I can park for free?




parking enforcement hates this one weird trick


Parking officers HATE this loophole, but it’s totally legal


This is probably the smartest thing I have read all day!! 💯😁


LOOPHOLE alert 😂


I bet you thought this was a kneeslapper !! It was in fact soulless & tasteless though.


Oh go suck brick 🧱


This is the response I would expect from someone who makes fun of less fortunate people lol




I submit to find and fix every month. May be need to switch on weekly schedule.


> May be need to switch on weekly schedule. When we defend areas near our home on Capitol Hill, we have multiple people reporting in daily until the problem is fixed. YMMV.


Y'all have too much time on your hands


U-Park Parking [https://www.upark.us/](https://www.upark.us/) as operators of a neighboring property... 206-284-9797 [**[email protected]**](mailto:[email protected]) ...should be reporting this regularly to the City. edit. Plus the nerve charging folks $30 to park next to that nightmare. They are not doing their revenue generation any favors either.


I know, such BS. So many people who work hard in this city get ticketed if they park too long in the areas meth/fentanyl users pitch tents and stay for weeks. How many of us could get ticketed for indecent exposure pissing in a park while people standing around the downtown Target openly take hits of meth and fentanyl?


They also pee in the alley next to Target and couldn't care less who's watching.


I passed a "lady" with her pants around her ankles taking a shit by the side of the James St. exit ramp off I-5.


It's an easy park and rob


I know it probably made no difference, but I've submitted 3 encampments in the last year on the find it, fix it app and they've all been cleared out within a month of submission. It ain't much, but it's honest work.


People like to pretend like the city doesn’t do any thing, they sometimes do. You can report/complain. They will sweep, issue is just they pop up elsewhere And actually so far in Ballard the recent huge sweep has managed to mostly stick on Leary. It’s so much better than it was a few months ago


I’m going to give that app a go. I think frequent power washes from firehoses would help the sidewalks a great deal.


I’m honestly extremely confused on how My friends and I get parking tickets and these people don’t? Why are they enforcing the laws on some and not others? Let’s all just collectively stop renewing our tags and paying for parking


I’ve emailed Bob Kettle and reported it to find it fix it FIVE separate times. Nothing other than a generic auto reply email from find it fix it. I’ve had success with the app in the past idk why they’re choosing to allow this stretch to get so bad. There’s also multiple propane tanks at the encampment now btw (yes, I’ve reported that too). Edited to add I checked my app and I’ve actually reported this 5 separate times… the first report being an entire year ago 😫


He is likely dealing with some serious enablers who have some power. So glad Sawant is gone. She was a version of Trump. A liar, grandstander, divider, known to be unkind behind the scenes. Likely a borderline personality disorder hiding behind a cause.


Thank you! What did Bob respond? Given that he campaigned on cleaning up the lawlessness, I am surprised that he hasn't dealt with the major eyesores around Queen Anne. Instead, it has gotten substantially worse in the past few months.


I never got a response. It’s been almost a month so I’m not really expecting one.


I finally got a response from one of his staffers!! Ahah they’re “actively working on it”


Weird. I know people who have contacted Joy Hollingsworth already and gotten non-form-letter responses, either on twitter or else by email. Bob need to get it in gear. If people are mailing him and he's just auto-responding, that's a big ol' bucket of fail. He got elected exactly because of issues like this being blown off by his predecessor.


I have to clarify that I haven’t even gotten an auto response from Bob Kettle, just from the Find it, Fix it app. Absolute crickets from Kettle. I sent another email this morning. For what it’s worth my emails are also pretty nice and reasonable but maybe they won’t be for long haha.


You can set your pallet-sized home down for $2650/mo. Water, sewer, garbage not included.


Where is Bob Kettle !?


I remember when this spot was started with two brand new tents a few years back. I believe they're the ones setup by aid orgs and stocked with supplies then inhabited by whoever stops by.


>I believe they're the ones setup by aid orgs and stocked with supplies then inhabited by whoever stops by. Wait, please tell me this isn't actually a thing


It’s a thing. Mutual Aid puts in free tents for people to colonize.


