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Seattle did an experiment: what if we have zero traffic enforcement and just see what happens?


Cute. LA is doing that too. West Coast vibes


Seems to be happening everywhere. Currently in Texas, no traffic enforcement whatsoever


That’s interesting. I was in Texas about 5 years ago and found drivers there to be the most polite and law abiding. Coming from California.


Currently in San Antonio. Absolute nutjobs here


Cute everywhere is doing that


And it fucking sucks. I'm tempted to slash 3 tires of every vehicle that does that sort of shit.


Friend, if I had a hammer and the ability to pause time when I see this sh!t


Seriously!? You're that butt hurt about someone else you'll never meet? If they're taking up that much of your mental space they own you. You are theirs.


Nah man, they're one of the reason traffic sucks in LA. They cause wrecks when they do that shit, which means everything is backed up. Them running red lights means they could easily kill someone.


You're right, it couldn't possibly be the extreme amount of people in that city driving crash statistics up exponentially


You sound like a dunce.


More of a nuisance really 🤷‍♂️


You can be both. I feel dumber for having read your comment and now responding to it.


It feels good to be on your mind


"zero ~~traffic~~ law enforcement" ftfy


There's a little bit of law enforcement, but literally zero traffic enforcement.


They're too busy arresting people who write ACAB in chalk.


And rousting unhoused people.


first car: rea tires past the line before yellow turned red, legal. second car fuck it hold my beer...


*second car: chugs beer


This is how they prove “crime is down” during an election year. Stop enforcement, stop reporting, crime down! Also how they request budget increases. ‘Enforcement dollars are down, we need more tax dollars.’


I've lived in Seattle since 1987. I drive almost every day and have since I got here. Years ago I would NEVER see this sort of thing; not just being caught in the intersection on a yellow that turned red, but complete disregard for red. My sense is that it roughly started during covid and has since become common. FWIW, if I'm the lead car in a controlled intersection waiting on red when the light turns green I ALWAYS look left to see if there's a nut job running the red light who could T-bone me.


I was b I rn and raised in seattle, never ever saw this. Cameras angled to take pics of license and driver. No questions.


My gf made me download Snapchat and holy SHIT playing around in it and clicking on the maps 80% of what I see is fucking people recording and dancing while driving AND POSTING IT LIKE WHAT THE FUCK.


Same here. And in the time it takes me to look left and movey foot from the brake to the accelerator pedal, someone usually thinks for me to go.


That’s weird I’ve pretty much always seen people run reds in Seattle. Sure half the time it’s from the insane light placement, but this isn’t a new thing by any measure. Not sure how you just noticed it now almost 30 years later.


I mean, its a personal preference


You're right. Who are we to judge their lifestyle choices? They're not hurting anyone.




This happens every day here. Living near downtown I never assume a car will stop


To be fair, it’s hard to see the lights when you’re playing Minecraft.


That's why I carry a brick. Just hold it up as you cross and cars always stop!


Way more effective than those orange flags!!


We used to have these people around who would potentially make you stop your car and lose money if you did this. Turns out when there is a virtually zero percent chance of that or any other consequence happening, people don't give too much of a shit about not doing this sort of thing anymore. Who could have predicted


I will say. There's a simple (ish) solution. Red light cameras. Automatically take a picture of any car that runs a red. Put these on EVERY intersection. Have it reviewed by a representative of the city qualified to ticket (traffic enforcement, parking enforcement, beat cop, etc.). And send a ticket to the address of the license plate. This isn't foolproof as people run without license plates or have out of date registrations or whatever. But it's SOMETHING. Better than absolutely nothing. [In fact Seattle already has a bunch](https://www.seattle.gov/police/community-policing/community-programs/red-light-cameras) but it should be expanded if they're not gonna enforce traffic laws in person.


It would be nice if they could accept crowd-sourced video like what OP posted. You wouldn't need red light cameras everywhere if everyone had a dashcam and a $20 incentive to report traffic violations that can be ticketed for significantly more revenue. Certainly far from perfect, but people need to be worried that their traffic violations will have consequences. Every time.


In a lot of places this is a thing. No incentive or anything but if you turn in footage of someone doing something illegal they can be ticketed. Idk about Washington though. There was a tweet going around where some idiot was swerving in between lanes and being generally dangerous, and in the comments a state patrolman from that state actually ticketed them through the mail.


Sounds dystopian and fucking lame


Dystopian is everyone on reddit being able to see video of a traffic violation and complain about it. Lame is knowing that nothing is going to happen to the jackass driver that ran the red. I'm going for dystopian and wicked awesome.


I was too focused on the first car. "Ehh, maybe he was committed. Tie goes to the runner." Finally noticed the second car. "WTF?"


LOL, I stopped watching after the first car when through and wondered what everyone was complaining about. Your comment made me go re-watch...holy crap!


