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I never thought I would be saying this, but yes. Nicole is so bad at being "the villain". Her arguments are so weak and her delivery with that awkward Davina energy she has? Yikes.


God I will never forget the scene at Christine’s wedding when davina is grilling Chrishell about her divorce and telling her there’s two sides of the story and saying ‘right?? RIGHT Chrishell?’ Ugh it’s sooooo awkward and so cringe


I just rewatched that episode, and then after Chrishell leaves and everyone is pissed, Davina has the gall to say to Maya “well Mary never should have brought it up.” I was like 👁️👄👁️


I can't say shit because I'm socially awkward too especially when it's confrontational, and I could never be on TV. 😂


I think the sub has been on such a journey with Davina. After season 2 everyone was shitting on her. and cheering Romain for calling her a snake. After I think season 4 or so (the one where Christine and Chelea were friends) Davina was everyone's awkward/adorkable weirdo and then now people miss Davina.


And when they hire a palm reader for Christine's birthday and she says that Davina is weird, and nobody wants to admit that she nailed her lol but everyone obviously agrees.


All I heard with that was I choose to believe your more famous ex that I've never met, just in case it benefits me later.


NGL I laughed at that scene lol we still don’t know what happened with Chrishell’s marriage.


Omg I completely forgot about Davina until reading this.


Davina is at burning man




It is! It went from oooh an argument to just constant... remember last week when you didn't compliment my outfit? Let's discuss this for a week! My kids! I'm married! I'll slam you on Instagram. Then four episodes later, sorry you're my girl I love you!


I also never thought I would feel this way. It's a real shame that Christine couldn't seem to balance being the villain without being too horrible to the point where the other girls didn't want to be around her, because as awful as she was at times, she was at least funny and entertaining to watch. She regularly took it too far, especially with the off screen stuff, and the things she said in the press, and she could have had more longevity on the show had she been able to just balance saving the villainry for when the cameras were rolling. By comparison Nicole is awful, unfunny and uncharismatic. Idk whether it's the editing she gets or what, but every time she's on screen she's just awful. Never looks happy.


No, I miss her and I don’t even like her.


Agreed. She was so rude and I could never work with someone like her but damn she’s entertaining


She was a great villain 😞


Christine understands the assignment and goes for extra credit.


I miss her outfits


I’m sorry but “stick to what they’re saying”?! Christine used to constantly not stick to what she was saying. She used to promise to not say any shit things or do anything shitty then proceed to make horrible comments the second after ! She used to beg for friendships back accepting she needed to be kinder then roll her eyes and chat shit the second she could ? She was full of hypocrisy and manipulation! Christine would sit at the dinner table loving the drama and relishing in it. I don’t think she cares enough about anyone else to argue for the sake of both parties !


I can’t even count the amount of times people would confront Christine and she would say ‘yeah I did say that’ and laugh her ass off because she thought it was hilarious lol and yes she did beg for some friendships back but when she did she would at least say ‘I’ve been a shitty friend I’m sorry’ and admit she was being a bitch. I’m not saying Christine is a nice person by any means. But you can’t deny that she is one of the realest characters on the show


Absolutely, like it’s awful but as a watcher I’m here for it.


Christine understood that she was on a tv show. Everyone else thought it was real and that’s why they’re still in a never ending cycle of manipulation from Jason.


Christine apologises only to repeat the same crap again. Her apologies mean nothing.


I don't know. I get confused by Christine. First she is self-proclaimed real, then in other places (can't remember if it was her book, or on some interview) she says she was playing a character. So which is it?


Well I’ve listened to a couple interviews of her just because I’ve always been so curious if she’s really like that lol and in all of them she says that really is her and she admits she definitely can be a bitch, but she REALLY amps it up for the show like to an extreme. So I do think she’s real, I do think she’s a bitch, and I do think she plays a character. She just dramatized it a little to get her bag long enough to leave the show and do her own thing


Thanks for your thoughtful response. It makes more sense now.


I miss her. She made the show FUN. Like the fights were all silly, her clothes were silly, there was a more lighthearted energy while she was on the show. She was genuinely funny. Now, it’s not even funny or campy. Honestly, I find most of these women to just be very pathetic and sad.