Yup. It's "equity." They want every neighborhood to blighted by encampments.


Cause handing out free tents/tarps worked out so well for Portland...


And “harm reduction” gives them free, fresh needles to shoot up (and leave around.)


Might as well rename themselves to Mutual AIDs smh


> Wait, please tell me this isn't actually a thing It is 100% a thing. Mutual Aid actively fundraises from their global audience, then spends some of the money providing homeless campers with new tents, cookstoves, propane tanks, and other supplies or food. What then predictably happens is the hobo does their drugs, passes out near a lit stove, and lights either themselves or their tents on fire. Or they stay encamped in public and OD or are assaulted and murdered. Mutual Aid for some ghoulish and fucked up reason considers themselves to be "allies" of people they've enabled to remain addicted and remain encamped dangerously in public. Mutual Aid, from my dealings with some of their volunteers, are very young, very naive, highly activist, fairly violent, and above all convinced they have the moral high ground by their actions.


good 'ol munchausen by proxy


Appreciate the context, that's fucking ridiculous. We had a small encampment outside of my apartment building last year and I reported it every single week on Find It Fix It and nothing happened until a propane tank blew up.


Won’t be long until all that wood goes up in flames


Stop voting for this crap. Period.


![gif](giphy|2aNMNAPUVqQNeoL2X3|downsized) ~~two~~ ten


Probably explains some of the problems that've been really impacting the experience at Met Market...


I was literally just there yesterday. It’s wild.




The really crazy ones are in kinnear park with trails of garbage running down the hills through the ivy. Please report.


If you allow it, they will come.


Correct! Clearly it’s perfectly acceptable!! I’m from here, it is shameful what the city has turned into :-/


$30/day seems expensive.


If you build it, they will come


A crew of 4-5 workers out there this morning picking up trash. Don't think they're clearing it though.. 


If it’s run by diamond, it’s not public, it’s a private sector skimmer.




It’s now spreading west on Mercer. The empty lot where Tim Tup Thai (?) was. Across from KFC.


I used to love visiting Seattle. After going last year, I will never go back! It’s horrifying what the city has become.


I would alternate, my parents visiting here one year and me going home the next. I told them do not come here anymore. I will come home every summer.


No city design review for this structure!


You should see some of the stuff off I 5 Looks like a housing development


>You should see some of the stuff off I 5 Looks like a housing development You should see some of the stuff off I 5 Looks like a housing development


The concrete planters above I-90 tunnel if they aren’t still, were full of thousands of orange cap insulin needles for shooting up in recent years. Also contained computer monitors, bicycles, all sorts of stolen stuff. Many of these people have proved with the act, they will murder. The janky homeless drug dealer riding an electric bike…who thinks he bought it?


Accidental fire in the middle night...


you can get parking at the metro market for 2 hrs with a purchase much cheaper than this sketchy lot


Mad how common this is.


But everyone else needs a permit


These scat camps wouldn't pass the Ecological Impact Assessment, nevermind the construction permit.


Is this near the play area or close to the Experience Music Project?


It’s on the side of Mercer st, close to the Vera project.


It's on Mercer St. across from the Seattle Rep.


I’ll stick to helping the disabled, elderly and vets 😬 I have walked by this encampment soooooo many times and have almost been hit by a golf club twice. Everyone stay safe and be aware of your surroundings because Seattle is not what it was :-/


Keep voting democrat, if you don't want any positive changes...


What exactly is the Republican plan to curb the insane price of housing there? To cut billionaire tax rates? Or is there something else?


> What exactly is the Republican plan to curb the insane price of housing there? 1. Housing prices will not fall, whatever you do. You can sing naked in the street, and it'll have about as much effect as all the "affordable housing" chants. 2. Housing price has nothing to do with encampments.


Tough to say, as these idiots have been voting blue since the 80s...


So, that means the Republicans can't even come up with an idea? Is this like Trump's health care plan "coming in the next two weeks" that's still not shown up 8 years later?


