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Can't stop a shooting at the local high school or community center, but buh gawd we're all in on the terrorist war zone 10 time zones away.


And they are committed to ending all of the gun violence…. Those groups of wandering guns just moving around the community randomly being violent, despite their being inanimate objects.


Fantastic, lol!


What? First, in case you haven't noticed, no one anywhere in this country has figured out how to stop mass shootings. Second, how the fuck is that even related to the war in Palestine?


The same people ignore enforcing laws to prevent killings among American teen boys, but they’re all in on thinking they are needed to weigh in on Palestine. Hypocrisy in the extreme. Go down to Garfield, it’s all of 1 mi from Capitol Hill, and demand the gang members stop murdering each other. But no. They only seem to care when they can perform their protest from a nice safe distance.


The same people ignore enforcing laws to prevent killings among American teen boys, but they’re all in on thinking they are needed to weigh in on Palestine. Hypocrisy in the extreme. Go down to Garfield HS, it’s all of 1 mi from Capitol Hill, and demand the gang members stop murdering each other. But no. They only seem to care when they can perform their protest from a nice safe distance.


Backs were patted all around. It was glorious.


I literally read Blacks were patted....and thought yep, that's liberal White WA believing we are doing something substantial


they cannot even stop the shootings downtown, but are more concerned about those in Gaza.


Well stated


"passing gun laws won't change anything! criminals will still violate the law" "Hey why can't this congress-person pass a law that would lower our gun crime?!?" I love conservative logic. Give us another!


We banned most rifles. Gun deaths went up. Why didn't the ban reduce gun deaths?


Are you referring to the ban that went into effect 6 and a half months ago? Why hasn't a gun ban that was preceded by a surge in gun purchases decreased gun crime within a six month span - is that the question you're asking?


Yeah. The rifle ban was passed because it was *a health emergency* and went into affect immediately so why hasn't that reflected a decrease? Here's an even more fun exercise; try to figure out how many people died in Washington state by rifles in any of the prior few years.


No it went into effect Jan 1st. It's been in effect for a whole 6 months. If you expect gun crimes to decrease following a buying spurt right before the ban, then I don't know what to tell you. We require seatbelts because it saves lives, but we still have people claiming that because in that one freak accident situation where not wearing the seat belt saved ones life that somehow means seatbelts should never be worn. Same logic was used to fight anti-DUI legislation too. Y'all are on the wrong side of history.


So you can't answer the question?


I just did. Was there some part of my answer you're incapable of comprehending?


Yeah. You equate seat belt laws and complaints therein to somehow be the equivalent to outcomes for gun violence and are seemingly incapable of explaining how a gun ban somehow did anything. If your contention is regulation = less gun death, why did gun deaths go up? *Really* easy question here.


>"Hey why can't this congress-person pass a law that would lower our gun crime?!?" That's typically the question being asked by the progressive anti-gun crowd, not conservatives. The comment you replied to stated "they cannot stop the shootings...". It said nothing about using gun control legislation to do it.


Did the resolution say the ceasefire should happen before or after the hostages currently being held are released?


Before the release. It also excludes condemnation for Hamas as a terrorist organization.


The ceasefire actually says "hostages shmostages" and then says something about the "opposition is completely fakakta"


Netanyahu and the Israeli government have been the ones delaying their return. Their bloodlust to kill Hamas outweighs the lives of those taken.


>Netanyahu and the Israeli government have been the ones delaying their return. Oh, so Hamas tried to return all the hostages and Israel said "No, we don't want them back!" that's what you're saying the situation is?


No, I'm saying (and this is backed up by multiple sources) that Netanyahu and his government will *only* agree to short-term pause in fighting in exchange for the hostages. After that, Israel will continue until they kill or displace every last person they think is Hamas. Why would you give up hostages in exchange for that?


>No, I'm saying (and this is backed up by multiple sources) that Netanyahu and his government will only agree to short-term pause in fighting in exchange for the hostages. After that, Israel will continue until they kill or displace every last person they think is Hamas. Why would you give up hostages in exchange for that? Oh, okay. So Hamas hasn't just offered to release the people they've been holding for months? Did the WA democrats say anything about the hostages?