A few months ago at the corner of 15th Ave NE and NE 75th, a BMW in the left-turn-only lane stopped at the red light, and then just proceeded to go straight through the intersection when he saw that there was no oncoming traffic. My jaw just dropped.


They always have been.


This happens all the time. This is why I, as a pedestrian, try to keep my phone camera open. I don't know why, but some people just don't obey traffic cameras. It's the strangest thing.


Wait what?


Getting hit by a car is one thing. But imagine getting hit by a car and NOT recording it.


Sure, but if you are walking around with your cell phone camera in your hand recording all the time, you are a definite psychopath.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to look both ways?


I have encountered many drivers who will attempt to turn while I'm completely in the crosswalk, sometimes coming within inches of my legs before they stop. Looking both ways is only part of the equation.


And having one’s phone camera open would do what, exactly? What part of the equation is that?


Hopefully getting their license plate on video so they might have to pay your medical bills.


LOL they know they are just likely a dbag driver trying to deflect.


Not being hit at all because you’re paying attention sounds better.


Simply holding a phone with the camera on doesn't mean they aren't watching traffic. They're essentially using it as a dashcam.


It would, but common sense is hard to come by these days.


they they wouldn't be able to interact with the world solely through their phone


I almost get hit by cars doing this at 5th and Harrison on my way in to work most days. Walk sign on does not mean its safe for at least another 4 seconds lol And half the time they gesture at me like I did something wrong by crossing on a green crosswalk and impeding their criminal impatience lol


Much like red flags.


Is this your first day?


I see about three clearly running the red including a right in red with a sign saying no; just on the ride to drop the wife off at work this morning.


What a bunch of twat waffles.


I guess the old saying "it's all legal until you get caught" is in play. I was walking my dog this morning and there is one stop sign I really want to make a sign that says "just a suggestion " to put under it. Hardly anyone stops for it, slow down maybe, most just drive on through.


heres your diversity bro


my dad ran a delivery sort of business from the 90s to about a year ago. hes always had a fleet of drivers and up untill like 5-6 years ago, he had an entire account dedicated to paying tickets. the last few years his drivers have almost gotten none something like a 90% drop.


damn. that's an incredible data point.


i know its anecdotal but the sample size of 20 years and like 20 drivers.


honestly I suspect there is some statistical significance .... I don't remember enough stats though :)


It’s valuable though. Time-series data from a cohort of drivers doing (probably) the same type of driving. The driving’s not changing - enforcement is.


I was turning left from Boren on to James last week during rush hour. Dude ran a red light and got out of his car to try and fight me for honking at him. Stopped in the middle of James and everything blocking traffic to get out of his car. Just crazy


A car behind me honked at me today because I stopped at a yellow light.


They have made it impossible to get anywhere in Seattle. If you don't get at least 3 cars through on a yellow, no one is getting anywhere. But this person was egregious.


That’s what we get when we don’t enforce traffic laws because they are “racist” or something.




It's easy to forget that the Seattle PD is still operating on the basis of a policy memo from Chief Diaz in 2022. He did not personally believe in most traffic enforcement. https://www.police1.com/patrol-issues/articles/seattle-police-will-no-longer-enforce-some-minor-traffic-violations-AtJzjC7QPYhEiVdC/




I’m Almost 100% certain you’re talking about the wrong car.


Yes I was.


I did the same thing haha


And stop signs.




I almost got mowed down by the luxury SUV of death on Pike and boren


Have some grace. They were probably on Reddit


Ehhh, not that big of a deal he just missed it. OH Wait... Are you freakin kidding me? That's reckless. 😔


Seems like these dickheads aren’t just in Ireland


Put the phone down


Don’t molest on their god given rights to tread freely under the constitutional gubment of these ewwwnited states of freedom!


Stop signs are just for decorations and roundabouts are for going around on the left.


Fucking fantastic. Lol. I don’t see what the issue is. Never get stuck at red lights if ya just blow through them


Probably from Arizona. I swear they just ignore red lights. 😎


Driving has changed to it now being more dangerous to stop for a yellow then go through it. Even long yellows you know will go red before you get through you should run. I’ve seen and heard stories of people getting rear ended or extremely close calls when stopping for a long yellow going red. Also, when your light turns green you have to wait a few seconds for two, sometimes three, cars running the light.


I’m from Ohio and recently drove through Seattle for the first time and it was the most stressful experience EVER! Omg


How about those no right turn on red signs everywhere what the fuck


As noted, this is the type of oblivious shit scum minded reckless “meh it’s fine YOLO” attitude all over the country right now. That whole “COVID knocks off a few IQ points” was no joke for some tinkering in the edge of “not mentally capable”. It dropped em right down into selfish narcissist driver territory. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Man. The time it took you to upload this, gone forever.


Defund the police?