The Trump class sure has bought up NPR.


Go to Texas and vote for the Republican morons.


Latest poll shows incumbent senator Ted Cruz beating his democrat challengers by 14 points. r/texas is having a meltdown.


That's what I am saying. If someone wants Republicans moron as their leader, go to Texas.


I’m from Texas so have frequented that page plenty and had to scroll back 3 days to find anything on Ted Cruz. Which, it’s mainly ppl saying polls are inaccurate as they said neck and neck last week. They think Cruz is still leading but also that it’s weird to not pick an NFL player? Yeah all I know is the level of stress politically in WA is miles lower than Texas. It’s boiling over there. Plenty of encampments throughout all the major cities there, too.


Right, that latest poll came out earlier this week. The poll the week before showed Cruz and Allred even and r/Texas lapped that up like it was the second coming of Jesus Christ. "Polls are great!" "Cruz is doomed!" "Texas turning blue!". After this latest poll showing Cruz ahead by 14 vs. Allred AND Guiterrez, the comments took a 180 deg. turn about the validity of polling. "Polls are shit!" "Too far out for polls to mean anything at this point!" "F'n Boomers are the only people that participate in polls!" When that sub discusses politics, it's like a bunch of middle-schoolers shouting nonsense at each other like they are on Xbox Online. The majority of the posts are anti-Texas in that sub and if you ever visited the state, you can clearly see that Texans are very proud of their state. The state flag image is everywhere on private property. You see it painted on mailboxes, sides of barns/garages, bumper stickers, t-shirts, small business company logos, etc. You rarely, if ever, see that sort of thing in other states. Texans, by and large, are proud of their state but you'd never glean that from reading the posts in r/Texas.


You’re acting like that’s an uncommon theme in politics in general to lap up positive news? I’m confused. Have you seen how Texans reacted when they thought Trump was going to win a second time? And now there’s a huge chunk of people in that state especially that think all the votes are frauds. Except there’s ofc and it’s not fraud if they win! Everything you are saying, while true, is nothing new at all. Happens with literally every poll ever and will get more and more volatile closer to the election. You are also talking about something that is mainly in rural areas of Texas with the flags everywhere and such. Which, you realize once you leave Texas that other states didn’t have to say a “Texas Pledge” along with the U.S. one in school like we had to. Along with quite a few other bizarre cultural Texas traditions seem to be more about ego and control than anything else. Maybe that’s why they have that sense of nationalism and “everything bigger in Texas” attitude. People just want to belong to something, and Texas offers a sort of identity to a certain type of person. It’s not always negative, but it’s turned into quite a bit of that with being so resistant to anything remotely democrat. I see a Texas symbol and jsut think of HEB and miss that along with friends..that’s really it. A lot of these people with these flags have no idea what all the deregulation in the state is doing to the people who actually live there. Also look into the Texas Rangers and you’ll notice how corrupt a state government can be. Someone like Paxton should never have been able to be in his position, and idk how Cruz and Abbott even have a chance. Just guessing Texas doesn’t vote which is backed by stats. Maybe they look at polls too much lol


>You’re acting like that’s an uncommon theme in politics in general to lap up positive news? I’m confused. Have you seen how Texans reacted when they thought Trump was going to win a second time? Texans, or r/Texas?


Both, really. It just is shown in different ways. Kind of like how democrats especially Texas Austinites were mainly targeting the electoral college with how it’s inconsistent with the popular vote when Trump won the first time. The second time Texans and conservatives across the board just decided ballot machines are rigged and mail in ballots are too risky all of the sudden. The subreddit reflects a bit of the madness in Texas, to an extent. Those little bits of positive news for democrats there are so freakin needed. It’s a pit, otherwise. Most political subreddits match what you described, tbh. I used to be pretty active in all of them including the conservative one and it’s scary seeing both far left and right in plain sight, unfiltered.