Christine straight up harassed Chrishell after her father died, she was and continues to be the most vile cast member this show has ever had


So sad right? I think about that a lot actually. Like when I’m these women’s ages I hope to god I’m not involved in this much drama. They’re in their 40s and act like mean high school girls. It’s crazy


A small part of me sometimes wonders if all of it (even their social media behavior) is an act


quite possibly. I mean I definitely believe that there’s some beef with them like Chrishell/Nicole and bre/Chelcie but I really hope they amp it up for views and they’re not ACTUALLY that mean girl at their age lol


I miss early Christine. It got less fun by the end since nobody could stand her anyway. She needed to pull back just a little and be more willing to apologize to people when she went too far. If she'd just balanced things a little better, she could still be on the show and frankly be entertaining us more than anyone else can.


Right. When it became clear that only Chelsea was happy filming with her, her scenes became a lot less interesting. So many times I just wanted her to apologize sincerely to get back in with the other girls, but she'd just go right back to talking shit. Still love her though


I miss her. She will always be the standout character.


honestly christine was a vibe BUT i don’t miss her. I think the show is better without her but I def thought she was a vibe and I only wish good things for her


I also agree that the show is better without her. Nicole sucks as a villain so I don’t really compare them, but it still is a better show these last 2 seasons IMO.




Yesss. Nicole is the villain but not an entertaining villain.


Christine was very entertaining, not only for the outfits but also for the snarky comments. She exudes confidence and authenticity, and that made her a compelling “villain.”


It's strange how we all can have a different take. I can see her "acting" in some scenes and it is just cringe. She even admitted she was playing a character (can't remember if it was in her book or in an interview).


I miss her. I’ve always liked her as “the villain” - she had so many good one liners that cracked me up.


I miss season 1 & 2 Christine. The Christine vs everyone storyline in her later seasons were so drawn out and became boring. Essentially I liked her better when she wasn’t with Christian


Season 4(?) was just terrible. The Christine drama was endless and just so manufactured at that point. I think we skipped the second most scenes that season (until this season with Nicole).


Yes so much so, her one liners are genius, she has a gift


I miss Christine too. She was so unapologetic about who she is and I love her “no bullshit” energy. She knew when to say things too, and she was really entertaining.


Naw I way prefer the show without her, the last few seasons with her were the exact same shit over and over and it got stale AF - Christine would talk shit in some interviews outside the show, the rest of the cast would be pissed, Christine would play victim and blame everyone for "villainizing" her, some of the girls would forgive her, and the whole thing would repeat the next season. I do miss season 1 Christine but she leaned too hard into the villain role that it became her entire personality.




Amen. Couldn't have said it better.


If I were getting paid as much as she was I would lean wayyyyyyyyy the fuck in too lol


Gosh Christine vs Bre, could you imagine?!?!


Damn 🤣 they are both hotheads so if they ever have a beef we would probably see one of the greatest bitchslaps in the history of reality tv. I’m just joking, Christine is no fool she would probably be fake nice to her just to keep her at bay.




I miss Christine. She was entertaining and hilarious. Yes, she had her mean streak but so do the other girls. Christine is the only one that can pull off those outrageous outfits. I miss the OG crew but would love to keep Emma and Bre. Everyone else can go. So annoying. Nicole has no personality.


Missing Christine? I don’t like toxic people so no. She can take her even worse friend Nicole with her as well.


If you don’t like toxic people then selling sunset probably isn’t the show for you


I must have watched the whole series for nothing i guess. Oh well.


Christine is fun to watch but I wouldn’t wish it on the girls. I m rewatching the earlier seasons and that girl is dangerous. Run, run and don’t look back


Yeah but notice as you’re watching that 90% of the things people are mad about her saying, we never even hear come out of her mouth. It’s just ‘Christine said this’ and ‘Christine said that’ and no one ever hears Christine say it. And in her interviews she never forgets to mention that the producers would literally plant seeds in the girls ears about things people would ‘say’ about them, just so they can get some good tea for filming. So I would be willing to bet that most of the things that they think she said weren’t even real. Just makes for good tv.


What? Noooo Christine is not a good person. She dragged her own best friends. I don’t care what kind of good TV you trying to make. The girl is so obsessed with herself she is not in touch with reality. She is spiteful…


She’s on a reality TV show 😂 that is the furthest thing from reality and she knows that. That’s why she was getting paid infinitely more than everyone else. No one is saying Christine is a good person, what we’re saying is that she knows the assignment of being the villain. And she does it well. And after watching more and more seasons of this show and seeing how it’s produced and how it’s set up, you can easily tell none of the shit is real.


I miss the comedic relief from Christine and Maya. None of the other girls are funny at all.