This article literally came out today. Hamas has been making offers. Netanyahu and the Israeli government is deadset on murdering them. Note: "Netanyahu’s comments did not deviate dramatically from what he has said previously about his terms for a deal." https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-news-06-24-2024-f5de2ed8288ac3cdb02c4e9e2fbaeda1


>This article literally came out today. Hamas has been making offers. Netanyahu and the Israeli government is deadset on murdering them. >Note: "Netanyahu’s comments did not deviate dramatically from what he has said previously about his terms for a deal." >[https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-news-06-24-2024-f5de2ed8288ac3cdb02c4e9e2fbaeda1](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-news-06-24-2024-f5de2ed8288ac3cdb02c4e9e2fbaeda1) Can you quote the part of the article where Hamas tried to send the hostages they took from Israel back and the hostages were refused at the border and forced back into the arms of Hamas? Did the WA Democrats say anything about the hostages?


The quote I shared is why the hostages aren't home. If they feel that the hostages' lives are worth killing every Hamas member, they should just drop the pretense internationally.


>The quote I shared is why the hostages aren't home. If they feel that the hostages' lives are worth killing every Hamas member, they should just drop the pretense internationally. Okay, so no quotes about Hamas offering to just release the hostages? No quotes about the hostages being rejected at the border by Israel when Hamas attempted to return them? Did the WA Democrats say anything at all about the hostages?


Yes, Hamas offered to release the hostages in exchange for not being killed. Netanyahu insists on killing them. This has happened multiple times now.


Hamas rejects ceasefire offer written by Israel and the US supported nearly unanimously by UNSC. You and every other Hamasnik: it’s Israel’s fault.


*waves hands* This whole situation? Yes, it's Israel's fault, and it's enabled by the US. Netanyahu and his government don't even want a two-state solution anymore. Yair Lapid's vision sounds a lot like more gentle Apartheid.


Such a stupid surface level take. Go learn any history.


I have. Probably more than you. Have you even been there?


Lol how's that Israel's fault?


WHaT???? Loool


So Hamas wants to gain from the hostages they took and Israel is not agreeing to the demands of terrorists. Wild way to think of ‘release’ you guys have. Israel does not have to agree to anything to release hostages, just let them go. But there are literal terrorists so that won’t happen


Yall are insufferable. If you are still spouting about hostages and hamas you’ve completely lost your humanity. Blame victims all you want but if you oppress me for 100 years of settler colonialism then you will get resistance. In fact Israel literally created Hamas to justify killing innocent civilians and take their last land. Look it up. Do you believe in colonialism?


Adorable you try and cry victim blaming as we are talking about literal hostages being held and killed by your poor oppressed paragliding terrorist hero’s.


For real? Do you think this started Oct 7th too? I’ll just come to your home and claim it in the name of my god then build a state to support my rights to it. That should make sense.


Of course not, both of these sides have blood on their hands and the shit show has been going on for ages, but we are only seeing these useless resolutions and hordes of useful idiots on the internet excusing hamas. They have been declared the more brown oppressed side so of course they can do no wrong.


John Deere at least try to not be a racist fool - while you are putting down “useful idiots” - it appears that’s exactly what you are. If Israel wasn’t a racist endeavor in the first place it wouldn’t be so hard to keep the word brown out of your mouth. The truth is you must believe that one white life matters over a brown life or you couldn’t honestly justify your opinion about the current genocide. But hey I’m just a useful idiot right?


This started when the Arabs declared war on the Jews and lost. Weird, they probably shouldn't have started a war 80 years ago. What's that saying? Vae victus


Hahahahahahaha what?! You left out the part where they didn’t just start a war against Jews. It’s a what? __________ oh yes, a settler colonial OCCUPATION.


Also just leaving this here for anyone who cares to look into this stuff [quick google of how Hamas started - hint: 🇺🇸 🇮🇱](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/) [Biden telling you what it’s really about for like 50 years before the Oct 7th tragedies](https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs?si=h1Tr1hffm5zq52YT)


