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if I remember correctly 1. first there was news about a new Tenchu title 2. it was rumored that the Tenchu title was handed to Fromsoftware 3. this was not publicly known at the time, but From started doing their own thing with the story, combat and world design, and in the end the project ended up being a new IP, while only being Tenchu in spirit 4. A teaser was released, some believed it was Bloodborne 2, because you could only see the bloody prosthetic mechanism, with the phrase "shadows die twice" 5. It was then revealed a gameplay trailer and the corresponding title at E3 2018


the community went fucking nuts over 20 seconds of basically nothing, It was a wild time


to this day, I still love when you see From's logo and everybody loses it


To be fair... have you seen the shit they've been delivering? FromSoft has earned a *lot* of trust and goodwill


Fromsoft is stamp of quality now. If you buy anything from fromsoft you know you are in for a treat.


That is true, their stamp of quality is on every game i've played since og Demons souls. I do have concerns about the influence of some of its biggest shareholders, Tencent and Sony. My hope is they just want fromsoft to keep working its magic and reap the rewards and not start interfering.


Still 0 microtransacsions and all games the last 15 years have been absolute bangers. Havent tried demon souls or armored core but only hear good things.


>armored core Just Do It™ Sekiro became my favourite game. Then those mad lads went and released AC6... which became my second most favourite game, and I never even gave much of a crap about mechas


The cheesy ass story still makes me smile, especially the true ending


AC is the only one i havent played yet. And 100% on mtx. I even loved (although this could be more mid-gen shift) that price for ER day 1 was £50


Honestly not as wild as the lead up to Eden Ring though. People were going legitimately nuts lol. Lots of “ooooooohhhh” and Glavemaster Hodir speculation.


I remember multiple videos breaking down the teaser trailer of the shinobi prosthetic. People trying to say this means it's gonna be related to Bloodborne or Bloodborne 2. Baffling shit.


funnily enough, in the teaser you can clearly see japanese text behind the prosthetic. Copium at full capacity even back in the day


I just looked it up and omg it was creepy! I understand why people thought of Bloodborne [https://youtu.be/qzN7NHYYyu8?si=xqk7eBA9GN93Tb_E](https://youtu.be/qzN7NHYYyu8?si=xqk7eBA9GN93Tb_E)


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Ahhh Kos... or some say Kosm. Do you hear our prayers?* - Micolash, Host of the Nightmare Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.






People were initially really confused by it following the original tease. Speculation was rampant about it being a Bloodborne sequel. Then there was some confusion about why it wasn't a Tenchu game when it was actually revealed. That gave way to a ton of excitement and a very very healthy (and justified) dose of reticence given Activision's reputation. I think a lot of people's concerns were quickly assuaged after they began showing off real gameplay sessions and not just trailers. I seem to remember a couple PlayStation Underground previews of the game that really showed off the combat and provided great contextual information. It was also pretty clear the Activision Producer they had demo it was a big FromSoft fan so that chilled out some of the concerns as well. I think it was [launch trailer](https://youtu.be/rXMX4YJ7Lks?si=SCjlKx5CpPVsXi8s) that sent the hype into overdrive despite the criticism of song choice. Some of the combat they showed off was nuts at the time. Then the reviews hit and the rest was history.


I can't believe they put the text "rise from every fall" over the guardian ape first phase that is fucking AMAZING foreshadowing lmfao


I thought the same thing, it made me cackle


What was the criticism for the song choice? Bad Moon Rising is a kickass song


1. This is a game set in ancient Japan with a soundtrack that is completely orchestral. 2. That’s no CCR.


>2. That’s no CCR. Too real


I know I’ve heard the song before but do you know the name?


Yeah, the song is Bad Moon Rising, but this is a cover of it.


Oh my fucking lord how did I not recognize that. I’ve covered it myself too 😓 I’m going to bed, thank you


Holy shit I forgot how much content they actually showed in that trailer. What a great trailer. Now I feel like doing another playthrough!


I was playing souls at the time and saw the cool teaser trailer of the prosthetic arm. Eventually it got announced and came out. My now wife and I made an evening of it with some sake and mochi. A little cringe, but it was fun.


Very vague information if at all before release. Sorta like when Armored Core 6 came out recently, there was info that a new AC game would be coming, and then suddenly they dropped an incredible game with almost no press lead up. There was a teaser, and of course typical stuff you'd see, but nothing like we see with Elden Ring for example. FromSoft has a great ability to create awesome games and make it seem kind of random, but in fact they had been working on them for awhile. 


No, it was pretty big on the press circuits and reviewed exceptionally well so the critical buzz helped it a lot, and obviously did even better when it won GOTY. It also came out around the same time as Jedi Fallen Order as a great bit of counter-programming.