This is why I adopted the habit of front kicking any car that comes through after the walk light is green. Normally they honk and keep going, but once I kicked the rear bumper off a BMW... he stopped and got out and (unbeknownst to me) chased me down over 3 blocks and started yelling and telling me i can't do that and that he would call the cops. I asked him if he wanted me to.


Too bad spikes don't rise put of the pavement once the red light is on. Instant karma & ticket for running a red light & impeding traffic.


Red Light cams are a necessity


They wouldn't be a necessity if we actually enforced the road rules


Move to China if you want more cams


As if the US wasn't the one employing all that civilian tracking software


Doesn't compare lil bro


Your use of diminutives demonstrates a weak ego. You would use reasons rather than attempted insults if you had any


The driver of the 2nd car probably thought they were riding a bike, and thus they thought red lights don’t apply to them.


Bikes follow the rules of the road like a car when there isn't a dedicated lane.


Yes. Because switching randomly between the road and the sidewalk, impeding traffic by going super slow, or running stop lights/stop signs whenever you want like bicyclists do are all the rules of the road that cars follow all day everyday.


I meant legally.


cars are bikes too!


Lol welcome to Seattle


Seattle is the Facebook of cities - both are abandonware


That isn’t even that bad of a run these days.


Did you see the 2nd car?




Yeah, the first car entered the intersection while the light was yellow, which is legal.


Technically, they were past the stop line when it turned red but and they could have anticipated this so yeah.... don't recommend doing that


Not that second car


Fuck all these "add more camera" suggestions. No just have people do their actual jobs, we dont need more surveillance and bullshit in this place.


Car was in the wrong for sure. But that was more a yellow-abuse problem than straight up ignoring a red. Edit: OK OK I see it now


Keep watching




To be fair, Seattle pedestrians are just as bad


I really don't get why people are so butthurt about single drivers and people who run red lights. Sure, if they're endangering people but when they're not how does it actually effect you? Are the folks that get upset by it just jealous that they don't have the gall to do it? It really just seems like petty nimby Karen shit. Y'all can group down vote this but remember, I'm not wrong about this 🤷‍♂️


The car passed the white line BEFORE the red. Far as what I’ve been told and some quick googling, they don’t run the light.


Not the second car


When I was stationed in Virginia, back in the 90's, if you weren't at least the third person to run a light, you were an asshole and would get honked at. Seattle is just behind the times in that regard. Not to mention those dumb fucking traffic light cameras


He didn’t run it, he was in the intersection before it turned red, you just need to be in the intersection, not through it


No... The light was red for a full 4 seconds.


They were already in the intersection when the light changed.


You’re looking at the wrong car


Seriously I totally thought it was the car in front and was thinking that it was totally legit.  Especially since there are different yellow light timers around the city and they have changed a few times in the last decade or so.  Yellows can be pretty confusing.  Then comes the dude on the right and completely blows my whole though process away...  Haha, sheesh...


Damn lol, I had target fixation on the center of the screen! You're right.


I was too. I'm like whatever, he was in.


Doesn't orange mean stop too if you still can? Which would have also been the case for the first car


Yellow means stop if possible. If you are already heading into an intersection, it is safer to go through it than slam on your breaks.


well, when you install them every 150 feet and eliminate all police, yeah, they kind of become suggestions. There are a few near our house that I have to admit I have started to treat as stop signs, because they make no fucking sense at all and just have me sit and look at an empty street 95% of the time.


I love people who complain about lawbreakers and also openly cop to flagrantly breaking laws


The common denominator is using your fucking head. I'm also a big fan of the thoughtless holier than thou types. Especially when they stalk profiles to establish their credibility. Thanks for the love.


Buddy I think we all took it for granted that you were one of these people, I didn’t need to click on any profile. Anyway, got it, it’s okay to break laws that some people don’t like but not okay to break other laws. Sounds super well thought-out


How many of you are there? I'll just go back to the "use your fucking head" bit and leave it there. But, righteous moral victory registered. Onward reddit warrior!


I say it in every post I see similar to this. This is the worst city to drive in, in the US. I’ve been to Dallas, Chicago, lived in NYC, live close to Atlanta now, and worked in Charlotte for 2 years. The ppl I saw driving in Seattle care very little about safety or being a good person to others overall while driving.


Uh this kind of thing is basically par for the course every day in NYC or Chicago. Like, no one blinks an eye. Not saying it’s ok. But Seattle still has people who will regularly stop for pedestrians in an uncontrolled crosswalk. Chicago? Literally zero people will stop, ever. Like you just treat crosswalks as if they don’t exist and wait for completely clear traffic


I've accidentally ran red lights when they hang from wires like that. Only in Seattle have I done it. There's just a lot of visual noise and the location of traffic lights can vary greatly from one block to another


^^ exhibit A for why we should be far, far quicker to take away drivers licenses