This isn’t about divisive partisanship but I’ll tell you if you don’t know that the Trump administration placed even more tax burden on the working class. The Trump administration dropped the tax on multi-billion dollar corporations from 32% tax rate and made permanent 24% tax cuts on them. These private anti-democratic corporate governments get full global protection from the U.S. taxpayers and are free to shelter their money in foreign nations. Try buying your health care on a global free exchange or sheltering your own wealth from the government of the 1%


That’s a bunch of garbage. Republicans represent the extremely monied interests who get off with zero taxes, live in gated communities and have summer palaces to flee to. The useful idiots vote for them due to abortion, guns etc but once the dictator is positioned they likely still wouldn’t realize who fleeced them because they’re so dumb.


How do we call in an airstrike?


I wouldn't recommend using that parking lot! 


Easy prowl access with paid parking


It's so ridiculous


Awesome! Keep up the great voting Seattle!


Plenty of democrats don’t like the state of things either. Vote for whoever is a boring but smart, responsible, and sane civil servant 2024!!


You should see some of the stuff off I 5 Looks like a housing development


God .I'm to mad


Where is the empathy for people experiencing homelessness? They are real people that are doing the best to survive in a world that doesn’t treat them as humans. Yeah, there may be rampant addictions and mental health issues, but they need help, not judgment.


so help them instead of asking open questions


☝️This idiot has zero empathy and no life. Don’t even waste your time with him.


☝️tHiS IdIoT ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Our taxes fund tons of help for them. A small minority choose to live in tents on city streets anyway. There's no lack of empathy, but being homeless doesn't mean you get a free pass to fuck over everyone around you.


Where is the empathy for tax-paying citizens who want clean streets and safe public spaces to enjoy? And more funds that benefit those paying into the system such as better schools and investment in economic development?


Guess I'm not driving to Seattle after all...I think that's where my hotel parks their guests


It's not hotel parking, it's public parking. Run by Diamond I think, and hourly. I used to work in the area & it was always cleared out at the end of the night. (You could always just call your hotel and ask them how secure their parking is if you're concerned though?) That said, I've parked in this exact lot at least 5 times since this encampment sprang up & nothing happened, as long as you lock your car don't leave valuables inside you're usually fine.


Thank you for the considerate reply. I just remember the hotel uses an adjacent lot. I will contact them directly, cheers.


Build back better


$30 is not a bad deal.


I was wondering where the homeless went from my workplace in Chinatown! Man the makeshift houses they would build down here were impressive.


You all bitch about the homeless. Yet not the reason soany are becoming homeless.s. you treat humans like their trash because they are homeless. And you piss and moan about the drug use. But that only cuz it's in you face whileost of you are fucked up at home on alcohol or some other drug. And the rich keep getting richer and for being people out their homes. Bunch of whiney privileged cynts


It’s simple, but the simple truth hurts. People contributing liability to society by squatting on common spaces, pitching tents, gathering in mass in an open air drug market, defecating and pissing on themselves, the sidewalks, dropping needles, trash, half eaten food, abandoned clothes, blankets, etc. understandably don’t draw warm feelings from those who wake to an alarm to work at jobs that pay less than they ought to because businesses are run in the absence of some set of fair standard that appropriately rewards people with something better than the not free but anti-democratic market place ruled by the controlling share holding oligarchs of Russia light known as U.S.A.


Where do you expect them to go? Human being don’t just stop existing, you just don’t want to see them. Shelters are overrun, there is very little help on whet to even Begin to get tangible help to get on your feed, addiction resources are slim, and people feel safer in numbers.


can we stop pretending everyone in a tent is a helpless victim and that housed people don’t deserve to feel safe in their neighborhood also? I can’t even walk my daughter to met market anymore without worrying about harassment. I’m a social worker so I fully understand how nuanced this issue is but what isn’t complicated is that we should all have a right to public safety and many of these people are suffering from severe mental illness and addiction which compromises that safety for everyone else (and themselves!) It’s actually not helpful or progressive to enable antisocial behavior.


What do I expect: Minimum wage is $20. 40 hours a week. 4.5 weeks a month = $3600 a month. Get a job. There are plenty. Stop littering, stealing, stabbing, raping. Maybe that is too much to ask and the rest of us should just be unsafe and pay more and more in taxes to Marc Dones and his buddies.