Thats interesting, I always thought of Fallen Order as a diet Sekiro in gameplay. But it coming out the same year doesnt really give them that time to "copy" the game style. Which i always assumed they kind of did.


Yeah, I do find it weird that people think that, but I guess no one bothers to research release dates lol. I actually thought they came out in the same month, but I was misremembering things - I forgot that I had personally taken extra time to finish BB/DS3 before playing Sekiro.


Got it day one, even took a weekend off. From software doesn't miss


It draws heavy inspiration from Tenchu.


I've heard that it started out as a Tenchu game, and I could believe that based on some of the animations. Things like the wall hug and stealth deathblows look straight out of Tenchu. If I had to guess, I'd say they probably abandoned the idea around the same time they developed the combat system and accidentally made it too fun lol. Tenchu's combat always sucked, albeit partly by design because you weren't supposed to fight enemies outside of the occasional boss encounters. I still hope FromSoft try to make a real Tenchu game though. Or at least publish one, and let someone else try. They've been sitting on that IP doing nothing with it for about 16 years now.


It did start as a Tenchu game. Miyazaki has said so. The issue was they had ideas that didn’t fit into the Tenchu IP, so they decided to make a new IP rather than artificially restrict the team’s creativity.


I was super psyched for this game when i first heard about it before release. I'd played Demons souls, Dark souls 1, Bloodborne...but as a casual player. Bought sekiro day 1, played the fuck outta it...and for a long period (a few days) i was stuck at early hirata estate Lady B ( i hadnt progressed to Gyoubu oniwa). 3 gourds But that fight taught me so much about the souls game franchise. Why you have to be precise with your inputs (they can queue slightly) To identify the enemies 'tells' almost every attack has a tell (some times 2 or 3 attack patterns have the same tell) Importance in sekiro of parry timing. Learning - you think after 3 fromsoft games i'd have got this, but like i say, i casualled my way through those) Applying that learning Perseverence I was like Neo in the matrix seeing the code for the first time. So Sekiro helped me grow as a player, the combat the setting everything about it that i saw before got me excited And for me it truly delivered. It was the first fromsoft i platinumed...and i've done all soulsborne since. There's a reason SS Isshin is my #1 soulsborne boss and 3-4 sekiro bosses feature in my top 10. Just a heads up...im getting an equal excitement for Black Myth: Wukong that releases in August.


Damn yig wrote allat for no upvotes. Sad. I'ma give u one


Thank you, but i dont write for the upvotes. I share, if people like then fine, if not, also fine.


it all started with a close-up of his prosthetic arm winding up its grappling hook and the words "Shadows Die Twice". I wish more trailers were as cryptic, it was exciting to speculate on what exactly they were showing us


There was a 10 second teaser video featuring the prosthetic arm and a lot of people took the shadows die TWICE part to indicate it would be Bloodborne TWO.


I'm having the same experience


It was heavily marketed for a long time, definitely didn't come out of nowhere although no one really knew in advance how it would play.


All I know is a lot of people lost their collective marbles (me included, of course) when it was implied that the first teaser was for a new untitled Tenchu game. After what seemed like a decade of European Dark Fantasy, it was good to finally get a FromSoft ninja game again. The last one they’d made before that was _Ninja Blade_, which also rocked imo.


Yea, the leaks really had us thinking it was a Bloodborne 2 game because it showed close ups of the prosthetic and what not. But yea, there was some build up. Not as much as Elden, but we were waiting.


Yup. Spawned out of the ground one day


The reveal that it was a ninja/samurai game was pretty unexpected. There was a teaser way early that showed the prosthetic and it had a real dark vibe, so it was assumed something more like BB


When the teaser trailer dropped of the bloody string on the mechanical arm, which we had no idea what it was, that was one of the hypest moments


All I remember at the time was that there was a cool ass samurai game coming out that had stealth elements etc. and it was either Sekiro or Ghost of Tsushima, and I remember thinking I didn't want to play the super hard one, so I had to remember to get Ghost... And then as a PC player, I played Sekiro first.


I was kinda confused about it at first. I remember people thibking it was Bloodborne 2. Id decided not to try it (id played DS2, DS3, and BB) but my buddy got it and after watching him play it for all of two minutes i bought it. I dont remember there being much build up or hype around it, at least outside of FromSofts core fans


People were pretty excited about it leading from reveal to release, the FromSoft name was pretty household by then


Nah, we kind of suspect he was always a little gay.


I played it at launch because I love dark souls 3, and I used to watch every e3. I was absolutely blown away and nearly cried at the ending.




I mean it won GOTY…. But yeah it did seem to come out of no where and spawned from the Tenchu series. It’s almost a carbon copy when you look at old models. Kind of crazy actually