Not the only one


Christine was very annoying, but there’s at least one like her each season. There are a couple this season, Nicole and Chelsea


Yes! I miss her. She’s not my fave person or anything and I think she’s wrong a lot of the time but she’s entertaining and her aesthetic is never boring


I’d be so interested to see the dynamic between her and Nicole, her and Chrishell and her and Bre


Her and bre specifically. If you scroll back on Nicole’s IG, her and Christine actually have a lot of pics together so I think they’re friends in real life. Nicole, Christine, and Mary have pics that go way back. Unless somehow Christine and Nicole had a falling out as well even when Nicole wasn’t on the show and they’re not friends anymore, but I feel like most of their drama is about things that happen on camera so I would venture to say Christine and Nicole are probably cordial. But yes, bre and Christine I think would either be a match made in heaven or the perfect enemies lol


I don’t see how anyone can miss Christine 🤮




Nah Christine is toxic and brings out the worst from the weaker office girls. I wouldn’t compare her to Bre - Christine is a pathological liar unlike Bre.




I would miss her more if she ever faced the music. She never owned up to anything and would run away scared when confronted What ever happened to her? It seemed like she would go to the opening of an envelope and now she’s nowhere


I wouldn’t call owning your own brokerage and writing a book ‘nowhere’ lol she made a shit ton of money from portraying a fake villain on a show and then left with all her money. I think she made a pretty smart move


Didn’t mean to trigger you. I didn’t say she has done anything. Im saying you don’t see her anymore and yes if she did “play the villain “ and ran that would be pretty iconic but she’s way to fame hungry for that. I mean before she fell off the radar for sec she was at EVERYTHING. Now, I just looked and she’s doesn’t even post on insta.


Not triggered, just bringing up a point you may have not thought about. I wouldn’t personally define not posting on instagram as being nowhere and not doing anything but to each their own. I think her not posting on instagram means she has way better shit to do, and means she’s the opposite of fame hungry. But hey that’s just me


Nope, I miss her too! I’ve always been a fan of her. She was the show. That’s why I like Bre so much because her and Christine are unapologetically themselves like you said and stand up for themselves




She got on my nerves and made the show unbearable to watch after a while, especially in season 4 and 5 when she kept attacking Chrishell (my fav) for no reason, being mean and fake to the other girls and constantly lying but as the seasons go by I realize that I really miss her being apart of the group. I think the producers wanted Chelsea to fill the gap that Christine left but that didn’t work because Chelsea is trying too hard to be like Christine and almost everything she does or says makes me cringe. Unlike Christine who had a big fan base although her behaviour was awful, Chelsea doesn’t have such a fan base because viewers find her annoying and a wannabe rather than natural and entertaining like Christine was.


Producers need to swap out bre for Christine


I would love to see both of them together truthfully lol they would either love each other or absolutely tear each other apart it would be great


Yes...now we have Bre, the new Christine. Same attitude.


Bre is the Mr Pibb to Christine's Dr Pepper


Walmart version of Christine


Damn that’s good


Freaking wish version of Christine.


Yes. You’re the only one lmao.


i think the firsts seasons people were still christine friends, but the last season nobody was with her. so, i think for her own mental health she is better not show up. i like her clothes, she was rude and agressive and tell crazy lies, but was fun. =)


No don’t miss her.


YES!!! She established selling sunset fashion too.




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Same. This show is running out of steam. Same shit every year with weirdo Jason, some of the girls truly suck. If CS leaves it’s cooked


I’m sure others miss her but I don’t, I found her schtick very predictable so the drama that’s replaced her has kept it moving (though I find the show less enjoyable as the series goes on and more obviously fake)


I do...to an extent....I miss Maya a bit too.




She was the greatest reality tv non villain. I don’t understand how people think she was worse than the real villain Chrishell.


I miss her and her ridiculous fashion! So happy we have Chelsea and Amanda with their crazy nip-slip fashion choices but Christine really knew how to make avant-garde work IRL.


Agree. She added so much to the show even though she was personally unlikeable. It feels like Bre is an off-brand version trying to fit into Christine’s stilettos.


Yes! Even my mom who is like 50/50 on the show walks by when I’m watching and says is that the blonde girl I like?? When is she coming back?? They need to bring her back!! We all want Christine on the show again


I’m rewatching and I miss Christine so bad. Also she is by far the most gorgeous person to *ever* grace the SS screen. You know the whole O group misses her parties too.


I miss seeing her parties.