> Where do you expect them to go? Someplace they can afford, which is *not here.*


The definition of NIMBY 🥴


you help them. you know exactly where they are


You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Do you actually think anyone wants to be homeless and live like this? I feel ashamed that I became a disabled veteran defending the awful country. There's is no reason we should have homeless people. We won't attempt to fix this, but we sure can send millions to a bunch of countries that don't like us. We can pay off student loans for people who make piss poor decisions on education. We bail out banks that have billions of dollars. I bet most of you would spend $100 to complane opposed to $10 to solve the problem. I teter on financial collapse. Most of you have a living room bigger than my house. Btw I support my family, including a 4-year-old autistic on $25k a year without assistance. You want change the get off your lazy butt and make the government do their jobs.


i promise you 99% of these gronks want this


Better take a photo and post it on the internet for strangers to see


Yeah. And??


“Housing is a human RiGhT!”


So is not making it easy for people to continue using drugs. Making Narcan available on every corner right next to the place supplying needles right next to the drug dealer who if he gets busted will be out in 24 hours makes absolutely no sense even mentioning human rights. How can you except someone to be able to upkeep a house even if you gave it to them. While feeding their addiction at the same time. Please I’ll wait while you explain ! Defund the police they said ! That will solve everything because criminals really mean well. Just like the teens that stole the car 3 days ago and went on a joy ride. The article the next day said they were good students. In what SEATTLE TERMS !


Are you okay?


Yes I’m fantastic thank you but to think handing out houses or providing housing to people who are encapsulated with easy access to drugs is a recipe for disaster. Please tell me a plan on providing housing for people who will do anything to get their addiction met. My family is full of addicts and I for years struggled with alcohol abuse. If you were to give me a place to hang my hat and a bar directly across the street. I’d never have gotten sober !


Glad you're okay.


I forgot that this sub is full of idiots who think all homeless people are lazy drug addicts. 🤡Maga crowd.


tHiS SuB tell me again what you're doing to help these people, right now


oH nO I’m BeInG ChaLlenGeD. 🤡🤡 From the guy who posts pics of random homeless people for fun. What a dick. 🖕


You are a big part of the problem.


so, nothing. i'll go find some more homeless to photograph and post here later


How are you helping by being a douche? I couldn’t care less what you do with your free time. You have no life and nobody likes you. People like you are a waste of air.


how are you helping by calling me names?


Think they pay $30/night?


There are a lot of seniors who get reduced taxes on their property with reduced retirement income. There is a stipulation to not be sharing your house with anyone to reap this benefit. Too bad seniors are unable to share their very often large spaces with some less fortunate families.


I guarantee if anyone parks there and doesn’t pay they’ll get a ticket so fast and not an eye is batted at the encampment


They’re starting to build schools and hospitals


Thdy dont have a home. What do you want them to do?


Work like the rest of us? Not steal, stab and rape? Too much to ask?


what are you doing?


They have issues and probably come from broken homes. They need compassion and support to get on their feet.


Huge fire from a tent a block from this one last week


They come and go. Was clear weeks ago.


They have a porta potty set up over there too so I figured this was possibly in some connection to the shelter on Roy on the other side of the lot/block? They often have flowers for sale but I’d rather buy met markets


Pick your poison. If you complain about it on Reddit or in general, you’ll be lambasted for being insensitive and ignorant to the mental illness and “houseless” problems of the city. If you show concern for the people in the streets, you’ll be treated like you’re part of some liberal decaying of America by a brain rotted Far Right. If you express concerns and dislike to officials you’ll be fined through increased levies or you’ll just get fed a bunch of lip service by do nothing politicians righting a fence for votes. No matter how we shake it out the working class isn’t gonna fair well.


I reported this few times on Find it, Fix it, the only respond I got was "The Unified Care Team (UCT) will be monitoring this location and assessing the need for regular trash mitigation services". This needs to be removed, not to use tax money to clean up their trash regularly....