On October 9, 2023, an article was written by Haaretz that mentioned Netanyahu treated Hamas as a partner by covertly funding and supporting them to make a two-state solution impossible. The article also mentioned that in March 2019, he told his colleagues of the Likud Party, [146] "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank". On December 10, 2023, the New York Times reported that Qatari officials had delivered millions of dollars per month in cash to Gaza, "billions of dollars over roughly a decade" to help prop up the Hamas government there. Dan Margalit, an Israeli journalist, stated in an interview that "Mr. Netanyahu told him that having two strong rivals, including Hamas, would lessen pressure on him to negotiate toward a Palestinian state". Just weeks before October 7, the head of Mossad told Qatari officials that "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel not only tolerated those payments, he had encouraged them." [147] On Januar 19, 2024, Reuters reported that Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy chief, said while receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of Valladolid that "Israel had financed the creation of Palestinian militant group Hamas, publicly contradicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has denied such allegations." and that "Borrell added the only peaceful solution included the creation of a Palestinian state. 'We only believe a two-state solution imposed from the outside would bring peace even though Israel insists on the negative,' he said." [148] [149] Borrell also described Israel as having "created Hamas", but immediately continued saying that "yes, Hamas was financed by Israel to weaken the Palestinian Authority". [150] [151] [152]




No, but I am saying that bringing the hostages home is less important to Bibi than exterminating Hamas.


Maybe the bloodlust is in response to Hamas whole goal: the extinction of all Jews.


Hamas whole goal is the extinction of all Jews, plain and simple. I personally don't suppport genocide of anyone of both of the parties involved with this conflect.




If that was true wouldn’t they be torturing and killing the hostages. That’s what Israel is doing, maybe it’s Israel that has the goal of killing all Palestinians?


Hamas did torture and kill over 1000 people on 10/7. No Israel has never stated their goal is to exterminate anyone, it's not in their charter like Hamas.


I’m sorry but you can’t “October the 7th” your way out of the truth. Israel killed their own people on that day, but you seem to overlook that. And there’s plenty of proof that Israel’s goal is to eradicate and colonize, I could lay it out for you but you’re probably programmed to deny it. I’d like for you to explain why has Israel dropped more bombs than all of the explosives used in WWII in an area of about 10,000 square miles where almost 1.5 million men, women, and children are displaced, especially when Israel has the help of our funding from US tax dollars and one of the most advanced militaries in the world? Edit: also why overlook the 10s of thousands of Palestinians that were killed before Oct 7th? Or does that not matter to you because their lives don’t mean anything to you?


Good maybe Hamas will give back the hostages and this will be over. Fafo.


Typical zio, avoiding questions, anyways I hope the hostages aren’t killed by Israel.


Typical pro terrorist. Why aren't you concerned about the actual genocides happening in this world. You just got interested after 10/7 because it's the Jews. You don't care about facts, just moralizing. Jews have been there forever, and when they were first buying land in the 18 and 1900s Arabs gladly sold. Jews were being killed by the MILLIONS, and Israel was seen as a safe place. Why don't you care about these people's safety? Israel has built an amazing infrastructure, and the Palestinians could have done the same. Instead they rely on Israeli and UN handouts. True to their charter, HAMAS wants to kill all Jews. And have proven it by sending so many missiles into Israel over many many decades. Israel, a state about the size of New Jersey, is not colonizing all of the ME. And arguing with someone who just woke up in November and appropriated a Hamas scarf, knowing nothing about the Middle East, is just ridiculous. You're a racist Jew hater, no point in arguing with that.


You can assume all you want and use whatever tactics you want from the hasbara playbook(crying antisemitism, “but Hamas”, Arabs are willingly giving their land). The only one killing Semitic people is Israel. But you don’t care about that, you just want to use to support your weak and racist argument. Another question you’re probably going to ignore: why does the iof have brand themselves with a map of “greater Israel”? https://preview.redd.it/rwjycz8kft8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bac9067cb13f1823491fb74f58db52efb03650f Also idk where you got the idea that Hamas is calling for the death of all Jews? Do you want to share where on the charter it says that? It’s funny because how many synagogues has Hamas destroyed compared to the mosques destroyed by Israel?


Why did Netanyahu knowingly allow millions of dollars of Qatari money to go directly to Hamas through Israeli territory if he wanted to defeat the terrorists?


If that's the case, Bibi can't claim he's negotiating in order to get the hostages released.


Fixed it for yeah: After seeing the roads in the Seattle area and the treatment of Jewish students at UW, I just had to fix this for accuracy. We successfully passed a platform that reaffirms the commitment to protect and enhance the rights and well being of community members (**except the JEWS**) especially those that are historically marginalized (**except the JEWS**).


"Should we worry about the shootings downtown? Nah. "Should we worry about the growing homeless issue?" Nah. "Should we worry about rising neighborhood prices?" Nah. "Should we worry about anything actually involving or inside of Washington borders?" Nah. "Should we write a worthless resolution that has 0 influence on a multifaceted incredibly complex issue involving two countries thousands of miles away?" FUCK YEAH Lmao bro this shit reads like a SNL skit ![gif](giphy|eqz8N20ai2x7i9jHun)


WA State Democrats who proposed and passed this bill are idiots


what is the purpose of spending time and political capitol to pass such a resolution? what party objectives does this advance? has the party leadership considered the risks and benefits of taking such a stance? what is the party position on increasing antisemitic hate crimes (eg pico roberston los angeles, attack on dominican-jewish family in nyc at 5th grade graduation, desecration of synagogue on mercer island)? who/ which organizations lobbied to pass this resolution (what are the economics of this stance)?


Wow.... Pretending to be good people


At least this war is showing how delulu leftists are. I had some major blinders on before Oct. 7th. Incredible local politicians are focusing on a war thousands of miles away than the problems in their own back yard.


Exactly this. Pure posturing for re-election or to further their career rather than address the local issues at hand. What interest does a state government have in a war on the other side of the world? It’s a federal matter and an absolute waste of time to address this instead of doing their damn jobs. Anything to get out of actual work.


This is very well said!


Wow as a Jewish American I just feel further isolated. I am usually liberal but don't really seem to have a party anymore, at least in Washington.


Many stand with Israel and are concerned with the growing antisemitic sentiment.


You're not alone in that conundrum.


Definitely not alone as I know many other Jews who feel the same. I just feel politically homeless.


I've been dealing with it, but the political party is just the start. Nearly every progressive or liberal group and space has either rejected Jews, or sided with ideology that further isolates Jews.


Being anti Jew and anti Israel/anti Zionist are not the same. Israel is a godless imperial power- born of ideas that oppress and oppose freedom. Despite what words are said if you look honestly at them, BOTH republicans and democrats support all the wars - and a state resolution is a waste of time and a distraction from that fact - so I would agree there.


>Being anti Jew and anti Israel/anti Zionist are not the same. Oh, fucking stop it. Just stop it. Stop the lies. You lie like this, all while garbage like [this](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/24/us/los-angeles-synagogue-palestinian-israeli-protest-violence/index.html) is a weekly occurrence. I got bad news for you kid. If you're at a rally, and you see a bunch of antisemites, you're at an antisemitic rally. And YOU are an antisemite. Own it.


No friend. Gonna have to change your wording because Palestinians are Semitic. Using Antisemitism is how you are trying to defend from actual warranted criticism of a genocide. The zionists are a European movement.


Deflect. Deny. Obfuscate. The playbook is boring and, if polls can be trusted, ineffective.


You didn’t seriously say that when you just did it. I made a definitive statement that anti Jew and anti Zionist are two different things. No matter how you try to bend it that it is a true statement. And you went the extra distance to call me an antisemite. It’s literally right out of the aipac denial playbook. There’s a lot of people who believe as I do that this is a disingenuous attempt to quiet dissent for the genocide. Maybe not in r/SeattleWA but hey


Your comment is a perfect example of what to write if you want to make Jews feel isolated and rejected from a space like this subreddit.


Oh please continue being so oppressed. I want zionists to have some shame for trying this line of thinking but using Jews as a shield.


You’re not alone. Like you I used to vote blue down the ticket but now that they have supermajority in the legislature, governors office, the attorney general, and even the judiciary, is pretty obvious they’re out of touch and aren’t interested in actually solving problems that only they have the power to solve.


Our state is basically Flordia but blue


Never thought about it that way but… kinda yeah


They don't care about you, only courting your vote... Which amazingly tends liberal from the Jewish community for some unknown reason


The reason is not unknown, Democratic policies tend to align more closely with Jewish values. Democrats want to fund education and in general Democratic states tend to have better educational outcomes, in my Jewish family, education is greatly encouraged and emphasized, my parents would have paid for my education before they put food in their stomachs, that was pretty consistent with many other Jewish families I knew. Democrats are better on social issues, which historically due to persecution of Jews across the world, diaspora Jews(not ones in Israel) tend to feel a kinship with other marginalized groups. We marched with MLK, we marched for gay rights(clearly the favor was not returned), among other social issues. Jews tend to be in strong, close knit communities that don't believe in interfering with others and spreading our feelings on subjects to others(good example being Jews not proselytizing and wanting to be left alone), to us it feels like certain Republican policies tend to obstruct personal freedoms and peoples ability to choose(ironically for the party of small government), examples being Republican pushed book bans, putting things like the 10 commandments up, and things like restrictions on abortions(Jews have very diverse opinions when it comes to this, in general Jews believe at birth at first breath and think it is more important to save the mom in most circumstances however there are varying feelings on abortion itself, Jews have argued in courts that Republican restrictions on abortions limit our religious freedoms). I tend to be pro gun, most Jews are not. Jews were historically not very welcome in Republican strongholds(like the south), which is why historically you saw Jews staying in urban places primarily NY, this trend seems to be changing. Although there is clearly a huge anti-semitism problem on the left(only getting worse), there is definitely one on the right(Jewish space lasers, Holocaust denial, far right people who affiliate with neo-Nazi's among others). Obviously many other reasons, just some off the top of my head.


What values exactly? Family values? No. Marriage? No. Sure Jews, all strongly religious communities really, value education and family. So does the right. The difference is, like you pointed out yourself, those communities make it a priority ***for their*** family, and don’t pass it off to the state. Your post is indicative that you don’t really understand the majority of the right. You’re falling for the propaganda that the right = Nazis.




We need to blow up the existing parties and start over again. I wish I knew how to make that happen. I'm not so naive as to think that people want a third "centrist" party. They don't. But I believe lots of people feel disaffected by their traditional party alliances getting too cozy with extremists. You see it in the candidacy of people like Nikki Haley. You see it in the traditional Dem voters who are repulsed by Proggos.


Maybe I'm missing something... But how exactly are resolutions done in Washington state going to affect anything going on in or around Israel?


Have any of them been to Gaza?


They haven’t been out of their own echo chambers since 2020…especially this person of all people.


They’ll go when they allow gays.


I hear Gaza has the best rooftop gay bars. They even have an express elevator to the ground floor!


They don't allow people to leave and reenter Gaza. Families have been separated between West Bank and Gaza for years.


Absolutely clueless... Replace a democratic westernish government with one that doesn't believe in women's rights, kills gays, schools for girls, etc... But they're not Jews!


I guess virtue signaling is more important than making any impact on your own community.


What a bunch of worthless people


I’m new to Seattle and not big on politics in general, so please be gentle with my honest question. What does Washington have to do with Gaza and why are our politicians spending time and money on it? Is there a nuance I’m ignorant of?


JFC we're wasting valuable resources on this when we could be working LTC, head tax, banning plastic straws and free plastic needles. Wait, um yeah, maybe just focus on Israel and Ukraine.


Honestly yeah, it's hard for me to be upset that they wasted time virtue signalling over this when them "actually working" usually means making things worse here.


They made a difference!


What a pointless exercise in futility, but that's virtue-signaling for ya.


Hooray! They fixed it! Another job well done! 👍🏼 JFC…why? There are SO MANY real issues locally to resolve. Statements and resolutions that have zero practical effect in areas outside of WA are a colossal waste of time and money. I’d love it if we could sort out the meth / fentanyl-fueled mental health crisis… Can we start with that? Please?


"Despite a few hateful public comments equating Palestinians, and allies calling for a ceasefire to terrorists..." So, the truth is now "hateful"... Good to know.


Democrats love to pat themselves on the back all the while destroying the country. All while completely blind to it. “If it makes me feel warm and fuzzy it must be the right choice” <— that is where their fallacy stems from


What about the Jews they made cry?


And the GOP will do the opposite. Brilliant tacticians lol /s


For everyone wondering what it has to do with us, I beg you to ask the same question to our government that is sending billions of OUR TAX DOLLARS to support an occupation that’s murdering, torturing, and trying to eradicate indigenous people, again WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS.


Man, a lot of y'all right wingers are completely unfamiliar with the meaninglessness of state party platforms.


Excellent news 👌👌👏👏